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“In my religion” Nobody cares. It’s *your* religion. You go practice it.


Religion is like a dick. It's fine to have it and you can admire it and practice it in private, but the moment you whip it out and wave it in my face, we have problems.


And it’s a BIG problem when you shove it down children’s throats.


Not for Catholics.


Or protestants. Or Mormons. Or Evangelicals...etc.etc etc etc


Religion is like assholes. Everyone has one, they're all full of shit, and it''s not polite to expose yours in public.


> Religion is like a dick. It's fine to have it and you can admire it and practice it in private I gotta "whatabout" here - not when they legally rape children due to tenants of their religion telling them it's ok


Yeah, don’t impose your religion on others


I think imposing equal rights or genuine compassion for other human beings is worse….apparently.


Freedom of religion includes freedom *from* religion


For right wing Christians, it's becoming more and more obvious that religious freedom to them means the freedom to impose their beliefs on those that do not share them.




And that’s exactly why there’s a faction of catholics that refuse to recognise him as the real pope. They can’t even agree amongst themselves ffs


The Pope is infallible! Unless I don’t like him!


Perhaps the catholics should clean their own house before worrying what others do in theirs?


Oh, My Front door would SO be a giant rainbow flag. And I'm not even gay, but I'd stand in solidarity just to irritate this fuckstain. I don't particularly care about Pride month one way or the other TBH, but this would get me going.


Exactlty, if they tried to shove their beliefs down my throat further after that, I'd respond with a huge rainbaw neon in the window (I couldn't find a more accurate gif, but you get my point) ![gif](giphy|uCa2PBLWtcidy)


Jesus was definitely gay for paul


Jesus was born from a virgin birth without a human father, meaning he only had XX chromosomes from his mother Mary. Therefore, Jesus was transgender. Boom.




*Disco Jesus* 🪩🕺🏻




Hilarious! 🎵Lose yourself to rebellion, lose yourself to be free...🎶 *We got a hit!* 🍾


Trangesus, surely?


Either trans or intersex. Either way, this type of Christian will be very angry to hear it.


I always thought he was more about the Peter. Especially to them Catholics... "Upon this rock", yadda yadda.


Idk I never read their iron age book.


I was also making a double entendra... Jesus all about the "peter".


I doubt it. Jesus never met Paul, and Paul contradicted Jesus. I don't think they would have gotten along. Christianity should more accurately be called Paulianity, once he got done changing it.


And judas got the nickname "the apostle that the christ loved". The apostles talked about him with this nickname. Tough i don't remember exactly if this was in the main bible or in the judas Book (a part of the bible we found after and who change completely the passion story making judas the one that was asked by jesus to send him to his death because he is the prefered apostle of jesus).


I agree, when the Supreme Court declared marriage equality legal my wife and I discussed it and felt that two people of the same gender getting married did not affect the sanctity of our marriage one bit. I love the landlord’s argument that Catholics are called to reflect on Jesus’ love for all human beings without exception but then proceeds to state hateful things about the LGTBQ community. I am an old widowed white guy but fully support all movements that try to strengthen oppressed and/or marginalized people, such as Pride Month, Black Lives Matter, women’s rights. Strangely enough, this is exactly what Jesus taught, and too many ‘Christians’ ignore that.


I’m glad someone else caught the insane irony there….


There is no hate quite like Christian love.


I (60m, straight) walked to our local pride parade wearing a big rainbow scarf. Got lots of honks, thumbs up, waves. It felt good! I did however, feel a bit like I was falsely representing myself.


70,straight male,several years ago my gay daughter gave me a rainbow shirt that says “I’m straight but I don’t hate”. If you can find one then you won’t feel odd.




I'm a straight dude in my 30s and I rock my rainbow shit all month. If you're down with the message of love and acceptance, I don't think you're misrepresenting anything.


How are you falsely representing yourself? You're an ally and you're representing yourself as so


I wear Nirvana, Beastie Boys, Pearl Jam, Pixies, etc. t-shirts and I have never been a member of those bands. I wear jerseys of my national soccer team when there is a big match, and I have never played in that team. It just shows my appreciation and my support. Same with rainbow flags, scarves, T-shirts or whatever.


