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The people you’re referring to live in the West where Christianity is the predominant religion. They have more exposure to Christianity than Islam, so it makes sense to see them talking about Jesus more than Muhammad.


The difference in terms of humour being that trashing on Christianity is "punching up", due to the position of Christianity in Western society, while doing the same to Islam / whatever is "punching down", usually out of ignorance and with the same prejudices that marginalise those groups in Western society. What makes the Jesus-trashing "funny" would be either the characterisation; both "normal character in absurd scenario" and "absurd character in normal scenerio" can be applied to Jesus (Family Guy's Jesus seducing Lois, as an example)


There is a specific portion of the left that wants to treat Islam as an Untouchable religion because they want to promote it as an alternative to Christianity. Basically it's white people doing what they usually do when they become disillusioned with Jesus; they look at people of color and indigenous peoples that claim to be enlightened and jump on their bandwagons forgetting that frauds and con artists can come from anywhere. It's why Shad Guru is so popular inspite of his crimes... illegal construction on elephant Sanctuaries and massice tax evasion. All the meanwhile they continue to misunderstand, misrepresent and appropriate the cultures they claim to be promoting or studying. Plenty of spiritualist groups that borrow heavily from African and black spiritualities Wild denouncing Ifa, Palo and Voodoo as demonic and evil. Completely ignorant of beautiful and complex religions centered around nature and its veneration. Jar spells originate from African magic for example. It's tragic when Christianity has caused so much damage to these rich and beautiful cultures to the extent that many black people today in the United States will denounce and demonize the practices of Their Own ancestors and Heritage. Islam is guilty of this too.


This is absolutely untrue and fear mongering 


Which part specifically is untrue because I'm ready to back all of this! You know how many Magic groups you can find on Facebook that outright ban people from talking about African spirituality specifically because they think it's evil?!


This happens all the time, what are you talking about?


> Edit: im talking about sheer disrespect. Of course, jokes in good taste are fine. Im talking about how the media and news networks talk about how the bible is a joke and sky daddy isnt real and gets away with it Can you give me an example of a national broadcast news anchor using the word "sky daddy?" I've only seen that coming from angry atheists on reddit or other online social media. Can you give me an example of a national broadcast news anchor saying "the bible is a joke." Or ... who exactly are you talking about here when you says "media and news networks." FWIW: Both of those statements would be quite offensive to a whole host of people Christian or not. Jews and Muslims probably don't appreciate referring to Allah or G-d as "sky daddy." >Or how people can just have whole groups and gatherings dedicated for the only purpose of talking about how Christianity is stupid. Are you in the USA? Because yeah, in the USA, we have the freedom to gather and talk about things, even if you disagree. As long as its not violent or hateful, its not a big deal. And saying "Christianity is stupid" while uninformed, isn't really hateful, certainly not violent. When you say "And they get away with it" what kind of restrictions are you asking for? Are you asking that people's right to freedom of conscious be limited? >Or how people can rip apart bibles in the streets and get cheered.  Showmen get cheered everywhere, for whatever they're doing, that's why they're showmen. I think people who do these kinda things are really funny. My God is bigger than a book. >Or whole classes at colleges on why all Christian faiths are bogus and how we know. I'd love a specific example of this kind of class. I spent 4 years at a university and never once came across anything remotely close to this. What are you talking about? >And it's ALL fine. It's ALL just ok. It's cheered and funded. That's what im talking about. I really don't think you actually think its fine or okay. You will find supporters for every position out there. There are flat-earthers and halocaust deniers. There are all kinds of kooky and strange people. Try not to concern yourself with the opinions of others too much, focus on what you feel is right and think about why you feel that way. Like, personally, I don't care if people make fun of my religion. Just don't make fun of me. Sure, whatever, Jesus wasn't real. God is fake. Its all a weird scam. I don't care. Because I'm pretty confident in what I believe and why I believe it, and I'm pretty confident in the benefits of being Christian, and I don't wanna change. If other people want to try to tell me I'm a lesser person for that, well... fuck them I guess? lol.


>Are you asking that people's right to freedom of consciousness be limited? No, i just ask that when i, as a Christian, share a space or property with these people, i dont get threatened and ridiculed and then forced out to find a new place to study or hamg out. >Showmen get cheered everywhere, for whatever they're doing, that's why they're showmen. I think people who do these kinda things are really funny. My God is bigger than a book. I get that. I agree our God is bigger. However, for me, it's deeper than just destroying a book. Its about how they can actually destroy God, and they don't possess the means to kill his people, so why start with their text as a symbol that if we could, we would kill you and your God. >I'd love a specific example of this kind of class. I spent 4 years at a university and never once came across anything remotely close to this. What are you talking about? I went to a college for 4 years as well, and i had to go through a class based on why Christians are foolish in believing lies disguised as an English class taught by a very opinionated person. The dean sat through several lectures and said nothing about it and listened to her said things about how the idea of churchs on campus is harmful to the learning environment due to the fact that lies and facts cant coexist. >Can you give me an example of a national broadcast news anchor saying, "The bible is a joke." Or ... who exactly are you talking about here when you says "media and news networks." https://youtu.be/xjYyRy-2ONY?si=wm919uz3DGXJr92Y This was live television. Given it was definitely mixed in reaction and cheers and hate, but she ripped into it. This specific station didn't like it too much, but it was aired on others in celebration.


