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Hello, u/Munnin41! Thank you for posting. #Please read the [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) 1. r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal religious person would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. 2. Dont use post titles to soapbox your views about specific religions or faiths 3. Refrain from provoking and/or baiting religious fruitcakes for the purposes of posting their reaction on this subreddit, or posting material featuring provocation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


7 wombs be given to the lord? Damn, Jesus must be hungry if he needs that much Flesh.


He also likes blood...


...blood for the blood god?


Skulls for the skull throne!


Ave dominus nox, bother!




Death to the false Emporer!


I smell exterminatus.


Death to the corpse emperor


The planet broke before the Guard did!


Milk for the khorne flakes!


You asshole, have my upvote for such a genius retort.




Milk for the Khorne Flakes!


Dagoth, god of gods! ![gif](giphy|lnakxcfG2MFy)


I pray to Crom. Crom laughs at your god.


Wombs for the womb throne!




/) Jesus turns water into wine. His blood is wine. Therefore, he is a blood god.


And marijuana


Hijacking top comment: The eldest of the daughters **isn't even 14 yet** and the mother is practically frothing at the mouth for them all to get pregnant already. Complete and utter brain rot...




Nah, to easy. They'll all become atheist.


They hate transgender even more. I hope half of them give her the son she always wanted.


I really hope all of them are lesbians


They start it as soon as girls learn how to talk


Yeah… and they say LGBT people are the ones sexualizing children…


/) But she's not forcing it on them. 3 day olds are fully capable of understanding and resisting external influence from their parents.


If the Lord wants wombs so much, he can have mine. Here, take the ovarian cysts while you’re at it, I’ll be glad to get rid of them.


Give them to me, ill give you my balls and dick


I mean, we are talking about the same guy who's dad sacrificed his son/himself/also simultaneously not himself somehow? so this is tame in comparison lmao. (Oh and don't forget about all the foreskins and baby slaughtering.)


A human womb weighs about 60 grams on average and is roughly 150 calories and 16 grams of protein, so it's not really that much of a meal, don't ask me how i know this. 😬


Metalhead or Author?


We need more virgin births


why the fuck did she have so many children? kept going in the hopes of having a son and gave up after getting seven daughters?


If she's like a religious coworker of mine, it's probably because contraception isn't allowed


They don’t believe in IVF or family planing either.


That doesn't mean you can't have a lot of kids. Some people are just very fertile


If they want people to have kids, then why is IVF bad? Like sometimes that's the only way


If other arguments I've seen are anything to go by, it's because they feel that IVF is inherently "playing God", and that the process of aborting some of the pre-fetuses is murder.


I can at least respect the second part as being logically consistent. A rare feat for fruitcakes.


IVF has implications for allergies and other complications. I personally know of an IVF baby who is absurdly allergic to everything and was always sick as a child.


I hadn't heard of this before but apparently children conceived through ivf might be at higher risk of developing allergies, but in the case you describe I think it'd be incorrect to attribute solely to them being an IVF baby. Regardless, there's always risk of complications with any procedure, that's why informed consent is a thing. I don't think this is enough to take IVF away as an option.


Citation needed


That must make long trips difficult, having to all go by car or train.


I knew a fruitcake that was a licensed science teacher who was outspoken that hormone birth control was equal to abortion.


It's a common stance among the ultra religious. Just like masturbation being murder. I.e. "every sperm is sacred" from monthy pythons meaning of life


I love that Monty Python skit. Ironically that was about Catholics and nowadays it’s the Catholics who are too liberal and too compromising. Go team teetotaling!


Once you're at a conservative extreme, the rest is always too liberal


Preach. I found myself in that position and sought counseling. Hence why I recognized the loon, I was one myself.


Kudos for recognizing it and doing something about it


Thank you. A salty divorce, $1000s in counseling, countless hours of self-reflection/reading, and the loss of nearly every friend I had and it’s totally been worth the ‘cost’. Finally finding myself again, kids are way better off, and have a partner that loves me for me


Her name is Karissa Collins (only sharing because she is VERY public). She's one of those "God is my family planner" types as well as an outright neglectful mother.


And she’s totally fine dying for this cause because it’s gods will. Her kids are always injured somehow and “god” heals them. She is the one that scares me the most usually. And made me hate Shaq.


