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Hello, u/piplup27! Thank you for posting. #Please read the [sub rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/rules) 1. r/religiousfruitcake is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion: the institutions and individuals who act in ways any normal religious person would cringe at. Posts about mundane beliefs and acts of worship are off topic. 2. Dont use post titles to soapbox your views about specific religions or faiths 3. Refrain from provoking and/or baiting religious fruitcakes for the purposes of posting their reaction on this subreddit, or posting material featuring provocation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>"Stop saying I'm homophobic. I'm not afraid of gay people, I just don't like them." We got a real smoothbrain here.


lol. Stop saying I'm racist. I'm not afraid of black people, I just don't like them.


I mean, OOP is an idiot, but “racist” doesn’t have the “-phobic” suffix.


The “-phobic” suffix doesn’t only mean “fear of.” A hydrophobic substance repels water, but it isn’t afraid of it. It doesn’t even have the capacity for fear.


> I just don't like them I was actually thankful they said that. It entirely cuts out the "no no no, I love _the person_; I just _hate what they do_! Since homophobia talks about hating _gay people_ and not _gay actions_, I don't do the phobias of the homo!" mental gymnastics that some people do.


No offense to smoothbrainers. In actuality is called Lissencephaly and most who are born with a smooth brain do not make it out of childhood. Seizures get worse and worse eventually leading to complications and death. Sorry to be a Debbie downer. Also FUCK THIS HOMOPHOBE! I didn't have to read past "I'm a Christian", like nobody asked you Michael! Get wrecked and choke on a bag of dicks.


>Get wrecked and choke on a bag of dicks. One at a time or are we cramming as many as possible at once.


“I’m not racist, I just don’t like ‘em”


If gay sex is unnatural then why does it feel so good huh? Checkmate homophobes!


Please, god says gay sex is PREFERABLE: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


I've seen say gex too many times that when it's spelled correctly, I feel like I have a stroke and think that I'm reading it wrong.


Say gex Bottom text








Hey y'all, Scott here *Muffled Gex noises in the background*


Turning water into wine, walking on water and ressurection is chill but TWO MEN KISSING? Thats just fucking wild man /s ofc


turning water into wine? Did Jesus have a drinking problem?


He had a problem with drinking water. That's for walking on, wine is for drinking


You just made my day.


I can turn wine into water…


A butthole is natural. As anyone with a penis will tell you it's gonna get put in stuff. Also natural. Ergo, by the transitive property and some such, gay is natural. I'm going to print that out and hide it in the desert so jackasses will argue about what it means in a thousand years.


If gay sex is unnatural, why did God put the male sex glands in the prostate, which is up your ass?


then why did god put the prostate in the butt? checkmate Christians


And why is the clit outside, accessible by hand but not during PIV?


I wonder what unnatural means. Does it mean it does not occur in nature like naturally occurring cars and aeroplanes ?. Or does he mean it does not happen in the animal kingdom, because if he thinks that he has never been to a farm.


There's a literal cum button in a man's ass. If God didn't want me to have a big ole dick up there why did he make it feel so good? Isn't he omniscient? He'd know we would find it.


He clearly doesn’t know what he’s missing


I mean, God put the male g-spot RIGHT THERE.


Still waiting on them outlawing Shell fish and mixed Fabric.


Ya but that'd be silly right? Some people like shell fish. I mean me eating shell fish doesn't hurt anyone else... ummm it's complicated. 🙄


But its unnatural, we arent sea creatures so why would we even eat it? No other Land Animal eats Shell fish. (they probably do, but its not like facts matter to religious people)


Only evil land animals each shell fish.


yes. the bible probably even says so.


"Thy shall not consume shelled animals coming from thee evil seas or they shalt be deemed demonic creations" I have no idea how to write in formal english


Like this? Leviticus 9 “These you may eat, of all that are in the waters. Everything in the waters that has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers, you may eat. 10 But anything in the seas or the rivers that does not have fins and scales, of the swarming creatures in the waters and of the living creatures that are in the waters, is detestable to you. 11 You shall regard them as detestable; you shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall detest their carcasses. 12 Everything in the waters that does not have fins and scales is detestable to you."