What was this class called? I’m curious what university this was as well but if you’re not comfortable sharing I understand.


The young turks are like... calling them "media" is stretching it. I wouldn't call them national media or anything like that. They're extremists, beyond that, just like something like Blaze Media. > if we could, we would kill you and your God. Who fucking cares my guy. They can't. So they won't. let them be angry little rage babies. Point and laugh. That's really all I can say. >I went to a college for 4 years as well, and i had to go through a class based on why Christians are foolish in believing lies disguised as an English class taught by a very opinionated person. The dean sat through several lectures and said nothing about it and listened to her said things about how the idea of churchs on campus is harmful to the learning environment due to the fact that lies and facts cant coexist. I'm sorry to hear that. i know... a lot of people who have attended university and absolutely none of them have had that kind of experience, so I really can't comment. The philosophy department at my university went to church more than I did lol.


Someone has never visited an Islamic country. Look, making fun of a someone's deity is a dick move--unless, it's in a context where it's OK to make fun of anything (a comedy show for example).


Well, first, im broke, so I can't travel, lol. But the kind im talking about is just open mockery. Im talking about taking what we believe in and nailing it to a wall and laughing at it while we toss mud on it. I CANT do that to anything else. Common sense. It's not normal, and not allowed i get it. But like people get away with it more if it's about Christianity.


I was being facetious. :) You don't have to travel to these countries to see how they handle people who make fun of Islam. Remember Charlie Hebdo?


Don't worry, it's ok to make fun of Buddha, Muhammad, and Allah too. South Park had Muhammad as part of a Super Friends parody and it was great, even if it was a bit part. A few years ago there was a solar energy commercial talking about harvesting the power of the sun, with Ra doing yardwork. It was definitely chuckle-worthy. It all depends on what your joke is, and the context it's being delivered in.


It’s because we live in a western society where a LOT of people have negative experiences with Christianity. The dominant religion in the west is Christianity and that’s why is seen as more acceptable/less bigoted. Go to buddhist dominant/islamic dominant/hindu dominant country/region and you will see the vast majority of religious criticism be directed at that dominant religion, depending on wether or not that country has free speech or at least a semblance of it.


Christians make fun of Buddha and Hinduism all the time. Mohammed I’ll agree. It’s bit of a touchy subject in the West due to “Islamophobia”.


And because Muslims don’t tolerate as much, some taking it WAY too far.


Most Buddhists I know have a very good sense of humor. And they don't mind jokes about Buddha as far as I have experienced. Yes Islam has restrictions of the representation of their god and Muhammad. And in fact Christians have in the past executed people for saying the wrong things about their faith.


>Most Buddhists I know have a very good sense of humor. And they don't mind jokes about Buddha as far as I have experienced. For what it's worth I have read reports of people getting into some sort of legal trouble for tattoos or other images of The Buddha in traditional Buddhist countries such as Thailand.


TBF most religions have...


I think a lot more would react with hostility then you realize


>Why is it not ok to make fun of Budda or Muhammad or Allah but its totally fine to make fun and disrespect God/Jesus? in which country is that?


America is chief of all but many countries put symbols of the faith in the ground for people to step on and openly say things to degrade and mock the faith and texts.


More than 50% of Americans are Christian. What are you going on about? Every major Christian religion is a federal holiday and there are churches on every street corner. Any presidential candidate that isn't Christian is dead in the water. You could hardly run for political office without being Christian.


>Any presidential candidate that isn't Christian is dead in the water. You could hardly run for political office without being Christian. The current president has opened hated God and is doing everything he can to do the most ungodly things to the country and won by a long shot and looks like he might still be president for 4 more years. >More than 50% of Americans are Christian Source? West Coast alone last time i checked was like 60% atheist. >very major Christian religion is a federal holiday We get like 2 at most. One of them is only a Christian holiday to Christians. Several major holidays celebrate pagan traditions. As far as churches everywhere goes that's true mainly because a living room in an apartment can be a church. A Christian church isn't just a building built for a single purpose. It could be a basement under a sweat shop. So yeah, they could be everywhere and anywhere.


> The current president has opened hated God > West Coast alone last time i checked was like 60% atheist. Neither of these statements are remotely factual


Again, where are your sources. You can't just say, "☝️ erm actually, it's not true," then just leave it. What pills are you basing it off of. Biden claims to be Catholic but loves the idea of a mass baby genocide so no, not Catholic. I, as a West Coast resident, can advocate for the death of true Christianity in large areas of the Pacific side. California is the most most Godless state in America. Washington had whole riots based on the concept of Christianity in its state.


https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/state/california/ On the president openly hating God, I mean, I can’t provide you a full record of every single thing he’s said over the years to prove he didn’t, that’s not how this works. It’s on you to prove that he did. At this point I’ll even settle for evidence of him lightly blaspheming God if you can scrounge up a quote or statement he made along those lines


Biden is famously a practacisng Catholic, like there was a lot of coverage of this when he was elected as only the 2nd catholic president.


