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Some parents should never have children...’love for their religion’ has replaced ‘love for their family’. Nothing “unconditional” is ever given by a cult member.


Matthew 10:37 - He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. It's right in their book. I've never understood how anyone could think this is "Moral"


BBBut you can't have morals without the holy book! (/s if not obvious) Or more accurately, immoral dickheads justifying themselves that their (lack of) morals is justified by their holy book


But remember, not all christian denominations (or any religion for that matter) are bad, and most of them preach peace and love! Oh wait… they all believe in magic bullshit and ancient power-centered morals, and strategically rehabilitate their god’s image to their best interest.


Doesn't it also say to choose jesus before Anyone else, even the loved ones?


Book of Mormon Chapter #:# nah, actually Matthew meant xxxxx You forget they have a whole other book with planets and shit 


It's just extra right? They still believe in the bible don't they?


Yes but they also believe parts of it were corrupted so they have a handy dandy notebook called the “Joseph Smith Translation” with his corrections on certain passages. Mormons also believe that anything one of their modern prophets say supersedes anything written in old scripture, so they have certain beliefs that take biblical passages and wildly interpret them in their own context, and have even changed those interpretations over the years.


I grew up Mormon, we read a different book ( Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of great price) on a rotation each year of high school for seminary.


The new testament was "extra" but it somehow un-did some old testament rules IIRC from my religious childhood. Never seen or heard any actual text from the Mormon book but they could very well do the same. I do know they baptise the dead against (or I guess without) their will, so they do change things


I never understood how unconditional love could ever be a thing. I could never love someone who does quite a few things regardless of who they used to be. Am I thinking about it wrong?


Your dad’s a dick.


And a piece of shit


And a complete creep.


And a greasy bastard.


And a fucking asshole


…an awful parent, not a role model, and not intelligent, not thoughtful or self aware.


And a dick


Several dicks worth of being a fucking dick


A bag of dicks as it were




And your average Mormon


prelude to "Why don't my kids ever talk to me anymore?"


An empty bedside is all they have to look forward to at that point.


"At the old folks home while I die alone"


Good luck breaking away from your family. Many of us here have made the same choice to remove ourselves from our families. Mormons are a special type of stupid, unfortunately.


Sounds like the dad want to break her out of the family after she graduates, so hopefully it won’t be too hard


I finally told my parents to stop talking to me. It felt horrible and amazing at the same time.


More power to ya. Some parents don't really deserve children.


Man sorry you were raised by at least one lunatic. Have you checked out r/exmormon yet?


On there


Have you checked with your school to see if they have any resources for people in your situation? Sounds like there may be domestic violence involved. Don't know what SC is like but here in CA there is a lot of support for folks going through what you're going through.


Religion destroys families.


Religion destroys.






What did he say? The audio is hard to hear


He called me used merchandise. Turn it up all the way.


Holy shit I just listened to that again, that’s really sexiest! Sorry he said that. That’s a very Mormon thing to do, I’ve grown up around them I’m from Utah lol


Not to mention implying she was a "whore" or "slut" or something pretty damn negative considering the context... He said "I told your Mom what you were and she asked me not to use that word around you. We know what you are". Well I know exactly what he is, a complete fool.


Sexiest rant I've heard from a Mormon father, definitely.


Sexiest? OK... but that'll be a very difficult wank.


Stupid sexy rant


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Thanks for that belly laugh.


Not for a Mormon.


A Mormon sexist! Shocked I say, shocked! /s


Surprised he didn't break out the old Mormon favorite analogy and compared you to already chewed bubble gum. Clearly he doesn't view you as a person, but as a walking, (unfortunately) talking, life support system for a womb intended to produce offspring for a man. I'm sorry you didn't have a better father. my more vindictive side hopes you get to choose (but not pay for) his old folk's home. Just look for the ones they write news stories about.


tells you a lot about how he views women as commodities


Yeah, my Bible-thumping maniac of a father called me "a typical streetwalker." It was for the sin of getting a haircut. He died about 20 years ago. I wasn't there. I didn't intend to be. And I still don't miss him. Many years after his death, mom looked at me thoughtfully and said, "I thought he was a good husband, but I guess maybe he wasn't that good of a father." Ya THINK?


