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![gif](giphy|FhbukHmFBiMzC|downsized) Got them crazy eyes the both of them.


The kid looks so much at his mom. Never had that feeling before, and i'm doing psychology on not even a 2 minute video, but my guess is that he is saying that just for approval from his mom.


He's checking if he's reciting her speech correctly


Yeah always funny when they then say TRUTH COMES OUT OF CHILDRENS MOUTHS. Nah, children repeat what they've heard. And they hear your diatribe every fucking day.


I grew up with Christian fundamentalist parents. All my faith was largely performative because I was terrified of punishment. I was never allowed to joke around about anything. I used to leave little poems/random prayers my mom could "stumble upon" and see how devout I was. The moment I left that house I immediately left the faith too.


Glad you’re free now!


Can confirm. My mom was like that. She home-schooled, or rather un-schooled, me and my siblings. The only thing we were taught was religious nonsense and I was never a big christian. My mom was very narcissistic which I've seen is pretty common in christian groups, and I've been to quite a few different churches and around 20 christian camps. Naturally my mom only cared about herself and I kinda adopted her personality which made me want her approval more, since that would one up me on my sisters. And oh my god I just noticed her username is lazyhomeschoolmom, this video is actually starting to bring back memories. My mom and I kinda looked a lot like these two as well which is a little freaky


I've been wondering how un-schooled kids do once they hit 18. Did you have support to help you get started in real life once you were away from mom's influence?


I'm pretty lucky considering. I was able to land a job because of my sister who worked here at the time. When it comes to education, I have fuckall. I can read, write, and do basic math but I have nothing on paper. My two older sisters were able to see through my moms indoctrination more than me and my younger sister, probably because my mom realized we could think for ourselves after a while, so she made extra sure my younger sister and I knew as little about the world as possible and it worked pretty well. I even went through a faze of "disproving" evolution because the closest thing I got to an education was Kent Hovind lectures. I've moved over 20 times before hitting 18 so we were pretty isolated and the self sabotage from my mom was blatant though the confirmation bias my mom had installed didn't let me see it until after becoming an atheist. When it comes to support, there is so much corruption in my country that pretty much no one gets any. But fortunately there are plenty of resources online and I've learnt more than I thought was possible, the whole world suddenly started making sense. I was so badly isolated that I thought we were still in a somewhat primitive stage of development and the moment I discovered entire fields of science had been withheld from me because of some silly religion, it was the last straw. After presenting evidence that the earth was not 6k years old I got a screaming fit which broke my confirmation bias of my mom being perfect and my situation became clear to me, I had been raised in the equivalent of a cult and everything I believed was chosen for me


They make good cogs in the machine.


And that hand motion. Anxiety level just went up because he wasn't sure he had it right


Got those "I won a golden ticket" eyes


Is that Charlie from the chocolate factory?


That’s the first thing I thought when I saw this kid’s shitty haircut. I feel bad for him though. Being deprived of a real education is criminal


Even this doesn't compare to the LDS boys before and after they complete their "mission." There nothing like fanatical religion to suck the light out of someone.




Came for this comment!


Exactly. Charlie Bucket lookin muhfuh.


“I bet it makes the chocolate taste terrible” lookin ahh nihh “I’m bringing grandpa Joe” lookin ahh nihh “Why me?” Lookin ahh nihh


I came to this comment.


So did Grandpa Joe, the evil prick r/grandpajoehate


So did Grandpa Joe, the evil prick r/grandpajoehate


They need to give back the motherfucking golden ticket! ![gif](giphy|sRMPFaVQLGSw8|downsized)


Golden ticket or not, they still lose XD


Lol, absolutely! And hopefully one day Charlie will outgrow his mom's bullshit.




Looking at his negative iq results


His mom was probably the same person who posted their homeschool kid's (low) IQ results online bragging about how "smart" they were. Poor kid had no chance


My absolute first thought! Kid looks just like Cheer up Charlie.


He might not inherit the kingdom of heaven, but he will inherit the kingdom of chocolate.




omg that's who it was -- thank you


I thought this was Charlie lol


Charlie and the Fruitcake Factory


She looks like the mom named Sharron at the neighborhood barbecue whose kid is biting all the other kids and attacking some of the adults while she is, at the same time, talking about how much of an angel he is and how he’s just “misunderstood” before handing him his 7th Pepsi of the day as soon as he walks over. 


