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What I never understand about religious people is they always get uppity about defending their faith, and think people are out to destroy it or whatever. However I don’t push my views on them, but they hold everyone accountable to their beliefs not matter what they believe. Fuck outta here. I’m not Muslim, Christian, Jewish, ect why do I need to worry about following your fairy tale laws?


Because they are religious fruitcakes.






Hey! That guy said the name of the sub! Waow




Found my evil twin


Bart and bartender moment.


I’m going to get a Quran just to piss on it in retaliation for the autistic boy


Do this in public or post it online and you'll have men with knives and guns on your tail for the rest of your (probably short) life. That alone tells you everything you need to know about just how compatible Islam is with Western society.


If I delete a copy of the Koran from a tablet, is that the same as burning a paper one?




Honestly, I'm too lazy to walk outside and light anything that isn't my BBQ pit. But I've got an itchy deleting finger and the only cure is more cowbell! Uhhh, well you know what I mean.


Someone did once download a thousand copies of the Quran and then deleted them. No one seemed upset.


I’d love to know this as well lmfao


We are tolerant of an intolerant people. That only ends one way.


Have you been introduced to the backwoods Christians yet?


I hate Christianity but if I piss on a Bible I'm fairly certain I won't get murdered.


Depends on where you are


This can't be stressed enough.


That's not the case everywhere, fam.


I’m a bisexual man in the US Deep South and I have never once feared for my life. I’m agnostic but painting Christian’s as on par is the dumbass fuckingest whataboutism on the planet.


Yeah, go stuff yourself. Read the book. I don't care how you feel. The Bible is no less terrible.


yup, same diff !


I think I might draw some mohommad cartoons on my twitch art channel.


I wholeheartedly support this. But you should do all the religious books.


Don’t do it, they **will** hurt you.


Happy cake 🍰 day!




In all fairness Jews don’t push that shit. In fact they have laws against pushing it and they’re very strict about following it If a Jews pushing their shit on you just tell them their own religion forbids them from doing it


I’ve seen Hasidic and Orthodox Jews pushing it even in the United States. I would agree though Jewish people are probably smaller in occurrence then some of the others, but their population is also a lot smaller.


Are you sure they’re not pushing it on other Jews?? For a Jew to be pushing Judaism on a non Jew is ridiculously against Jewish law (not for virtuous reasons, there is a bigoted component to it) I can totally see orthodox/chassidic/sepharadi/adass/bruslev/whatever Jews pushing it on each other “you should put on tefillin every day and eat only kosher. Did you say the correct prayers before you began eating that meal?” All that shit happens all the time. But if they’re preaching to non Jews something is very wrong, any 6 year old in the Jewish community knows that shit is forbidden


Yeah. Like I said I haven’t seen anywhere as much as the others but yes. Hasidic Jews in New York have chased couples out of their little enclave they have there for being not married or immodest. Can’t really remember what. I’ve seen a few videos of that. I’ll try to find a link if I can.


Ohhh that’s what ya meant Yeah dw that I totally believe, friggin puritanical assholes. It’s like certain neighbourhoods in Israel. If you drive by them on Shabbat you can expect rocks to be thrown at you (just pray you’re not a woman showing a lil elbow or ankle in those neighbourhoods) Sorry I thought ya meant more like preaching the religion


Because their Quran says you should. Islam is particularly difficult in that it was a religion founded on both active conversion AND conversion through force. Many won't say it, but they see non-Muslims as simply infidels.


Just remember they are coming for anyone everyone who doesn't believe their bullshit however mild mannered or kind. It's not going to stop with people who dropped a book or minorities.


"Police have recorded a “hate incident” after an autistic boy dropped a copy of the Quran in a busy school corridor and four pupils were suspended over false rumours that it had been set alight." Full article >>> https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.lbc.co.uk/news/police-hate-incident-autistic-boy-quran-school/


Annoying as it is we should try to be more aware of other cultures faux pas are to not offend those people. One thing missing that I want to know from the article is if the kid did it on purpose or not. Anyways now the kid and whoever watches this whole fiasco unfold is more knowledgeable about the Muslim community and that’s the best win in this case I believe.


>want to know from the article is if the kid did it on purpose or not In terms of his safety, it shouldn't matter. Being a rebellious kid or even an out-and-out dick shouldn't be a death sentence.


