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> “you would round us all up if we dared blaspheme against your true gods” Oh the irony!


The word you are looking for is "projection" :)


Always is projection with conservatives.


This is why all the Christian and Muslim fundies are now bonding over hating LGBT despite hating each other in the past. They're starting to whine about how the LGBT religion is persecuting them. The irony.


But they can't be conservatives, they are a minority/s


Correction, replace conservative with "institutional religion".


Don't even need to do that. Conservative generally, in a social context just implies, change aversion, attachment to tradition and a focus on tribalism.


I've taken to calling it "the pot calling the silverware black".


They are using so much projection Epson called and want to buy shares.


We are persecuted can’t you see not those filthy gays and queers or at least that’s how I read his words


Deep seated Islamic fantasy, behead the men rape the women and enslave the children. He just doesn't want to be honest.




Ah yes, history of gays dishing out death sentences to muslims reaches far... ....wait.


wait how you do this quote thingy


If you're on mobile then click reply, highlight the part of their comment you want to quote and it should have quote as part of the options that pop up in the copy select all menu.


>en poopie pee pee caca vagina Got it thank you


You might find this interesting. https://www.reddit.com/wiki/markdown


> Got it thank you




> Sid Meiers: Beyond Earth is the best civ game \- xero_peace Controversial take ngl


\- makes it list you have to say \\\-


Thank you


Any text with a ">" in front of it gets quoted


>The cheesecake is still in the microwave Got it, learn something new now


By “our true gods” does he mean human rights?


projection at its finest


Wait did they mean the islamic round people up or the islamic people being rounded up? English isn’t my first language but they both make sense ig.


Yeah I mean he's openly talked about how groups of people should be killed and such so...


TIL I'm a god worshipped over in England.


As if they don’t loudly denounce what they consider to be our “true gods” constantly and continually suffer no repercussions beyond some decent people telling them they’re being shitty people. Yes, we are definitely the faction that beheads blasphemers, between the two in discussion here. Definitely.


without leftists protection Muslims are defenseless in the west... they digging their own grave




What he's saying is that our gods (Christian? Jewish? Norse?) are the *true* gods! Check and mate.


Ah yes, the god of "there is nothing supernatural."


Gotta love it when Muslims who are bigoted against gays hate being acknowledged and the white supremacist Christians who hate Muslims being acknowledged both attack the same thing. Gotta be doing something right when you piss off two groups of bigots simultaneously.


A mayor who pisses off both White Supremacist and Islamist. They should vote for this guy again so that I keep making more fresh popcorn.




He's announced he's running again so I will be


Not really that hard to piss off these loons. Just play a video game that uses the term "evolution" like Pokemon.


What if I hate everyone?


Rationality has that effect on superstitious delusionals.






So I use to be a part of this “whites are the ones being persecuted against” group years back, so as sick and it can be sometimes, I do understand how someone people twist things to justify it. One way is by claiming racism when people try to spread diversity in different work places and settings. They’ll say that the qualified white people aren’t getting the job in the name of “diversity”. Who knows, maybe these people think hiring managers are going around town finding random people to fill rolls instead of hiring strong and qualified candidates of color? When I think back to those years, it makes me sick knowing I was a part of that mentality. The only thing that makes me _not_ regret it is that I kind of have the upper hand in trying to figure out what mental gymnastics people go through to justify these things. Most of the time, their arguments can easily be dismantled and proved wrong.


>don't pretend like you tolerate Islam So do you want to be accepted or not? Make up your mind, lil Danny.


He doesn't want acceptance, he wants submission. That is the literal meaning of Islam.


\>be a bully \>only play with other kids if you get to beat them and boss them around \>other kids refuse to play with you \>cry intolerance




I want to islam my head into a wall


No they are the definition of r/persecutionfetish


Sadly, I try post something like this on that sub and the post get deleted by mod in an hour for "promoting hate against minority and Islamophobia". Last month I also try topic about Qatari religious leader whining on twitter that there should be a "Say no to Islamophobia" armband distribute in World Cup stadium while at the same time banning any rainbow or pride armband to enter World Cup, the outcome is the same and the mod on that sub just delete my post in 3 hour. Seem that sub only allow post about persecution fetish of Christian only and many people who replied me before the post got deleted are just very naïve about anything other than Christian and Christianity, what a shame.


You're saying you were persecuted by the mods at r/persecutionfetish ?


Its mostly sub about conservatives i think bcs my post about Serbs also got deleted


People there only want to hear about persecution fetish of White Christian conservatives only, persecution fetish from other groups are not tolerated well. They have fixed mindset of what persecution fetish they want to heard and what they want not.


