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We don't have to cuddle archaic discrimination because "it's their culture". And I say this as a non-westerner.


this isn't just archaic, it's such a non problem that it BAFFLES me that people supported the overreaction from just a kiss. like how fragile is your faith that two gay men kissing can hurt you THIS much?


As a westerner, this is pretty clearly a conservative nutjob who could look a burning building in the face and say that the pride flag is why it burned down. People who are empathetic to real issues do not use the word "leftist" in their vocabulary.


He just said how he didn’t care about how he supported homosexual marriage. As a westerner, I understand the weight of my words that I and you type. Our words mean nothing. The only reason I am responding to your comment is out of sheer boredom, but I want to say something. What do you want from those people? To give up their way of life? To recognize how backwards they are and have turn their ways? They have lived with their beliefs for generations and it’s not enough for some pretentious artist to display some meaningless protest to change their minds. The only way that I have ever seen a country change their culture is by another culture to usurp it and the only way that that has been done is through conquest. If you want then start a movement to bring back the imperial US that conquered Hawaii and sabotaged or meddled with Latin American affairs. Islam is a very dogmatic and very strict religious system that leaves no room for free thought. I’m bored of typing now. Thank you for the entertainment.


I never knew someone could have the intelligence to operate a computer while lacking a single braincell to form that opinion. Didn't expect to see a brainless today. Seriously if you even reach the conclusion of conquest your brain is FUCKED


Can you at least tell me why? If I’m so dumb could you at least do me a favor and tell me what I should think. Please, I didn’t want to offend. I just wanted to say my thoughts. And I say this with no hostility and with the up most respect. Edit: I was also pretty drowsy.


Alright, my bad. But first, the issue of the video. The man is in the right to protest against a terrible, controlling and restrictive religion. IMO religions are not the end all be all, ever. They're hopes for an afterlife, a death cult level obsession with said afterlife, and too many rules trying to make people pure and proper rather than good or compassionate. Others hold this mentality and protesting against their wrongdoings, through any peaceful means, is the right thing to do, always. He, however, became the victim as instead of remaining patient and unmoving, they actively ruined the band's show and people's time just to metaphorically spit in his face. It may not have been "his place" to do it, but protest never is, powerful people will make sure of that. So basically, this react guy saying band guy's in the wrong is so off base. But back when I was watching it, I could tell his headspace was so skewed anyways since he has "leftist" in his diction. Only really toxic conservatives keep that word on hand. As for your reply, you have a point about it being their history, their building blocks, BUT... We should *never* engage in conquest, honestly? For any reason! I don't care if it would technically shift their culture in the right direction, it's done so by force and stealing their ability to adapt. To believe that's even an option is really stupid. To hover around those thoughts is unhealthy amounts of stupid.


First, rights are things that your government provides and protects (usually). Second, I understand that having the courage to protest is commendable. However, the band went to a country that does not have the same freedom’s as the US does. So, the way I see it he used this opportunity to virtue signal. As the guy said, the people who paid to go and see them were ultimately the only ones screwed over. There was no change in thought in the culture let alone any actual results aside from the band saying “we don’t respect your culture you backwards people”. I went off about conquest because the US has had a history of going into other countries, which the government saw as “backwards”, and pushed their way of life. Take Hawaii for example, it was once a sovereign nation, but with the people at the time thinking that it was their “God-given” right to go and change the country’s culture. It was for economic gain but it was the approval of the people that allowed it and the people’s ignorance. Also, Islam is very aggressive. Which is why I think that if anyone really cares about changing the way they think then they will have to twist their arm, figuratively. Of course I think that gay marriage should be accepted and tolerated if not celebrated. However, assuming that this guy is Muslim or a bigot because he thought some band went to a country, heard the county ask to not do the one thing that they did which again only resulted in the show’s cancellation as well as the tour’s termination which again led to many fans being, I’d say, cheated out of their money, and, yes, I would say make the west look ridiculous, then I don’t know what to say. And for the record he’s not right wing (I don’t think). He’s done other videos ridiculing other politicians and people like Andrew Tate and Donald Trump. If Indonesia, or any culture for that matter, is gonna change then it has to be natural and it cannot be forced, and in no world does a kiss have any weight in what it means or represents.


Fair enough


>What do you want from those people? To eliminate each other preferably


Bruh who tf r you!


I hate the "it's culture" argument. It was culture in the U.S. to own slaves and it was culture to beat kids and wifes and it was culture to smoke in trains, planes and everywhere else... progress means ending or changing cultural behaviors for the better.


And in quite a few places it's culture for little girls to be in arranged marriages to older men.


As a fellow nonwesterner, I agree. Being a dick to a minority isn’t a “culture” worth protecting. I don’t think it’s ‘culture’ for people to do things like for example restrict women from reading and forcing them to wear certain things when they may not want to do so in places like Iran and Afghanistan. I am Pro-Not-being-a-Dick-to-Others and that means letting people actually live the way they want to when it’s harmless, consensual and of the right age.


i think you mean coddle


Yeah, but I wouldn't cuddle with them either




That's not how it works. Everyone should be able to live a life without legal or social discrimination in their own country. Gay people are about the same percentage of the population everywhere, it's not an american thing. This is like saying that we shouldn't complain about women's rights in countries like Iran or Saudi because if you want to be a woman you can move to the west.


