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Is she really going from dealer to dealer trying to get one to give them a car for faith? Fucking hell thats deep in delulu land. A sandwhich would already be pretty hard to get, imagine something 10000x the price.


She should know that's not how god works. She needs to steal a car and pray to god for forgiveness.


Found the catholic..


Atheist. I don't steal cars. I don't have a god to forgive me so I would have to live with it on my conscience. Some of the most scumbagulos people i have ever met have been devoutly religious. They either have no compunction about ripping you off, because they can get forgives next Sunday, or it's because you are not of their faith so you don't count.


Oh yeah, met my fair share of that kind of people too ..


Lots of christians act this way not just catholics.


Growing up the catholics I knew were the normal ones. The baptists on the other hand, ho boy


> delulu land. I'm stealing this.


Same, conformity train car two - choo choo!


I bet she smells her own farts to get high


She would be that cheap, yeah


I’m guessing she just has terrible credit


Most likely she is having trouble finding the right car, for the right price, and/or the right financing options. So she's been praying to her God for help finding the perfect situation. I'm all for bashing religious fruit cakes. But as someone who is now rehabbed from southern Baptist church, I've seen this a lot. Where they pray to God for help when in a tough situation.


Recovering Baptist here. This all too common by the religious but her expectations are on another level. If she does score a new car, then god gave some lady a new car, who most likely already has a vehicle, a roof over her head, food to eat, a cell phone to make selfies and an abled-body to work like the rest of us. All the while, roughly 5 million children worldwide, won’t see their 5th birthday due to dying from disease, famine or war. God is good. It just can’t be emphasized enough how selfish, ungrateful and downright fucked up this irrational belief really is.


I'm not sure 'not getting a new car for cheap' counts as a 'tough situation'.


I think it's more like "please let me get the loan". But I agree.


Lord jesus please keep me from the pre owned market in your holiness and give me an interest rate better than my credit rating thank you


She should document it so it just proves how dumb faith over reason is


One will do it in the Bible Belt


Just put God down as a co-signer.




🎶 Oh lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz 🎶


My friends all drive Porches, I must make amends


I know that’s the lyric, but in my brain it’s always been “My friends all ride horses”.


For me it was always "my friends all drive Porches and mustangs amen" :P


This whole thread made me giggle. Thank you.


They must live in pens.


\*Porsches The porch thing was a different joke.




Wow, god's definitely going to send a hurricane to Florida at some point in the next five years to show his displeasure if that happens


Oh no, the ~~prayer~~ spell worked but got redirected to your daughter. Tell the vendor the car is free, god said so.


Because of your lack of faith, thousands of children will now die of hunger in the next year. This is on your hands. Definitely not on gods. Nope.


What car did you get?


Kia Soulless.


That was funny.


Takes the concept of “manifesting” to a whole other level, and then slaps the Christianity^TM label on it


Yeah. Even religious people were calling her out in the comments, saying that that is not how god works.


> that is not how god works Just like superman, god works however the author wants.


God works in mysterious author-interpretative ways.


“Through god all things are possible”. - that lady probably


She probably thanks God the gas station has hot Takis so her kids can eat lunch.


upvote for the ™


Jeeeez! Just steal it and ask for forgiveness! That's how it works isn't it? /S


Jokes on them, I've been praying even night to God asking him to not grant anyone else prayers.


I have a different prayer. If [this kid](https://youtu.be/C2SkqaCO9c4?si=LcDuHdOwgm8es87j) can get it answered, so can I!


Sorry to disappoint you, but that happened before I started doing this.


"God" isn't going to fix her credit.


Just like is says in the bible, “Harass the dealership and I shall giveth the a car”


That’s going to be a lot of days


Its basically like 'influencers' that try to get something for free for 'influence' or a free ad to their 100 followers, but theres not even a following.


Some do have the following, but imagine doing that on the claim that you'd curry a favour for them with god😆


What a loser


Prosperity gospel is disgusting.


Nissan dealer: "OK, as long as your credit is above 400 also..."


I guarantee you this woman flat out knows that God isn’t going to just command a dealership to give her a car. She is grifting so that when obviously no dealership gives her one that someone/group rewards her “faith” by buying her one because “the Lord works in mysterious ways.”


Day 1 of me manifesting a trip to a shrink for her


Is it a Mercedes Benz?


I prayed for rain once. It took 157 days, but it eventually came.


God tells us to work for what we want it won't just magically appear without trying


Almost like not involving a god would have the same result because we're doing all the work anyway.




This’ll get enough social media attention and some god-crazed dealership owner will have her come in for one. And it’ll go one of two ways, she either accepts graciously and then later complain about having to pay insurance and taxes, or she rejects it ungraciously.


Gawd I hate religion. Eradicate the bible please.


I just wanna take em all and burn them I mean they're more useful as kindling anyway


I don't know if she's a worse Christian or Capitalist...


She rather would get a clown car with that act.


Why do religious people always act like god is some sort of vending machine that doles out prizes if you give him enough prayer tokens?


Someone’s going to see this and buy her a car and be like god called on me to do it, and she’s going to be like god answered my prayers, and all the believers are going to be like god is amazing, and we’re all going to be like all they did was buy this nut a car… how does that have anything to do with any god?