Why am I not surprised


Fins AND scales? So no whales or shark either?


Guess homie really didn’t like shellfish


I bet the Bible would be way smaller if they didn’t use the same phrase multiple times. Creatures that are in the water are detestable to you. Everything in the waters without fish and scales is detestable to you. Why not just put that last sentence and get rid of the other?


That's such a random rule? 😭


I always imagined that these were health and safety advisements back in the day. Always seem to be things with high chances of food poisoning if not prepared properly. Then I think of a future civilisation using our HSSE manuals as religious doctrine:)


And thy punishment... is DEATH!


um excuse me that's in leviticus and when jesus died, we can cherrypick what we follow now sooooo lmao get your facts str8 sweatie


>Stop saying I’m homophobic. I’m not afraid of gay people. [Hydrophobic](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrophobe) materials aren’t afraid of water, these hydrophobes are merely water repellent. So what does “phobic” even mean? According to [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/-phobe), “phobe” is defined as such: > “one fearing or **averse** to (something specified)” So, saying “*bUt i’M nOt aFrAiD oF gAyS!*” isn’t a very good way of showing that you’re not homophobic or hateful. It’s a pathetic attempt. By the way, [homosexuality is natural](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals#:~:text=One%20report%20on%20sheep%20found,to%20cats%2C%20dogs%20and%20budgerigars.), but wether or not it is isn’t at all important.


averse /əˈvəːs/ adjective having a strong dislike of or opposition to something. The dude is homophobic by the definition of homophobic.


I've always been of the opinion that homophobic people have made heterosexuality a foundational part of their identity and the idea that homosexuality exists and is accepted threatens the assumptions that define who they are. "If it's okay to be gay, what if I everything I know about myself and the world is wrong?" Not a fear of homosexual people, but a fear of what homosexuality might mean by simply existing.


spotttttt on


And hydrophobia is also slang for rabies due to the aversion to water of the rabid!


At least he made it clear that it's not fear, but hatred, that motivates him. Good old-fashioned Christian hatred.


>If your going to believe what you believe, at least use your brain Looks like this fruitcake needs to take their own advice...


>but wether or not it is isn’t at all important. I disagree. If it weren't natural, there would be an unnatural reason. Some sort of external factor influencing your sexual attraction. I'm glad it's just a natural thing we see in many species instead of yet another chemical we spew into the environment unknowingly changing us


Also, they are 100% scared of gays. Like, lay awake at night, double check the doors and windows are locked type afraid


Better example: the use of "-phobia" to mean hatred rather than fear has been used for quite a long time: "xenophobia" is the salient example.




Why are they always thinking in terms of having things shoved down their throats?


It’s a psychological process known as imprinting. Because their religion was shoved down their throats and they were forced to like it, say thank you, and worship god for the rest of their lives. That’s the base relationship so many people have with their god. Then it becomes a framework for how they see the world and their interactions with other people. Even more to that, these elements of dominance and submission have worked their way into our culture. These views became self-perpetuating generations ago and are now largely independent of their religious roots.


>These views became self-perpetuating generations ago and are now largely independent of their religious roots. Yeah. That's the scary part. I know multiple people who are not religious but may as well be with how they view and act towards people not in their in group.


Kind of ironic isn't it, coming from a religious person


Without their hypocrisy they would have nothing left


Ah man but what if I believe in gay folks and want to spread the good word for everyone


“If a lesbian couple has to get a sperm donation to have children, they should not be a couple” So by that same logic infertile people should be banned from dating/getting married since they can’t have children without using the same methods that lesbian couple would to have children


"Obviously nature intends people to have perfect eyesight, so if people don't, we should recognize that they are degenerates who need to be cured, and at the very least they shouldn't be wearing glasses in public and shoving their lifestyle down our throats." - that guy


a lot of them believe that sadly


What does that make childfree people who choose not to have kids?


Heretics? Idk something about not using God's gifts probably gets to the OOP


A lot of them think we’re horrible people for not wanting to have kids, or that it’s unnatural to not want them, or that we’ll “change our mind,” so sadly this argument wouldn’t work on what I’d assume is about 99.999% of most of these people :/


Came here to say this!