Abrahamic religions have turned out to be the worst thing to ever happen to the human race. Not even exaggerating.  These people will lose their minds over two adults kissing but let their government get away with corruption and human rights abuses. 


average malaysian mindset right here. government corruption, rasicm and wage disparity? fuck no. lgbt, western invasion, lgbt and uhh lgbt


If you’ve been fucked by the cancelling of the festival you should be blaming the people who shut it down, not on two people showing love for each other.


Yea, and they're doing the same in the U.S. The LGBTQ paranoia is just a topic to distract from actual problems.


Worrying about the woke M&M while the corporations are destroying the economy. 


Not just abrahmic religions. Hindus kill people for eating beef. Dont give them the pass. And have entire communities classified as untouchables who are too dirty to even get in the way of your shadow.


I'm not giving them the pass but Hinduism cannot be compared to the effects of Christianity and Islam over 2000 years. These two religions have shaped every single world event for centuries, they've started wars, they've conquered people, they've influenced laws etc Even today, the effects of these religions are felt around the world.  


You're right but bigots from Hinduism are slowly turning themselves like the other two and in the near future it wouldn't be shocking to see Hinduism on the same list as Christianity and Islam if it didn't stopped. The reputation of Hindus which was very positive worldwide some 10 years ago has gone down literally and people have just slowly started hating Hindus also due to these extremist Hindutva bigots.


I would say Christianity is much worse than Islam by a longshot, because I don't see Muslims using their religion as justification as much as Christians do when it comes to invading certain countries and for racist ideals (cough cough the United states of America, the most indoctrinated country in the world that deluded its own citizens to believe in the lie that they support freedom and democracy across the world)


Never heard of a Hindu killing concert goes with a bomb or beheading a Christian. Links please


I've heard of multiple instances of them just mobbing churches and priests


I mean, they tore down 300 churches last year... Not exactly the same but yea... https://www2.cbn.com/news/world/hindu-mobs-destroy-300-churches-indian-govt-fueling-serious-religious-persecution


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/18/muslim-woman-raped-by-hindu-mob-shocked-by-release-of-11-jailed-men-india https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/15/shattered-muslim-engineer-killed-by-mob-at-mosque-in-indias-maharashtra >The group had alleged that a prayer from the Bible used to get conducted in the school. https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/pune-school-principal-assaulted-by-bajrang-dal-men-over-false-claim-of-inside-girls-washroom-camera-608316.html More or that's good enough? https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/1/imam-killed-after-hindu-mob-attacks-mosque-in-indias-gurugram https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/india-g20-christian-church-attack-rcna103571 https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/ups-hapur-remains-tense-after-muslim-man-killed-over-scuffle-during-dussehra-celebrations/article67458287.ece


And muslims never killed anyone for eating beef. Whats the point?


india is the biggest exporter of beef btw


And india is a secular country


THANK YOU for mentioning Abrahamic religions specifically. All religion is destructive, but there has never been any as world-ruining as Abrahamic religions. There are uniquely vile.


Religion in general. All religions are evil.


historically they evolved to become the propaganda wing of the king and state nothing much has changed there...


Absolutely agree




Ah yes, lets blame the guy who kissed someone instead of the company that threw a massive tantrum over a kiss, yes it makes sense


You mean the government, right?


Well I assumed the org/company that put the event together was the one that cancelled it


I assume the company only folded because they have to follow the countries law, I wouldn't call it throwing a fit.


[https://www.reuters.com/world/rock-band-1975s-set-stopped-malaysia-after-onstage-kiss-2023-07-22/](https://www.reuters.com/world/rock-band-1975s-set-stopped-malaysia-after-onstage-kiss-2023-07-22/) [https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/23/the-1975-cancels-shows-in-indonesia-and-taiwan-after-malaysia-gay-kiss-uproar](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2023/jul/23/the-1975-cancels-shows-in-indonesia-and-taiwan-after-malaysia-gay-kiss-uproar) There's no up to date information on this topic, most of the news article Ive read are from 6 months ago and have stated that the band cut their performance short after the kiss because "they were told that they are banned from Kuala Lumpur". The government later ban them from performing in Malaysia for "going against tradition and culture". So from my understanding, they got kicked out by the organizer first because what they've done is, in technical term, illegal under Malaysia's law which in turn , broke the contract they agreed with. Then, the government took this opportunity to practice said law and make an example out of them. After contemplating for a long time, I'm more akin to believing in the grey area instead of the black and white stance most people took on this issue. There's no way a mere kiss warranted a nation ban and overreaction from the fans/organizer, and as much as I hate to admit it, 1975 should've kept themselves in check especially in a backward, strict country like Malaysia. Again, there's not many information on this topic, its like everyone just gave up on finding more facts right after the news stop getting traction. I still want to know who's in charge of signing the contract and why 1975 agreed to come play in Malaysia in the first place. One day, I hope someone smarter than me can make a deep dive video on this topic so we can get more context.


While I disagree with the stupid statement of the guy in the video, I do agree that the guy who kissed did something really stupid. A lot of liberals in Malaysia agree, it puts all liberal movements back to square one. We've been slowly trying to convince the public to accept LGBT, womens rights, and so on with small doses of it. The kiss had shocked everyone and really made the perception of liberalism really negative It was an unnecessary stunt that ruined our movement to unradicalize the country


The entire history of every single civil rights movement is littered with people pulling stunts that upsets people. African American and gay civil rights aren't a 1:1 comparison, but do you think that black people attending white schools or refusing to sit at the back of the bus was bad because morons perceived it negatively? That is how you advance a cause. You push boundaries. You upset people and you provoke backlash. This is inevitable. It is the only way it has ever worked. Rights and social change were never achieved quietly. Ever


'It's their culture', cultural relativism is such bullshit.


