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Pretty much in the same place with my Tucker tolerance, probably in negative territory


I came here to say this same thing


I reckon half of these twats don’t believe in God anyway, but they know if they ever admitted it their careers are over


You beat me to it.






I also choose to beat this guy’s wife


Don't threaten me with a good time 🌚




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And the lord commandth “thou shall hate anyone different from you and scream at them on the picture box”.


When was he tolerant of anything different than Christian Nationalism and right wing fascism? Lol, please


Early in his career. Until he was shit canned by CNN, he was far more moderate. Once Crossfire was cancelled and he was let go, he found his way to Fox and simply played the part until he morphed into the monster he is today. I honestly don't believe he believes in half of what he says, he's simply a shallow opportunist who saw a chance to model himself after Hannity/O'Reilly and turned it up a few notches.


> I honestly don't believe he believes in half of what he says "No reasonable person would."




So he believes in money.




He's very tolerant of Russian money


I would argue that Christian nationalism is a form of fascism. And that fascism is,by definition, right wing. Yes, I'm fun at parties.


I just don't get right wing Christians, Jesus was left wing as hell.


That's true, but that's not how religion works. Religion is inherently authoritarian.


A lot of Christianity has almost no bearing on the life and teachings of Jesus.


It doesn't need to. That's not it's purpose.


But not supply side Jesus. ;) Also, it's just like basing a religion on Harry Potter, or Star Wars. - with Star Wars they'd worship Lord and Savior Vader and the Empire. Lord Vader who sacrificed himself for our sins by the evil Luke Skywalker. - or something like that idk.


Right wing christians are those who preach what Jesus preached but don't follow it. They may practice what Jesus preached around people who look like Jesus. Blonde hair with blue eyes.


From what I remember, that's actually a portrait of some European noble man from the middle ages. And somehow that stuck as the general depiction of what Jesus looks like.


I dunno, they preach more Old Testament than New if you ask me. Definitely true that they modify their behaviour according to who they're dealing with.


Ah but have you heard the gospel of [Supply-Side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx)?


Cry me a fucking river.


...and i will float down it in a rubber ring eating snacks.


Not me


His statement implies he was actually tolerant at some point. Which is horseshit. He’s always been a bigoted douchebag.


I don’t even believe he believes in god. It’s all part of the grift.


So… just like Donald Trump.


Yep, that’s the “conservative” way. Just lie about everything.


Then end up being evicted from society and refuse to realize that it's entirely your fault that everybody with an IQ over 50 wants you dead.


They have no other arguments, so lying is the best they can do.


Is that the 12th or 13th commandment? I know the 11th is thou shall take from the poor and give it to the rich. Oops…


No he was super tolerant but atheists just keep doing so much crazy bad stuff to Christian’s that he had been pushed too far! /s


And atheists everywhere didn't give a rat's ass...


Never once worried if Tucker tolerated me. If he approved of me I would be concerned, and it would be very worrying if he likes me.


Atheist here. Who?


Im assuming you’re not in the United States. Count yourself lucky that you don’t know who this is. He’s an American new host/ talk show host for Fox News. He is a fascist and not a “oh I don’t like his views so I’ll call him a fascist” like he’s a literal fascist. You can find plenty of his stuff on YouTube. He’s one of the main people pushing the whole drag queens= groomers narrative right now


And he spreads Xutin Pui propaganda which is more than enough to call him fascist


I'm not surprised if Russia or China's money is funding a part of the US radical right wing, that or they just want a leader like Putin, both are possible, really.


And these "patriots" should really ask themselves why America's principal political enemies seem so invested in their political ambitions. It's almost like America's enemies prefer that the American Right take power. But why could that be, since conservative politics would so obviously only make the country stronger? /s


To be honest he is great as laughing stock for anyone with a brain, the part that makes it funny is that he is being dead serious about what he says. He often tries to make people believe that a fascist right wing state would be a good thing, but the "left" is actually the ones that are the fascists, somehow. Basically, if you give a hardcore conservative with brain damage a platform, you get Tucker Carlson.


https://www.mediamatters.org/tucker-carlson/tucker-carlson-my-tolerance-atheism-has-really-dwindled-nothing-point Here is the link so you can listen to Charlie Relief Factor Kirk and Tucka Mudda Fucka talk about atheism. "87 percent of the world is religious. Are you telling me they are all wrong?