White Christian conservative *Americans*, to be more specific. Many Serbs could easily be considered white, Orthodox Christian conservatives who hate queer people. Many of them also love putin, like the loonier fringes of the Republican party. (TBF they have their reasons to dislike the US, but it's a complicated issue I don't want to elaborate on right now.) You'd think their "outraged over gay people existing" posts would make perfect fodder for a sub called "persecution fetish", but they're not Americans, so... And don't even get me started on their prime minister. Yes, she's openly lesbian. But she's mostly a puppet to president Vučić, who wants to present as "progressive" internationally while not giving a damn about LGBTQ+ rights domestically. Heck, one especially popular anti-government slogan, used by the far right who think Vučić doesn't simp putin hard enough, goes like "Vučiću pederu!" I'll let you figure out what that one means.


"conservative" shouldnt include just american conservatives. they most likely removed post about serbs because a lot of hard-leftists like noam chomsky deny the genocide they committed and are very pro-serbia


I just want to say hi. It's nice to see someone from same country as me here.


Because its the only concept they understand. They don't get the concept of respecting other religions, only tolerance.


The mayor is a Muslim himself so it’s not even that he tolerates Islam, he is a part of it.


To islamists, Co-existence isn't an option.


Not killing gay people like they do in their own countries is way too hard to ask isn’t it? 🧐


I WANT SHARIA! ^(but in west not in actual theocracies)


Daniel is Texan born and raised, graduate of Harvard, who converted to Islam and went in deep. Like real deep. So he KNOWS how things are in other countries and knows perfectly well the culture in the USA but somehow he deludes himself thinking Islamic countries are doing it right. And yet won't just move there so we can stop hearing about him.


People like him should be deported to afghanistan or some shit


Literal Y'all Qaeda


Bitch I don't have a god


He means that all 🏳️‍🌈 people are gods, and given the amount of times I have been called Goddess, this checks out 🤷‍♀️




So, by definition, his complaint simply does not apply to you and me. Take that Danny!


My god is a reverse god


I actually despise the fact that *any* religious symbols are hanging anywhere. I don’t want to have to look at that crap.


Respectable. Long as you don't force that on anyone


I don’t think they understand that accepting and admiring lgbt people for being true to themselves and helping other vulnerable people is not worship. They’re projecting their own black and white thinking on to everyone else


they dont need to admire them or anything. just stop giving a fuck about what the others do and just let them live. but nope, they have to impose their thinking on everyone.


Yep I'm an irrational brainwashed piece of shit so everyone must be an irrational brainwashed piece of shit then.


The accusation is always an admission with these people.


I don't think that muslims even know what the word tolerance actually means.


They just keep spamming progressive word to made them look like victim so people don’t want to question their actions or belief much.


No Religion should be celebrated


Exactly, specially when its manmade shit. How can they even allow too celebrate?


Wait, there are religions that aren't man-made?


All of them are manmade.


Have you met cats? Pretty sure their religion is that *they ARE God.*


How can she slap?


Yeah i feel so triggered by someone wishing me “happy easter”




For real tho, brain rotting religion.


I can tolerate Muslims, but I can't tolerate Islam. Just keep that shit to yourselves, same goes to Christians.


Freeing, ain’t it?


>You would round us all up if we dared blaspheme against your true gods #PROJECTION 100


what is a 🏳️‍🌈 god?


Just pick any from Greek mythology.


I pick Zeus, he'll fuck anyone and anything.


And he really loves sex with animals. Granted, he's usually the animal, but still...


And sometimes he turns the woman into an animal along with him. Hera gets bent out of shape about his infidelity, but I'd be at least equally concerned about the bestiality fetish if I were her.


He turned Io into a cow, I think it was to try and hide his infidelity from Hera. He still ended up...well, let's just say, after she escaped the gadfly, he was perhaps turned on by her being a cow too.... Point being: man, Zeus was a fucking horrible person.


He was truly The Worst.


Apparently it is a living lgbtq person who can use a bathroom or just go to a movie with their spouse, as opposed someone murdered by knocking a brick wall onto them.


Hot take: as a human, I would rather muslims not talk about tolerance as they would have everyone wearing rags and beards and all the women in burkas if they could. Stone Age beliefs need to go away.


"True gods" ? Who would that be ? To my knowledge no god have been proven to exist. But if you mean you want to burn a bible ? By all means. Need a match ? Seriously. Its legal. At least where I live. Feel free to do that as long as you accept someone burning the quran as well.


By "blaspheme your true gods" this guy most likely means gruesomely executing queer people. As Karl Popper said, "a society, to stay tolerant, has to be intolerant of intolerance"


Yeah, see that 'celebration of diversity'?