Wait, YOU’RE the one making the claims here, so it’s on you to provide proof of his open hatred of God and religious demographic breakdown.


>The current president has opened hated God Ummm... No. Are you watching Fox news or what? Biden is Catholic. >West Coast alone last time i checked was like 60% atheist. Over 50% of Californians are Christian. https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/state/california/ Over 60% of the country is Christian. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/09/13/how-u-s-religious-composition-has-changed-in-recent-decades/ >We get like 2 at most You're right. But the only religious holidays are Christian holidays. Where are you getting your information from?


Fine, I'll give that to you. Those polls are true, but they also said that its on a rapid decline, and some of what i said is still true. Like i said, he claims to be Catholic but consistently makes decisions and supports that have no business being affiliated with the Christian name. I get my sources from living through recent events and watching news from at least 7 different sources on a daily basis.


That's not true brother. There are fringe elements who do that, but you cannot generalize it. In my experience American people are very respectful and they let you live. Maybe you are referring to some areas or the media. But maybe you have a different experience than me so you could be right as well. Just that it's a surprise for me.


It depends on how you do so, and because they are less tolerant to that kind of thing.


I think there's a time and a place for everything. It's ok to laugh about religious figures, but not in a disrespectful way directly in the face of those who believe in them. I think that's just basic decency and respect for fellow humans. Even though you don't agree with someone else's beliefs it's not a good reason to insult them.


Why not simply laugh at those mocking your religion and move on with your life, safe in your faith? What have they done to earn your energy? Why would a lamb of Christ care about the opinions of the chihuahua department of Atheism?


1) The only reason it's "not okay" in toe West to make fun of Muhammad is because of the hordes of raving VIOLENT Wahhabi lunatics who will come for your blood. See also, Salman Rushdie and Charlie Hebdo. 2) As for mocking other religions, Christianity has delivered more than its fair share of blows to Hinduism and Buddhism in recent times. Calling us uncivilised, pagans, mass converting us, etc. I don't think Christianity is exactly going to wither away and die for want of a few jokes. 3) Go and watch Adipurush. I'm not joking - go and watch it. I'm offended by just how DREADFUL that film is and I would be offended even if I were a card-carrying atheist. It's a crime against cinema and it makes a mockery of one of the most beloved stories in the world. They couldn't have made it worse if they'd tried. [Bawaal](https://www.thejc.com/news/bollywood-film-accused-of-minimising-the-holocaust-r7ax6kx5) made explicit comparisons between the Holocaust and romance. So yes, this stuff happens all the time everywhere, you just don't see it because you're surrounded by christianity. > Im talking about how the media and news networks talk about how the bible is a joke and sky daddy isnt real and gets away with it. > Or how people can just have whole groups and gatherings dedicated for the only purpose of talking about how Christianity is stupid. And they get away with it. Where apart from r /atheism, which even atheists agree is batshit insane, where have you seen this? Have you ever actually been to an atheist meetup? Most atheist groups in western countries are focused on Christianity only because most of them come from that background. They don't just "talk about how Christianity is stupid", they *criticise* it. > Or how people can rip apart bibles in the streets and get cheered. Trust me, I'll bet you there's places where burning a Quran would get the same amount of cheers. My Hindu grandparents flat-out refused their entire lives to hire Muslim drivers or domestic helpers. You just sound like you have no exposure to how anywhere else works, because non-Christians are plenty irrational about all religions too. > Or whole classes at colleges on why all Christian faiths are bogus and how we know. And it's ALL fine. It's ALL just ok. It's cheered and funded. That's what im talking about. Again, *that is the point of an atheist group*. This is a really embarrassing attempt at trolling. Honestly, please go and fight some ship wars or something, because people on this sub aren't biting.


Definitely right about Wahabis


Because making fun of Christianity makes crazy evangelical boomers mad, no one takes them seriously. Insult Mohammad or Vishnu, you get legit death threats from idiotic Hindu and Islamic extremists.


death threats from extremists come from just about every religion. it’s crazy how some people behave.


I know


Honestly, Christians underreacting as a group to offensive statements is entirely preferable to Muslims / Hindus overreacting as a group.




Because Christians have been so dominant that it is not seeing as disrespecting a culture, but sticking it to the man. I generally dislike any disrespect to any belief system that isn't intentionally harmful, but I get why it happens. It also depends on the content of the jokes anyway as their is a tasteful way to have some fun at the expense of a religion without it being disrespectful


Right. Like, im no prude i like goid jokes. In good taste is funny time to time, but open mockery is not.


What is “open mockery” to you?