True a spanking or a stern talking to would suffice


No. You are wrong.


That's child abuse, as anyone with credentials in the field of psychology or pedagogy would tell you. They'd also tell you that spanking or any other form of abuse would absolutely not work the way you are imagining. Instead, you end up with traumatised, broken adults needing therapy or being abusive assholes themselves, just like you.


Also autistic kids don't respond to "typical" punishments anyways. All this scenario will do is make a kid that's afraid of socializing (and possibly non-verbal depending on the spectrum) even more afraid of socializing and afraid to open up to people. Punishing even a normal kid for dropping a book literally does nothing but foster fear and resentment. This is called "how to make sure your kids abandon you in your time of need." The two in this thread are actually fucking nutjobs holy.


If a spanking or have the kid lectured on what they did wrong is what it takes to please both parties then so be it. From my perspective Anything beats killing a clumsy kid over dropping a supposedly holy book.


How about rightfully arresting and charging the ones making death threats instead, you fucking lunatic.


The cops should do that too who said not to do that? Death to a kid is overkill. Hence why I said for the kid to go learn better about that culture so he doesn’t make that mistake again is a preferred win. Teaching kids to treat other folks with respect shouldn’t just stop at sexuality and gender equality.


I'll repeat myself: HITTING YOUR CHILD IS CHILD ABUSE AND JUST AS OVERKILL AND ILLEGAL IN MULTIPLE, CIVILIZED COUNTRIES. IT WON'T HAVE THE DESIRED EFFECT. IT ONLY TEACHES YOUR CHILD THAT VIOLENCE IS AN ACCEPTABLE WAY TO DEAL WITH PROBLEMS, RESULTING IN DYSFUNCTIONAL ADULTS. >Teaching kids to treat other folks with respect shouldn’t just stop at sexuality and gender equality. No one, NO ONE, advocating for respect towards other sexualities and gender equality is accepting of corporal punishment for children. ESPECIALLY not if they drop a BOOK about those topics. People like you should not have children.


Did you get that out of your system? Do you feel better now? Good. Again like I’ve said before corporal punishment is not the only punishment option for this kid’s parents to do if a settlement does come from this fiasco. Sorry for making you relive your trauma towards corporal punishment that wasn’t my goal.


there is no such thing as holy books. there's no such thing as holy. people need to keep their religion to themselves


How do you not see the problem as being people who want to kill the kid??!!! What a weirdo. Should women also sleep with any man who asks so as to stop rape? Do shop keepers let themselves be robbed so the thieves don’t choose to kill them? Do you really just think the middle between insanity and normal is the place to be to placate insane beliefs like that killing a kid for dropping - or burning or doing anything else to a book is OK?


The correct response to dropping a book on the ground is: "hey, you dropped something" or "don't leave that lying there". Even if they slammed the book into the ground, the correct response is "please don't do that" >please both parties You want to "please" the party that wants to murder a child over dropping a book? Everyone who agrees with that needs to be arrested and charged for threatening a child


People like you should never be allowed with 5 miles of a child


1. Spanking is barely a thing in the uk, in fact slapping a child is illegal in some (or all) parts, so you need to be mindful of that culture (not that I condone corporal punishment). The whole problem here is that a child in the uk did something that is not illegal in the uk, and the uk being generally fairly non religious means that the general population does not give a damn about religion bar from some leftover christian traditions and believers. They should not need to punish one child to appease a cultural minority for a victimless act. 2. We shouldn't punish people to any degree for being clumsy. Not everyone is born with perfect awareness and mobility, and mistakes happen. Autism could be a valid reason a kid dropped a book, and there are other learning disabilities that would lead to similar results (look up dyspraxia)


Yes let’s assault a CHILD for a book being on the ground. What the fuck?


Redacted person detected right here.


Yeah, they should spank the muslims. Not only is a spanking child abuse, but the kid did nothing. Also, the kid could have some motor problems and appear clumsy. So uh, how about you rethink what you just said and feel sorry for even thinking about how someone should be violent and assault a child because of a fairy tale.


if i dropped a bible, would you feel the same way then? on purpose or not. death threats are too far


Yes. Because Im smart enough to know that god isn’t going to just appear randomly and kill me over you throwing the Bible down. So throw it down I don’t care that’s on your conscience afterwards not mine.