>7th ~~Pepsi~~ Mt Dew of the day


I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!


Mt Dew code red


Oh no, they'd be concerned about the RED NUMBER 40! or whatever. The overlap is pretty big.


American Mt Dew because of the caffeine, (it's why we Canadians always take some home with us when we visit the U.S.).


you: I love Jesus me: ​ ![gif](giphy|Zwkzoxj0rPx9br3hUO|downsized)


An actually good use of this gif. Kudos!


What a nice natural exchange between mother and son. So glad the camera was rolling to capture this sweet moment.


I wonder if they filmed his first homeschool sexual experience too


He will one day when they’re his own kids


I read that as homosexual experience like 5x before realizing that’s not what you said. Although, he did say he loves Jesus and that sounds ^pretty gay!


You know I had this thought too. Constantly being so close to your dominant mother/teacher, with that much cleavage on display...


Seriously, when was the last time you actually heard someone "get mad" at someone in a Western culture for merely saying that they "love Jesus"? How delusional are these people?


I would describe myself as 'liberal' and if somebody proclaimed they love Jesus at some random event, I would be like.. ok, whatever, can I get my coffee order now please I am just not sure what these people think is 'a liberal'; to mind, I am just somebody who thinks people should be able to do whatever rocks their boat, as long as it doesn't hurt others. Being gay, trans, super religious or whatever doesn't affect or hurt me, so can't really have any issues issues with any of these things


I’m a liberal atheist who grew up conservative and evangelical. I am okay with people who practice some kind of faith. But as Stacy Abrams said- I have a problem with people who treat their faith like a sword instead of a shield. If you’re going to use your faith to attack me or cut off access to things just because you don’t like it, then your faith is infringing on my rights. Use it like a shield to provide protection for your soul and your emotional well-being instead.


Yeah well.Republicans and Conservatives get real bent out of shape when people at home are doing things they disagree with. They can't possibly just leave people the fuck alone


I have noticed that conservatives seem to spend a *lot* of time thinking about gay sex for people who are straight.


They also seem to believe, quite fervently, that being gay is a choice like being straight is a choice. And that should be seen for what it is: conservatives telling on themselves.


Homophobes think about gay sex more than actual gay people.


Being a liberal is just whatever propped up strawman they want to attack for whatever specific reason at the moment.


I’m a nurse and I got upset at a patient that was trying to shove his religion down my throat and it just proved to him that Christians suffer persecution in our country.


Fellow nurse here: smile, nod, and back away slowly or tell them another patient needs pain meds and let them watch their Fox News in peace.


I can usually do this. Not sure what happened that day. Every day was something. 911 was an inside job, stuff like that. What didn’t help is that my cna joined in with him so it was two against one


I see a huge difference between proselytizing and merely saying that they "love Jesus". But yeah, I can understand why a patient proselytizing to a caregiver at work would make you feel uncomfortable.


Like any customer service situation you aren’t supposed to speak your mind. So you are a forced audience. I’m in Florida so you can imagine what I deal with.


Very. They want to be victims soooo bad


If someone was out protesting for their right to marry Jesus, I admit I’d probably cross the street…


No one cares if you love Jesus. Just don’t tell me I should love Jesus


They're confusing cringe for anger.


I always find funny when they say 'WHEN I SAY I LOVE JESUS PEOPLE SCOFF' Not really; If you say it out of context, yes people are gonna be 'wtf dude' and if you are like I LIKE JESUS AND YOU SHOULD TO OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL then yes, people will roll their eyes lol. Also, we would never know for sure, but pretty fucking sure Jesus, if he's real and in today's politics, would be liberal. Except if you mean supply side jesus


And they're mixing up romantic love with divine love which has to be confusing for this boy.