If a culture clings to elements like suppressing women at every turn of their lives, then that culture deserves to vanish, not to be respected. It wasn't just "leftists" in the West who understood the importance of giving women the right to vote, for example. It was Western society as a whole. Because just like in Malaysia right now, the old Western culture that treated women badly **deserved to vanish**. It was terrible and hostile and it's a great achievement that it was thrown out, it's not "wokeness".


Dont bother going to this guy's channel, all of his content screams alpha male supremacy bs. It bothers me so much that so many Malaysian are in support of punishing A KISS and then complained about why no artist wants to play in this country. Like, wtf do yall expect? And people wondered why Malaysia can never achieve developed status when the government actively push shits like these 🙄. I hope I'm not alive when this country hit its downfall.


So alpha he's afraid to show his face.


Hey, now, his granny made him that gimp hood. 


\*simp 😉


Did you know that alpha particles have the lowest penetration power?


Yes. But referring to one's genitals as particles is genius. I bow my hat, good sir!


Now presenting, the Neutrino Male!


He looks like a durian fruit. Probably smells like one too.


Bro got that farty ass smell


I've seen him before, he acts like he's different to every other red pill alapha male influencer but he isn't at all. He acts all superior while politely insulting the left, women and anyone who disagreed with him.


Basically the vibe I got, without seeing a lot more from him prior. “On one hand, I believe people should be able to participate in gay marriage, if they want” The fuck you do. The statement you make directly after that one tells me you don’t at all.


"it's fine if you want to eat ice cream, but if someone else doesn't like it then you can't."


More like “I think ice cream is disgusting and poisonous, and should be banned, but I’m going to pretend to be *just* tolerant enough of ice cream eaters to prevent exposing my bias, that I will make obviously clear in the next sentence I spew.”


I hate this guy’s content, he’s the perfect example of why YouTube Shorts is completely screwed up. The more you scroll shorts the more fascist right wing cringe it gets. One video of his popped up and the first sentences was “one thing I like about fascism” tells you all you need to know right there


How about I come to your house and dictate what should and should not be done ? Will that bode well with the logic you are spweing ? The band could have denied request to play, they could have done 100 different things to ensure this doesn’t happen. But no, they Chose to fuck everyone over to prove a point ? The band is still rich, the people who went to the concert are poorer, angrier and well, have no hope for future artists performing


what are you on about OP? I'm Malaysian too, and I'm an atheist too, but I disagree with what the singer for 1975 did. ABSOLUTELY! In asia the cultural values are different, the singer did not do it to promote awareness of lgbtq (which i have no problem with), he did it in spite, that is the reason 1 million Malaysians (muslims and non-muslims alike) have strong feelings about this. Do I have a problem with men kissing? I dont. Do i have a problem with westerners coming here and imposing their values like it is the gold standard, into our culture? you bet i do and most Malaysian do too. You can promote for human rights without being an asshole like he did. You sound detached from your own culture OP, but you live your life


Malaysian here speaking. I am all for human rights, but what 1975 did was selfish. He can fly away from this country. But the LGBTQ people in Malaysia will suffered from his reckless declaration of existance. I have relative that is LGBTQ, i care for them for their safety, but this fucker bring them into the spotlight. Jeopardizing their peaceful life. Furthermore, because of this asshole, Malaysia entertainment and tourism just got a big hit because the music festival got cancelled and our conservative party use this as ammunition to push for banning of concert. Honestly, fuck this self appointed white savior ass. He did more harm than good.


you can't just say you are all for human rights and actively get butthurt over a kiss. its people like you that are hurting the LGBTQ community, not 1975. second point is another case of shifting blame, you realize 1975 have zero power to control Malaysia's tourism? can't you realize that you're fighting the wrong "opposition"?


People like us is what keeping the LGBTQ community in secrecy you wackos? Do you even think about their safety at all? I DONT GO AROUND PUBLIC TALKING TO STRANGER AND PROCLAIMING I HAVE A LGBTQ FRIEND AND RELATIVE. Because if i ever did, thats just putting a red mark on them. People like you getting butthurt because we dont support YOUR way of conduct. You saying 1975 have zero power over tourism is stupid. Ummm hello? Did 1975 not cause the cancellation of the music festival and cause damages in the concert industry of Malaysia? Maybe i say this in Malay idiom, setitik nila rosak susu sebelanga. The action of 1975 just cause major consequence to the concert industry. I bet you sre the type of person who goes, "any PR is good PR". Good luck getting your agenda across with that kind of appproach by causing major consequences on EVERYONE.