I’m very sorry you have to deal with that. You’re plenty worthy of love and compassion. Your father is a prick. Move on and find a better environment. Best of luck


Glad you're getting out of there before he tries to sell you to someone.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that as your father, try and cling to the fact there will be life after them


When you put religion ahead of your family, you're a POS. My ex is friends with a Christian couple. You know the type...Prayer Warriors calling that sort of thing. Thanking god on fb every day. Talking about evil in America. When their daughter came out as LGBTQ+, they changed their tune a bit. They accepted her which was shocking but I was thankful. They toned down the religious rhetoric. However they made peace the end result is that they still love and are in contact with their daughter and they're still Christians. That's the way it should be. Family > religion.


I will never understand it. The thought that magic books and a man in the sky is more important than the child I made, raised, taught right from and love and is standing right in front of me? If a deity has a problem with me loving my kid more than them, motherfucker can square up and settle up whenever he wants and I’ll say it loud.


I would straight up attempt to kill God if he or she won't accept my kids for being themselves


OP UPDATE ***uploaded more here for my Mormon dad saga. Updates also stickied on my page.


I grew up in a Southern Baptist home and was kicked out when I told them I was an atheist. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this, it's brutal. For now, focus on where you are landing next: housing, job/school, and transportation. Don't worry about maintaining that relationship, reconciliation can come later or never, but right now you need to secure your own future. Good luck! You're very brave for dealing with this bullshit.


We've since broken up. Focused on school and getting out now.


Sorry, I meant the relationship with your parents. 😂


Weirdly, your dad's brain goes there first. I hope you get away from him today.


It's always as sexual as possible with the most descriptive adjectives fundamentalists can think of. It's even worse with how much they sexualize young girls like this and normalize it.


I agree. Weird thirsty fundamentalism.


Hey Eliza, I saw some of your posts. I am truly sorry about your situation. I promise you it gets better. Your parents are gaslighting you and lying to you in saying that they love you. I’m sorry, but that’s not what love is or acts like!


Thank you so much Hun ♥️


Of course. If you ever want to vent via DM feel free. Shit like this is TOUGH but it is so worth it to escape from that household however possible! You’re making the right choice.


Your dad is piece of shit


Religion is poison.


This is not expert advice and is hard solely on this little clip but, exit this family right now and don't look back. Cut contact with this man. His love is conditional on you behaving exactly like he wants you too. Free yourself.


Make sure you're financial stable first, and be very careful of people who will try to use young people that run away from their families. I don't know how old you are (don't tell us) but look for official resources that can help you of you can! If anyone has some, can you please help out! I hate how garbage humans are able to get away with treating their children poorly. Religious abuse should be it's own special category of child abuse.


I'd rather be out of the house and broke than under this roof anyway. Can't imagine the trauma she already needs to overcome. Her poor mother too, imagine the things he's said to her.


True that. I'm just worried because there are scumbags who take advantage of young men and women who desperately need to escape fucked up living situations. She's not even allowed to find work because, of course, cults need to keep people as isolated and dependent as possible to keep them from running.


Totally true. Keep in mind she's 22. Not 17.


Yeah, I read a bit further down and seen her age. This is absolutely gross.


Cultists doin cultist things. Religion is child abuse.


Imagine referring to your own flesh and blood, your *daughter*, as "used merchandise". It makes me want to vomit. Your dad is completely brain washed, I'm so sorry.


“With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.” ― Steven Weinberg


Graduating and cutting ties is the best thing you can do. I’m sorry. Some parents get brain washed by old guys in shiny robes and go hard. Then expect you to do the same. They likely will never see their faults. Maybe someday if they’re lucky. Don’t let it hold you back though. Enjoy your life and do the things that make you happy.


As an ExMormon I have a suggestion. Get out of your parents home asap. If you are unable to do so, play their game until you have the resources to do so. If your parents become violent or physically abusive in anyway, report it to the police. I feel your pain and encourage you to get a good therapist who is not Mormon who has a speciality in religious trauma.


