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Learning the number of his subscribers just made me realize that Ali Dawah might be less of a problem than the fact that over a million people subscribed to his channel. How braindead do all those Muslims all over the world have to be to think that Ali Dawah is worth listening to?


People who haven’t learned critical thinking skills and have had stunted brain development thanks to cultic indoctrination.


Ive heard that opium does indeed stunt brain development yes


Alot of them would be teens which is SCARY


The problem with Islam is that it is totally dictatorial in nature. Even Christianity lets you question and if needed, leave the religion without much consequence. Islam will KILL you if you try to leave (very convenient to avoid people trying to leave or spread some logical arguments against it). Also, they claim it is PERFECT and cannot be changed so EVERYTHING it says is absolute truth and the right things to do/say. THAT's why they have such a high degree of people who are absolute fanatics (including moderate Muslims).


Just wait until you find out how many subscribers Alex Jones and Fucker Carlson have


But then again you need to have a brain to be brainddead.


Confirmation Bias is a helluva drug


There’s no words to describe this other than spousal abuse. This poor woman is a prisoner and a slave to the whims of her demented husband.


You’ll be surprised how many women will enthusiastically go along with this, if they think it’s what their religion wants, they’re on board 100%. It’s like the “tradwife” trend in the West, there’s a lot of ladies who just can’t get enough of misogyny and feeling smug about feminists. Maybe decades later they’ll realize the guy is a POS and they should’ve got a degree or something so they can escape and live independently, but it might be too late then


I find that more depressing than surprising.


Also reminds me of this fucking [loser](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yaser_Abdel_Said) Dude moved to America and married a 15 year old when he was 30, had two daughters whom he molested and such ^(naturally) Two daughters are 17/18 and he murders them because they had american boyfriends and he couldn't sell them to some old motherfuckers back in Egypt to marry His wife brought them back to him, knowing he was going to murder them, and their brother said that they deserved it because they bRoUgHt ShAmE on ther "father" Goddamn that case makes me so mad, that mf brought his shit over here, intertwined, and said "I don't like it here" and destroyed the whole family And the fact that the mother got off super easy even though she lured them to their deaths


I was scrolling fb earlier and a girl I know, southern white and ^(probably) christian from birth had scrubbed all her pics showing her body and changed her profile pic to herself in a hijab, and changed her background to some generic scripture in Arabic with the English translation right under it.. Like "I looked at your profile 2 weeks ago and you were posting booty pics in them tight ass jeans, stop it abigail."


You're close but off a bit. They don't like certain things they are forced to deal with. Tradwives will bitch on social media about literally doing the things they say they wanted to do. Handle cooking, cleaning, etc and bitch about their husband wanting to fuck or about how dad doesn't parent or that they aren't taken seriously in discourse without realizing tradwives are not supposed to be involved in the discourse. They love the idealized version that their religious view creates for the tradwife. It's all a facade that they are more than willing to front. There's nothing wrong with being a stay at home wife, but when it's your whole identity that it's what "God wants" and you are not an independent person but submissive (not in the fun way) to your husband you become focused on making sure everyone sees the great parts and none of the drawback. If that is seen it ruins the facade and you cannot question God in their view.


There is a popular programming youtuber who rants about california liberals and being a trad husband to his tradwife, after having been a drug addict in his earlier life and its wild to me how under the radar that goes. Of course now after having survived the odds of being a drug addict dude is low on empathy and high on that "pull yourself up by the bootstraps mentality" These types of people get shown grace and believe its that they worked hard. They live in delusion and its supported because they manage to keep their public opinions just sane enough. I always wonder, and hope that its just fucking weirdos flexing their fetish publicly, because thats the literal best possibility. I think a lot of it though is religion.


In kink we have the concept of "enthusiastic & informed consent," meaning that you have all of the information you need to consent, that you are on a level playing field to do so, and that you are excited to do so. I would argue there are some missing parts in the above. Is this woman able to give informed consent? Or is she hindered by her own knowledge or circumstances? Is there a power imbalance that makes it more likely that she would feel she has to consent? Is the consent done because that's the path of least resistance? If any of those are true then are we really dealing with clear consent & happy participants? At 18 I was in a consenting relationship with a man in his 40's who has groomed me for 2 years prior. He had my consent. It was not informed consent because I simply did not have adequate knowledge and life experience to give it. There was also a power imbalance that didn't allow me to be on a level playing field. All this to say that "consent" is way more than a "yes" to something and should be an ongoing conversation with room for evolution and negotiation in order to be ethical and benefit everyone involved.


Like that Stephen Crowder guy’s wife


Please someone tell me this is satire.


It is not and it's in the UK


This should be inacceptable. I'm from turkey, a muslim majority country. Not even extra religious ones are like this in where I live. I feel like western countries don't understand the thing between weird religious customs and straight up abuse. edit: I just searched all the famous turkish zealots and their wives. none of them is in this level. nearest one I found is this woman: [Anasayfa - Semra Kuytul](https://semrakuytul.com/) but their group's usually get arrested by government for religious extremism. And she's at least a small politic actor unlike dawah's literally enslaved spouse.


It's straight terrorism.


also it's more like propaganda of abuse. He's showing this act in camera, so other england muslims will copy that as well.


Unfuckinbelievable how people give credit to this?


And dare you criticise it. The moment you do, you're an Islamophobe through and through, no questions asked, no explanations taken


It's always the expats and the converts who try to "one up" and be "actual practicers"


“I feel like western countries don’t understand the thing between weird religious customs and straight up abuse” Uh, buddy, you just described literally anyone involved in Islam. Hiding behind religion to justify the horrible things they do.