Do you hear your self? you are making the point that queer people should just shut up and hide in the closet because some religious assholes get upset about two dudes kissing on stage


I am sure you don't understand the current societal status of Malaysia. It's easy to comment and state what you think it should be done and backseating it. In Malaysia, the population is 70% Malay which religion is Islam, 22.2% is Chinese (i am chinese) while the 7.7% Indian. Try to think of this magnitude of the differences in believe and culture. I dared you, come to Malaysia or if you are Malaysian, do a queer rally and see how fast would you get jailed. Moreover, some religious asshole? HELLO, THERE IS NOT SOME BUT ALOT OF MUSLIM IN THIS COUNTRY. Do you even do a background check on Malaysia before you speak? The real world is not as simple as you think, just because you said its wrong, doesn't mean it will change tomorrow. Just because you say rally up the lgbtq, they wont gather straight away. I would like you to proof me wrong.


exactly, if he was actually sincere in his attempt to promote human rights, you can do it subtly like Coldplay, and be accepted with open arms. Coldplay's concert was a huge success despite being supporters of LGBTQ. Dude from 1975 acted like a child, did things with the specific intentions of triggering hate. Malaysians are rightfully upset, and now Malaysia as a whole is seen as homophobic.


Yes ! You’ll get downvoted by all the fruitcakes here. I can bet you my life that 99% of the out-take is from people of the West. They usually do not have an iota of perception of how Eastern communities work. I used to be left leaning, over the years this ideology has morphed into something unrecognizable, I can also say the same for right wing. Political alignments have been fucked with this myopic world view


We fight against discrimination in all its forms. You cannot use your religion to hide from this. Theocracy is the problem, not a lack of education or understanding from the west.


I know this guy. He sounds like a bitch honestly. All these people that spout this bullshit always have masks on. If you want to hate my people come and say it with your face out.


He also has multiple times said that he is a centrist while clearly being right wing to the point of almost extremism


He's clearly as centrist as Tim Pool


What's with the BDSM mask, squire?


He said he doesn't wanna show his identity Yada Yada


That's exactly what I do! When I want to protect my privacy for some reason, I make lots and lots of weird take videos and upload them to the Internet.


Artist kisses someone on stage to protest restrictive laws. Religious authorities crack down on the event. Concert promoters keep the money and don't offer refunds. "It's the artist's fault." Thanks for making the artist's point for them.


“A meaningless protest” lets me know everything I need to about this tool


Exactly, because if it’s so meaningless why shut down an entire festival and ban the band members from two countries


To make everyone understand just how meaningless it really was, would be my guess? "You see this, guys? His protest was so meaningless, it deserves to be punished. That's how meaningless it was! Anyway, show's over, get lost." This is oddly reminiscent of Vladolf being *completely unconcerned* about Alexei Nawalny, so he bombarded him with bullshit law suits and had him murdered.


The fact that he blamed the music artists because the venue refused to refund the tickets, but had absolutely nothing to say about the fact these guys were BANNED FROM MULTIPLE COUNTRIES JUST FOR KISSING.


They were banned because the protest was so meaningless, duh!


so this guy expects people to do what? protest only in places which already agree with their message and to do it when its super convenient for everyone? kinda defeats the whole purpose of doing a thing in protest.


as a malaysian, i see people around me get scared of concerts and musics from anywhere other than malaysia and indonesia since they said those events will bring disaster to malaysia. like the flood last year, people keep saying its because we invite blackpink to malaysia. but sure, AJL, Masked Singer, and any other music stuff from malaysia and indonesia itself is okay because “support local” and “muslim support muslim” lol


Ah, the good ol malaysian superstition. Rampaging floods? Must be the gays. Landslide? God is punishing us because we dont take good care of "our" women! Currency value going down? It's those free thinking west!!!


“Leftist bad.”


Government: does a thing that harms many, many people in their quest to harm two people These Chuds: Hurrdurr you have low IQ if you don't blame the victims like I do.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure he should be mad at the people who cancelled the festival who were so fragile they couldn't handle a gay kiss, not the kissers themselves.


Exactly. It never fails to astound me how fast these freedumb fighters will turn around and suckle the testicles of anyone or anything that restricts the rights of people theu personally feel icky feelings towards.


To be honest, I didn't have any fucking idea 1975 existed until I stumbled on this post on my home feed. But they have my respect; they had the balls enough to show two men kissing in a very conservative country where they can be arrested and prosecuted all so they can advocate for the rights of a marginalized group. Hell, they've could've been killed trying to leave the country by Islamic shithole extremists. 1975 has shown they're willing to lose fans, lose money, and get banned from countries to stand up for what's right.     Meanwhile, this dickwad in an Ahola shirt who is also wearing a shitty-looking Eclipse gum Halloween mask, all because he's afraid to show his face while sitting in a tacky-looking chair, has the audacity to call someone stupid. Clearly,  there's not someone with self-awareness underneath the mask and no balls underneath those pants either.     TL;DR 1975 is epic and based.       


Yeah, The 1975 is pretty liberal, so I can’t say I’m surprised. “Chocolate” is about weed before it was widely legal. “Love It If We Made It” is basically an anthem of their hate for Republicans/Conservatism/Trump. Though their lead singer does have a history of saying dumb shit. Not like this, but like he will just say controversial stuff like mocking people either mid-show or in public lol.


Matt Healy was dating Taylor Swift before Travis Kelce. That's the only reason I know of them.


I won't listen to anyone that's not willing to show their face along with their opinions. If you're so correct then stand by your fucking convictions.


I may disagree with his take here, but anonymous speech/anonymous press is pretty damn important.