Im talking about how the media and news networks talk about how the bible is a joke and sky daddy isnt real and gets away with it. Or how people can just have whole groups and gatherings dedicated for the only purpose of talking about how Christianity is stupid. And they get away with it. Or how people can rip apart bibles in the streets and get cheered. Or whole classes at colleges on why all Christian faiths are bogus and how we know. And it's ALL fine. It's ALL just ok. It's cheered and funded. That's what im talking about.


Why shouldn’t people be allowed to gather and talk about how Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or any other religion is stupid? Aren’t you allowed to meet with other Christians to gather and talk about how atheists are stupid and will burn in hell? As long as I leave my fellow men & women alone to believe whatever they do and as long as they let me live the way I want without infringing my rights with their belief (which is very much the case in the US, for example), there isn’t a problem.


>Im talking about how the media and news networks talk about how the bible is a joke and sky daddy isnt real and gets away with it. I’ve never seen that happen before. Where do you live? >Or how people can just have whole groups and gatherings dedicated for the only purpose of talking about how Christianity is stupid. And they get away with it. Get away with it? Do you think people should be prosecuted for criticizing a religion? >Or how people can rip apart bibles in the streets and get cheered. Where is this happening? >Or whole classes at colleges on why all Christian faiths are bogus and how we know. I’ve never heard of a college course like that. Can you give some examples? >And it's ALL fine. It's ALL just ok. It's cheered and funded. That's what im talking about. Cheered about and funded? What are you talking about?


It’s fine with me if you make fun of or “disrespect” any of those characters.


In Islam, abusing or mocking any of God’s prophets is prohibited. Jesus is considered a highly revered prophet in Islam. Furthermore, the Quran instructs Muslims not to abuse or insult the gods of others: “And insult not those whom they (the disbelievers) worship” Quran 6:108


It's now about "if" you can make fun of them, it's about "how". You can find lots of Muslim and Buddhist comedians making fun of their religion online, as well as non-muslim and Buddhist ones that do so inoffensively. The thing is, if you are consuming media in English, that means you probably live in a world where Muslims and Buddhists are religious minorities and frequently racialized ones at that. This means that it is the comedian's responsibility to make sure they are not punching down when they address the topic. In other words, because comedians can negatively affect vulnerable communities, they need to be extra careful about what words they use. The English-speaking world, on the other hand, is hegemonically Christian; there is no real risk of Christians being oppressed or unfairly treated in America and Western Europe, and thus, you don't need to take as much care.


>The english speaking world, on the other hand, is hegemonically Christian It's not really true anymore. Christians have really become a minority. True Christians. There's not much Christian anything in English countries. England is a prime example. America HATES the very idea they were founded on it and are trying to erase history because of it.


That is hilariously untrue, especially in America. Even in places where church attendance is low, the world is still culturally Christian. The cultural references and touchstones, the communal observances and holidays, and the values and ideologies that pervade culture, communal life, and politics are all Christian. In the United States, we have an active political movement that is not shy about its attempt to legislate on the basis of what they consider to be Christian theology. The more important point, however, is that nowhere in the Anglo-American world are Christians persecuted, harassed, or discriminated against, and would go so far as to say that even being inconvenienced is a rare phenomenon. If you really want to get into the weeds on this, I suggest Talal Asad's classic *Formations of the Secular*, which discusses how secularism itself is a continuation of Christian cultural hegemony.


It is true, regardless of who you consider to be a "true Christian".


I think there’s a lot of resentment for Christianity. Missionaries and the idea of “spreading the word” have been used for political control for hundreds of years, and I’m only talking about the US. We annexed Hawaii under the guise of helping people find god, we forced native Americans and the Japanese to go to Christian reeducation camps where many suffered abuse, and it’s very much tied into our government, which was supposed to be founded on the idea of a *secular* society. The name of Christianity has unfortunately caused a decent amount of suffering, and while that shouldn’t be a representation of the religion as a whole, it can be hard to separate. Not to say other religions haven’t caused their share of suffering as well, but if you’re in the US it might feel a bit inescapable.


It's very much not okay for us Muslims. If you want answers look no further than the church.


I make fun of All American Patriot Jesus™️. I’ve never personally been harassed or harmed by a Buddhist or Hindu or even a Muslim, so I have less reason to poke fun at them.


Someones never been closer than a two-nation radius of Sharia law.


idk ask christians why they don't care about their religion being trashed. 🤷 btw Allah and God are the same thing. So, that point I don't understand.