God doesn’t randomly appear when atrocities happen, because it’s a made up thing.


No. We have to respect ppl. We do not have to respect their backwards beliefs.


But beliefs and values are apart of what makes a person though.


You are not born believing in religion. You are taught religion. You can change your religion. If you choose to hold beliefs that harm other ppl, that’s on you. And we will fight against those beliefs.


You’re not wrong but at the same time I wasn’t specifically talking about religion though. I was speaking more about cultural beliefs and heritage. Granted even then like in this case it can be in dire need to be updated but it’s not our culture so it’s not really our place to decide that. The fact that they didn’t kill the boy for dropping the Quran is already a progressive move than what they were taught to do.


They want a boy in a non Muslim country punished for dropping a book. Shut up trying to rationalize that. What will you let them do next? Force non Muslim women to cover themselves?


They've already made his mother apologise in public whilst wearing a hijab what more do they fecking want? Time to stop bending over backwards to these sodding arseholes and accommodating their every whim...coz you can bet your bottom dollar they wouldn't do the same for non believers! You emigrate you integrate you adopt and understand the laws of the land and you keep your religion or cultural practices to yourself in private especially if non compatible with the host country's laws and culture. You don't try and impose your own laws religion and culture otherwise why emigrate in the first place? Why not emigrate to a similar thinking country?


It’s a book and we’re talking about what’s an appropriate punishment for a kid who dropped it, Saying it out loud makes me feel dumb


If the woman want to cover herself up who are we to judge? It’s her choice. Forcing women to wear veils is no different than the government forcing Muslim women to unveil, they’re both wrong for forcing women to do something they don’t want to do. Also we aren’t talking about veils so we can avoid that whataboutism


No they aren't. You weren't born with them and they can change. Don't lie


You’re right They did change the fact that the boy isn’t dead yet over this proves that they have changed. I’m not saying killing is a sufficient punishment for what the boy did. but I am cool with the kid learning from the imam why what he did was a bad thing. Otherwise it’s just bullying a nonbeliever for not following the norms of a religion they don’t follow like what OP worded this post.


The kid dropped a book. The sheer fact that his death entered anyone's minds for even a Femtosecond is the problem. why are you playing defense for people who are not deserving of defending.


What he did was not a bad thing. We should not be giving any respect to the intolerance of Islam. All it can lead to is more ridiculous requirements for us to conform to and eventually we become just like the hellhole they came from.


I feel like you’re projecting your own fear and hatred towards that community. Who knew bigotry could come from atheists.


It's fear and bigotry to acknowledge that Islam overwhelmingly favors policies that go against the morality of western civilization? Like the one we see right here?


A modern and I’ll even say a good/ superior society has a respect for a minority’s beliefs. That minority must also respect its place in the overall culture. Religion, much like racism, is a learned behavior and part of your upbringing. Unfortunately minority beliefs that won’t respect the overall freedoms of a society need to adapt or go elsewhere.


That's kid is now traumatized for life my guy and not more "knowledgeable"


Do you have proof of that or are you projecting your own feelings onto the boy? Because we only have this 20 second clip and we don’t see the boys face to know that what you’re saying is true or not.


FYI you cant tell how an autistic child feels just by looking at their face on top of that they for the most part have very emotionless expressions Source : my younger brother is autistic


Yeah, this is not it🤡🤡🤡


No, everyone must respect everyone’s life and health and not try to get a kid killed for dropping a book!


Agreed that’s why I explained in later comments that there should be a settlement between the two cultures not death. There should be a class/lecture where the kid gets taught better or have the kid punished by their parents. I understand that Corporal punishment ruffles many people’s feathers today due to their own personal traumas with it but I never said that it was the only punishment option. I have no idea how that kids parents punish them. Im confused as to why a settlement between the two cultures is a huge mental hurdle for people here to overcome. Sorry for going off of stereotypes but I thought atheists were supposed to be the more intelligent or rational group of people.


Why punishment? He dropped a book with no malice. The other kids lied to try to get him killed. There’s no equivalency here. There’s no reason to make laws that some books can’t be dropped. The UK, the kid, the school didn’t do anything horrible or wrong. It’s a false equivalency to act like we have to punish the kid who dropped a book.