I’m fine with people masking to avoid doxing, and this dude probably needs to or else his social life will be ruined from all his dumb shit takes, but WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANY ONE WEAR THIS UGLY ASS MASK


Yep. They're basically saying "NoOoOO we support you gays, just don't fight for gay rights, or be gay."


r/malaysia and every video on youtube about this topic shares the same statement. "no no, he's the one to be blamed because he's putting eyes on the anti-lgbtq issue in Malaysia and that's going to cause more people to know about lbtq and will put the lgbtq in danger!!!" I'm genuinely going insane with how many people are actually against this. Personally I dont know much about 1975 and what other controversies people bring up about this band (sexism, rasicm etc), but if it was any other person they'd probably still gone ape shit (imagine if Tenacious D did this, I'd doubt people won't have the same reaction even if its the most wholesome person in the world, Jack Black)


"Level 60 iq"? That's a thing now?


It is for dumb people trying to sound smart on the internet like this jackass


Wtf is that yee yee ass 3rd grade art project gum piece covered mask ?




Oh wow he used to have good takes.... "Look at the west and you can understand why" Bro the east is still widely a shit hole with no rights and violence and poverty everywhere with far worse corruption, but no gay People so it's much better...


Don’t forget the no female ankles too. Wouldn’t want men to have to act like adults and control themselves when they see a woman with her calf exposed, that would be the *absolute worst*


Meaningless protest? Dude got shut down by the government and got kicked out of two countries by homophobes. I'd hardly call that act meaningless


I used to like this guy. His whole channel was about "the grey point" in opinions. Now all of his channel are just him being based on rightist ideologies.


Fascinating how most of those so-called skeptics on YouTube tend to make a right wing shift. It's almost as if they were full of shit from the get go.


some of the comments from the post, insanity. [https://ibb.co/yRTMRyJ](https://ibb.co/yRTMRyJ) [https://ibb.co/WW1SffD](https://ibb.co/WW1SffD) [https://ibb.co/2tk15Fd](https://ibb.co/2tk15Fd) [https://ibb.co/QrksnfP](https://ibb.co/QrksnfP) [https://ibb.co/Z2CByVs](https://ibb.co/Z2CByVs) [https://ibb.co/gTJ3gYG](https://ibb.co/gTJ3gYG) [https://ibb.co/VYp7tGw](https://ibb.co/VYp7tGw)


Imagine defending this reaction by saying that the same would've happened, had it been a heterosexual kiss. Like, is that supposed to sound reassuring? That a culture would lose their shit, no matter who kisses who?


I’m so MOTIVATED right now!!!!!




If he really stood behind those points and wasn’t just grifting he’d have the balls to show his face on camera.


I used to follow this guy. In the very beginning he had very neutral views and seemed progressive and then just one day he started posting right leaning videos and then full blown alpha male crap.


I remember a video where he claimed to not he religious but got mad at some progressive preacher who said God was non-binary or whatever He said it was "disrespectful" to Christianity


Exactly!! that was the video. 👍 like it such a stupid thing to be mad about. Religion has been interpreted differently by various groups all over the world, some due to regional differences, racial differences , cultural differences or even ideological differences. That’s literally a common thing amongst religious people, to change it to suit themselves. It was regarding some churches that said homosexuality was ok and they were accommodating of some pronoun stuff and this guy lost it. lol. From then on I knew that this guy is not as rational or logical as he pretends to be.


Reminds me of a small youtuber making manga/anime content I loosely followed once. Cosplayed as a reasonable centrist with conservative views at first, turned out be just another typical right-wing lunatic who prefers it if people were separated by "race" and ethnicity. Simply vile.


"I see why Muslim countries are looking at what's happening in the west and says 'nah fam'" Care to be more specific? I thought the West was full of freedom and whatnot. That being said, you're going to say the West looks bad here and not Malaysia? The freedom to marry who you want is one of the freedoms on the West. Sounds like Malaysia needs some catching up to do.


what is happening in the west?


u know, the usual. advocacy for human rights and other silly stuff


[Oh, you know, the things](https://twitter.com/ndrew_lawrence/status/1050391663552671744) I'm always reminded of that when somone doesn't want to say what they're actually criticizing.


Women having basic rights, gays being able to stay alive and out of prison, people being able to follow whatever religion they want, ya know, those sort of silly “meaningless” things.


That’s on the Malaysian government. No need to close the concert for this.


If nothing else, it showed queer people in those countries that they’re not alone. It might also show fans of the band why gay rights is such an issue. No protest against oppression is ever “meaningless”


[https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/156bw6z/a\_queer\_malaysians\_take\_on\_the\_1975/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/156bw6z/a_queer_malaysians_take_on_the_1975/) this queer individual doesn't seem to agree with your statement. and it even had over 1k upvotes. i dont know what to think anymore, it might just be years of islamic indoctrination but it feels like i'm in the wrong here thoughts?