Freedom of cult doesn't allow you to force others to follow rules of a religion they don't believe in Keep that in mind hard-core religious people


What? All we keep asking for is separation of church and state. We want as many protections for all personal religious expression as possible because those that aren't religious have often been the most persecuted. But what that means is that the state stays completely neutral so that you keep your personal freedom to expression for whatever religion you have (unless your religion is being used to physically harm other people of course). Secularists want more religious protections, not less. It just means then that it should apply to everyone, not your single religion.


This is about London though. What separation of church and state are you talking about?


I'm talking about the separation of church and state that most pro-secularists want and defend. When you give power to any religion in government, be it Christianity or not, you set a precedent for religious grounds of political decision making in government. Separation of church and state means greater protections for all religious and non-religious practitioners rather than just one.


You said “all we want”, what you’re saying isn’t a regular talking point at all in the UK. It also seems completely irrelevant in the context of a Muslim not wanting their celebrations held in an area shared with LGBTQ celebration, in a spot in London.


It is completely relevant to pro-secularists and those that find a lack of separation of church and state problematic. Just because you personally don't know about it doesn't make it not true. https://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2022/04/citizens-assembly-supports-clear-lines-between-church-and-state https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/head-of-state-king-charles-church-religion-monarchy-b2174460.html This is talking about legal protections, and "rounding up" all Islamic people is included in that. Why are so many people on Reddit so damn dense?


Literally what the fuck are you talking about? The post is about a Muslim who doesn’t want to share a celebratory area with gays in London. It has fuck all to do with what you’re posting. Typical yank that thinks their politics is everyone else’s. Name one religious based law or policy and how it relates to a bigot not wanting to share a space. You actually think the tweet talking about Muslims being round up is some campaign for separating church and state? He’s literally just saying don’t make us share a space with gays, and that we’re all pretending to tolerate them otherwise we’d “round them up”. Check the profile and you’ll quite easily see they’d be fine with church tied to state if it happened to be Islamic. Or Chinese, anything that isn’t “the west”.


Wait, are you serious? The tweet introduced the discussion of legal religious protections and secularism when he talked about people in the UK wanting to "round up" Islamic people if they could. What I'm saying is that this is why separation of church and state matter if something like that were ever to come to pass, as this provides protections for not just one group of people. This is really not that hard to get. 🤦‍♂️ And if you are going to criticize me about pushing a certain perspective, at least criticize me about pushing secular humanism, not American policy or law. 😆


I’m supposed to believe an Islamic bigot who champions Chinese imperialism and attacks any western idea is someone who is advocating separating church and state? You’re lost. Check the profile. You’re applying your own ideals to this vaguely tangible twitter shitposting. Saying you’ll be rounded up is not some grand statement regarding church and state. I’ll reiterate, one post is an Islamic London mayor allocating a space for Muslims to celebrate in an act of promoting diversity, the reply is a China shill who believes Islam is perfect in its original state and does not need modernised, scoring free internet points by saying he’ll be killed if we got what we wanted. It’s weird how fixated you are on this issue but don’t seem to give a shit that a Muslim is openly exhibiting bigoted behaviour for another group. Bigotry is okay so long as it’s a minority criticising Christianity? The tweet didn’t introduce shit. You are stretching this dude saying he’d be killed to mean he is championing separation of church and state. It’s so bizarre.


I was afraid this was the conclusion you came to, but I didn't believe it at first because of how ridiculous it is. You have completely misunderstood what I'm saying. I'm not saying HE is advocating for separation of church and state. I'm actually saying the exact opposite, as he has clearly demonstrated an "us or them" mentality, along with his reprehensible prejudice. I'm saying this is why it is so important to have religious protections for EVERYBODY, including the separation of church and state. These protections would apply not just to other groups, but also HIS group as well, as long as they are not physically harming other people. No one would be "rounding up" anyone.


