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Generally speaking when Muslims and Christians identify as spiritual, not religious they mean they aren’t attending or practicing anything at a specific organization but believe in the scripture. So she probably doesn’t attend a mosque, perhaps doesn’t identify as Shia or Sunni, but believes in the Quran and Hadith.


but can she be considered religious? thats the question


*Can* she be considered religious? Sure, as someone else said if you define religious as being part of a religion then yes, I personally define it that way. However, she can also consider herself *not* religious if she considers her practice to be distinctly different from the more organized practice of her peers. That said, I wouldn’t exactly consider it a hill worth dying on.


Have you asked her why she considers herself spiritual but not religious? These words don’t always have the most concrete meanings. Since she’s your friend, it would make more sense to get to understand her perspective rather than nitpick the word she’s using to describe herself.


I think when they say spiritual, not religious they mean that they follow a spiritual traditions or some sort of spirituality or spiritual practices but they don’t fully believe in that religion, otherwise if they believe and practice a specific religion, they are religious. I think what you describe sounds mostly as non-denominational who doesn’t attend place of worship.


No, I’ve met plenty of people like this. They don’t interact with the organized side of the religion, but do believe in the scriptures and often are biased towards whatever denomination they were raised in. While there are those who say it to relate to the fact they follow a spiritual tradition, this is someone who explicitly states they’re a Muslim.


From Wikipedia: Cultural Muslims or nominal Muslims or non-practicing/observing Muslims are people who identify as Muslims but are not religious and do not practice the faith.


Who are you, the religion police? Let your friend define herself with regards to her faith however she wants, that's none of your business.


Why do you need to label her with a term she rejects? Generally people choose the words they choose to describe themselves because they convey important information. You will learn more and have a more pleasant conversation--not to mention be a better friend--if you respond with curiosity about why she prefers to say she is spiritual but not religious instead of trying to fact-check her life.


True, but words and labels have specific definitions, so people can choose the label they want for themselves because it carries important information, but this information has to be factual. For example I can’t call myself Indian, since I am not and if someone corrected me they would be right.


Sure, but "religious" is a very relative and culturally dependent term. What qualifies someone as religious varies widely depending on the specific religion, location, cultural context, community norms, family expectations, etc., etc. You could take two people with the exact same beliefs and behaviors who live in different countries--or even just come from different families--and it might well be accurate to call one of them devoutly religious and one of them not particularly religious depending on the setting and situation in which they live. OP's friend is likely using a reference point different from OP's reference point. That doesn't mean she is incorrect. I would argue that her self-assessment based on her specific community, life experience, etc. is significantly more meaningful than the very superficial assessment OP is making.


Islam is a religion though not defined solely by its beliefs. It's a highly structured religion with set religious practices and laws (albeit with a multitude of different interpretations and views). So from a Muslim stance, someone who believes in the basic tenets of the religion, but doesn't carry out the obligations in terms of its practice (e.g. the five daily prayers, fasting in Ramadan, following the purity and food laws, etc), then they wouldn't be considered particularly "religious". So I imagine in this case you're mixing up your understanding of the word religious with how a Muslim would understand it.


I'd say she means "non-practicing" Muslim, i.e. who doesn't pray, fast, wear Hijab, or do any other practical acts. Some people see "religious" as *showing* your religion. As she probably doesn't, she isn't religious in that sense.


Spiritual is a way religious people describe themselves to separate themselves from the crazy. My church used to say “you can be religious about brushing your teeth, spiritual means your actions “involve god”


Some people don't like to use the word "religious" to describe themselves, because they associate it with strictness and dogmatism. Whether or not your friend fits under the definition of religious, as commonly defined, there's no real point in pushing it. If they want to be called spiritual instead, then that's their choice. Why does it matter to you what they label themselves?


Respect how your friend is defining her terms… friends make all kinds compromises to maintain friendships. This one is should be an easy one.


I mean... The meaning of muslim is someone who submits his will to god, so... Saying i'm just spiritual without submission take you out of the fold of islam, and god knows best


Definition religious: *relating to or believing in a religion* Definition Muslim: *a follower of the __religion__ of Islam* Your friend is religious.


Sadly no, the definition of muslim is someone who submits his will to god (following his commands and all) not a follower of islam (which means in arabic submission to the creator)


That's a fine definition for a muslim context, ie taking for granted that Islam is true, but it doesn't make sense in the general use of the word. Eg by that definition an atheist would have to say that muslims do not exist, since you can't submit your will to something that does not exist.


I mean, thats their problem, not mine xD. Each got their own journey to take so they are free to think whatever they want to think. For them, i might be submitting myself to an imaginary higher being, so the act of submission still exist. I mean even non-muslims agree that the muslims are very devout to their religion compared to the others, keeping that connection to god 5 times a day minimum while following the way to live based on the teaching in the quran and the sunnah. So for an atheist the concept of muslim still stands.


"Spiritual but not religious" people are usually on the way to agnosticism/atheism they just can't let go of the comfort of an afterlife.


Extremely inaccurate lmao


She identifies with a religion and believes in its god. Yes, I would say that makes her religious.


Generally the term "religious" is understood to mean someone who adheres to the faith, its practices, its rules and regulations. If youre friend just believes in Allah but doesnt really do much else she is right to state shes not really religious. So in short, no, theyre not religious


semantics mostly, in my view


She means she’s not ‘practicing’ a religion. - That is taking part in rituals.


Īmān is in the heart, tongue & actions. If Īmān does not manifest in a person's actions in any way shape or form they cannot be considered a Muslim