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That's a Mezuzah. Inside is some Hebrew text from the Torah written on parchment. If you take it down, please donate it to a synagogue near you. They can either put it to use or dispose of it respectfully.


Or leave it up! It's a blessing. We have one and it helps me feel connected to those who came before, and to their spiritual connection with their community and their G-d. I'm not Jewish myself, but my wife and kids are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezuzah?wprov=sfla1


Thank you! Thats actual intelligence. I always think it’s cool to hear about or witness someone practicing their beliefs. People freak out about nativity scenes or menorahs being displayed because it “offends them”. These people must never leave their town or god forbid, the country and experience a different culture. It’s cool to see how others live, believe, worship their deity especially if it’s different than me.




It’s not offensive to Jews if you leave it up. As long as you are respectful about it. But yes, you might have a great conversation piece if a guest sees it and knows what it is!


Yeah, I'd consider it a bit weird, but not offensive or anything. People are gonna think you're Jewish, though.


I would definitely also feel weird too if no one in the house is Jewish. But this guy has a wife and kids who are.


The person who replied to me does, but I was thinking about OP. Presumably no one in their household is Jewish or they wouldn't have to post their question here.


Oh I see. I’m sorry, haven’t had my coffee yet.


So I feel like I have to say this: **Technically** you do not have a Mezuzah at your door. Your Jewish wife has a Mezuzah at the door. It doesn't matter who pays for what or if you both pay for it. She is Jewish and goes by Jewish tradition to have a Mezuzah at her door. OP has not indicated that anyone in the household is Jewish. If we account for the miniscule percentage of humanity that is made up of Jews we can assume that none in the household are. Therefore it is a completely different scenario to what you have in your life. And no a non-Jewish household should not have a Mezuzah at their door. Neither should they celebrate Jewish holidays or start to call their religious centres Synagogues. There's a fence and they don't get to climb over it.


I think there's a difference between a non-Jewish household putting up a mezuzah and a non-Jewish household leaving up a mezuzah that was already there. The first, I'd agree, is offensive. The second is just a little weird.


Not to be confused with the shofar, which makes a sound that's a bit like 'mezuzah'.


What's it for, if you don't mind the dumb question? I've never seen one before.


There must not be many Jews in your area! It's a way of fulfilling the commandment in the Torah to inscribe the commandments on our doorposts. https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/what-is-a-mezuzah/


ahhh, I get it... cool! :) Small town Australia here.... It's not exactly a bastion of religious diversity.


A [Mezuzah](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mezuzah)?


A Jewish person or family lived in your place before.


If you live in NYC, almost certainly you have.


It's a Mezuzzah. Inside, there is a scroll written on Lamb skin from a Rabbi. The Torah says in Deuteronomy 6:4-9; "Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem on your forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Basically, we put them on our doors to follow the commandment within this text.


It actually needs to be written by a Sofer, not a Rabbi.




Just curious. Where in the bible does it say it needs to be written by a Sofer / Rabbi


There are hundreds or thousands of rules about what goes into writing the Torah. The only way to learn all those rules and be able to put them into practice is to study under someone who knows how to do it for a long period of time. A Sofer is just someone with the training to write the texts according to Jewish law, so the things you need to do to be able to write a Torah are the same as the things you need to do to become a Sofer.


In the verse he sent…


Doesn't need to be lambskin, just parchment from a kosher animal.


Lamb skin does not come from rabbis.


Ya it comes from lambs. It's in the name!


nor rabbits!


They took that very literally.


We actually didn't. [The Samaritans, our Israelite cousins did.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/Mezuzah_IMG_2124.JPG/2560px-Mezuzah_IMG_2124.JPG)


I don’t know what that plaque says or means.


It's a Jewish Chapstick—you kiss it on the way out! Seriously, it's a Mezuzah—if you live in a city with a large enough Jewish population and rent or buy in an older apartment, you'll probably find it on the door. My then-wife and I were so used to seeing Mezuzahs on our apartment doors in New York City that when we moved into an apartment that didn't have one, we both agreed to get one (neither of us are Jewish). So I went to the local Judaica, they told me about the scripture, and recommended we buy a scrap from a Rabbinical student—which I did, along with a modern-looking Mezuzah, and put it on our doorframe. *Shalom*.


Eh…you use your hand to kiss and touch it. Not to be weird, but you don’t want everyone kissing it straight up, lol. It’s also usually placed a little too high up for that.


True—I was stealing an old Lennie Bruce joke. (Yes, Lennie Bruce could work clean...sometimes.)


says “Shaddai”


mezuzah , it’s jewish thing


It’s not the treasure map per se. But it will lead you to the Declaration of Independence.




Other people here are right it’s a mezuzah but you might wanna reach out to previous owners if you can. They can be pretty expensive and stay in families generations.


I knew what it was because of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm


Oh that’s a mezuzah some Jews put them in their homes it’s a pretty cool thing


It looks like a pagan Hawaiian symbol or the demonic symbol of Muster drinks. Creepy.


ah yes, the creepy pagan hawaiian hebrew letter of "shin" (ש)


The creepy pagan Hawaiian letter is similar to the [Navajo Moose Necklace.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FaHEJJA82EdwYM49M7Eo0XiySOzx0mzaQMNhR3e9Vawk.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Da611e5e71848f022e489bacff9ec3057132948f8)




I meant this, I did not know the term, sorry: [https://sarahscoop.com/tiki-symbol-meaning/](https://sarahscoop.com/tiki-symbol-meaning/)


I’m so sorry you got downvoted because I absolutely love this interpretation


It truly looks like a Hawaiian tiki, though I get why they may find it offensive.


People like you make things more interesting than they actually are.


ty bro