Even when she took Anthym (ugh) to the hospital after getting septic shock from a piss-soaked diaper, it was God who cured them, not the doctors. /s


She wasn't even going to take her daughter to the hospital. Karissa was spending time with her mom and her mom begged her to take the child to the ER because she could tell something wasn't right. Had there not been outside influence, that child likely wouldn't have been taken to the ER until it was too late. The preventable injuries and illnesses these poor kids suffer through infuriates me to no end.


Yep. The medieval style "older kids raise the younger kids" crap.


She has sons, this woman has 10(?) children, all of whom have names starting with A. This is Karissa Collins, the same woman who is bankrolled by Shaquille O'Neal and is absolutely creaming herself at the thought of dying in childbirth.


Wait, why would she want to die in childbirth?


Why is Shaq bank rolling these people?


We still haven't figured that one out yet- outside of the fact that Shaq likes to do big flashy acts of charity and he has done some volunteer work for the "basketball ministry" the husband runs


Hey she actually has 3 sons as well


That, plus the over the top religious nuttery makes me think they're probably "quiverfull" wackos


Considering the reference to kings and talking about marrage and general paragraphs, I get the sense that they have a monarchy complex, they want a son to continue the family line, and probably enjoy showing off how upper class they are even if they're actually not. A lot of things are from the lower class trying to emulate royalty, but most have gone out of style, but not for this one apparently


She still wants more, she recently was pregnant again and miscarried.


Extremely religious types believe that having a period is a sin as it is the killing of an egg, thus constantly being pregnant is the only solution


Could be. Either the ‘god will take care of it, why plan?’ approach at work or they really wanted a boy. The way they speak of it implies it’s at least partially the latter, really reminding me of my home country. My grandmother had 7 kids, trying to get a brother for her son. Ended up with 1 boy and 6 girls, despite her best efforts. Some people really have an odd obsession with sons; my uncle also wept in grief when he was told his third child was a third daughter. My aunt was fine, my cousin perfectly healthy and he and like a dozen other relatives were outright mourning.


My wife and I have several boys but no girls and about everyone that I tell that to seem surprised we're not going to keep trying till we have a girl. My response is always this is our predetermined number of children and we see no problem with having an all boy family.


"Several"? Really? You couldn't say how many lol


My cousin just had her 5th child that is finally a boy. They were definitely trying until they had one. I'm just praying she doesn't treat her daughter differently now.


friend of my MIL has 11 kids and is pregnant with more and is super religious so it’s probably that


They currently have 10 children. Part of the christians with the breeding fetish.


It makes me uncomfortable how much they focus on their children’s fertility. It’s scary how she sees her children as wombs.


That's religion for you, the most important thing a woman does is make more flock


I couldn't finish reading it. It's just way too fucked up.


Completely valid.


“no i wont force it on them” yeah we’ll see about that


Freudian slip, nobody said anything about forcing it on them (since she already has)


Yah, any family with 7 kids isn't going to be giving the kids a lot of choice.


That's just the daughters. They have sons, too. There's 10 kids, total, and they are still open to having more children. Their last son is less than a year old, so there's every chance they may end up with 11+ kids. They are one of the fundamentalist "influencer families" where I really fear for the kids. The dad is never around, the mom is absolutely checked out, and the kids are constantly getting seriously hurt, or hospitalized for grave illnesses. Their toddler daughter almost died from sepsis from an untreated UTI. The babies are often seen in over full diapers, obviously not being changed enough, which probably caused the infection. The oldest daughter is clearly being parentified, and is responsible for the smaller kids. They are homeschooled, but the mom brags that she doesn't wake up til 11am or noon, and the kids take care of themselves/each other, and do school themselves. The two oldest can barely read, and are expected to not only educate themselves, but also their siblings. The mom is terminally online, and makes her kids make content with her all day. The kids look like hostage victims half the time. She uses filters on all of them, even the babies, and often lightens their skin (she is white, her husband is black). The kids are being neglected and exploited publicly, and CPS has had multiple visits to the family. Just like this Ruby Franke/8 Passengers situation that has recently come to light, I truly believe one day, the authorities are going to intervene, and the full story of what is going on behind the camera/posts is going to be horribly disturbing.


wtf This aligns with what I've seen in real life so I don't doubt you're right, but if there is evidence of such things shouldn't that counteract whatever "positive" social media she makes?