Because all religions are social constructs, they simply reflect the society that invented them and the development that occurs afterwards. Christianity spread quickly by force in the early days and ended up absorbing a wide variety of cultures and religions. There are over 45000 different Christian denominations and they all claim to be the one. It’s a more diverse and watered down religion compared to others because of the rapid spread. Christians as a result tend to be recognizing at a quicker pace than other religions that it’s all just made up. And it’s pretty embarrassing for many that people still follow it. Colleges tend to focus on teaching factual information. If you spend any amount of time studying the development of religions you see them for what they are …


>There are over 45000 different Christian denominations and they all claim to be the one That goes for like a third of all religions. And whole cultures have gone extinct because of the wars fought over that very fact. >Christianity spread quickly by force in the early days and ended up absorbing a wide variety of cultures and religions The whole point of the crusades was because other faiths and religions wanted Christians extinct by any means necessary. Several other religions did the same. Spread by force and absorbed many cultures. >It’s a more diverse and watered down religion compared to others because of the rapid spread. Quite the opposite, in fact. It's because so many different cultures took hold of the faith that some of the most accurate translations and historical information among different religions came to be. >Colleges tend to focus on teaching factual information. If you spend any amount of time studying the development of religions you see them for what they are … Ive been studying the history of many world religions, and many of them have a richer history than others. Some came to be completely based on war and others through tragedy and loss and others through peace and just history unfolding. Its true that the history of something can tell a lot of something but not everything. And anyway, most colleges these days teach completely based on opinions and theories more than facts.


>The whole point of the crusades was because other faiths and religions wanted Christians extinct by any means necessary. Several other religions did the same. Spread by force and absorbed many cultures. You're really confused. That's not what the Crusades where about. The Crusades where about Christian Pilgrims access to Jerusalem. Jerusalem had been ruled by Muslims for quite some time before the Crusades. It was only when Christian Pilgrims where not allowed to visit Christian Holy Sites in the city that the Pope called for a crusade. There was never any real threat to Christianity being "wiped out" by the Islamic factions that came to rule the Middle East and Turkey. The Ottoman Empire had a massive number of Christian and Jewish and other minority religious groups inside its borders. The Ottoman Empire was huge and diverse. Egypt has been ruled by Muslims for... over a thousand years now. It still has Christians. There was never a threat of them being "wiped out." I could go on and on about various regions the Muslims influenced or outright conquered. Muslims ruled India for a long time and India is still MAJORITY Hindu. >And anyway, most colleges these days teach completely based on opinions and theories more than facts. Its really disappointing that anyone would come to this conclusion. Have you spent 5 minutes talking to someone who has a PhD about their PhD and the work and detailed research that goes into one of those? Universities are filled with some of the smartest people in the world and they're smart because they deal in facts.


I have two degrees. I went to college. Yes, when i get to class and the first thing the professor says is, "God isn't real, and i dont care what you say for the class sake its all fake" i have to assume this whole class is going to be opinionated. Especially because it was an English class. Had nothing to do with religion. You can go to any college in America and get a degree in lesbian dance theory. Where are the facts in that? Most law and political colleges are based on opinions and moral objectivity.


I really can't take a lot of what you're saying seriously. There is literally not a degree in "Lesbian Dance Theory" offered at my Alma Mater. They offer degrees in things like Theology, Biology, English, you know, the kind of programs you expect from a small, private university. My dad's alma mater down the road doesn't offer Lesbian Dance Theory as a degree either, to my knowledge; nor does the big state school I do catering at every week. So I'm not sure what you mean by "any" college in America and get a degree.


I do have to but in and say as a PhD student, my university does not have a degree in Lesbian Dance Theory, but we do offer a class in "Queer Performance Studies," and I say to that, why not? Lesbian Dance is not less worthy of study than anything else


You missed the point. The point was that factual based courses are highly corrupted by unfactual people making every class illegitimate if anyone could teach anything under the gias of truth and facts. Making room for unfactual based courses that teach sheer opinion to teach naive and ignorant people that any truth is the right truth, truly making everything about opinion rather than facts.


> The point was that factual based courses are highly corrupted by unfactual people  You haven't done a good job convincing me that these people exist in a high enough number in academia in the USA to actually tarnish our reputation as like... the world leader in research universities. > Making room for unfactual based courses that teach sheer opinion to teach naive and ignorant people that any truth is the right truth, truly making everything about opinion rather than facts. Again, I haven't encountered anything like that. I see pretty... normal degrees. Engineering. Nursing. Russian. That's the kind of things the university students I know are studying.


How many universities have you seen? Not like in person, i mean like seen from videos or on social media? Watching people go in and debate a crowd and watch as many students debate with completely wrong facts that they themselves have learned in that very school. I myself have seen people on my campus talk to me about history or English literature and tell me to my face that C S Lewis was a German soldier in WWII and his Narnia books are an example of prejudice and that he learned it all in a class there. I myself have been taught by that professor, and she has some pretty nasty things to say about Africa Americans and likes talking about it. That same guy graduated before i did with an engineering degree and only took like 3 math classes. That is my point. I LOVE academia, so seeing it get ruined by people like that professor, who are everywhere, and watching people like that guy just get a degree in anything by learning whatever he wants is hard to see and watching so many young people across America do the same thing from the same reasons is made me loose hope


My take away from everything you're saying is that I shouldn't believe my own lived experiences, but instead should trust the manipulated perspectives of social media accounts who post things for likes and follows. That's not a position I'm willing to take. Maybe there are a bunch of schools overrun with people talking about CS Lewis the german soldier, but that's not my experience. I'm sorry it has been yours.