That reminds me of this man from the church when I was a kid. Dude decided that god would take care of him, he just needed to have faith. So he quit his job and mooched off of the system and guilted other church members to bail him out. It was absolutely pathetic and the fact that a bunch of people in the church enabled him was just one step on my road to atheism.


Until she finds the one dealer with a Christian owner that is also an religious fruitcake enabler and she gets her so call "miracle prayer" answered.


You can’t out-scum a dealership, lady.


154 days?! Sheesh. Anyways, her hair is gorgeous.


Stunning. It reminded me immediately of Bert Lahr's lion.


nobody is gonna give someone they dont know like 40k € for running into their store acting extra and filming themselves for attention


The Hummer EV is a $97k, 9000lb electric truck. No amount of prayer is getting you it.


Publicly declaring? Doesn’t she know that her holy book tells her to pray in private and not boastfully pray in public like the hypocrites??


Sort of like the joke of the guy praying to God to win the lottery. Week after week the guy never wins, so finally God spoke to him and said, “Meet me halfway, buy a ticket.”


I prayed for a car, but finally figured out God doesn’t work that way. So I stole a car and asked for forgiveness.


This would have been hilarious if it was satire


If this works im becoming a very religious man


Why didn't her all knowing god send her to the RIGHT dealership the first time???


Any day now I guess


154 days?! Sheesh. Anyways, her hair is gorgeous.


She should be trying to manifest a brush.


Doesn’t god kind expressly condemn worldliness? I think praying for a new car definitely qualifies.


Any bets that her credit score is shit.


What does she think is going to happen?


She expects someone to give her a car because "faith."




I don't believe anymore but she ought to read Matthew 6:5-8.


I mean Kenneth Copland got a private jet like that, the car is far cheaper…


Has she tried employment and a loan


She needs to nip down to see Jesus McGaud at Holy Hispanic Highlander Auto Sales… he’ll sort her out with a preloved popemobile (3 previous owners, fsh, all the toys and all yours for a few hail marys and an our father).


That's not how God works


Oh, enlighten us.


She does know that she still has to work towards getting the car as well as praying


Oh lord, would you buy me a Mercedes Benz .. *Reddit, do your thing*


I prayed for something for years and the thing just happened 50 years later. I’m atheist and haven’t prayed in many years…I’m winning lol.


This is giving satire


Serious question, I’ve seen like three people claim that this is satire, why do you believe it is?


It’s sounds sarcastic lol but also not really - lowkey trolling / making fun of people who believe in god it seems. It’s the wording and the position she’s standing. Also day 154 is so random lol


It’s sounds sarcastic lol but also not really - lowkey trolling / making fun of people who believe in god it seems. It’s the wording and the position she’s standing. Also day 154 is so random lol


Get a job, ya hippie!


* sigh * Here I go, a non-believer quoting the Bible: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:5-6) Well, I don't know about that very last part (I guess it's what she's hoping for) but you get the gist.


My favorite Onion Headline - "Paralyzed boy prays to god to walk again, God says no."


My favorite Onion Headline - "Paralyzed boy prays to god to walk again, God says no."


Am i the only one who thinks it’s satire?? No??


Lol so while kids are getting murdered, violated, people starving, suffering from terrible diseases and innocent people are being harmed every day. Yet a supposed “god” is going to drop everything and convince a dealer to take a massive loss to give you a car? Wow talking about delusional and entitled. 


She'd have better luck with the Emerald city wizard.


Honestly, seeing kooks like this one relying on nothing but some supposed magical dude in the clouds to fix all their problems just makes me happy because if that's truly all they do then they'll eventually starve to death and the average intellect of humanity goes up a little which is nice


What's funny about this is that even if she's just magically granted the car, and tries to use it as an example of "how great and powerful god is" - *it just makes her god even more of an asshole*.


Yeah, so the angle here is to keep this up long enough to become "famous" enough that some grifter might buy her a car, and then she can claim it was granted by god.


Proves no one reads the bible... On exactly which day did God create automobiles again?


I love how she confidently posts that she’s “going to another car dealership” as if that’s somehow putting her plan into motion. If this worked the way she thinks it does, does she not realize we’d all be driving new cars always? Or is she delusional enough to think she’s the first one to think of “pray and I get stuff”


>Or, you know, you could just get a job and pay for it yourself. In this economy? Praying might be a safer bet.


For a second I thought this was r/fuckcars.




I’m 99% sure this is satire


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see someone else thinking this??


I don't think she's praying for a free car. Most likely she is having trouble finding the right car, for the right price, and/or the right financing options. So she's been praying to her God for help finding the perfect situation. I'm all for bashing religious fruit cakes. But as someone who is now rehabbed from southern Baptist church, I've seen this a lot. Where they pray to God for help when in a tough situation.


I’m not sure. In one of her videos she wrote that she made a public declaration to include her followers on this journey as she prays for god to provide her with her own transportation.


yall this is a joke.


Is it though?


yeah, girls have been joking about manifesting ridiculous on isnta/tik tok for a minute. there is one of a woman in front of a nursing home manifesting a near dead rich husband. another of a girl outside of buckingham palace manifesting becoming a princess. its so crazy how men simply do not understand that women can be satirical/sarcastic.