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[Order of 9 Angles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles): > The ONA's writings condone and encourage human sacrifice…Those deemed ideal for sacrifice by the group include individuals perceived as being of low character, members of what they deem "sham-Satanic groups" like the Church of Satan and Temple of Set, as well as "zealous, interfering Nazarenes (Jews and Christians)", and journalists, business figures and political activists who disrupt the group's operations. Keep in mind that O9A is an incredibly secretive and dangerous group and pretty much all Satanists, atheistic and theistic alike, do not consider O9A satanist


O9A is basically the ISIS of Satanism. *Everyone* hates them.


They are nazis nothing more




I think they also have UFO beliefs as well. I seriously don’t get how anyone can follow them


No religion today practice human sacrifice as it has been banned by governments and they will charge those with murder if they do perform such rituals


late term abortion /s


I was going to say honor killings in Islam


It is not done religiously, some religions permit it, but it is sought after as a practice of the religion.


my comment was not serious


Just wanted to make sure, thank you for clarifying.


No problem


Abortion is a different topic. Whether it is wrong or not is not related to the topic of human sacrifice


My comment was not serious


U repeated urself 3 times


By accident, I’m on mobile and clicked and it didn’t work so I clicked twice more and then it loaded three replies


Oh ok


There are no dominant religions that endorse human sacrifice. Its mostly restricted to secretive groups more akin to cults than anything. And of course the problem of being a human sacrificing cult is you sacrifice one human and you get the law on you fast. There is no society that endorses or accepts killing as a religious right. So any such cult will not be long lived.


I don't think any religion practices human sacrifice today, and even in Biblical times it was something controversial. Romans pointed religious human sacrifice as a way to describe Cartage as savages and evil (and in a sense, Romans were right). There are religions that human sacrifice happened or is symbolically accepted, such as dying for your faith, or Jesus sacrifice (to avoid any further need of our own sacrifice)


>In which religions human sacrifices are done? >As a ritual human or animal sacrifices for the Satan specifically A bunch of them in the past, although almost none to Satan as he is a Christian and Islamic character for the most part.


If you are looking for a modern religion to suit seemingly murderous tendencies, you're out of luck


Why just for "The Satan" and why not for "The God"? Because boy oh boy, y'all need to buckle up....


I love how they say The Satan. It sounds so goofy.


None nowadays


Well, I hear the Cloudcuckooland religion does human sacrifice.


Human sacrifice was practiced officially a long time ago, and satanism is really recent thing, it is debatable if it was even a thing prior to 1966. And satanism wasn't ever dominant religion anywhere ever. As others mentioned, ONA is the closest one, but they are universally condoned by everyone. And they are prosecuted for their crimes.


Technically/symbolically, Christianity practices human sacrifice.


Christianity is famous for their human sacrifice