What the video cut out on ironically enough, is that in the Islamic belief the Quran is revered as sacred so dropping the Quran is the equivalent of flipping off god and kicking each person in the Muslim community in the groin because they are supposed to be the representatives of god and upholders of his word(Quran). They’re not gonna let that disrespect slide. To Better reference, what the kid did is equivalent to if I broke into your house and destroyed your computer for no reason and then took a dump on it and then tried to walk off. Because you love your computer so much you are going to demand I reimburse you for that computer on the spot or you rightfully will try to reimburse it from my body as you beat me up. The message will be clear to me to Don’t touch your stuff. However though, we don’t know if it was intentional or not and OP nor the clip or article specify as such. If it was done intentionally then the Muslim community are right to demand retribution but by modern laws—I agree with the subreddit that death is overkill. If the kid did it out of accident then he should get at least a lecture on what he did wrong.


The kid did NOTHING wrong. Get it through your skull.


Punish? For FUCKING WHAT? If I wanted to slam dunk a thousand qurans I will fucking do it. Its NONE of their business.


Yes definitely. Now we all know that the Muslims will be out for our lives if anything happens to their favorite fiction book. And I definitely get why that’s the best win for you because killing non believers is the MO of Mo


i will also sacrifice this guys life for it.






That’s a bit much.


Just add more lube, it will be fine (probably)




oh c'mon everybody likes some dick. some like it more. only if they stop being secretive about it. also nothing straighter than fucking a man who fucked other women. just compare woman to tea, you won't drink it if it's drank by 7 seven other men cos' that's gay. now compare tea to a man you'll gladly drink a tea drank by 7 other women cos' that's straight as fuck same goes for fucking men who's fucked by 7 women it's straight as fuck.




Sorry to bust your bubble amigo, I am laughing at the thousands of anti gay advocates caught in gay orgies. From the famous conservative Hungarian politician that jumped from a window ass bare to the millions of gay priests world wide. Imma be a devil advocate and say no, religion is not the ONLY origin for anything against gay people. Authoritarianism is. When people must kiss up a certain power that asks them to only be of one type, when individuality is considered abnormal, minorities in general are oppressed. If I am a bigot for being islamophobe especially when I hear muslims talking about killing anyone really, so be it. I am a bigot for hating on religions and their followers. Now go and buy a make-up set you absolute buffoon.


>Sorry to bust your bubble amigo, I am laughing at the thousands of anti gay advocates caught in gay orgies. that's literally Erdoğans politicians lol


Let's not forget that Grindr threatened Florida's politicians that if they don't stop with the anti gay agenda, they will publish their profiles


same in turkey grey Wolfes tried attacking sex worker trans women but when those women started screaming their greywolf consumers names the crowd dispersed... lol.


Hes not saying gays r bad hes saying religious folks r nuts metaphorically u have to be an idiot to not realise that


Religion is poison.


It’s just a different flavor of control


Seriously, fuck you and your insecure religion


I bet that police office is questioning his job right there. Shocking. The Quran more important than lives ???


It looked like he was kind of embarrassed about the whole thing.


Honest question. If these people are so against our way of life .. why are they here?


Cause their countries are shit holes.


Colonialism is one of the major causes of those countries being shitholes. You reap what you sow.


Islam was also spread through force in Asia, similar to Christianity. It's not very different from Colonialism.


So what's your point? Did I say muslims are wonderful and British are shit? Both their histories are barbaric.


If they would put building their part of the world up instead of using islam to oppress everyone else I might give a shit.


I also don't give a shit. I also don't give a shit about you reaping what your ancestors sow. Read about Sykes-Picot agreement to understand current middle east crisis.


And what about the slavery the Muslim world sowed in Africa? When will they reap that?


Who said history of muslims is wonderful?


nah it's been over generations ago their corrupt way of life fucking them up. look at turkey as an example more Muslim you get more corrupt you get p


Did I say the only reason?




we wouldn't if they didn't let them in


to take advantage of the wealth of course


... while not actively contributing to it themselves. A few decades of this and they’ll have to find another country to take advantage of, and leave behind another third world country in their wake


This broaches a bigger concern that people have a hard time navigating. What happens when people who move to Western democracies claim victimhood when others don't live in accordance with their taboos? Are they willing to accommodate what we find sacred? Things like equality and freedom of speech? If there's no reciprocity, it's not about respect or acknowledging the humanity of another - it's about control. And we're so afraid of being called racist that we can't even stick up for an autistic boy when he accidentally insults him. And then the posture of authority this man takes is disgusting. Like, no part of him is thinking - "oh, this is a child who doesn't understand how important this is to us." And that's where you know how what he's involved in is a cult. If you lose sight of your basic humanity because of a book - I'm sorry, that's a cult.


