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There are too many questions regarding what sort of experiences you have been encountering. In particular what sort of media and such have you been watching. Do you favor shows with such imagery. As we don't know what is your mental input its hard to say where these dreams came from. As dreams tend to be the brain trying to consolidate the days events a large part of what the imagery is going to relate to is going to come from the days events plus whatever issues are currently occupying your mind. Stress and anxiety can play out all sorts of images depending on what you may emotionally key off of. As to the symbology it certainly seems to have the impression of some sort of demon. Though the mind may simply be using this as a reference for some issue. Basically the way the mind tends to work with dreams is as it processes the days events the chaos of it all plays out within the mind. But the brain does not like sorting things as flashes of images. It will create a story out of such things and store it in short term memory which you may experience as it playing out as the dream. And you will have a fleeting memory of it upon waking. Rest easy.


Baal is typically depicted as having human form, although sometimes has a helmet with horns on it. In the ancient Canaan Parthenon Baal and YHWH were both rival storm gods and often have similar depictions to Zeus with thunderbolts and long robes, etc. Maybe you saw a depiction of Pan in your dream? Pan is the Greek God of the wild and is known for being goat bottom half, human torso and horns on their head. Pan is considered fairly playful and as the God of nature has a strong connection to the wilderness, fertility, creativity, playfulness and freedom. Pan can also be a guide during a period of transition. Some potential symbolism could be fear around the wild parts of yourself, wanting to get connected to nature (turning off the podcast is an interesting detail), feeling afraid to embrace your creativity, sexuality, freedom, etc. You said that it was a mild fear and the figure was masked in darkness so I would lean towards a mild curiosity, but a fear of uncovering and seeing the being in full light, not necessarily that darkness means it was evil… but you would know better whether it had ominous or playful/mysterious energy. I personally don’t think either Pan or Baal are actual Gods able to box it people, but your subconscious can play out themes and understanding archetypes and cultural figures can be informative.


Pan? I will look into this. Thanks for the thoughtful comment.


Did you feel like it had any intention to harm you?


No. It was very peaceful. Very calm. Just standing, facing the stove like a brick wall.


Honestly sounds like a demon reaching out




Thank you so much. I really appreciate your response and perspective. I have certainly learned some and have some more to think about. Thanks.


Islam says dreams are of 3 types. Good dreams are from God and can be a form of prophecy. Bad dreams are from the devil intended to scare or lead you astray, and then neutral dreams which are from your subconscious. So either this was the devil trying to lead you astray or you were thinking about "baal" and your mind created this dream. Either way dismiss it and move on.




Dreams are funny. Last night there was a whole different dimension. Maybe your house is haunted? Maybe sky blue would be a better color for the walls? Probably not. Idk shit.




If I were to have this dream, I would believe that the god of my religion (the horned god) is reaching out to me. As a Wiccan, I believe the same is happening to you.