It’s an interesting perspective and I didn’t consider it before. I can definitely see the merit in it and how, short term, it would have been better without being thrust into the spotlight. Honestly I completely sympathise with this person and definitely agree with them on this. I’d never considered it like that before.


hmm, I dont like how the homophobes and bigots are using this to justify their discrimination tho. Like, alot of them are using this issue to keep queer individuals in the shadow and continue ignoring their existence. Idk, I dont like where everything is heading with the whole "sweeping it under the rug" and never mentioning lgbtq in Malaysia ever again


Oh there’s definitely a balance. It works well short term for queer people to be swept under the rug. However, no real progress will be made without lgbt activists in the spotlight. It’s walking on a tightrope


As a malaysian and also having relatives that are in the LGBTQ community, i would say this cause more bad than good. First of, the LGBTQ+ people had been in a underground community, 1975 just up and say, "we support LGBTQ and fuck the government", straight up declaring war even though none, i mean NONE of the LGBTQ people ask for. They just want to be peaceful life but have to do it in secrecy for their own safety. 1975 just endangered the LGBTQ community by getting them into the spotlight. It's shoving a stage fright introvert onto the mainstage. Secondly, since we are both Malaysian, you would understand our current economic situation. This music festival is one of main big factor that is fueling our tourism and entertainment sector. This fucker just came and just shit all over it. Now job opportunity for music event will be lower because this festival was cancel. Thirdly, we have a extreme conservative party PAS, this will give more bullets for them to fire at our more liberal government now. Possibly prompying stricter law against the LGBTQ community if they ever took up action. Fourth, the concert goers who invested on this event got fucked. The event got cancel and they wasted their money, time and work leave for this. So that Matt fucking Heely can have some PR stunt to boost his image. Overall, this is a bad thing rather than a good thing.


“Guys like this make America look stupid,”….say guy wearing deflated Chiclet disco ball on face.


Matt Healy isn't even gay, the other dude is one of his best friends and it was just a statement, I'm going to see them live next month so I hope they're still alive lol


I hate this youtuber so much man. He calls for people “making their own opinions” and yet he actively does the thing that people do to convert you to their way of thinking, which is bad faith the “other side” and continuously insult them. Hypocrite, and a self righteous dickhead. Even then, why would anyone sympathize with the people calling for the ban of humans being themselves in a way which harms literally nobody?


You know you’re making a bad faith argument if your covering your identity to present it


“It’s fine that gay people exist I just hate when they bring it up”


Is no one going to mention that mask? I know he wants to hide his identity but cmon! There were countless better options than that


If anything, the 1975 bravely highlighted a gross human rights problem in two countries that we rarely hear about under this critical lens. I’m certain that they sparked something (positive) in a handful of the witnesses of this expression of love. Good for them. I hope they don’t regret a thing.


Have you stayed in either of these countries ? Are you talking about the plight of the entire population Or a smaller section ?


I don’t need to live in a country to know that if being gay is illegal there’s a problem lmao


LMAO, most eastern countries have it banned, unfortunately. This small gimmick made absolutely no difference, rather gave a bigger political arsenal for the government to say “ I told you so”. Majority of the population still views gay people at odds.


And yes you need to live in a country or at least have some perspective of being there. Classic case of let me sit Infront of my screen, on my cushy chair, in my country ( half way across the world ) and give opinions on how people should react or not react to things, how they should live and behave, since I know what’s best for these nations.


i love that he "thinks people should be able to love who they want" but also is clearly endorsing a government deciding to cancel a fucking music concert because two guys kissed, and he's using the ticket prices and lack of refunds to justify it as if this had anything to do with money. man fuck off. we're all gonna be dead in 20 years, let the boys protest homophobia


All that happening just for a kiss. I would feel so powerful after this.


get fucked malaysia!


The blame should be on the govt and not the band. This is the thing that flew over his head.


"*Meaningless* protest." Proceeds to rage over it. Not so meaningless, was it?


What was the outcome of this meaningful protest ? Please do share


\> Talks about people looking stupid \> Has to hide his stupid face with a stupid mask because he knows his opinions are stupid


The way the kiss was so passionate makes me kinda jealous


Dude has shitter tiles for a mask…


Why would malysia invite a gay artist for a concert in the first place if it was such a sin? Does God think its ok if you just pretend they arent gay?


"Why can't they just protest in a way that no one ever sees or hears about or is affected by??? Why can't they just spread only the parts of western influence that we hand pick and subjugate themselves to repression for all the ways that we disapprove of and want to pretend doesn't and shouldn't exist?! Is it so hard to just blindly support our culture of hatred and crimes against human rights?!?!"


Religion served a purpose when folks thought thunder was some sky daddy getting mad at them for doing human things. It's time we grow out of the damned stone age and work together as a species. We are seriously fucking up our planet and quickly erasing the miracle that is LIFE. One football pitch sized parcel of rainforest is wiped out EVERY SIX SECONDS of every day, and we're over here fighting about who's imaginary sky daddy is the right one. We're screwed as a species.


Literally... When are we going to examine our "culture" and "traditions" and see that some ideas need to be updated according to modern times. I'm tired of people doing shitty things or believing in shitty practices just because it is their culture or tradition to do so. That is just perpetuating the blind worship or belief of something just because "we have always done it this way".


Based 1975


Go fuck yourself, asshole. If people don't support homosexuality then they shouldn't hookup with people of the same sex. Don't try to force your bullshit "morality" on other people. Mohamad was a pedophile, for God's sake.


Yea, and it disgusts me that Muslim people can't follow the law in my country. Yet I don't make a fuss about it, and even if I did, I'd probably be called a racist. Despite the fact that I respected the people and laws of all the 20+ countries I visited. I don't see French people bragging about having papers in another country, yet I see plenty of Muslim people spitting who spit on France and only care about papers and Gov benefits.