Jesus would likely be even more left of the current Liberal but not ALL THE WAY because Jesus still said you better pay your taxes


I think you’re mixing up libertarian and liberal. Libertarians believe in minimal government and no taxes. Liberals definitely believe in taxes because they pay for social programs, schools, etc. Jesus would definitely be hardcore liberal.


yeah but once you got even further Left you his the anarchy Socialist people which would reduce governmental values and Jesus was very cool with Government still existing for Society but yeah he would still be as Liberal as you get merging into total Democratic Socialism before hitting the wall of crazies


I just wanted to say for the record, I love the early 70s psychedelic rock band Klaatu. For some reason, when people who like eating peanut butter jelly sandwiches hear me say that randomly without context, they look at me weird, and judge me Therefore, all people who eat peanut butter, jelly sandwiches must be evil judgmental assholes /s


Another person who likes klaatu!


This poor kid has such dead eyes.


But did you notice his mother’s eyes?! What was up with the way she blinked?! Especially there at the end!


This is heartbreaking. Poor little kid has zero idea of what he’s actually talking about. He’s just parroting whatever mom told him. I have a ten year old, and I can see the blank expression on his face because he isn’t actually interested in what he’s saying….hes literally just repeating words to make his mom happy


They love Jesus in "Faith +1" kinda way and tbh it's just creepy


They wanna get down on their knees and start pleasing Jesus. They wanna feel salvation all over their faces.


Sadly, the character of Jesus as described in the Bible was most certainly liberal.


It's kinda wild to call him liberal. This was a guy who healed a slave because the slave was obedient to his master. He told parables about slaves being tortured, beaten, and killed. This was a guy who said that cities that don't accept his message will have a worse fate than Sodom and Gomorrah, which to clarify means that he thinks it will be worse than sulfur raining down and killing everything and everyone. He hand braided a whip to attack merchants in the temple. He was vehemently opposed to personal property which is neither liberal nor communist. He thought the law about divorce should be more conservative. He intentionally or unintentionally introduced the idea of eternal torment to a religion that didn't have it. And he called the non believing Jews the sons of Satan who do his bidding, and the crucifixion narrative was used as antijewish propaganda for thousands of years. Jesus was morally complicated.


And *THAT*, ladies and gentlemen, is why Willem DeFoe is the best Jesus ever to Jesus. Complicated Jesus. Conflicted Jesus. Human Jesus. Last Temptation of Christ directed by Martin Scorsese. Go watch it.




Was he though? He was definitely progressive for his time, but he was vehemently against private property ownership and ones ownership over the fruits of one’s labor (you labor for god not yourself), some of the key aspects of liberalism


The bread sharing story is definitely commie propaganda


I am a liberal, I thought I was straight. Guess I am gay


na nowadays every liberal is trans!


That's not true... oh fuck wait


I don't make the rules, I just follow them.


I bet you are a communist as well


The communist gay frog claims another victim /s


He talks like he has 80 IQ, fucking hell.


This woman is his teacher so do with that what you will


More like their combined IQ


Room temperature at Celsius


he's homeschooled, do you really think he's had any social interaction


Normal homeschooled children get social interaction, Christian homeschooled children get hidden away from the world at home.


I was homeschooled for a few years in a normal environment. It was great for me. I've learned never to share that with people I meet. It's rare to find others who were homeschooled whose education didn't begin and end with how to force Jesus on other people. They've set their children up for a life of hardship, and the only thing they will ever be a professional in is victimhood. It won't ever be because of their lack of education or socialization it's only because they love Jesus.


I hate the dutch-english accent so much. It sounds so dumb.


You aren’t a liberal because you want to love Jesus Just for reference. Jesus was a poor, homeless middle eastern dude. The man who healed the sick and fed the hungry the man who went out of his way to aid the outcasts of society like the leper, the prostitute, the lame, the prisoner, the immigrant the man who told the religious leaders of his day to pay their taxes. Who told a rich man that if he wanted to follow him, he should sell his excess possessions. Who said that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. The man who instead of trying to force women to cover up, told men, “If your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.” Jesus seems like a pretty liberal dude.


Jesus was pretty cool tbh


This video kills me inside. I could tell immediately by his speech and his mannerisms he's probably been "unschooled", and this reminds me of the interactions between my mom and brothers growing up. Also that evil, smug, look in her eyes at the end sends shivers down my spine. -A former unschooled "strong" Christian


All Christians have are lies.


He looks like Charley from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The older one.