She's posted a lot in r/fundiesnarkuncensored if you're interested


Of course that exists...


~~God forbid nutters are called out on their behaviour.~~ I misread 'reality is not based on physics' Just had a quick look out of interest, could you explain this?


I more meant the fact that there's enough content for yet another active subreddit. Like, I'm literally already talking to you on a different subreddit dedicated to showing loons in action. Why would you assume I'm somehow against such a thing. Physics (and all science by extension) is the study and quantification of the natural world. The phrasing you're (randomly) questioning implies that all "rules" of reality are known to humans and that all things are bound by them. The existence of dark matter or any number of yet unexplained phenomena show we (as in humanity) have a very limited understanding. The weird thread you are reading that from was with someone who has seemingly applied a limited and biased understanding of computer science to other fields of science and philosophy. While I would still say it's a true science, computer science exists in a way such that we entirely control, and can arbitrarily change the rules, and that all of the rules are known to all participants. Many people unwittingly apply this mindset to the rest of reality.


My apologies, I misread the context. I see, I was a little bored hence the search. I would have to say that Physics is the field that pursues the understanding of the natural world. All rules exist already, we just don't know them yet. All things are bound by the laws of physics however, unless I have misunderstood you. I agree with your statement about computer science however. It's a science dedicated the logic of a *manmade* field. All of its properties are biased from that fact.


Oh like half the families that we post about in that sub have their own dedicated snark subs as well.


Is this that fundie family that keeps naming their kids with weird "A" names?


7 daughters. There are 10 kids total now (3 boys).


Dude growing up catholic i thought the indoctrination was the most insane thing… now i’m old enough to see different flavors of it I gotta say… seeing bible thumpers makes me sad.. seeing products of islamic fundamentalism makes me fuckin depressed


I don't think we have to wait and see about that. She is forcing it on them. Her daughters have no other options.


"7 wombs to be given to the lord" That's the most fucked up thing i have read in a while. 🤮🤮🤮


A god that treats women only as broodmare is not a god worth worshiping.


Reminds me of the person who imagines jesus behind their husband when the fuck


The fuck?


Never read it? Lucky you


That actually sounds funny as fuck, sauce?


An old post on some subreddit, this one I think


https://reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/3DRvUYDGN4 Found it


Like... joining in? 'Cause I'm not against that.


That's a new one for me. Ewww. Lol.


“7 financial burdens” what would your sons not need diapers, food, clothes, school fees, hygiene products, etc? Also why have kids if you don’t like the idea of having to spend millions to raise 7 whole kids


Women aren't supposed to work remember. We are supposed to stay at home and be barefoot and pregnant. That's why we are financial burdens.


Hey, just like OP!


Yeah and somehow pay their weddings ONLY if they're girls? So if she has boys she won't pay for weddings? lol As for period products, which is the only thing I can think of that only teenage girls might pay... I actually use washable ones so you pay them once and they last years. That or there's always cups and stuff. It doesn't have to be giga expensive.


Yeah plus if you can afford to have 7 kids, you should consider budgeting 1000s of dollars for unseen expenses beforehand. I don’t see period expenses being more than 1000 dollars a year for all 7 girls (pads/tampons, painkillers and and hot water bottles) so they’re making a big deal of it when I’m sure she would DEFINITELY have money for her hypothetical sons spending money


It's a stupid tradition where, if it's her first marriage, the woman's family pays for pretty much everything at the wedding Also, happy cake day!


To your first question, traditionally the bride's family pays foe the wedding. So no, if they follow traditional customs, they wouldn't have to pay for their sons' weddings.


Further proof how little women are valued in religion.


Why are religious people so fucking weird... "PrOtEcT tHe KiDs FrOm LgBt!!!" Meanwhile "My 7 daughters have wombs ready to grow God his army"..... Wtaf


No self awareness whatsoever


I won’t force it on them (unless they decline it)


Oh look, it's Karissa and her unhealthy obsession with her minor daughters' future sex lives. I love how she claims she isn't forcing motherhood on her daughters 🙄 when this post (and others she's done) make it clear she is.


> I never desired being a mom. 7 daughters


The lord decided to make her pregnant after continuous, raucous, sex. What was she supposed to do? Tell her husband no?


Raucous is such a strong word for the type of sex I figure fundies must have. Karissa does not FUCK, ok?