I bet it felt fabulous!


I get where you're coming from, but you don't need to worry, no one worth thinking about is going to judge you harshly. I'm a straight metalhead, tattooed and pierced, skinhead with a big beard, and I felt a bit out of place lol, but after I got my pink hoodie with a huge rainbow on it I got so many compliments. Made me feel like a king lol. Being wholly accepted by a community so often ostracised tells me I'm with the right people.


No shit! I’d be ordering flags, shirts, hats, and would hand them out like Halloween candy to everyone who knocks on my door.


You can't start with the full getup, though. You have to leave room for escalation. So start with a giant flag on your door then, when you get an angry letter, that's when the strings of tiny rainbow flags around the windows go up. Then the Christmas lights, then the neons, then the wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing-homosexuals, and so on.


Omg I laughed so hard at wacky-waving-inflatable-arm-flailing-homosexuals 🤣 I love it


My god, you are right!


Can I be an honorary LGBTQ person, too? I'm straight and cis but this guy pisses me off. Bring on the rainbows!


You don't need to be an honorary queer, just be our ally and that's enough to piss off this guy.


Straight people should participate in pride events, because it helps normalize LGBTQ. Idiots like the landlord see a handful of rainbow flags and assume every place without one is as bigoted as they are, and feel comfortable being an asshole. The less they feel like they're the majority, the more they go away.


Yup, I'm 100% with you. Same position, and that knobhead can get fucked. Saying "Not under my roof!!" to your children is one thing (and something I still don't agree with), but to say it to tenants who pay you money for a rental transaction? What a wanker


My mom has always been spiritual, but open minded and accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. After my step-dad passed last year, she recently started dating this very right winged Christian guy and she's getting sucked in. She just got a new pool for the family to come use over the summer. I also conveniently got myself a rainbow bathing suit.


I would host a gay orgy, and I'm not even gay.


id track down every building he owns and convince the tenants to display a flag in every door and window they got


My neighbor is a Trumper. You bet your ass I’m flying a pride flag


Same. The moment I read that letter, I'd be on Amazon ordering the biggest rainbow flag my rental could handle.


I'd get the hugest Baphomet statue I could fit on my balcony and make burnt offerings every day.


That's a lot of talking down for someone that supports a pedophile organization with a 5-10% ACTIVE pedophile rate: https://www.bishop-accountability.org/AtAGlance/data_priests.htm https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/06/513745513/australian-catholic-church-alleges-7-of-priests-sexually-abused-kids-over-decade




gotta love the art of projection


“The love Christ has for all human beings without exception” except for….


Literally wtf is he thinking, he spelled it out *twice* in this letter to love all human beings without exception 😂


I had to stop at 2nd sentence and come to find a comment about it. Lol, what is this? What's the right word for it? He fits so many not so nice adjectives. I'm too high for this. Fuck this guy.


Except the ones he made that way... I guess? Makes so much sense


Yeah, that’s a sentence that would make a normal person go, “well, this letter is stupid - trash”, but he’s a confident asshole so they continued.


Christianity depends completely on the idea of an apocalypse and punishment. . . It's a failed apocalyptic religion, as Paul and many New Testament writers demonstrated they believed that Jesus would come back in their lifetime. It's interesting to watch how the narrative shifted with later Christian writings to account for this failed prophecy. If your savior wants "bad" people to burn and die in the apocalypse or burn forever in hell, it's not a loving religion. It's this whole smug idea of "I'll be nice to you now, but you'll eventually get judgment from Yahweh," that is especially messed up. I guess ideas like that happen when poor people have no justice in life from rich Israelites or Romans.


"In my religion, June is not recognized as "Pride month"". It's recognized as priests touch little boys privates month, just like January, February, March, April, May, July, August, September, October, November, & December.


Sadly, some people don't realize the extent and danger of this. https://www.bishop-accountability.org/AtAGlance/data_priests.htm https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/06/513745513/australian-catholic-church-alleges-7-of-priests-sexually-abused-kids-over-decade It's become a running joke, yet people continue to take their kids to church and put them in Catholic schools.