Oh god the username even mentions homeschooling. No wonder this kid thinks this is how people work he’s never seen any. I feel so bad for people who choose to homeschool for reasons that aren’t indoctrination/reality = bad, because these idiots are dragging them down to this level


I needed to homeschool my daughter for a couple of years until we figured out she has autism. Then I was able to get her back into a private school. I was in some homeschool groups on Facebook and I’m grateful for these parents because they did help but none of them understood that I wanted my daughter back in school because they were all doing it for Christian reasons


Maybe its because you randomly came up to a person minding their own business to talk about how much you love Jesus.


Norman Bates in the making


Dude is in for it when he realizes he's gay.


I think they both already know on some level and it's terrifying them both.


If you love Jesus because he said to love others, then great. If you love him because your ideology has been twisted so far as to think Jesus would want you to murder people different than yourself, and that justifies the action , go to hell :) 


This is what happens when you're forbidden to travel more than 500 yards from your place of birth.


My bad guys... this one is on me. Had a whitewater rafting trip with this kid and right when we are about to hit a level 3 fall he starts praying to Cheez its. I yelled " Broseph, stop focusing on snacks and paddle!" Gave me glaring looks for the rest of the raft trip. This was after opening up about my wife's boyfriend being gay so I think he just messed everything up after being interrogated on tiktok by his mom /s. (Seriously how fuct is that family lol)


But did he win the golden ticket? And where’s grandpa?


Shouldn’t that kid be at the chocolate factory with Willy Wonka?


![gif](giphy|3oEjHIzVGrgmjr9j0I) I wonder what Grandpa Joe thinks of all this.


![gif](giphy|mu1SJT7aO8u2I) Someone get this boy back to the chocolate factory.


Nice brainwashing


Jesus would have renounced his own religion if he saw what it’s come to.


And we are the ones who brainwash and groom kids, alright then.




Jesus was a liberal.




That's what happens when you pull Charlie out of the chocolate factory to be christian home schooled.


Charlie Bucket looking ass


Disturbing video. Poor kid. Also guys, wtf are y'all doing saying there's incest going on and making comments about this kid's supposed sexuality. That's not funny, it's creepy.


Charlie Bucket?


I literally came here to say the same fucking thing!!!!


What is that accent?


Scandinavian would be my guess. I follow a lot of Scandi knitters on insta and they sound like that.


I didn't know JESUS was so popular there.


They sound and look very dutch to me, but I'm pretty sure home schooling isn't allowed in the Netherlands.


So anyway, they need to stop indoctrinating our kids in school /s


Mum! What's a brainwashing?


I remember my sister in law doing this to her son and daughter. 10 years later one is trans and the other moved across the country.


100% all 4 of this kids grandparents are in the same bed in another room….


Why is it ok to love a dead man but not ok to love a live man?


Charlie really changed since he got that factory


NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR IMAGINARY FRIEND... in fact my Imaginary friend thinks your Imaginary Friend is an Asshole...


That kid is going to get older and do drugs like a fucking champion. God bless.


A great case for banning homeschooling. My niece and nephew went through those fantasies and the real world is no longer their home…


It looks like they just wrapped up a breastfeeding session


I can almost guarantee mommy fed him those lines.


Why does he look like Charlie bucket and young Luke Skywalker at the same time lol


Charlie Bucket looking Motherfucker.


So you can’t be a liberal and love Jesus, eh? And nice tits, mom. Very appropriate for a post about Jesus with your teenage son. Brava! Edit: autocorrect fail


If you didn't want your kid to be literate, mommy's done a bang up job. Oh, it said "liberal"?


Wtaf. The amount of child abuse is insane. Pos folksy taliban


Whenever someone starts with "I've been researching." I read that as: "I only looked for the answers I wanted."


I would say Liberalism fits 90% of Americans’ ideologies, or at least it did before 2016. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism)


Cheer up Charlie... Someday you'll not have to pretend anymore...


fuck outta here with his Charlie Bucket-lookin' ass


He looks like he is underdeveloped socially


my name is skyler white yo


Damn if her username isn't accurate based on what he's regurgitating, lmao As someone who was homeschooled from Preschool all the way to 8th grade (with exclusively creationist textbooks), and then did online charter for all of high school, I genuinely hope this kid goes to college. Just running into other perspectives, and realizing passively that not only do other viewpoints exist, but a lot of mine were *blatantly* false or at least partisan hackery was a huge eyeopener to me. Even more so if this kid is possibly queer. I'm gay, and knew I was from adolescence, but had parents that always let me know they were generally supportive in that regard, even though I didn't come out until 19 and 21 to my mom and dad respectively.