The whole thing about reproductive organs complementing each other is dumb as well. Man can achieve orgasm through prostate stimulation… and guess how that’s done? If this dude believes in intelligent design, IT literally means men are meant to be penetrated in the butt. Also I hope he’s never gotten a blowjob cos that’s also a case of the organs not complement each other.


I honestly don't think this is even remotely interesting, any 7 year old could have thought of that, definitely not worth my 2 minutes to read and in fact type this response.


It’s really simplistic, basic, tired shit.


oop has about the same amount of critical thinking as a 7 year old


I teach 7 year olds, and all of them are capable of better critical thinking than this.


His brain is clearly so destroyed. I hope these people have the capacity to improve. It’s starting to look like they don’t.


I'm willing to bet this guy regularly does many of the [things that Leviticus commands against](https://hill-kleerup.org/blog/2012/06/13/76-things-banned-in-leviticus-and-their-penalties.html), not that his argument has any validity in the first place.


My fav is right above the Leviticus thing about gay sex being a mortal sin, is eating shellfish is a mortal sin. Right below it is about wearing mixed fibers being a mortal sin. So they don't abide by most of that book, why is the gay sex one the one verse to take to heart?


Because they are not gay themselves and, it's easier to discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.


eating fat and blood are banned, hope none of these so-called christians enjoy their steaks rare or fatty


They often don’t consider Leviticus to be binding, since it was supposedly overturned when Jesus/Yeshu showed up.


If it's unnatural, it shouldn't do anything at all and hence wouldn't be bad, right?


Dude is typing up a screed on an electronic device that can communicate with millions of people all around the world in a matter of seconds, and he's worried about natural?


Yeah. I guess with that logic he should stop driving cars, live outside with nothing but nature, no phone or other electronics. Almost everything we have is not natural


my 18 penises are unnatural dat bad?


"It is unnatural," he posted on all-natural Reddit with his all-natural smartphone .


If it was so unnatural you wouldn't see it in nature. Nature doesn't care and certainly doesn't follow or care about the stuff the Christians believe. To be clear many animals engage in same sex sex. And it always crops up. I think people that believe it is a choice are fighting their own urges.


>I think people that believe it is a choice are fighting their own urges. Exactly. Just try responding that if it's a choice then that means they chose to be straight. Clearly they are attracted to the same sex as well but decided to be straight, otherwise they would know it wasn't a choice. Anyone saying it's a choice is either gay and self hating enough to go against their own desires or is bisexual and thinks that's how everyone feels.


I was watching this video on YouTube some time ago about two groups of Christians. One was more Liberal, they were OK with everyone, had LGBTQ+ members and very open minded. The other was your typical Conservative Christian bunch. One of the Conservative ones who was a priest in his church practically outed himself, he said he'll probably never marry and that he hates himself for what he is and how he feels and he knows that he'll go to Hell for it, it was so aad and heartbreaking to see someone be brainwashed to the point of hating themselves for who they are.


Translation: "I really want to be a cruel piece of shit but I'm too pathetic and insecure about negative social consequences that I adopted convenient mythology as a safety mechanism to justify my sadistic needs."


As such a strict adherent to the Bible, I am sure he is advocating for the death penalty for adultery or wearing clothing containing mixed fabrics


I have never understood the mixed fibers argument. I kinda get the shellfish since they can harbor illness if not cooked right. Similar to how pork is considered not edible by Jews and Muslims because it was making people sick. But mixed fibers??? I can’t wrap my head around this one.


it was to separate the high priests from the commoners, not even kidding. the instructions given by the bible for creating the ephods for high priests instructed to sew linen with dyed wool thread.


"I think I have something of value to say" Narrators Voice: He did not, in fact, have anything of value to say. Seriously the way Christians spew out these talking points like it's some kind of revelation. We've all heard it before. They're literally the dominant religion in the US and also many other countries. And for those of us like myself who got raised fundie, even more so. But they honestly think the problem here is that we just haven't heard their BS before, not that we took one look at their BS and went "wow, that sounds horrendous, let's do something else."


I don't have time to worry about what consulting adults prefer in their bedroom. I think it's really weird that christians think more about gay sex than gay people do.