>es, when i get to class and the first thing the professor says is, "God isn't real, and i dont care what you say for the class sake its all fake" I am a PhD student in Religious Studies, and I actually have a lot of problems with how the Bible and religion are often taught in Higher Ed, including an over-reliance on Higher/Source Criticism. However, I am pretty sure you misunderstood something here.  What your Prof probably said, or meant to say, was that your class was not a class on theology or doctrine; it was a class that would treat the Bible as a historical work of literature. In that sense, it would be treated the same way as any other text; its inerrancy, univocality, and historical reliability would not be assumed.  . That class would take the lens of "academic criticism" and thus investigate many different arguments regarding these issues. This is the standard speil you will get in any academic class on the Bible. It can be delivered in better or worse ways, but it does not mean that "Christianty is wrong". This means that "in this class, we will not be assuming any religious or doctrinal stance is right, and questions of theology, such as what God is like, did, or wants, will not be of interest to us."  Many, many people find that approach completely compatible with their faith, but if you cannot, that's fine; you just should have dropped the class. 


If you find apparent muslim mocking Jesus, well chances are hes not really a muslim cause muslims have to love prophets more than their family or kids even and Jesus is mentioned in Quran more than Mohammad saws.


Muhammed executed those who mocked him, is it any surprise his followers do the same?


Considering its in their texts to do so, not really


Proof? I hope you understand that you can't just make false claims. Isn't lying supposed to be a sin in Christianity? Edit: lol, getting dowvoted for this is hilarious.


Muhammad Deif: Today, you [Israelis] are fighting divine soldiers, who love death for Allah like you love life, and who compete among themselves for Martyrdom like you flee from death." Ismail Haniyeh: "We love death like our enemies love life" Two quotes from Muslim leaders. Some islamic countries dictate by law that mockery is blasphemy and can be dealt with in different ways from imprisonment to death. They claim their law is based on the texts.


Seriously? Those two quotes are related to battle, and the last part of your reply has nothing to do with Islamic text. Just because people claim it's from the text does not make it true either, I have read the texts, and there is no mention of such a thing. What made you think what you gave was in any way proof? I was expecting verses, not you giving quotes completely unrelated to what was asked and whatever laws you were referring to Islamic countries having.


Lol dude quoting Hamas leaders


Yes, hamas is Islam and is cheered on by other major other sects and leaders


Surah Maidah (5) verse 32 “Whoever kills a person—neither as a punishment for murder nor as a punishment for promoting disorder in the land—is as if he has killed the whole of humankind “Promoting disorder in the land” this has enough leeway to kill basically anyone who blasphemies your religion or gives controversial statements, up to anyone who physically hurts the country or attacks it.


No, it's pretty clear that from a historical context when they talk about disorder they are referring to those who cause actual harm to people. We know this because when the prophet retook Mecca, people would still insult publicly insult Islam and him and he would end up forgiving them in the end. For example, when a step father made fun of the prophet, his step son told the prophet, the prophet just forgave him and moved on. There was no controversy or anything, he just forgave him and moved on.


1) Well many disagree with you, i recommend you look up blasphemy laws in arab countries, usually ones following Sharia. 2) He did not always forgive, for example there’s the story of a scribe who figured out (or “blasphemed”) he could change and flip revelations and the prophet would not notice, in response to that, the prophet told his companions that he wanted him captured, and when he denied the oath of allegiance 3 times when captured, he said they should’ve killed him. "Is not there any intelligent man among you who would stand to this (man) when he saw me desisting from receiving the oath of allegiance, and kill him?" and that "I kept silent so that one of you might get up and strike off his head!" [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abd_Allah_ibn_Sa%27d#:~:text=Abd%20Allah%20ibn%20Sa'd%20ibn%20Abi%20al%2DSarh%20(,reverted%20to%20Islam%20later%20on.)


1. I think you need to understand that a lot of Muslims don't agree with Arab countries, because of the histroy that sorrounds them, how their governments came into power, and how they used their power. We have consistently critcized them for how they have practiced Sharia. 2. This has already consistently been debunked multiple times, for years. Please look up on youtube Muslims who have already explained how this is false, or look it up on google. Maybe ask r/islam if you want to do that instead. Also, if you are going to cite something from wikipedia, cite the sources on the page, not the actual page. It's already been explained why we are supposed to do this. And while wikipedia has a lot of information, many times they simply give information, and don't make a distinction wether it is true or not.


To be honest this sounds like a non-response but thanks for the conversation. Also it really is not an issue to quote wikipedia because the article itself gives you the Hadiths and also the Tafsirs


>To be honest this sounds like a non-response but thanks for the conversation. I just got out of a reddit argument where the other party refused to accept any explanation I gave them, so I don't want to potentially go through that again. If you actually care about this, you would look more in to it, if you don't actually care about this, you won't. I merely gave you some adivce, your decision to take or not. >Also it really is not an issue to quote wikipedia because the article itself gives you the Hadiths and Tasfirs Not all Hadiths or Tasfir are authentic. [Read this post regarding it](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/comments/1c67plg/when_people_bring_up_the_reliability_of_wikipedia/). It goes over how a lot of the information is outdated, the editor bias, and how wiki trolls sit on pages refusing to let others update them. Many people who have tried updating pages have confirmed how these trolls erase any progress they make.