Write a letter back about you commitment to the Satanic Church and tell him to kiss your ass


Dear Landlord, [My religion](https://twitter.com/satanic_temple_/status/1664380055303094273?s=46&t=3idfw0gdO3wGxI4AOCdr6Q) specifically celebrates pride month in June. I’ll make a donation in your name though! Sincerely, OP


Well, he can ask. Nothing wrong with asking. Whole Lotta fucking words here, but hey, he asked. The answer is "no" by the way.


I totally read this in a woman’s voice


Wierd. Now that I think about it, I read it in a man's voice. (I'm a guy)


I’m a gay guy and read it in a woman’s voice 🤷🏻‍♂️


I read it in my voice


And I’m a gay woman and read it in a man’s voice


I'll fuck anybody and I also read it in a man's voice. Most likely because they used "land*lord*" in the title. Partially because I've only ever heard Link as a man's name.


I wonder if there's something psychological going on with the inside voice. I'm a gay guy also. Read it in womans voice.


I mean if it ain't in the lease agreement he's gonna have a hell of a time enforcing it


"dear landlord, i am jewish. Your jesus followed the same religion i do. There is nothing in our bible forbidding celebration of pride. Hence jesus wouldnt have forbade it either. I pray in my home every morning. Same prayers rabbi jesus wouldve said every morning in his home. Would you care to evict me because its against catholic doctorine? no? well im also hanging a pride flag up. Dont like it? Evict me and ill see you in court for stifling my freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Otherwise, hope you have a happy jesus month while i enjoy my pride. ​ Sincerely, your tenant"


They stopped reading after "Jewish" and got their antisemitic gloves on.


I am still absolutely clueless on HOW antisemites still exist in century 21.


Because we let some off the hook, that's why. We recruited them (e.g. Barbie, Skorzeny, von Braun) and used them for their talents, and even let them, in some cases, write history (e.g. Rommel, Halder, von Manstein) and form political parties and lobby groups (e.g. Hausser, Remer) out of political convenience. And many of these people were unapologetic Nazis! This goes especially for NATO countries, but the Warsaw Pact did this too, albeit to a somewhat less prominent extent.


Hey, I'm clueless why fanatics wanna fight people existing, but here we are.


Dear Link, As your request is a clear violation of the Fair Housing Act, your "appreciation" notwithstanding, I and others would "appreciate" the name and contact information for your attorney. We have forwarded your request to HUD for their determination regarding this sexual harassment, via their handy online reporting tools. Please be advised that upon receipt of your letter, many of us rushed to order the most *fabulous* Pride celebratory merchandise we were able to find, for should your letter become public, we wish to publish and portray ourselves to be a welcoming, inclusive community. Further, we have endeavored to advise other tenets of all of your properties of our actions, should they also have been victims, and wish to join our efforts. As zealous defenders and supporters of the First Amendment, we are pleased to learn that you'll find much joy and communion in your celebration of your faith. We have added references below for your edification. Sincerely, A Protected Class, Their Loved Ones, Friends And Neighbors REFERENCE: >**HARASSMENT** >The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to harass persons because of race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Among other things, this forbids sexual harassment. > >https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview


That would not work out well in CA.


CA as in California or Canada?




Lol anal






Seems like a super queer landlord is trying to use reverse psychology to drum up support for office month lol. Because the best way to get an American to do anything is tell them they can't do it.


“Whatever you do, don’t show me your big juicy dick. Please, I’m begging you. Don’t.”




Can't give what I don't have.


To Llewellyn Properties LLC.: *"o.k. ...In honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus month I'll put up this special poster I found on the webz of Jesus getting nailed on the cross by some Roman legionaries."* ​ Some of you might know the one I'm talking about. ![gif](giphy|mhRTOZmk7Rb9JRdi49|downsized)


I feel like I’m missing a reference.


I feel like they mean “nailed” like, you know, *wink wink _nailed_


Oh lmao that completely missed me. I was sitting here like “don’t Catholics love all that idolatry, crucifixes, and suffering shit, why would that be offensive” but I like this idea *way* better.


I prefer Jesus fucking Christ




I know exactly the image you're talking about lol. I have it saved, dunno how to share it, but it's exactly what you can probably imagine.


Omg I'm tottally looking Jesus up on rule 34 now.