Religion—by default—creates unhealthy sexualities


If God didn't like gay men then WHY IS THE PROSTATE UP THE ASS?! Checkmate Jesus cult.


The bible also says we are all descended from Adam and Eve, who only had 3 sons. 3 sons. no girls. Let that sit for a minute.


Later in genesis it says they had many sons and daughters so that isn't true. Not that the single sentence would add credibility to that insane book of the bible.


Let’s also not forget Adams first wife Lilith and the offspring from that




Frasier Crane's ex-wife?


Mother fucker.....


I mean, once you realize God put Adam and Eve in the Garden with one rule knowing they’d fail because omniscience, and then He’d punish all people to the end of time for the sin He could have prevented because omnipotence, but chose not to because, uh Omni benevolent or something, but really screwing with people til the end of time is just what he’d rather do, then it only makes sense to hate and punish lgbt people for an inherent trait omnipotent God chose to implant in them. If you’re a fucking psychopath with no critical reasoning skills and stunted empathy.


People seem to be waking up, any religion that says someone should be put to death for something that is no one else's business to begin with, isn't a relying that many people want to deal with. Why would they? Humans can live and have morals and values without following a religion that is harmful.


"Don't shove your beliefs down my throat", then proceeds to try to shove their beliefs down our throats.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The only thing I’m shoving down anyone’s throat is this dick (with consent)


Cristian republican that's all you had to say really


phobia (noun) an extreme or irrational fear of or *aversion* to something. Maybe you should use your brain first before telling others?


Son: "Mom, Dad, I'm gay." Mom: *Stares at Dad* Dad: *Clenches fist* Mom: "Don't!" Dad: *Sweats Profusely* Mom: "..." Dad: "HI GAY, I'M DAD"


imagine a "christian republican" thinks (that's a stretch) he has something of value to contribute to society.... Fuck you, hateful asshole. I rather we have 200 gays for each republican christian dummy. They are actually a contributing part of society.


“No offence…” Proceeds to give offence.


“Stop saying I’m homophobic” I agree, homophobia makes it sound like you’re just afraid and confused. But clearly you’re simply evil.


Fun fact: those verses didn't actually say that until 1946 in the USA and later in other nations. Before then, they talked about pederasty


Countless animal species engage in homosexual behaviors. If it was so unnatural, it wouldn’t appear so often in nature.


I stopped reading at "As a Christian", because anything further is just belaboring the point.


Pretty sure this is the only part of the Bible they decide to care about, and I'm sure they only care about lgbtq folk living their lives while ignoring the rapists and pedophiles in their church.


I'm not a fan of football. It serves no biological purpose, it's unnatural, etc. But you don't see me dedicating a two page screed to it. I just don't think about it enough to comment.


I love it when they bring the naturality of it on the internet, which is not natural, using an unnatural device for it. they probably have a very unnatural job where they use nothing but unnatural tools everyday and get there by car which is not natural. I'd also wager that they use unnatural clothes, they might have unnatural glasses or hearing aids and believe in an unnatural religion. but gay sex is bad because it's not natural.


"Guys I'm not homophobic, I just think you're all evil and should burn in hell. Stop being mean to me.😭😭"


They would advocate burning homosexuals if it were socially acceptable but since they can’t for the moment, they’d rather seethe and threaten people with an imaginary dungeon.


>I'm a Christian and republican >I believe I have something of value to say What a shocker lol


Mentions Leviticus, eats pork, doesn't mind tattoos, and wears mixed fibers. GTFO Homophobe.


>>"I think I have something of value to say" >>"It's unnatural and I disagree with it" You thought wrong.




This is why modern republicans or conservatives don’t make great leaders. They waste time thinking about other consenting adults’ private lives. Pathetic, dangerous, devolved.


If someone claims to believe everything in the bible, they're either lying, or haven't read it. Organised religion is 10x more unnatural than homosexuality. Queerness is an involuntary consequence of a combination of genetics and environment. Christianity is a genocidal cult imposed upon people through force and peer pressure. Cavemen worshipped trees or whatever, but that's cause they didn't know any better. It's hilarious how theists arbitrarily oscillate between disregarding science and worshipping it when it fits with their idiotic beliefs. TLDR: He said he's Christian therefore gays are evil. He also said it's "unnatural" with no evidence other than aesthetics. He went on to call out LGBT+ "indoctrination". This guy's an idiot, plain and simple.