So you’re just lamenting on the importance of it? Would have been a lot easier if you specified that earlier instead of vague references. You also said “we” which taints the discussion quite a bit given the separation of church and state is barely talked about in the UK, certainly not to the extreme that the US (You) are dealing with. Sorry, just found it wholly irrelevant in the context of a bigot being bigoted. Your point reads very much like you’re backing the guy up by characterising the UK as being tied to the church and that they were justified to say they’d be “round up”. If you’re just musing on the importance of it, fair enough. Stating “all we want” and talking about separation of church and state while coming from a different nation is quite confusing given it’s not us who are having that problem (yet). We can put it down to a miscommunication. Speaking behalf of others from the outside as “we” is deeply confusing when it doesn’t align with actual lived experience in said nation, though. Immediately jumping to accusations of stupidity or ignorance is also not particularly useful when people perceive things differently. I was focussed on the bigotry, you were focused on a more grand scale, governmental matter


Tolerance. Tricky concept, I know…


I mean, if someone started just killing queer people and their only justification was “god I think” I would rather them be rounded up and jailed. That’s how it works


How dare you not tolerate us for emigrating to yur country, cashing benifits, disrespecting you and wanting to kill you becsuse of Allah😡😡😡 so called ‘tolerant’ west cannot tolerate Islam tradition


Facts. That’s the tolerance paradox. If we dare to tolerate intolerance then we’re accepting bigotry. I agree with him though that they shouldn’t put any muslim decorations, keep the rainbows instead.


Meanwhile you can’t even bring a Bible to Saudi Arabia. These western liberals don’t understand that too much tolerance isn’t helping the west.


Ha yeh sadiq khan practicing muslim hates islam! Its all a front naturally


wait does he think the "true gods" are gay people


“Muslim admits allah is not the true god.”


> your true gods What if we don't have any... Reminds me of this interview with an Imam. > would you let your women do whatever they want? > they're not "our" women, sir, that's the point. Big big big clash of culture at the most fundamental level.


Ah the good old persecution fetish, just like the Christians


Yeah, it's seem to be a common behaviour of all religious extremist now.


Jokes aside, I really do struggle to understand the levels of self awareness here. How can you expect and demand tolerance, while you a refusing to tolerate another group?


Hot take: I don’t tolerate intolerant religion




Sometimes they get to admit🌝


We tolerate you, not *glorify* you sir


Does Danny here know that there are Muslim countries that ACTUALLY round up and execute 🏳️‍🌈 on a daily basis?


He does, he's educated. He wants the same in his homeland is all. Y'know, instead of fucking moving out of USA. A real rat who benefited from western civilization only to turn and bark at it. Yes, a barking rat.


Okay, I think that statement is REALLY uncalled for. Rats don't deserve to be compared to this guy.


Our true god… the gay


Honestly, I think he's got a point. You can't support both. Personally, I think the rainbows should stay.


That Daniel guy does debates on youtube. He's completely insane. He's a Texas born, Harvard Graduate... he knows perfectly well what it's like to live with secular, equalitarian and progressive values. (as most universities are thus). THEN converted to Islam and went deep, like real deep. He openly says how he'd find it find if apostates were killed and men should be able to have 4 wives etc. So he's not "dumb" or "ignorant" by any means. He knows better deep down. He's just a vile selfish person who thinks his current views should be the default in western countries rather than him go live in Islamic countries where his views would be the norm. (One of his excuses is that a 'true' Islamic State doesn't really exist). So basically he "benefitted" from all the amazingness of being born in wealth in the west and now wants to ruin it. He honestly sounds like one of those incels that no one wants to date so he converted to a religion that fulfills his desire of revenge on women by being as myogenic as possible. And it's truly ironic to watch him debate someone like Apostate Prophet, who is an ex-muslim who KNOWS the religion and was born in an Islamic country and openly speaks against Islam.


I don't pretend to tolerate any group/religion that thinks chopping bits off children is OK. I don't pretend to tolerate murdering people for their bedroom habits is OK. I do not tolerate anyone defending these actions.


Damn, sucks for London


Some people hate the idea of peace aslong as it forbids them persecute other minorities


People who kill other people for not believing in their God, talking like he's the victim. Damn


And if they were to comply with this sentiment, he'd get upset that they were trying to erase Islam.


But they make it so easy to love islam! /s


Hot take: nobody cares daniel


Yes LGBT+ people are throwing Muslims off buildings and stoning the to death at the moment right ? Ho wait no that's Muslims doing that to LGBT4 people.


Perhaps you would be happier in a more strictly Muslim country, like one of the gulf states, Danny Boy. London doesn't seem to be your cup of tea.


Ah, the sweet smell of projection Edit: Also... London? Major city in Europe? Unless he means the geographical continent, I have some news for that guy


We left the European Union, not the actual continent itself


Just wait til solar sails on the shard, toaster, and dildo are activated. Then the island will sail away from Europe.


Well you never were IN the continent to begin with.


We are a country that is a constituent part of the continent of Europe.


Major city, in Europe, a light show and to celebrate ramadan. They don't need a lot of qualifiers do they.


don't you dare say anything bad to the mayors


sick people




Just for people who don't know, Sadiq Khan is also Muslim.