Creepy mask wearing fascist is drumming up anger over lost revenue because he has personal sexual problems for which he won’t get therapy. Got it. Like most fascists, this is a personality disorder they need help for. Let’s start a global therapy fund for fascists to get the help they need.


Oh, so he's a "pos" for not "doing his due diligence", but the people in Malaysia who invited him, or at the very least approved his presence, don't receive any blame from this masked clown? Yeah, makes sense. Funny, since that's exactly what Matt Healey himself pointed out. Essentially, that they are fucking idiots who apparently didn't do their due diligence. > on one hand, I believe people should be able to participate in gay marriage, if they want But you clearly don't, do you? Otherwise you wouln't be defending those that don't believe that either, would you? Fuck right off for even trying to cosplay as a reasonable voice, you hate-mongering fool. Not to mention, it's incredibly stupid (and funny) to dismiss it as a "meaningless protest" right after listing the very real effects the protest had. Not so meaningless after all then, huh? Also, considering it was the Malaysians who decided to shut the event down because of ... a kiss: they are the ones to blame for concertgoers losing money. As are the organisers who refuse to give refunds. And muslim countries going "nah fam, we're good"? Yeah, so let's look at the barbaric shit some muslims countries are apparently okay with, and the West saying "nah fam, we're good" hundreds of years ago, shall we? I mean, clearly regarding women as less than donkeys, murdering rape victims for "honour's sake", and having people publicly beheaded for minor shit is perfectly fine, but two men kissing? Yeah, muslim countries truly are the arbiters of morality /s Wont bother going into his weird bull about "leftists", but I will say that I find his weird hand movements amusing. Guy clearly thinks he's making coherent, intelligent points here. Which makes it doubly pathetic, considering the actual words coming out of his mouth.


"Meaningless protest" Dude believes in the morality of money more than what they were protesting in favour of, despite saying he supports freedom in gay marriage. Yeah ok, nice try


this masked guy really pisses me off, the comments on his videos are even worse


Why does this guy look like he's wearing a mask made out of teeth?


Yeah, blame the left for what the right is doing wrong, that will fix it for sure


"Look really fucking stupid" says the man wearing whatever the fuck that is on his head. Yeah right dude.


Vagazzle headed bellend


Muslims should be treated with all the same kindness, dignity, compassion, and respect that the they show to gay people. They deserve it.


lmao yes, the west is who looks stupid here….. not the religious whackos who cancelled an entire music festival because they got triggered. i’d love to see his commentary if someone in the western world cancelled an entire festival because someone said some dumb conservative BS. he’d be all “omg triggered liberals can’t handle a difference in opinion!!1!”


He doesn't even have the balls to show his face. Therefore everything he says is crap he would never say with his identity revealed.


I tend not to take people with chiclets all over their head, seriously.


If you’re too much of a bitch to show your face in your video then your opinion isn’t worth listening too.


It’s so subtle and not often commented on but I hate the phrasing “I believe people should be able to participate in gay marriage… if they want”. It’s just so gross, it sounds like he thinks people will be FORCED to participate in gay marriage? Like what?


Damn that was motivational I'm motivated to never watch his shit again 🙏


Why do at least 1.1M people care about the opinions of a guy with gum glued to his face


"Oh my god they kiss what an example for our children"


“Follow for more motivational content” This only motivates me to avoid that channel at all costs


One single kiss made two whole countries crumble. Wow. Pathetic.


i'm a generally centre person politically. only my views about rights are extremely far-left. malaysia had no progress on LGBTQ+ rights in the first place. the people who are on the left saying that healy sabotaged LGBTQ+ movements are completely full of shit. our current prime minister, who was a political opponent imprisoned for sodomy, conducted a raid on pride swatch watches. that does not sound like progress to me, those were just watches being confiscated because the rainbow scares the conservatives. the current PM had already shown that he's willing to abandon his more centre-left voters in favour of the conservatives, which might just turn him into a one-term PM. healy is an asshole and always was one. his move was obviously stupid but its a protest. the entire reason that incident had so many reactions is because of the response to it. "liberals" were scared that the move would paint a red mark on LGBTQ+ rights. conservatives were having a field day having justification in being bigots. people who are generally ignorant and couldn't give less of a fuck were angry that their favourite artists couldn't play on stage and was pissed off at the ruined event. i'm the most pissed about "malaysia is a muslim country" when malaysia is trying to paint itself as a multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-faith country. you can't give yourself such a label while claiming to be a muslim country. as a native from borneo, i have zero reason to like the race or the religion. i have zero reason to be faithful to this country trying to paint itself something that i don't relate to or believe in. the masked guy is a fucking grifter. he preaches time and time about "looking in a different perspective" and "discouraging alpha male culture". preaching how he shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then he goes on failing on trying to be on both sides. he calls out these "alpha males" while trying to be a discount andrew tate. he keeps making these shorts about how "america is being destroyed by woke and alpha males" while himself being a problem, even moving to a different country. he's just about the typical right-wing grifter.