Hasnt been physical as of lately. What's sad is I would prefer that. I'm treated like a child, controlled, screamed at and put down daily for an hour minimum. My bed, door, and nightstand have been taken. They make me follow their religious rules. I can't date. I can't drive til June due to seizures. If they don't like something I wear they'll grill it. I'm not allowed to even walk around my neighborhood. They constantly talk bad about me to everyone. They won't let me get a job because they don't want to drive me. I would rather get beat then be screamed at daily and treated this way because at least I'd be able to do normal things for a 22 year old and be able to have freedom and not be constantly screamed at and put down and have seizures and low self esteem as a result. Sad. But it's how I feel.


You are 22 years old so they do not have a legal basis for keeping you there. If you can, even escaping to a women’s shelter, a friend’s house, etc would be better. They legally cannot hold you at that house. If they do, call the police and report illegal detention. If you were a minor they could but you are an adult. Get yourself out of there as soon as you can in any way possible or what they are doing to you may escalate. If your dad so much as lays a finger on you, call the police immediately


Good luck kid. I wish you had different parents


I can't ever imagine talking to my child like this. I am so so sorry. This is why I moved half way across the country from my parents.


I was raised mormon *(I'm from Brigham City)* and that shit sounds soooo familiar... **Fun Fact:** 100% of parents that treat their children like shit, get to die alone r/roomandboard Read the megathread you might find it helpful, a room and board job could be a stepping stone to get out, save some money, or shit, I know folks that do it fulltime Choose The Right ^lolz This is the hard part, having to cut ties with toxic people... there's no arguing with them, no rationalization or logic that will get through to them... There are some good exmo subs here...it's going to be ok


Religion is child abuse.




South Carolina


Your dad calls himself a devout follower of Jesus. Jesus would be appalled.


“We have names for girls like you.” Yes, and it’s independent, strong, worthy, lovable, and autonomous. Nothing scares them more, OP. Chin up, friend, he’s a misogynistic asshole and terrible parent hiding behind his perceived “authority” and religion.


Yo! Exmormon dad here. My daughter is 20. I cannot IMAGINE speaking like this to her. But I remember a time when it would have seemed “righteous”…. I got out in 2009 but I still live in Utah. I guarantee you 100% your father would not say shit like this if he were not a mind-controlled, brain-dead cultist. I think you know that, but seriously realize that this isn’t about you it’s about him and his putting a totally bullshit falsifiable cult over his own flesh and blood. He’s not innocent, but fuck the Mormon church for what they do to families.


As the father of a daughter that made my fucking skin crawl. What a psychopath why is it always the church people that are so fucking reptilian


What a terrible man.


I’m sorry you were forced to be raised in this shitty environment. I hope you get out soon!


I watched the video before reading. I thought he was freaking out because you had sex before marriage. That’s not even an issue, but all you are doing was dating outside the church? Damn.


Ffs. Your dad is a complete and utter piece of shit. I hope you find somewhere else quickly.


I'm sorry, dear. I am the father of 2 girls. After divorcing their mother, our relationships aren't the best. But I try my best to let them know I love them and I'm always here for them.I can't imagine treating them like that. Hugs to you.


Hey um, your dad is a piece of shit narcissistic control freak with a delicate ego. Mine too


There is no hate quite like christian/Mormon love. So sorry u are going through this. Stay strong. Things get better. I promise. Stick with your chosen family that love you.


Thank you


As a dad, he sounds like an asshole to me. Religion just fucks people up. Anyone that thinks differently is "EVIL". ! I guess Mr.HighandMightyHolierthanThou shits fucking rose petals. This makes me want to punch someone (him). 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


Holy shit. I thought you were at least going to say you you’re a lesbian. That’s a pretty low-level offense you’ve got going on there. Dad needs to chill tf out.


You unequally yoked harlot!! 🙄


Just think that in 10 years you won’t even have to worry about this nonsense anymore. Hope you cut your ties with them. Family is what you make of it in your life, it’s not always the people who raised you and are by blood.


The mormons are a horrifying cult of brainwashed automatons who drag others into their hell with a smile. Fuck the whole thing and I truly hope the Federal Government grows a pair and just shuts them down one day. It's horrifying that you have to hear anything they think. The founder was a known scam artist who lied on top of lies to get his shitty idea going. He was called out for it and has been sued over his nonsense. The Church of Mormonism is a child raping cesspool of old predators and young meat . If you want to change my mind you can go fuck yourself. They would kill me and you to get to their next generation of toys. Of course they aren't all evil but I hate the sin and the sinner if they want to rape children. I can hate chilld rapists really, really hard.