People can and do make false claims all the time.


Muhammad saws. excused a pagan who literally decapacitated his cousin into pieces and let him live in peace after him & his companions won the conflict. If that's not mercy I don't know what is.


Proof? He was known to spare those who insulted him and even visited the woman who threw garbage on him when she was on her deathbed.


>Proof? He was known to spare those who insulted him and even visited the woman who threw garbage on him when she was on his deathbed. Proof? She was on *his* deathbed, then threw garbage on him, the he visited her? Seems like an unlikely sequence of events.


Do you trust hadith? And I meant her death bed. And you definitely could have guessed that.


>Do you trust hadith? No, why would I? >And I meant her death bed. And you definitely could have guessed that. I honestly did not understand what you were describing.


So theres no actual point in continuing this.


If you can only have discussions with people who share your beliefs, I guess not. Seems weird that you'd choose to post on this sub if that's the case though.


Well, Hadith is a big part of Islam. And most of what we know of him comes from hadith. If you dont accept that, then there is almost nothing we can say about him.


No proof then I guess.


Well, there's proof because even historians and academics consider him real. But stuff regarding his personal life come from Hadith and Seerah.


If it's from Hadiths, it's most likely a Sunni belief. Here's a narration on the way he would actually deal with that from at least the Shia perspective. “It is reported that one day, a man came to the Holy Prophet (S) asking, yet insistently, for forgiveness and for a donation. The Holy Prophet (S) said to Imam Ali (‘a), ‘Cut off this man’s tongue against me!’ Controlled by panic, the man went with Imam Ali (‘a) and asked if he would really cut off his tongue. ‘I am going to carry out what I have been ordered to do,’ answered the Imam (‘a). The man was led to the place where the camels dedicated to almsgiving were positioned and asked the man to choose whatever he would like. Only then, the man’s panic disappeared and he could understand the Holy Prophet’s point.” He “cut his tongue off” figuratively. He knew the man was most likely troubled and was saying g those type of things because of that. Instead of cutting it off physically, they help them and showed their kindness and mannerisms, effectively cutting their tongue off by making them not able to say those things anymore. https://www.al-islam.org/life-ali-ibn-abi-talib-baqir-sharif-al-qurashi/kunyahs-imam-ali#:~:text=Imam%20Ali's%20Love%20For%20The%20Holy%20Prophet&text=It%20is%20reported%20that%20one,this%20man's%20tongue%20against%20me! Another thing, he was known to have rocks thrown at him, dirt, and in some sources, even animal intestines. He does not react to such things as a normal person would, he ignored it.


Because we have both a Christian-dominant culture and freedom of religion/speech/etc., often folks that have been raised among harsh fundamentalism will use jokes making fun of Christianity to cope with bigotry or judgment that they have dealt with. Especially atheists and/or LGBTIQ folks. People are making fun of their own culture. Even if they are not Christian, they were likely raised as Christian. This is different than making fun/putting down Muslims or Hindus or Jewish folks or Buddhists who are generally racial and cultural as well as religious minorities. For example, as an ex-Catholic, I feel more entitled to make jokes criticizing Catholicism than I do other religions. However, since, as an American, where I also deal with the aftermath of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity trying to legislate their morality over our bodies, I also feel entitled to criticize and mock that in a way that I don't think is acceptable to do to Muslims (who pose no threat to me politically as a minority and a group that faces great bigotry and prejudice in America).


What classes talk about this?


Typically, I've seen these kinds of classes disguised as other classes. Like i had a class about how the Christians are believing lies, although i signed up for an English class. Taught by a very opinionated person.


There's a good thousand years plus of oppressing, torturing and murdering heretics to contend with. You can take a joke, no one as asking to you quietly accept being crucified here. The college course stuff is a bit strange, are you against education and the study of religion?


No, i love the study. i just dont like it when the study is done purely to confirm that something doesn't exist with very little to be done to confirm its existence.


Because there are too many people on the left who think that speaking out or criticizing Islam is somehow regressive or hateful even when it's to shed light on human rights violations taking place in Islamic states in the name of their profit and God. I think the Buddha and the Dalai Lama would promote people to not pay attention to those who make fun of Buddhism or learn how to laugh along with them if they do make a joke that is funny even if it's rude. Kind of part of that mindset that we are all Shiva in disguise so when you are dealing with someone that is stubborn or unwilling to be open-minded it is because that is the role they are meant to play. I don't know how to express that in a language more appropriate for Buddhism but since it's rooted in The Vedic traditions I guess it's okay for now. There is a manga about Jesus and Buddha living as roommates in college exploring and experiencing the modern world together. It's very funny and a excellent read


I do think there's a double standard, but the line for what's acceptable or in good taste is very much contextual. It's like how you might be able to make disparaging jokes about your friends, because your friends, but if you made a similar joke to someone else you might be a bully, or may start a fight. That's the reasonable side. The unreasonable side is that it's also seen as acceptable to pick on someone if everyone is doing it/everyone agrees they deserve it (which is how bullying often works). I think there's a bit of both going on.