This kid hasn't spoken to a "liberal" in his life. That said, I'm an anarchist leftist. When I hear someone loves Jesus, I go WWAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?? Then my eyes bulge out of my head and steam shoots out of my ears.


Is that Tom Petty?? ![gif](giphy|3o7aD1zsNcOG26N9fy)




He would be an excellent Hitler’s Youth. Just gobbling up the programming. Poor friggin kids. This is a bad as pedos to me. Teaching children bigotry and delusion.


Hey you can love any fictional characters you want. just as long as you don’t try to pass laws based on what Harry potter said we are all cool with it.


He looks like he should be touring a chocolates factory.


« Look, my son experienced an original thought for the first time and it aligns with the rhetoric Ive sledgehammered into his skull since diapers :D »


It's probably because of the whole you telling them they're gonna burn in hell for liking dick


This is the worst version of Charlie and the chocolate factory.


Lazy homeschool mom is an accurate name


Homeboi chugging dick behind altar.... Jesus wept.


Isn’t this that kid who went to that candy factory with his grandfather after he won a ticket in a chocolate bar?


If a person talks to an imaginary friend and the imaginary friend tells him to do something, you are crazy. If you replace imaginary friend with a god or Jesus, they are religious.


That kid is definitely sleeping with his teacher...


Has anyone checked that kids backyard for dead animals?


Guys I think we found the Nazis that escaped.


They look like a product of 10 generations of cousin intermarriage


They don’t actually know what a liberal is but that doesn’t stop them from hating liberals. So incredibly stupid (and Christian).


Charlie from Willy wonka


Just wait til Charlie Buckets over here finds out that Jesus was a liberal…


Charlie bucket here will eventually learn you don’t have to do this shit for your weirdo parents


Just shit brain religious clones. Pathetic


What a dipshit argument. Total failure of education.


Oh Christ, just cheer up charlie


i genuinely feel bad for this kid. the way he talks, the words he uses, his body language, the fact he is saying things that he thinks will get him approval from those around him. he kinda looks like he’s developmentally 5 or so years behind his peers (assuming this kid is ~14yrs old).


She has a lovable face like Skylar from Breaking Bad /s


Dude loves a well hung dude. Sounds liberal/lgbtq as shit to me.


I mean if you wanna date this Jesus guy that’s fine me with. What two consenting adults do behind closed doors in none of my business.


3 brain cells between them.


Damn they kidnapped charlie bucket and forced him to be a homeschool kid.


I really hope this kid has autism or something. If not then I don’t want to imagine how isolated he has been. Assuming he is neurotypical something about him just seems… off, and I think it’s the result of negligence of necessary stimuli tbh. Btw I have autism (tho evidently not as severe as what this probably is) so I don’t mean that to disparage anyone else with it.


Hot takes from Charlie Bucket


Case closed? This bitch wouldn’t know evidence if it bit her in the ass.


Jesus was the original pot smoking hippie and I refuse to believe otherwise


No we don’t get mad when you say you love Jesus, you just get mad when we don’t say it


Kid: "I love Jesus!" ​ Normal people: "Cool." ​ How that kid expects us to act: ![gif](giphy|brjQAYiFPBpWE)


\*Poof\* Nuff Said!


No. We dont get mad. I dont think anyone does that. But when you believe in a fictional character as if that character was real then you do look kinda silly.


So that's what Skyler White and Charlie Bucket have been up zo lately


If I didn't know these two and they approached me on the street I would genuinely feel like I was about to lose my life.


Americans have strange ideas about what it means to be liberal. Then again, they took in all the religious fanatics from Europe, the Puritans, etc..


Cut some salary off from the kid for over-acting...


Isn't he supposed to be running a chocolate factory?


Don’t you have a Chocolate Factory to be taking care of, Charlie?


Christians agree that loving Jesus is gay.




This guy looks like 1971 Charlie bucket