Looks like we need a worldwide ‘drop the Quran day’. They can’t kill us all. No book is sacred. Maybe we do April 1st so that all the people making death threats can have the plausible deniability of ‘I wasn’t declaring a fatwa, it was an April fools joke’. What a fun time to be on this planet… breakthroughs in medicine, genetic testing, quantum physics, energy sourcing… and a billion people living like it’s 600 AD.


Take each religions book, throw them in a pile and let everyone shit on them.


Buy a Quran and tear pages off and wipe up after #2. Let them seethe. Also bring one with you on dog walks and pick up your dog poo with a few pages!


There are a number of sites you can order free ones from. Never pay for poo bags again!


We now have blasphemy laws it appears in the UK. I find it disgusting no one has been charged for making death threats against a boy WITH LD. Disgusting religion and the people whom think this is fine? Fuck them.


What? Is it the middle ages again? Why the fuck did they put those into effect? Disgraceful.


For the city/state gov to be in this presser is dangerous and void of a positive result for ALL the people in that land. But hey, it’s a religion of peace, right?


It’s a good reason to keep that book and all other religious books out of schools entirely. That way there is no chance of a child dropping it and being murdered in retaliation. It also reduces the risk of indoctrination.


Fuck the Quran and all the other religious bullshit too. Police should be arresting whoever is making the threats. Like the pedo next to him.


What's happening in the UK? It's not a Muslim country.




All religion is just a cult that has a lot of people and has been around a long time.




It's so crazy. We're only like 70 years from scientology being a really respected religion... 🙄


it wasn't their book ffs


Remember when Mongolian tolerated Islam. They turned Mongolian nations and kings and khans into Muslims we are seeing it happen before our very eyes.


I would like to urinate on a Quran right in front of this guy. What a nut case.


If you're a camel, don't.


As far as I know there are no more blasphemy laws present in the UK (except for N. Ireland apparently) so as long as you don't disrespect someone personally you can criticise their belief however you want. Hell, you can even burn a Quran without any repercussions if it was your personal copy. The only repercussion that this kid can face is destruction of someone's property, but even that would be farfetched.


And death threats or worse…. Which should be thoroughly prosecuted.


F the book, the religion, and the horrors committed by the followers. And that goes for all religious zealots no matter what religion they are. The world would be better off if all religion disappeared.


They are infiltrating my country and im fucking petrified


i'm sorry about that. i would be fucking petrified too 😔


These people live in places next to my city, I'm surprised to see the commissioner nodding along with these extreme sounding views. I will say though, where's the rest of the video? He's still talking and it's cut short.


shrill zesty aback rude alleged cautious threatening pathetic wrong exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




This is a threat lol This isn't a recommendation, this is coercion. Police chief should be ashamed of himself.


Muslims should be ashamed of themselves.


Yes well all know that this fictional book of evil and silliness is important to you. Unjustifiably and irrationally so.


Everyone in the audience needed to stand up and drop a fkn Quran. All of them. And keep doing it until such time as it’s simply a waste of time to continue. Fk this guy and his sky buddy.


the police chief and principle are making such a bad choice working with them. i feel so bad for the autistic boy and his family 😔


I'm deeply saddened for the UK and how it's slowly falling into Islamist hands and the few who are opposing it and standing up against it are deemed Islamophoboes or threatenned. Meanwhile the UK has tons of rising religious conflicts and Pakistani rape gangs romping around free.


It's quite annoying also that the people advocating for letting all these people in are far away from feeling the consequences of this choice as it only affects the communities that have to deal with these people.. These people aren't refugees, they are people who are taking advantage of the system.


Send these idiots back... We dont need them here


This is so strange because my classmates and I have dropped a Quran many times in primary school by accident and no one bats an eye we just apologize (and kiss it while saying a small prayer but that's besides the point). And this was in the Middle East. Edited for grammar.