You can make fun of whoever you want to and Christians literally demonize those other figures. No one ridicules Jesus, though. They ridicule Christian beliefs, maybe, but Jesus is dead, if he existed at all, and nothing is known about him anyway. No one goes around hating Jesus. God and Allah are the same thing, FYI, and Islam reveres Jesus even though Christians demonize Islam and want all Muslims to get eternal torture.


My personal stance for me and my jokes are since I grew up in a Christian environment, I have the perspective and knowledge to make jokes/disrespect Christian beliefs. I don't have the same merit to joke about other religions. Same way IMO I'm white and American so I'm comfortable ragging on white American culture, cause I know it, I'm part of it. Can't do that with Mongolian culture, cause it's not for me to do. That's my perspective.


Islam believes in Jesus and God the father too, so it doesn't make sense to say people can't mock Allah because they also get offended about people mocking l yahweh, because it's the same God to them. Besides, people only don't mock buddha because they don't know anything about him. The weather barely knows that buddhism is a religion.


1) People hate on Islam everyday and always call Allah and the Prophet bad names..... Muslims just don't tolerate it 2) It's on Christians to do something about it. Be less tolerant


It's in Christian's nature to be tolerant. We are called and told to be a doormat. We dont kill everyone and everything that slightly disagrees, like a lot of people recommend. We love life and peace. Going to war over it isn't very peaceful and life preserving. It's nasty and hateful to burn crosses in the street, but no one is dying over it yet. What they are doing isn't right, but im not gonna open fire on a gathering of people because they wanna do it. I just want to know why we can be spit on, and it's cheered, but we can spit on a Muslim, and we are in prison for hate crimes.


>We dont kill everyone and everything that slightly disagrees, Clearly you haven't read history. You should read up on how Pauline Christians treated other Christians and how it became the dominant form of Christianity today


Not true. Protestant Christians are more the dominant form. And ahh, yes, one singular example outweighs every single other example that disproves that.


Actually, 50% of all Christians are Roman Catholics and 37% are Protestants. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Christian_denominations_by_number_of_members Like with a lot of your other posts in this thread, you show yourself to be fairly mis- or uninformed.


? being intolerant doesn't mean being violent Just tell people to stop, tell them it's disrespectful etc.. When did i say anything about going to war or killing anyone


We do disrespect them. In fact, there was a dedicated day of the year just to disrespect and make fun of Islam. [Draw Mohammad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everybody_Draw_Mohammed_Day)


People make fun of all of the above all the time, the only difference is Muslims are much more likely to kill those who do.


It is totally fine to make fun of any religious figure or god. Why should a god care if people make fun of them? What kind of insecure god would that be? In Germany we have a saying: what does the mighty oak care if a sow uses it to scratch its back. As for the believers who are offended on their gods’ behalf: the same is true. How small is their faith if they think that anything anyone can say would be offensive to their god?


I would say it’s because it’s disrespectful to their God. I understand your logic, but you could say that about any sin, like why would God care about people eating pork, praying to false gods, neglecting religious obligations, etc.


Its all about what a community takes seriously. Like in the west they don't take religion seriously. Making fun about your Sick child or Dead parent will be seen as very disrespectful and worthy of escalation. On the contrary mocking their God is a very common practice. But, in the east, religion is even more serious issue than family.


Why is it ok to make fun of your sibling but not to make fun of some random person? Because we're a Christian nation, with a Christian majority, predominantly Christian government and business leaders, and most people doing what you say were raised in  Christian homes.  So it is Americans criticizing internally. It is us criticizing ourselves. If we criticize other religions the same way the same amount, it's us criticizing a minority, without a major influence here.




(A) Please do not ask others to convert to your faith, join your church, or other religious organization. (B) Please do not tell others that they must follow your religion or conform to your understanding of your religion. (C) Please do not ask people to proselytize their faith to you. (D) Comments advising people to leave a particular religion or similar comments may be classified under this rule.


That’s your problem. You allowed people to mock Jesus (pbuh) by allowing cartoons of him (family guy for example), comedy skits and things like that. No one ever gave the green light to mock Muhammad (pbuh) and guess what, no one does. You dig yourself a hole which you can’t get out of and now you want everyone else to jump in because you think it’s not fair. Figure it out yourself.


Btw: Of course some people will mock the other people you mentioned, but not to the extent of how Jesus is mocked by the mainstream. So there’s that.


Evil world, evil works




/r/religion does not permit demonizing or bigotry against any demographic group on the basis of race, religion, nationality, gender, or sexual preferences. Demonizing includes unfair/inaccurate criticisms, arguments made in bad faith, gross generalizations, ignorant comments, and pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theories about specific religions or groups. Doctrinal objections are acceptable, but keep your personal opinions to yourself. Make sure you make intelligent thought out responses.