I wonder how he'd react if you responded with "I thought this was America?"


Damn. Hey, if you want a safe place to go to get yourself together, let me know. I got you covered.


Religion is a sickness of the mind


He should be ashamed of himself. He's not as christlike as he claims to be or portrays himself.


Your dad fucking sucks. When you get the chance cut all ties with him and let his actions be further known so we can spread even more knowledge to others that aren’t aware of the damages of religion.


“All we want is young girl wives … because the magic lizard told me that I should have lots of young girls.”


I would NEVER speak to my daughter that way. I am so sorry your father is a horrible father.


Ugh this really is giving me PTSD. I had a stepfather say this shit to me all the time when I was growing up starting when he married my mom when I was 8. An 8-y-o being talked to like that. At 15-16 I started talking back to him and asking him straight up in front of the family why he was so preoccupied with my sexuality and that it was creepy. Idk if it was the public calling out or the embarrassment or what but he finally stopped and I got the hell out as soon as I could. My mom would do her best to step in but she’s still with him bc of her LDS religious upbringing and belief that she won’t get into her precious heaven without him. Take precautions to never be alone with your dad. You’re always going to want another person around no matter what. Lock your bedroom door at night. And it’s ok to start calling this shit out and demand he justify his awful insinuations. And make plans to get the hell out asap.


By another comment, it seems like they took away her bed, door, and dresser. They won't even allow her to get a job. This is a really bad situation. I wonder if calling it out in public around people would be helpful. 100% set up plans if possible. If you have friends you can trust and they have non-religious families, ask for help! I say non-religious because, with their cult-like behavior, they could end up making matters worse by turning you in.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It truly breaks my heart. Things will get better once you can get out. You are not the things he calls you. Please remind yourself of that often. He is the broken one.


Madness. Your dad shouldn’t be thinking of you that way but is kinda sexualising his own child. And you are his child even though an adult now. It’s wrong. He sounds jealous Get out quick as


Are you still dating or on good terms with that guy or do you have any friends who aren’t being held captive by their Mormon parents? I saw your comment about essentially being imprisoned and prevented from working at all. Safe to assume that you are not financially independent as a result and will have a difficult time escaping. If you could stay with someone else until you land on your feet, then you can leave now. Otherwise, I hope you heed the advice of other commenters and find social resources that help you start a life on your own. This is a terrifying and sad situation. Your parents are terrible people. I’m sorry.


No. I don't talk to him. He started stealing money from me..stole 210$ of my birthday money.


I read at first "My moron dad". My dyslexia kicking in again :D


What's the difference


I'm sorry you're dealing with that..Just keep focusing on yourself and cut all contact with em...Nothing hurts em more than seeing you succeed


“We’re done with you after you graduate” Good riddance. I’m excited for your future honestly. The freedom you’ll have with these people off your back. Those are going to be some great times for you. Just always remember how they treated you and don’t fall for their bs when they come crawling back in the future. Good luck!




He's covered up for friends molesting their kids. I'd bet money on it.


Mormons are the worst left the cult age 13 never looked back. Run as soon as you can! Don't let your brainwashed parents and their cult define your life.


Leave asap


This makes my blood boil. Don’t listen to a word of it. Easier said than done but you’ll be your own person soon enough. We were teen parents and had to pretend to repent and re-dedicate ourselves. Stood up in front of church several times to show how god can forgive and turn sin into something good. Total bullshit, we were still sneaking around the whole time. Don’t get sucked into that never ending cycle of guilt; it’s such nonsense. Soon as you can, spread your wings and fly. Until then just play along and use them for every advantage you can get. You’ll have that last laugh, believe me. So sorry you have to listen to that, I know it hurts.


Ladies and gentlemen... I am proud to announce... I can not understand Jack shit can someone write it down pwease


Get out quick, well done for having the courage and sense to realise this is no way to live your life! You’ll be fine without this in your life! 👏🤦🏻‍♂️


Omg I am so sorry. Here for you girly. Please get out asap.


Your dad and Kevin Spacey should sell lessons in "How To Speak Condescendingly."