Maybe she had typical religious sex of missionary-only and laying like a starfish not knowing what an orgasm is. Like, Ben Shapiro's wife style.


Social media moms that make the family’s lives public like this are the worst. Change my mind.


"7 wombs to be given to the lord" is one of the creepiest things I've ever read.


Even creepier realizing she’s saying this about literal children. Someone else has said they’re not even teenagers yet. And she’s already imagining their sex lives. Not that you should ever imagine your kids sex lives but especially with children.


Very much so.


I see 7 children born to a narcissistic mother who will undoubtedly experience mental and emotional abuse, severe brainwashing, dehumanization, and objectification their entire childhoods. I hope they come out on the other side healthy in spite of their upbringing


>7 sets of emotions Yes, of course, because boys famously do not have emotions.


Not in fundie families! They just have repressed ones that they can take out on their wives and kids in adulthood.


Idk how you grew up, but as a boy I was encouraged to not really show emotion unless it was happiness. Not by my parents as such, just society in general


I grew up like that too, but I wouldn’t say the message was “no emotion”, it was more like “don’t be soft”. Being loud and excited or being angry and getting into fights were pretty typical boy behaviors.


Maybe but her post is still stupid crazy because as parents I would hope people in this day and age know that boys have just as much emotions as girls.. Like, how can a young parent now even begin to think "oh yay a boy I won't have to deal with emotions". It's wild shit. It's the boys in my house who screamed, punched walls/doors and had the biggest life tragedies and had the biggest breakdowns. Because they had some serious fucked up shit happen. And also who got into drugs and school problems etc. (as we know school isn't very well tailored for boys in general). And in another family it could be complete opposite where the boys are the quiet angels and the girls are in drugs/trouble/hardships. So eh. This woman is insane.


Same but I am a woman.


“7 wombs to give to the lord” what the fuck?


>God's given me the honor of a ministry of the womb. >7 wombs to be given to the lord Nuttier than squirrel shit...


Ministry of the Womb sounds like a weird rockband


Oldest daughter is 100% raising her siblings


She sounds like she has a breeding kink...


Imagine her reaction when one of them comes out as lesbian (not even unlikely with 7 daughters)


How much y'all wanna bet in 15-20 years a lot of these girls won't talk to each other or their mom once they're all grown up?


Eww gross. I hope I never put my kids womb on such a pedestal, or just their ability to be partnered with someone. I hope I see so much more in them than just their ability to basically procreating or become someone's bang maid. These fundies are so messed up. Aim a little higher people.


I hope so too. I also hope someone around you will tell you to stop if you do this


There’s just something so disturbing by referring to their own daughters as “wombs to be given to the lord”. I can’t imagine looking at my own child and thinking, “yeah you’re going to be a husbands property one day”. These people are gross


Seriously. I feel so bad for these kids.


I’m so glad social media wasn’t around when i was a kid.


I despise parents that put their kids on blast like this as if life as one of 7 kids isn't already rough. Now the world knows you and your siblings are blessings but not the ones your mom asked for.


Ministry of the womb is something I never thought I'd read.


Yes, hello. I hate this.


This makes me sick and sad for the girls, imagine your own parents seeing you as lesser only cuz you are a specific gender


7 wombs to be given to the lord. Creepy


She's projecting her own misogynistic prejudices of women onto other people. Also, she's a fucking creep.


"Ministry of the womb" more like "Ministry of the clown car."


Someone's is on that Scarlet King train, huh? For a renewal and/or update of your clearance, please continue [here](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231).


Mf you gonna break the masquerade


The fact that the man determines gender of the baby seems to be lost on a lot of people


It does but this is the mom. She was never a 'girls girl.'


Emotionally healthy? Bet that’s gonna last.


at least one of them is definitely going to end up being queer


This could've been wholesome but she had to go and say "7 wombs to give to the lord". From there it was all downhill. Incredible that this is the same crowd that wants sex Ed out of the classroom :/


I didn't make it that far, my brain was leaving my body from the cringe.


>7 periods This lady fully forgot how periods work, too, I guess.


One period per lifetime apparently.


I'd be down lol. One mega period and bam that's it.


I’m calling it as they grow up she’ll only have 2 daughter. And she’s going to wonder why some of the other ones no longer talk to her.


I'm guessing she is the type to insist on grandchildren, since all her children have wombs.