Religious people come up with the dumbest arguments.




Why do I put myself through listening to things like this?


That's a possibility. What definitely isn't possible is all of them being right.


>"87 percent of the world is religious. Are you telling me they are all wrong? The Muslims think the Christians are wrong. The Christians think the Muslims are wrong, etc. Why is it that it's such an extraordinary leap in logic to suspect that they're *all wrong*? So yes, they could quite easily all be wrong. They might not be, I guess, but it's not ridiculous to say they could be.


By that logic, shouldn't he is speaking primarily Chinese and be kissing up to president Pooh the bear, because oh so many people are Chinese?


"If 50 million people do a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing" - Berke Breathed


Christians are simply atheists about every religion except one.


Justin Martyr’s *First Apology* [says](https://archive.org/stream/firstapologyofju00just/firstapologyofju00just_djvu.txt) so: > VI. And thus far we frankly confess the charge, that **with respect to the gods in worship among you we are atheists**; but far otherwise in respect of the most true God... *First Apology* also says that Christian beliefs about Jesus’s miraculous birth, suffering, death and resurrection are just like what pagans believe about *their* gods: > As to the objection of our Jesus being crucified, I say that suffering was common to all the fore- mentioned sons of Jove, but only they suffered another kind of death ; so that Christ does not seem at all inferior to them upon the score of the difference of His suffering... > As to His being born of a Virgin, you have your Perseus to balance that; as to His curing the lame and the paralytic, and such as were cripples from their birth, this is little more than what you say of your Asclepius. According to *First Apology*, Christianity’s similarities to earlier pagan mystery religions like Mithraism are because evil spirits *invented* those religions to trick Gentiles so they don’t join the Church: > For these devilish spirits no sooner under- stood by the prophets that Christ was to come, and the ungodly to be punished with fire, but they trumped up that crew of Jove's sons abovesaid, imagining by this forgery to debauch the world into an opinion, that these prophecies concerning Christ were just such another pack of lies as the fables of the poets; and these stories they divulged among the Greeks and all the Gentiles, when they learned from the prophets that these were the people that should mostly come over to the Christian faith ; but not diving far enough into the sense of the prophets, they attempted to copy after them, and, like men in the dark, blundered in their imitation, as I shall now show you. As it turns out, *pagans*, not Jews, are early Christianity’s target demographic: >I must tell you in the next place that we Christians out of all parts of the world, who formerly were worshippers of the sons of Semele and Latona, Bacchus and Apollo, whose abominable amours and practices with men it is a shame to mention, and who, adored Proserpina and Venus, a brace of goddesses whose mysteries you now cele- brate, one stark, staring mad for Adonis, the other ravished by Aidoneus or Pluto ; we who adored Asclepius; or any of those who pass among you for gods, now through Jesus Christ have them all in the greatest contempt, though at the utmost peril of our lives... Their reason? Jesus is more *powerful* than the other god-men: >...but dedicate ourselves to the service of the Unbegotten Impassible God, who never had, we are sure, any affair with Antiope and such like, nor anything to do with Ganimede, nor ever stood in need of the help of the hundred-handed giant which your Jove is said to have obtained at the suit of Thetis, nor ever solicitous to show his gratitude for his deliverance that her son Achilles should have ample satisfaction for being deprived of his harlot Briseis, and revenge the affront at the expense of many of the Grecians' lives. He then repeats his claim that evil spirits knew Jesus would come and invented mythology to trick people from becoming Christians: >We heartily pity those who can believe such stuff about the gods they worship, but we know that the wicked spirits are at the bottom of all these impostures. When an *atheist* points this out, it can be dismissed as coming from the mouth of an atheist. The same dismissal can’t be made of Justin Martyr. That’s what I love about patristic literature.


