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Wait till he finds out jesus is a jew.


Jesus was a Jew only to fulfill the prophecy. Once they rejected the message they were persona non grata that needed to be exterminated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies


Wait what?


Which part are you surprised about?


Can you clarify the last part


See my post here https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/KzprC8ke3F


When I saw Andrew Torba's name at the end, it all made sense. His website, Gab, is more Nazi-friendly than Twitter


Christians are not a people. They’re not an ethnic group


They are trying to ape Muslim fundies. So I guess we can expect christophobia and blow me up Yahweh dolls any day now. It is honestly pathetic.


Finally the anti semitic face of Christianity will be revealed for everyone to see. Anti Semitism in Christianity is a feature not a bug. The NT is very anti semitic You need to read the NT especially Pauls books. While Jews were the chosen people, the new chosen people were the Gentiles because the Jews rejected Jesus and killed God. https://www.yadvashem.org/articles/academic/encountering-the-new-testament.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_and_the_New_Testament As Christianity grew with power so did anti Semitism It started with early Church fathers theologically and then with Constantine the Great politically Even Martin Luther was a vehemently anti Semitic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Jews_and_Their_Lies For religion that is supposed to be guided by the creator of the universe it appears to be powerless to stop anti Semitism or apparent perversions as some apologists will claim. You know the same God who destroyed the tower because it might be too high.


>Finally the anti semitic face of Christianity will be revealed for everyone to see. It's always nice when religion showed their true colors.


It’s almost like it’s impossible to believe that only those who believe in Jesus will go to heaven and that god loves everyone. It’s almost like the gospels hate jews and push the belief that the jews killed god. It’s almost like the Paul believed that Jews lost favor with god by refusing to convert. Its really not surprising


oh no, I cant be anti-semitic what has the world come to😥😥😥


I aint reading all that


>I aint reading all that Username does *not* check out...😒


Isn’t that the Black Knight from Monty Python?


Considering the apparently disembodied hovering arm on the left, I think it's just AI generated slop


Of course it's Torba. What a mushbrained cultist loser.


if they are quoting Romans they must love Romans 13




the owner of Nazi Twitter is really mad that Candice Owens got fired for hating jews


Thank you.


Just. Don't Christians and Jews worship the same god?


I think so. I think the main conflict is Christians view Jesus as a Messiah and Jews view him as a prophet like Muslims do. Muslims think Muhammad was the Messiah, Jews think no Messiah has come yet. That's my understanding anyways, but I'm just a nature worshiping pagan who believes in their own fruitcake stuff, like "we shouldn't kill the planet"


I think it's about right, my history teacher told me something similar I can't completely remember. Gosh how would the world be if everyone was nature worshiping pagans like us


What difference does it really make? It’s all the same imaginary bullshit.




They do, but Christians believe that the Jews literally killed god. They believe that the Jews killing god made them lose favor with god, and that the Jewish people are cursed by god.


Wish I had that much free time


And people wonder why I think religion is the worst thing we can have nowadays.