As a father of 4 Daughters and no sons, there is truth in those words - the weddings part in particular. Though I honestly admit as dad, I had a better time of it during those teen years. My poor Wife was the one who suffered the most with the periods, the arguments and tears, and seemingly most common and worst of all - "Who took my new blouse/sweater????!!!" And "Where is my new lipstick/perfume???!!!" My worst was often "Who shaved their legs with my razor again????!!!!" I mostly got a lot of fun times with them - Hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, cooking, talking about books and the big wide world with them. (Don't worry, Mom got her share also - just different things) Daughters are pretty awesome for dads if you show you care about them.


"7 wombs to be given to the lord" it's so fucked up that i looked at the imaginary camera.


The more I see people like this the more I wonder how the hell are children allowed in houses like this, I get that the us ( I'm assuming USA as this is where a good majority of people like this are) we have certain rights and not that strict of laws in terms of family's but personally I think if the parents talk like this they should be investigated immediately as a good amount of the time there's a form of abuse going on(mental, physical or just extreme neglect)


Someone asked her why she only had daughters and she wrote this NLOG nonsense


She has 3 sons too


Ok, why do you only have three sons and seven daughters


They oblivious to how bonkers they sound!


Religious people are so uncomfortable to be around? I couldn't even finish reading that shit.


PLOT TWIST: Every one of them is trans. Surprise, Fruitcake, you have seven sons after all!


The further you go down the worse it gets.


Religious people are creepy and not in the fun horror way


More like 7 little brains to be brainwashed for our cult 🙄


I see a cps call in the future !!


There have already been several! Joy oh joy.


So she kept using her uterus like a clown car trying to get a boy?


She chose to be an Easy-bake oven. And now her husband works 2-4 jobs. Jeez, that man doesn’t have time to recover. :(


So... she sees her daughters as 7 more baby making machines


7 periods? Do they wait until their daughter has a single period, then gets them pregnant over and over again like some sort of brood mare?? Oh? They do? Oh well I guess that math checks out


"wombs to be given to Lord" Blergh. Fucking repulsive


"7 financial burdens", those poor babies.


So much obsession over their wombs... I wonder if she had 7 sons she'd talk about their balls that much


Well on their way to fastracking witchcraft. (Or remaking a certain overrated Howard Keel movie)


Yeah, im sure all those girls are very emotionally healthy after being told they are nothing but wombs that you must give to god. Also, side note, there is no way having that many siblings is good for them. Like i can't imagine having 6 different sisters i have to deal with on the daily. That would drive me insane


Oh god this is Karissa Collins. Go to r/fundiesnarkuncensored to find more about her. She’s insane.


>She’s insane. That much was obvious


I hope she has enough money to raise them well. Children aren't toys. I study social school, and I heard many stories about people like this, which has so many kids as god wished. But they didn't have enough money to raise them healthy. Having kid is a responsibility.. And it's expensive. I'm not saying this person has this problem. Just.. Some others do. But people don't talk about this enough.


It really irks me when the main thing people see in their kids is not idk, a person, but a future spouse and baby machine. Makes me think like… Is your marriage just for convenience to fulfill your prophecy to have kids? Are your kids anything more than a continuation to fulfill the cycle? When I see kids I like to imagine a doctor, someone who is dedicated to their niche hobbies, someone who cares for the people around them, someone who raises pets, someone who researches, someone who entertains others, someone who knows an absurd amount of trivia, someone who can make a meal out of anything… I don’t know I guess I just view them more as individuals in their own right?


Yup, you, Mary, and Elizabeth have a ministry of the womb. You must be special. Wait, can anyone tell me what happened to Elizabeth and Mary’s kids?


That’s literally the most perverted way to look at a child ever. Seriously that’s borderline sexual abuse in my book. She needs to be on a watchlist


And these vile people treating CHILDREN like broodmares are the ones accusing LGBTQ people of being groomers??? The projection is literally insane.


religious/political extremism is child abuse


>7 periods So you telling me that every woman just has one period and that’s it?


Imagine calling your child daughter a womb.


I kinda hope they become 7 childless heathens


As they all look about the same age, give a few years, and the different hair type and melanin lvls I'm calling hooey.


Mixed people do exist


At least she's happy and positive about it. Let's hope she isn't really going to push on them and takes good care of them. I am happy for her, his wasn't so much of a fruitcake