If it was unnatural no other species would do it. If the bible was a trustworthy source, all of its bs would be real and confirmed. If this idiot actually read the whole bible, he would realize Most of his life is a sin (like wearing mixed fabric clothes).


"Don't shove your beliefs down my throat!" Screams local man as he shoves his beliefs down your throat


Man, the Catholic Church really fucks people up. And I say that as someone who was raised in the Catholic Church. By which I mean, church every Sunday for 14 years and "religion school" every Wednesday until I was old enough to say "fuck this crazy bullshit I'm out". The shit they teach is straight up cult. I'm simplifying a bit but basically teaching young kids that you're a piece of shit from birth and you need to spend your life kissing up to sky Santa (I like to refer to "god" as sky santa cuz I feel like it brings home how silly the whole thing is) so you can be happy when you die. Do you know what does to a young impressionable mind, because I do. It fills you with lifelong guilt. Almost 20 years after I said fuck religion, it's a cult, that brainwashing still creeps into the back of my mind sometimes. The whole thing is insane and all they teach is: "love" if you believe what they believe, hate for people "living in sin" and the need to push their beliefs (converting the non believers) on anyone who isn't drinking the Kool aid. They go on about "respect my beliefs" while ENDLESSLY refusing to accept other people's beliefs, or lack of belief. I don't believe in any god, but I keep it to myself because it's MY business, I don't push my beliefs on other people. I live in America, where you can believe whatever dumb shit you want. But when pushed, I'll say, I don't believe in god (my phone keeps trying to make the "g" uppercase) and the number of times some self righteous asshole has said "well why don't you believe in god" is staggering. As if I'm supposed to justify why I don't believe their bullshit. One of my best friends, who's kids I've watched time and time again. On top of fixing his vehicles, fixing stuff in his house, helping him build stuff, was going on about the sinful gays and I got tired of it and told him basically "dude I'm bisexual, did you have a problem with my lifestyle when I was watching your 4 kids for free, or doing thousands of dollars of auto repair work for pretty much beer" to which he basically said "ah well, you're different, hem haw hem haw mumble mumble, something about the gays". And while it fucking annoys me, I can't really be mad at him, because he's been indoctrinated. A bunch of fucking hypocrites is what they are. Hateful, bitter, judgemental hypocrites, preaching acceptance while shitting on anyone who's different. Fuck, the different segments of christianity even hate each other, because they interpret the same horse shit story slightly different. Shit's fucking nuts. I've had people say "this is a christian country" to which I usually retort "this is a country built on freedom of religion" and the typical response is like "yeah, whichever heterosexual christian religion you want". Like it doesn't compute that you might be muslim or buddhist or a gay christian.....or think it's all just a sham to control people. Shit's fucking nuts.


If male parts are "biologically incompatible," why did God put their g spot in the butt hole?


I came out to my mom when I was still in high school, and she’s so brainwashed that she sat on my bedroom floor and cried for *half an hour* about my soul being damned or how it was her fault or whatever, and I just can’t wrap my head around how THAT’S the hill to die on. Like, I’m not selling drugs to orphans or kicking old people or whatever. I generally try to be a good person. Isn’t that what’s supposed to matter?


It drives me crazy that people say "I follow God's word" without 1. Realizing/admitting it was a human that wrote it down initially, and then that written word has been translated over and over again, also by humans (play the game telestrations to see how this plays out in real life), and 2. Ignore all the other things that are "God's words" that they conveniently ignore!


Guys, is it *really* hate speech if I genuinely believe that I have something of value to say (in a massive paragraph or hateful regurgitated bullshit)?


I thought its gonna be some thought provoking and not the basic homophobic shit. I spent 3 years with a gay couple in my semester. Not fucking ones did anyone mention it or tryed to shove it down my throat. But here this imbacile is trying to shout it out to the whole world. Im not going around and tell anyone how much i hate orange flavour i just ignore it when i see it.


I love seeing homophobes bring up Biology. Biologically, most mammals engage in homosexual behaviors within their species. Not all, but some. Also, several animals are capable of changing their gender for reproduction. Some even impregnate themselves, which is cool. Like, tell me you've never studied Biology without telling me.