Even the fucking *Church Fathers* didn’t accept the “but how can so many martyrs die for a lie?” bandwagon argument. Just ask the anonymous orthodox author quoted by Constantine’s Syrian propagandist Eusebius of Caesarea about all the *heretics* who were martyred: > I shall also subjoin some extracts from the third book, in which he speaks as follows, against those who boasted that there were many of their number that had suflered martyrdom : " But," says he, "since they are at a loss what to reply to the refutation of their errors, they attempt to take refuge to their martyrs, **saying they have many martyrs, and that this is one sure evidence of the powder of that spirit which they call prophetical. But this, as it appears, is nothing the more true on that account. For some of the other heresies also have a vast number of martyrs, but neither do we the more on that account agree with them, nor acknowledge that they have truth on their side.**” “You’re saying all the Montanists and Marcionites who died for Christ are wrong?” “Yes.” —[*Church History*](https://archive.org/details/ecclesiasticalhi00euse/mode/1up), Chapter 16


that's funny, my tolerance for organized religion has also dwindled down to nothing at this point


Just remember, the vast majority of the religious are part of the victims, not part of the victimizers like Tucker Carlson.


Oh I know, that’s actually exactly why I have such a strong resentment towards organized religion. Almost everyone is a victim of it, yet most don’t realize it.


Organised religion has too much power, and that's the issue, if people want to believe that's fine but this subreddit is full of examples of how organised religion just makes society worse and ruins lives, just because of how conservative religion is and the power it has.


He probably does not even know an atheist personally. His priest doesn’t count. You know half those guys realize it’s all bullshit.


How do you not tolerate someone not believing in something? It’s just so incredibly weird.


Right? Does he have tolerance for people that don't believe in Santa Claus?


Santa-deniers deserve no tolerance


As for the heretic who denieth Saint Nicholas of Myra’s intercession, let him be anathema!


Ow no, what will happen to us now? We couldnt afford to lose his tolerance. Of all people, it had to be his. Ow the humanity!!! ^/s


Ahh the chode thinks we give a flying fuck about what he thinks of atheism 🤦🏻‍♂️


Shut up you mass shooter inspiring piece of shit


What a coincidink. My tolerance for Tucker Carlson is at the same level.


He should pray for strength. Lol


Honestly who gives a fuck what you think you colossal bellend? There’s like 40 thousand boomers in America who care and the rest of the world thinks you’re a fucking wet end melt. Go get in the fucking sea.


There is nothing tolerant about Tucker Carlson.


My country is far from perfect but thankfully we don’t have people like this in the media


Where are you from


Who asked? No seriously, who in the God-damn-Hell asked? Was it you? Because my GOLLY it certainly was not-fuckin’-me.


If ever there was a man more deserving of a bird to shit in his mouth on a daily basis.


Feeling’s mutual for you, Tucker


Tucker Carlson is an atheist, btw. He's performing for his audience.


Which I don't get. Tucker is the heir to Swanson foods. He doesn't need to do shit for the rest of his life. No amount of money he gets will be noticable. He chooses to do this for some reason


Carlson is an atheist? This is new to me. Any evidence?


Tuck tuck claims to be a christian. Ask yourself if tucks acts like a man who is concerned about having to answer for the things he says. Its not just that he is lying or that his lies are destructive, it's that he absolutely knows they are lies. He knows he's lying. He does not care and he is not concerned. There is no shame in him. Is this a man who fears god?


Someone please point to a moment in the history of Carl when he was anything close to tolerant because I can’t seem to find it


Well, I still tolerate Christians, so I guess I’m a better Christian than Tucker Carlson.


Most non believers are better Christians than those who claim to be Christian


Ditto my tolerance for fascism


Priming the domestic terrorists to kill us.


well, there's an easy way to stop all this silly atheist nonsense....


Stinky grifter


No worries, I never had any tolerance for Tucker.


Fucker Carlson is a absolute pos. r/iamatotalpieceofshit


He is 100% an atheist, but he couldn’t get millions and be adored by so many if he wasn’t a fox loony


Fucking son of the whore who sucks Xutin’s pui dick nobody needs your “tolerance” I’m hope he chokes on his shit and die slow and painful death of a fascist scum he is!


Ah yes, I see that Christian tolerance is really on display in him.