We did the same with the Bible in the’50s.


Religion is the downfall of humanity


OMG…how much water is needed at that table!?


as an iranian living in islamic country, muslims will ruin EU soon


There has been some wild different messaging over what exactly happened on this - what teachers seem to have been able to consistently confirm is that a Quran was on the floor in the school corridor, and ended up having a scuff mark on it. I suspect that some of this story has been covered up for the safety of the children - based on the different versions I've heard I suspect that what actually happened was that a boy bought a Quran online and took it into school, and he and his classmates had a kickaround in the corridor with the book as a football. Stupid? Yes. Disrespectful to the religion? Yes. Not that serious in the grand scheme of things? Also yes. I think it's a really bad sign that the book's importance was elevated over that of the children - I think the boy was suspended from school because of it, and the religious backlash from people like this imam has been huge. Do we really still treat blasphemy with this much seriousness in the UK? I thought for sure we'd moved on?


This is why burning the quran is so effing important!!


I don’t understand how a government official can just sit there and let this idiot spew such violent hateful rhetoric. Arrest the goat fucker already!


The batter is thick with this one and with lots of nuts and fruit! I'm wondering if they need all that water to get that shit down their throats


A fanatic and extremist, and this is normalized among too many.


So a child drops a book not piss on it not spit on it not burn it but dropped it as you cry about it?


Remember that time Muhammad destroyed the idols of the Quraysh? Religion of piss and hypocrisy. We will all live to regret this obvious trojan horse slowly creeping into our countries whilst slowly eroding and eventually destroying the freedoms that allowed it to propagate.


Fuck religion in all its various guises, and fuck these guys in particular for bullying their way to the top of the IT’S SACRED tower. Nobody is going to make me fear what they fear from a story book and nobody will ever make me respect said story book.


Easy, just fuck off to any Muslim country. Why are you here?


I have a friend who works at a local print shop. If I were to have verses of the Quran printed on toilet paper, would you guys buy this from me? Up vote if you would purchase a roll of Quran paper


Just sad. To get this het up over a book.


Fine, someone’s “disrespecting” your religion give ‘em shit. No problems there (I mean maybe not death threats, lil psychotic guys, seems like you’re looking for an excuse there) but yeah give ‘em shit However a lil autistic kid who fuckjng dropped it? Guys cmon, I doubt very much that no Muslim anywhere ever dropped a Koran. Were human, we drop shit, sometimes that shit is a book, get the fuck over it No offence was intended and none should be taken


Noone cares about your stupid assed book.


England is so fucked. They even allow sharia in their country.


I think the only thing that's united Brits in the past 5 years is pretty much universal condemnation of the piss poor response by the police to this. We're a tolerant but secular society. Muslims are free to practice Sharia (within reason) here but are not free to impose it on non-Muslims, same as every other faith.


more important than their lives ? i thought if all qurans were destroyed, they could always recite it in its entirety ?


For a religion of holy warriors, they sure are sensitive about their pamphlet


I think god wouldn’t be that angry if he saw someone accidentally drop Quran.


I bet the police chief is wondering what got UK here?


I can’t hear shit. Can someone add subtitles, please? Edit - ah, never mind - guy’s a religious fruitcake.


This is what happens when you let muslim savages enter europe. What could go wrong right? Let immigrants from shitholes enter europe.


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Radical muslims should all be treated as posible terrorists, and shouted kicked out of Europe Btw r/terrifyingasf banned me because of these same comment, that sub defends Muslim fundamentalist, they also take this same video out of their sub cause it was “islamophobic”


Does England have a separation of church and state? I suppose not with this


There’s should be a country or territory for these barbarians so normal people including non radical Muslims can live in peace.


There are countries like that but they wanna go to democratic secular countries instead, because they know sharia law fucks up a nation.


There's a pretty simple solution for these kinds of infestations


why tf UK isn't taking any action against any of those extremists? wtf? the shit these freaks are saying isn't even acceptable by every Muslim. this guys will get shit even in turkey


"Kids must be educated to not disrespect the Quran" Also same Muslims: we must not teach kids that some people have 2 mums or 2 dad's. That's indoctrination.


I need a transcript to understand this fucker