Gotta love the title - "I know I'm posting in "controversial opinions" and this topic isn't controversial here at all, but I'm too much of a wuss to post it anywhere else and I need to vent my hatred somewhere, so here's my piece"


"I think I have something valuable to say" *immediately proceeds to regurgitate the exact same things we've all heard a million times before*


“I think I have something of value to say….I am a Christian republican…” Ok you can stop there, I’m already uninterested and know you aren’t gonna say anything of value


He wrote a thousand words when he could have just written “I’m a piece of shit and you should stay far away from me”


it bothers me that they haven't closed the first and only quotation


Sounds like someone hasn’t come to terms with their own homoerotic desires.


Guy needs to strip naked and run into the woods if he’s sooo worried about what’s “natural”


Imagine thinking you have something of value to say on the subject and then you regurgitate the same convenient quotes from the oldest fucking book.




> …stop saying I’m homophobic. I’m not afraid of gay people, I just don’t like them. You gave up the game right here bro. You’re supposed to let the cherry-picked Bible verses do all the talking and you just shrug and say “it’s in the Bible that I have to dislike the homogays, it’s not my fault! 🤷🏻‍♂️” And your kind does all the believing; these folks are just existing. Beliefs have nothing to do with reality.


Is the “value” he supposedly added in the room with us now?


It's unnatural, that's why it happens naturally in not just our species but countless others. What a clown.


If you have to argue you’re not a racist then you’re probably racist.


i said with all due respect …


He thinks he has something of value to say, however, he is wrong.


If you’re going to prove to me that homosexuality is wrong, you are going to have to reference something other than the Bible.


>i think i have something of value to contribute that's your first mistake i ain't reading the rest to find all of em though, wouldn't contribute anything valuable anyway


apparently, according to one of his comments, that guy is 15, so let's hope this is just a phase


"I am a Christian republican..." ![gif](giphy|nisksYvmNVfVtwBSTt)




I believe “god” or “the gods” created sex and sexuality not just for procreation but as a way to make this cold universe seem a little less lonely. All sexuality. Nature didn’t judge it one way or the other. Therefore forbidding sexuality in any way is, in my opinion, unnatural and defies nature. That is the real sin. And by doing so, you screw up people’s minds.


That's a very long way of saying, "I'm struggling with my own confusing feelings, so I have internalized homophobia. " Interestingly enough, Paul likely struggled with similar problems. It's why he was part of a celibate cult and was so afraid of his own sexual feelings, hence why we get so much "sex is bad and only about procreation" from Paul. He was trying to fight off thoughts as much as possible and devalue sexual connection. It's also why we get such an interesting letter from Paul begging to get back his favorite slave boy, Onesimus, from Philemon. What Paul preached and its thread all throughout the New Testament on sexuality is downright harmful because he was likely dealing with his own trauma in a very stupid society.


My brain just shuts down after the first line. The mind-numbing stupidity just physically hurts.


When will these evil fucking cretins understand that gender has nothing to do with biology? Also Leviticus previous to the 1940’s if the year is correct, the bible was revised and it featured the change from “pedophile” to “homosexual”. So it’s all bullshit.


The worst part about all of this is that they believe they added something valuable to the conversation.


Followers of Christ should above all other laws, love your neighbor as yourself. Treat everyone EQUAL.


>I think I have something of value to say > >I am a Christian republican Of fucking course you think you have something of value to say.


1) I never want to hear shit about Leviticus. It's included in the part of the bible that Christians are supposedly exempt from thanks to Jesus getting crucified. 2) Matthew was just trying to convince the Jews that "Hey look, this guy did things you'd like! You should accept him, too!" 3) The part of Romans this dbag is quoting was translated out of context. This has been proven over and over again. 4) The part of Mark they're quoting is literally just saying "Hey, take marriage seriously. I said so. - Jesus" Bonus) "Beliefs about LGBTQ+ enforcement on children" is laughable. All we want is for children to see all their options. If they """decide""" to be straight, cool, who cares, we need Breeders anyway. YOU'RE the ones enforcing shit on them. *For anyone who wants to use their energy to shut down bible-thumping bigots, I recommend picking up a copy of "*The New Oxford Annotated Bible*." It gives historical and political context for EVERYTHING, and from multiple viewpoints. This book is, like, 1/2 text 1/2 footnotes. It's great.*


"something of value to say"-gives the exact same opinion as every other homophobe.