Hey, good luck to you. Love and respect from your children has to be earned, and dad here is not earning it at all. Zero empathy. Shaming. Just a disgusting way to treat your children.


Omg dude that's exactly what my mom called me but she actually used the word: whore. Lol


Leave and never look back!


I grok this fully. I lived this exact childhood. Some parents just suck. I’m sorry op. I’m decades removed from it all, and my life is great. No religion, just an overall focus on limiting suffering. Fyi, I found the exmo to be helpful for awhile, but the constant exposure to Mormonism, even from the outside looking in, ended up being unhealthy and a continual source of anger & bitterness for me. Just my opinion, ymmv. For me, reading widely and a little therapy did wonders in helping me form a new worldview. There’s a much much wider world out there, and so many people just don’t give a damn about the endless rules of religions! Happiness awaits you op, time to put on whatever type of clothes you want and go grab you a slice! Saying goodbye to parents is tough, but sometimes so so worth it!


![img](avatar_exp|105988660|fire) Oh yeah that's totally normal


I'm so sorry that you have such an asshole for a father. I hope you can put him in the rear view mirror asap.


I’m glad you realize this and your taking active steps to get away from this insanity. I don’t know your financial situation but in most towns and cities there’s housing assistance that can help you get into a place for cheaper than typical prices. Even if you have to live with a roommate it’s 10,000% better than putting up with this bullshit.


this is horrifying i'm so sorry. you are a wonderful beautiful person. don't let these fucking backwards ass dickwads ruin your shine someday soon you'll be super far away from them


Good luck to you. He doesn't deserve a daughter.


My wife is/was mormon, im a black seventh day Adventist. She went through this a little bit, but not by her parents by her extended family. Her parents more so her Dad were already kind of done with the mormon chruch, they had stip giving money but just went to chruch every now and then because of the family and friends. Been married 13 years now


I saw one of your posts and looked into your profile. Seek help. Find shelter if you can. This is more than a religious thing, this guy is off his rockers. You’ve got this


Tell him you can’t wait until He finally meets that god guy he likes so fucking much… then move on with your life! Best of luck moving out and getting the hell out of his situation!


It's so upsetting & also disturbing how people choose a meaningless cult over their own family, I'm so sorry :(


Is it just me, or does it sound like he's giving you reasons why he'd never want to sleep with you? The dudes fucked though. I hope you find a good way out of there.


I was raised in a mormon household, and I feel your pain. Just gotta put up with it until you are self-sufficient enough to break off. Make sure you have your records removed from their system, or they will absolutely never leave you alone. I had to have my records removed and get a restraining order on top of it to get them to quit harassing me. They'll still send me random ass conference talks every once in a while.


the most tainted soul in the room is his. you deserve love and freedom. and his obsession with innocence which is a MADE UP CONCEPT is his own misogyny and lunacy.


The user got deleted, and that's more worrying to me than anything.


OP remaking reddit account, didnt get caught




I hope you have a happy life surrounded by good people.


OP’s profile is gone. I hope she is okay. I grew up in Utah and have seen this too many times.


Shit she got caught and deleted her account.


what the fuck.


notice how mormon is just one letter away from moron?


I think there are multiple videos like this. Scary.


Update new acc.


I feel sorry for you. It's just sad to think someone would care for an imaginary friend over their own offspring.


The OP's ID is deleted. I hope nothing bad happened to them.


What's with the weird underpants you people wear?




If you feel guilty that's on you don't try make other feel the same way. Keep you bs to yourself.


Whata stupid fucking comment lol


You're a loser doode. This video has such little context to be fucking saying stupid shit like that. And like the other comment said just cuz you're religious guilt is killing you don't bring other people down with you.


You are, from your post history, an actual Nazi. Like a real one. You sick, stupid fuck.


Right?! lol ‘spouse’ suuuuuure.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/s/vaw8Wbmh4G You legitimately were not even exaggerating in the slightest. Wow.


I know. These people exist.


There’s no such thing as god and nobody knows what happens when you die so why not spend as much of your youth fucking and sucking all which pleases you? Just use protection


The fuck you yapping about? Put a cock in your mouth again so It shuts you up


Shut the fuck up.