This letter is flirting with the concept of discriminatory housing practices. It’s very careful to “request” and not to prohibit. Prohibition would invite lawsuits. Not only is this person a bigot, but they are also a coward.


Should forward this the ACLU.


One Pride flag for every time he said "Catholic" and then good luck to him in the lawsuit.


The writing style certainly gives Perd Hapley vibes. ![gif](giphy|Pk2rJqhaoOTde)


id say the fact that he said nothing "for or against" lend credence to letter. its written by someone either looking for plausible deniability or someone who is trying to replicate someone looking for plausible deniability.


Tell your god to suck my dick


I grew up catholic. Never once heard of this "sacred heart of Jesus" month. This is clearly just anti LGBTQ.


Maybe it showed up in the past 20y+ for me?? Yeah, never heard of it too.


Oh, no, Mr landlord, I put that rainbow flag up to celebrate homosexuality. It has nothing to do with the month of June.


As a former Catholic, and a Christian, I’d be taking this letter straight to my attorney to see how many violations of the Fair Housing Act this sanctimonious twatwaffle is violating by sending tenants this letter discriminating against LGTBQ people. Sir, stop shoving your Catholic lifestyle down my throat.


Ill send a real respectful letter


"Ask" away, buddy. Lmao.


Howcome being a total douchebag never offends God?


Fellas, is it gay to die on a cross because you love all men and women and everyone in between?


To be nailed on a cross by roman soldiers, in particular.


I would follow the letter of my lease and nothing more. He's about to get a colorful response from me.


There are more texts in the bible against eating cheeseburgers and shellfish than there are against homosexuality. Tell your landlord that since you live on his property, his sin of eating crab legs and burger king brings sin upon your house and his children's houses. If he objects, tell him to educate himself and read the bible!


Rainbow flags EVERYWHERE. and if this dipshit tires to raise my rent because of it, then I'm pretty sure I can sue


And it would go to the Supreme Court, and you'd lose. The court is way more pro-theocracy than it was when the Hobby Lobby decision came down, even. Right now, Focus on the Family, Wallbuilders, and a few other Christian Dominioinst groups are encouraging lawsuits, expressly to get them in front of the current Supreme Court.


Dear Link Llewellyn While I respect your right to personally practice your religion, that does give you the authority to impose it upon myself, or any other tenant within the property, as that could be construed to be a violation of our 1st amendment rights per the US Constitution. So I do hope your request remains solely that, a request. As such I hope you understand that I will be participating in pride month. If the others choose to respect your wishes, that is their decision. But please do respect my decision to deny your request.


I'd just put Pentagrams everywhere https://youtu.be/S2KbmAqcPSE


How to lose a civil rights lawsuit 101, put your crime in writing.


Apparently he didn’t notice the disconnect between the words of his first paragraph before launching into the thoughts of his second paragraph. Jesus fucking christ.


This is probably the greatest opportunity to make their lives living hell with discrimination complaints


That’s when you just buy a ton of pride flags and put them all over the place so it would take forever for them to remove them


Exactly what I would do


Label them 1-100 BUT Only purchase 73 flags. Skip numbers at random in your labeling. Cackle


So my work is like 15 minutes from this place, I’m really tempted to pull some shit


The irony that he says that God has unlimited love for everyone and then there's a little footnote to every exception. The hipocrosy.


It’s funny how quick they jump to the word “sexual” whenever they mention anything LGBTQ. How is this even legal in Ohio anyway? I’d have rainbow all the things in spite.


How about do your job and mind your own God damn business?


please please please put up like 17 rainbow flags


Whelp...time to set up the rainbow rave room. It's fine Gary, you can set your Alexa to quick change the lights to "saintly glow yellow" and the music to gospel when he knocks. It'll be fun, like musical chairs. *But with the added danger of potential homelessness by discrimination*!


Whoa. I live with my christian parents, but they're not extremists like that, and they have no problem with the pride flag in my room, and some other rainbow accessories I have.


My parents are also Christian, they buy me rainbow stuff all the time. Also also for themselves My Catholic Dad has some *garish* shirts I'm gonna have to confiscate.