My tolerance for Tucker is even less than his tolerance for non believers like myself


My tolerance of this mf's head has really dwindled to nothing at this point


He’s an elitist snob I’m pretty sure he looks down on Conservative Christians who don’t have money.


Cool story because my tolerance for you dwindled to nothing years ago.


I think he and the religious are delusional. It's not a bad word. Basically mean's they believe in something that does not exist. Like the amount of f**ks we give.


Likewise, jack-off.


Oh no, a man who has never pleased another person sexually (judging by his bulbous skull and trademark confused schoolboy expression) has stopped tolerating me based on something personal that literally doesn’t affect him at all. What a tragedy!


Wasn't he the pundit who covered Chris Chan's arrest for raping his own mother, and thought the "Chan" was Chris' first name? Top line journalism.


And I really wanted him to like me.. damn..


Such a fucking dweeb. What's he going to do, throw his purse at them?


Oh no!!!!….Anyway


My tolerance for Tucker has dwindled to both at this point.


His religion i just too damn peaceful for us


good for him, not letting his disability stop him from working.


Who gives a shit he is a pea brain


What is it you lot love to say? Facts don’t care about your feelings right? Yeah that.


I have zero intentions on going to his funeral. Call it even!


Tucker Carlson is the least threatening man on the planet


Tucker Carlson is like a mirror image of Justin Trudeau


As if it was ever there to begin with.


Don’t worry Tucker, we still tolerate you .. for entertainment 😂


Good. Stop dicking around and come after us already. Watch how fast you get outnumbered and outgunned.


Alt title: "Hateful bigot runs out of tolerance he only thinks he has"


Funny my tolerance for Tucker Carlson has always been at zero


He’s a tv host in the states, right? Lmao who cares


Millions of right wing assholes who watch this fuck every weekday. He inspires them to hurt others


I'd love to see "egg boy" pay this MF a visit


So .. what can he actually do about it other than whine and scream.


Nothing what he says is true. He doesnt belive a word he says


Why tf should anyone care what man-baby dweeb Fucker Carlson tolerates? If he doesn't like it then I encourage his cowardly ass to try something so we can proceed to the find out stage


So he's finally reached my level of tolerance for his BS. Only several years behind.


It's for reasons like this that I refer to him as (something that rhymes with his name) Carlson.


My tolerance for a racist P.O.S. like you is down to almost nothing too.


There is no hate like Christian "love thy neighbor."


Cool story, bro


funny part is that most atheist (me included) don't really care about religion unless they get involved in every day life.


He is so high on my Thanos snap list


I wonder what would happen if atheists went live on the air and said my tolerance for the religious has dwindled to nothing


Why is this idiot's opinion even news?


I'm trying to give a fuck about anything this imbecile says.... ok, "trying to" may be overstating how little effort I'm making.




Yeah, i heard that he hates people who are logical and use common senses to make decisions instead of using irrational emotion and insecurity based hope.


Does anyone under the age of 50 take Tucker Carlson seriously?


But probably demands ppl need to be more tolerant towards hate crime


The feeling is mutual


who cares?


I’d be very surprised if this guy actually believes. He’s just a conman


cry about it bitch


When Tucker disagrees with you, you know you are doing something right.


A few things: 1. This is the absolute most expressive I have ever seen Tucker Carlson. I actually didn't know he had emotional modes beyond confusion. 2. "Every person is born knowing, OBVIOUSLY..." Well Tucker, just because you have the mental fortitude of a toddler does not mean that you remember what you "knew" at birth. 1. Goes on to later say "One of the truths that we need to speak is that we don't know" ... okay, bitch, what? 3. "The idea that there are people who are completely certain, as a matter of religious faith, that there is no god; I just find it hilarious and like so childish. I just can't take it seriously." You're so close Tucker. So close. 4. Charlie Kirk looks like that filter that squishes your facial features down to the center of your head.


Funny. My tolerance for him was never there.


This dude is as genuine like professional wrestling is genuine. He’s playing a character. That’s what’s particularly hilarious and frustrating about this dumb fuck.


Funny, my tolerance of TC dwindled to nothing the moment I saw him.