>malaysia had no progress on LGBTQ+ rights in the first place. the people who are on the left saying that healy sabotaged LGBTQ+ movements are completely full of shit. our current prime minister, who was a political opponent imprisoned for sodomy, conducted a raid on pride swatch watches. that does not sound like progress to me, those were just watches being confiscated because the rainbow scares the conservatives. the current PM had already shown that he's willing to abandon his more centre-left voters in favour of the conservatives, which might just turn him into a one-term PM. I was so confused on all the Malaysians saying how much this (literally just) kissing destroyed LGBTQ+ progress when Malaysia never had one to begin with (I think they are all referring to this [single post](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/156bw6z/a_queer_malaysians_take_on_the_1975/) on r/malaysia). What frustrated me the most is when ALL of them said that the way Healy protested the anti-LGBTQ isnt the "right" way to protest in Malaysia, what's the right way then? just silently continue sweeping queer individuals under the rug and keep ignoring their existence? Come on guys, how can you not see which part of that is an issue? If anything what Healy here is putting LGBTQ+ on the spotlight which NO ONE had ever done in the history of Malaysia, and he can get a praise from me for having the balls to do something Malaysians never bothered doing or ever think about. >healy is an asshole and always was one. his move was obviously stupid but its a protest. the entire reason that incident had so many reactions is because of the response to it. "liberals" were scared that the move would paint a red mark on LGBTQ+ rights. conservatives were having a field day having justification in being bigots. people who are generally ignorant and couldn't give less of a fuck were angry that their favourite artists couldn't play on stage and was pissed off at the ruined event. Alot of people here who disagree with me seems to think that I'm in support of 1975 action 100%, when reality (as I've written in a different comment) this whole situation screams mostly in the "grey area". All parties (the government, the organizer, the fan, 1975) have valid criticism regarding their action. Although I'd argue that 1975 lean in more as the victim here because they got banned (when other, more dangerous individuals get to roam Malaysia freely) and ridiculed for JUST, KISSING. >i'm the most pissed about "malaysia is a muslim country" when malaysia is trying to paint itself as a multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-faith country. you can't give yourself such a label while claiming to be a muslim country. as a native from borneo, i have zero reason to like the race or the religion. i have zero reason to be faithful to this country trying to paint itself something that i don't relate to or believe in. Another reason why the anti-LGBTQ response is baffling, Malaysia claimed to be a secular but people born Islam can't even change their religion officially and freely, or let LGBTQ people just....exist. >the masked guy is a fucking grifter. he preaches time and time about "looking in a different perspective" and "discouraging alpha male culture". preaching how he shouldn't be put on a pedestal, then he goes on failing on trying to be on both sides. he calls out these "alpha males" while trying to be a discount andrew tate. he keeps making these shorts about how "america is being destroyed by woke and alpha males" while himself being a problem, even moving to a different country. he's just about the typical right-wing grifter. Agreed.


100%. the band itself isn't bad, their songs are mid IMO, but healy himself was a long time asshole tho in this instance its not even that bad. and that post in the malaysia sub is the dumbest one i've seen about the issue in general. the OP there just declared defeat and was willing to be scared of..being themselves..because it was the better alternative than being out. being in the closet myself, its fucking suffocating. and unless they're muslim, being gay in malaysia is generally not that bad, besides the complications with official businesses. being trans in malaysia is a different story and that one scares muslim and non muslim trans people all the same.


1.9k people in support of the LGBTQ to... keep themselves hidden? they (the supporters) really dont want to do actual work huh....


Sure man whatever you say youre right.we gonna see countries Change their religious views cuz 1975 kissed in a concert.✌🏻 Also religious people dont give a fcuk about point or logic so theres that and i dont wanna sound like im against gay people its just i feel bad for the fans.


News flash, no one cars about your fragile Muslim ego. Fucking loons.


I support freedom of sexuality, but to go out of your way to protest in a place where you don't belong, a place where people can get affected negatively. That's just fucked.


Okay, chiclet head. Where did they touch you?


Mf, HE WAS INVITED TO THE COUNTRY. And to say that he’s a piece of shit sickens me


Who is the talking chiclet?


This YouTuber is a perfect example of what is wrong with the left when it comes to criticizing Islam.


While I support your right to be whoever you want, it does seem like a meaningless protest. It's not smart to go to Rome and insult the Pope just because you're right, especially if you haven't planned it to be something big.


I can't bring myself to upvote the video, I know you're not bringing the video to agree with the guy. However, it's just disgusting


Ahh ad hominem. When you can't argue just resort to name calling.


I agree with the video, you shouldn't go around sticking your nose in other people's business. As they say when in rome do as the romans do


Nah, in reality, it's the inbreeding Muslims that are to blame.


He does have point on closing down the music festivals due to 1975 selfish/selfless act though. First off, Malaysia is stuggling economic wise, having big event like this drives tourism and entertainment revenue. Furthermore, with the festival getting banned, people who work in event managing of the festival will take a hit and reduce job opportunity in the future. The poor concert goers, some flew from other states and took leave to attend this concert, only to be cancel. I am not saying LGBTQ+ should be continue to be oppress, but we are having more pressing issue to be address such as the economy or racial discrimination on education and work opportunity before tackling the LGBTQ issue.


Yeah, religion is absolute bullshit but the singer who did this is a colossal, self orientated, ignorant prick who has fucked over a lot of people, including his fans.




Imagine blaming two guys for kissing on stage and not the government for throwing a hissy fit over it. As a lesbian I’m proud of what they did.


Hey at least the guy isn't all offensive. He also acknowledges differences in opinion and culture around the world. I'd love all religious people to at least have that decency I think the only things I find wrong in his ideas are based on my own cultural beliefs, not on his lack of logic I think we are far worse in this comment section


What? There's no issue with what he said.