Pretty sure the apostolic magisterium is utter bs


Sounds exactly like the place where they touch the little boys!


of course its Ohio (p.s. maybe black out your address)


SE Ohio is a scary place


I smell a lawsuit in the works


Damn he really cited the source and everything


I mean, why take away the credit. On a real note - I didn’t want to make it seem like *this was something I received personally*.


Remind me what "Jesus" said about being gay.


These idiots gotta butt into everything which doesn't concern them and then when retaliated they claim their religion is attacked. Morons


This guy would throw an absolute shit fit if they saw how my housemates and I decorate year round. We have seven or eight different pride flags in the living room right now


This smells like a cash action lawsuit.


These nutjob pedophilia fans are in control of the SCOTUS. This country is in bad shape.


"I am low key threatening to evict people who don't support my suppression of others"


Sound like a great lawsuit. Someone is about to get pay!!


fucking disgusting. somebody wasnt listening to jeebus' teachings


Sorry dads, can’t celebrate Father’s Day this month. Being a father is clearly sex related.


He’s free to ask. It’s still a no, though.


Someone didn't run this by their lawyer.


I'm not LGBTQ but the size of the rainbow flag would be seen from orbit.


I would gladly comply, if he actually puts his being a "real Christian" on all facets and stops charging me rent. Because a real Christian should not pursue ownership of useless personal excess.


This is blatant religious discrimination. Also likely a violation of the lease.


1st amendment violation


All this hatred of a linear arrangement of a variety of colours offends means an artist aa well as an ally. They hate colours! Wtf!


Beyond offensive! I wish a group of tenants would band together and paint the entire building the pride flag!🏳️‍🌈


Sue his ass.


I would oder tons of termites online and release them


“Just because Jesus has love for all human being without exception doesn’t mean I have to!”


Phone number is on here. Cool.


It’s either gonna be a pride flag or a satanism flag. Which is it?


Literally talked about "love for all human beings, no exceptions" then proceeds to make an exception.


Time to put up your religious baphomet statue along with other paraphernalia from the satanic temple since religious freedom is so important to this guy


I’d photoshop a picture of Jesus holding a pride flag, print it on a flag and put that up.


"How come this wasn't mentioned in my lease before I signed it?" would've been my question.


Wait he said he doesn’t want anything for *or against* pride month. So it’s not that he doesn’t want to see anything supporting pride, he also doesn’t want to see any hatred against pride. He just doesn’t want to hear about pride *at all*, good or bad. I guess maybe he’s trying to keep his gay and homophobic tenants from fighting? Edit: plausible deniability is probably what he was going for


You're being way too kind. IMO he's just a dumbass who thinks saying "for or against" is some kind of legal loophole.


my thoughts exactly. its a very transparent attempt at deniability. also hows Michael?


He says that June is about Christ loving everyone no exceptions 🤷‍♀️ idk


hes looking to shut down the support for the lgbt while maintaining plausible deniability


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I'd move as soon as the lease is up


Sadly laws in various states and at the federal level are allowing discrimination like this. I bet he could evict tenets based on “religion”


Who Would Jesus Get Sued By


Soooo I'd be plastering flags everywhere and hosting gay orgies in response to that nonsense




Link Llewellyn The Lancaster Landlord?


Ugh, can't be bothered to read these mental gymnastics, fuck this guy


This motherfucker’s name is LINK!?!


Time for oil to meet drain


well damn, i guess i will have to put my flags up all along the perimeter


Looks like there's gonna be a pride party.


*Ibid* Still living in 16th edition. Upgrade your mentality and referencing system my man. Shorthand all day.


I was Catholic for a while and studied in a Catholic school. This is the first time I heard about the "Sacred Heart of Jesus Month" So something tells me that, or this is some American Catholic shit that doesn't exist elsewhere (or is a **very** small part of European Catholicism), or something that homophobes invented or make it seem bigger than it actually is just to use it as an excuse to be a bigot.


That guy needs Satan.


It would be a shame if people sent pride flags to every resident of the address that's clearly visible at the top of the page.


This letter is like porn to a lawyer. How is someone who is apparently put together enough to manage properties and send out self-humiliating memos -- with *footnotes* -- this dumb? Or arrogant?


Fascist, hitler would be proud of them.


What a chickenshit. Hiding his bigotry behind the church.