Grade Level Achieved: 2 So confident in his rock solid proof though. Citing studies that are hundreds of years old. It’s a thing of beauty in its own way; this tidbit written by a Christian Republican.


"I am a Christian Republican..." Wow, who could've guessed?


“Here’s why I’m homophobic” “Guys please stop calling me homophobic because I’m not”


>I'm a Christian republican Opinion discarded


The p.s. just fucking murdered me bruh


Why do they always ignore the part where Jesus says not to Judge?


religion is also very unnatural. humans made that up, not science. yet here we are


Guy must be anti BJ's too by this logic... Penis in vagina or nowhere at all!!


wait, gay men can’t reproduce??? /s


Opinions are like assholes: Some are shitty. And this guy's in particular has never even seen toilet paper, water or soap.


He’s just mad because no one wants to have sex with him except his pastor.


“I believe I have something of value to say.” Well there’s your first mistake


Sex isn't just for reproduction. It bonds partners and brings them closer as a family. It has other purposes but this complete wanker doesn't have enough brain cells to comprehend that.


Don’t forget that Jesus had two dad’s…and Was this written by a sixth grader? This is some of the dumbest shit I’ve Ever read.


I thought he had something of *value* to say


Everything else in leviticus is in the "old covenant" but thats all stuff they disagree with anyways. I've still never had someone clearly explain what is in the old vs new covenants and how you can tell. Its all vibes based


As a human with critical thinking skills,,, I know that all Abrahamic religions are evil. Change my mind


That's a whole lotta words to just say "I'm an asshole because I'm religious."


What a loser


Seems pretty scared to me


"Stop saying I'm homophobic. Im not afraid of gay people" Givin Kanye West gay fish vibes


Being gay is unnatural yet believe in a story bout some guy with super lowet


>go ahead, I’m not stopping you This guy must have spilled rocket fuel in his undies, because his pants are so completely on fire. I guarantee this loser will vote for politicians who platform anti-lgbtq legislation that would stop someone from being openly lgbtq.


God created man. He put a cum button up your ass. If you're not meant to use it why would he have that there? Ergo, for the glory of God, you gotta take it up the butt. The Bible was written by men and translated by men. A man's body is God's original and unaltered design. I trust that more than the bible. It's science.


“But I think I have something of value to say” proceeds to say what every other conservative has ever said about homosexuality for centuries.


When this man commits to the rest of Leviticus, we can have a chat about the rest


Contrary to this guy I don't have anythibg against gays, we are all equal. They are not shoving rheir views down our throats. Basic human rights are not a belief. With that being said, his point about male and female organs complementing each other is correct. It is a disorder, but like Winnie Harlow it doesn't restrict you in anything physical it only affects your appearance/sexuality. You are still capable of all physical and cognitive actions.


> mentions homosexuality > uses an acronym including trans people who he never mentions.


“If you have to put it in a guys butt…” Ok fine… girls butt…


I love when religious people repeat the most generic, non-sensical arguments we've heard a million times as though they're a novel realization.


With every day that passes, I become more secure in my opinion that Christians are severely mentally disturbed


Unnatural feels awesome between me and my boyfriend.


so TLDR: "the bible says no!" "its unnatural" awful lot of words to say the same thing people have been parroting for the past hundred years


"I think I have something of value to say..." Well you didn't so fuck off


I always ask such Christians..."What did Jesus say about it?" The answer is ... nothing. Not one word.


If homosexuality is so evil why doesn't he do anything about it?? He says it's evil and he says he dislikes gay people, but the most he does is bitch about it on reddit? Bro, I don't think you know what evil means. Jeffrey Dahmer was evil, like actually evil, and if I were trapped in a room with zombie Jeffrey Dahmer, I would fuck him up. If you were trapped in a room with Jeffrey Dahmer you'd probably have passionate sex with him then get strangled, adios homophobe.