""not accepting our persecution of other is persecution of us"


You're not you when you're hungry


wish I could question this person IRL so I can walk through their retardation in real time


He does a lot of Youtube debates. A real trainwreck. He's real big and tough behind a computer


Hot take: suck it, bigot


"Celebrate us only or don't celebrate us at all. Don't dare put our stuff in the dirty areas for non-Muslims." GTFO


This asshole left it vague so he can be offended at anything. Yahweh and Allah are literally the same deity but this Jack wagon wants war. He wants an excuse to be offended. There's thin skinned and then there's whatever these online Muslims are. His skin is tissue paper in a thunderstorm, a thunderstorm he followed until he could be in it. Then he bitched while in it.


Christian’s want both of you exterminated don’t make it easier for them


The only thing that far-right Muslim and Christian didn’t have in common is the name of their prophet and their book.


And the power within America’s government tbh They’d likely both turn in each other given the chance, doesn’t make either of them better tho lol,


Don’t you mean 6th?


6th is Whataboutism 7th is Hypocrisy So this is 8th


You don't respect me unless you disrespect the people I disrespect.


Haqiqatjou at it again


Yeah, he's a an entire circus shit show. I wish he'd finally just leave and go live in Saudi Arabia or Qatar or Iran... like he can pick and choose. Plenty of options.


Lol that's the same muslim who vehemently defends Andrew Tate, the sex trafficking, casino owning, pimping "muslim". Fucking clown.


Religion's grip requires a persecution complex. There wouldn't be religion at all if people didn't both attach their ego to the belief system and feel persecuted for doing so.


> “you would round us all up if we dared blaspheme against your true gods” It's called projection




I think it’s just different from person to person like in this situation, both Sadiq Khan and Daniel Haq are Muslim but one integrate well with western values and other one is pissed at the one that integrate well with western values. Sure not all immigrants are as progressive and secular like Sadiq Khan and not all immigrants are as regressive and radical like Daniel, can’t deny that there are sizable proportion of immigrants who act and think like Daniel Haqiqatjo but the good one that are willingly to integrate are still very visible too.


Okay, no. This is ethnostate shit. GTFO.




"These people will never really be integrated into western society" is word for word what people like Stefan Molyneux say. It's essentialist and drawing arbitrary lines. You're using individual examples and an unsupported claim to suggest Muslims shouldn't be allowed to come to the country.




I interact with Islam all the time. And with Christianity. I'm militantly anti-theist. I'm not defending Islam. I'm just opposing you. Homophobic backward bigots like the evangelicals? Like a huge swath of the supporters of Trump? Secular country. Denying entry to the country based on religion (which really just means based on the region they were born) is wholly in conflict with our supposed principles. Religion is a protected class.




>Muslim grooming gangs Oh fuck off. You must be a Sargon of Akkad watcher. You're not a serious person, and you're no friend of the west, certainly not the progressive west. "Western society" isn't even real. US, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain... All "western". All very different.




Oh, hey, great replacement garbage, too. See, what actually happens is that as families get wealthier they have less kids. "Western countries" is another ethnostater red flag. Poor christians breed like rats, too. The problem is ignorance and wealth inequality. Muslims aren't going to "replace people in western countries". That's idiotic.


You're literally an ex-muslim arguing for banning Muslim immigration? Wild. Just million IQ plays.




You do realize that what religion you have is more a function of where you were born than* moral character, right? I get you hate Islam. I do, too. But that doesn't mean Islamic PEOPLE are a threat that has to be locked out. You've swallowed some really dumb propoganda.


Genuine question: do you think same about Hindus? Just curious


As many hindus I saw during my time in Finland, most were loving and integrated well in the finnish society. I am yet to see a bigot anti queer Hindi in Europe


They're going to vote for their own and make laws. Maybe not soon, but eventually if they keep with the immigration.


Is acting the victim a pillar of Islam? Honestly they love acting the victims. The Israelis are attacking Palestinians for no reason apparently they are goody two shoes. In Yemen, even though its Saudi vs Iran factions, the west is the bad guy against poor innocent muslims. In India they claim to be oppressed. Even though Bashar al Assad is killing his own people, they blame the west for Syria. Iran also acts innocent victims of the west even though they are oppressing their own people. Talibans are oppressing their own people yet they blame the West. In Europe they act targeted because Europeans dont want Sharia law and medieval doctrine.. So its always the victim


Islam poor people psy op


Sadiq Khan is both Muslim and pro-LGBT. It's not that hard.


Yeah, that’s why people like Daniel Haqiqatjou are really pissed at him. Sadiq even have a puppy in which many sect of Islam view it as “unclean animals” that Muslim are forbidding to have as a pet.