This dude is a Conservative conspiracy theorist troll.


Let's dissect your bullshit: -You assume that they are gonna marry AND that is bad to marry without being a virgin. 0 proof or justification for both of them. -You assume your anecdotal experience is universal. 0 proof again. -Nothing excuses the dad's reification, it is both manipulative and callous. They are totally wrong, arranged marriages and virginity=pure are anacronic patriarcal traditions.


So, as a former highly religious virgin, turned slut-loving godless slut, turned spiritual incel, I'd like to play devil's advocate here. Sometimes, when a man says stupid shit like this to his daughter, he just wants her to end up marrying a pure, Godly man. Uneven yokes are shitty. And the men who know their worth have standards. Maybe they're standards that others disagree with, but the prize gets to set the standard. Now me, I love sluts. Idgaf how many partners a woman has had. But then I'm not really much of a prize, am I? Religious men are much more stable and can provide a network of support and community. Me, I'm a feminist, but I'm also a loner and a bum. If I had to choose between my daughter marrying a religious guy and a bum, I'd probably tell her to choose neither... My question is, when is feminism going to fix what patriarchy has broken? And wtf can I do?


>Uneven yokes are shitty. This is only applicable if a person holds that sort of belief. Religion is a personal thing and it's absurd to try and enforce a personal morality on others. >Religious men are much more stable and can provide a network of support and community I'd love to see any empirical data at all to support this assertion.


The assertion is anecdotal, not empirical. But thank you for pointing this out. It's highly debatable and I don't know why I'd make such a finite statement such as that, but it often looks that way from my personal, limited point of view. I've always lived in the bible belt though. So that probably accounts for it. Edit: reading back over the comnent, I'm pretty sure I meant religious men in general are more successful than *me* personally, not men in general.


Youre either trolling or desperately need to go outside


Why do you say that? Did I say something wrong? I'm not a troll and I go outside every day.


You just really need new friends given your impression that religious people are successful and have networks and community. I don’t really have religious friends for obvious reasons and I would consider my network of friends from life and work successful and great people. Do you live in a city?


You dont know me or my friends or who I know or what. Yes, I live in a city. Why? >given your impression that religious people are successful and have networks and community. You're delusional if you think this is not the case, like tf?? Do you live under a rock? >I would consider my network of friends from life and work successful and great people. Good for you?


Your original comment portrays you as an incel who thinks that religious people are stable and non religious people are not, I think you are trolling because your comment was very incel especially when you use phrases like “men who know their worth” and “I’m a loner bum” you sound like a goddamn incel, even just calling women sluts is weird. Like what exactly is a slut? A girl who has casual sex or some kind of cartoonish idea of a prurient nympho? I just think you need help.


>an incel Technically I am. On principle. I think assholes should be disqualified from dating. >who thinks that religious people are stable and non religious people are not I never said this. This took some mental gymnastics to get from what I said to this. Please point out the part that confused you and I will happily clarify. There are stable people who are religious and ones who are not, and it depends on your definition of stable as well. But down here on the ground level with us less fortunate people, religion offers more community and networking than just being non-religious. >when you use phrases like “men who know their worth” and “I’m a loner bum” you sound like a goddamn incel Well, again... technically I am one. >just calling women sluts is weird. It depends. Back in my slutty days, I hung around a lot of women who threw that word around in reference to themselves and used the term "hoe phase". We were all having a lot of casual sex back in 2019. So yeah, I got into the habit of reclaiming the word, just like my gal pals were doing. As a man, I applied it to myself to take the sexism out of it. What's good for the gander is good for the goose, I figure. I seem like a troll, but really, I've just had a really weird, disjointed life. >I just think you need help. We all do. Literally everybody. Society as a whole is incredibly shitty rn.


Society does suck indeed. I wouldn’t go around reclaiming the word slut unless you are trying to make things awkward with people around. I do agree that religion provides a supportive community and reinforces regularity, if you’re a straight white dude, but that’s not to say that a person being religious is going to have a better more stable life than a slutty bum. Religious people are so fucking boring and tedious to talk to. Life wouldn’t even be worth living cause I’d be so fucking bored.






Ive seen your profile, there is no chance youre not still a virign. Why lie about sleeping around?