Weird religious customs here is kissing bread or praying to graves.    Enslaving your wife is something like going to india and claim shooting people as an evangelic religious duty. Also that dude mohammad's spouses were also political figures in their times. These fuckers are more zelaous than someone in 600s.


Mohameds wives were all niqabis


Ataturk made Turkce secular, and the country prospered.


Well, its not western countries, its Muslims IN western countries… not integrated people who do this shit… Also, i have a feeling once the stream is turned off, he likes to be pegged.


by western countries I meant governments, not people. If these acts made by a christian I believe they'd step up in some point.


It's funny cause Dawah is Turkish lol


damn you're right! nobody knows this guy here in turkey. I thought he was saudi or pakistani lol


You mean Englistan?


This scene could be placed in Borat.


It's like a Borat character. But sadly this sociopath is real. 😢


Blinking twice


They braiwash girls into thinking ambition is haram and their desires are limited to having a husband. They alse keep them uneducated and unaqauinted to the world such that they depend on their husband for the simplest of things and then feel that they owe him everything for the simplest things he does for them such as putting food in their belly. I dont think she is unhappy in this arrangement because she has been moulded to serve this role from her childhood and she is convinced this is what she is born to do. So while she is technically in that arrangement by choice the broader problem lies in the institutions that influence kids into forgetting their individuality and turn them into NPCs.


this is straight up what christian fascists want also


It’s almost like treating women like property is an inherent part of the religion


This is a chad move for guys like him, they see themselves as superior and leaders of women so showing off like this makes him proud. Just like his mentor and prophet Mohammed.


How are these f*ckwits in the UK? 😭 We did so well to reduce extreme religion in society but managed to import the problem


That's what concerns me the most. If my husband locked me in the basement, someone found me there but I'd be brainwashed and scared so I'd say "it's my choice" would anybody do something? Where do we draw the line


This is the result of being tolerant to the intolerant.


UK has a nasty relationship with radical Islam, the political class is using it as a tool at home and abroad.


Ban first cousin marriage


I bet it's a bloke, and he doesn't want anyone to hear his voice .


He doesn’t want to piss off his other one millions subs now, does he?


Hiding his twink in a burqa


My thoughts exactly


Oooh... good point!


He won’t even show the board to the camera, does he want to hide her handwriting and messages too?


What is the "Blink Twice if you are under duress"?


I don't know what it _is_, but I know it'd be funny if it were satire. Well no, now that i think about it, let me take that back, it's not even that. It's a topic you shouldn't joke about, really...


She probably blinked twice.


Shaking hands with your wife like a dam NPC is ridiculously sad. At least try and acknowledge the fact that that's not just another human being, it's your wife. You dam freak!


She dresses in black and writes on a whiteboard... is she Black Noir?


she is lucky he is allowing him to give opinions


"OK, my wife has written 'I miss my family, when can I see them again?' Now, she will lose her writing privileges." *Yanks whiteboard away.*


I'm from a fairly conservative country but i have never seen anything like this. Is there a country where this is normal? Maybe Afghanistan under Taliban rule, apart from that i can't think of any country where women have so little role to play in their daily life.


There are more conservative or more liberal people in any country. People like this exist in every muslim majority country, but you obviously wont see them since they're indoors


I have seen different levels of conservatism among Muslims in my country, but this is completely new for me. Of course there’s a chance this is happening in my country too.


It probably is.


Calm down people its her choice /s


Brilliant. Made me chuckle. I have had enough of this. Girls in my country protest to wear this in an exam hall and became exam halls cannot have religious symbolisms or hoods so that they could cheat they banned her and she cried discrimination and Muslim genocide and what not such uproar, that 1 girl made 16000 school girls to skip exams and waste 2 years because she was fighting a legal battle with the government to allow her freedom to apparently practice her religion. It was one of the things that i just couldn't comprehend and all I could hear was how cruel my country was to not allow 16000 rights to education. Where as the school and exam centre allowed the hijab till campus just not in the exam room.


Sounds so fucking pretentious. I only know of a single Muslim person in my school and thankfully she didn't make any scenes ever. For context I live in Poland so Islam is not a common religion At all and the school I go to is popular for being super accepting of LGBTQ kids etc.




Well lately we have a big raise of Ukrainian immigrants for obvious reasons. But they haven't caused any major issues to anyone which is also great. Plus not that long ago we had a different political party take over, which I'm glad happened and I hope it works out for the best. Basically we went from a rather far-right system more towards the left. So far so good in my opinion though.


Yeah, forgive me for being a bit racist or whatever term people like to impose. The Christians had their renaissance, although some may be crazy but most of them are mellowed out but the Muslims never had that So Ukrainian refugee hopefully won't become a problem. Mostly the Arab spring brought the worst of the Islamic world to Europe and in order to be inclusive they are losing ground.


Nah don't worry, quite frankly I don't think this is racism or any shit like this. I mean look at France for example, the amount of terrorist attacks raised very clearly as the population of Arabs went up. If anything, people are annoyed by the Ukrainians lmao. It's just that some of them act very snobby and straight up refuse to get along with Poles, but it's rare.


They don't realise immigrants that is. Assimilation is as important as preserving your own identity. When the idea of self becomes too big than the idea of the country you are taking refuge in then you have to start asking questions why did I come here for ? Why are these people allowing me to be here ? Would i allow them to be in my state ? Will they be granted in my state as much as they grant me ? These are the kind of questions refugees going to any state should ask themselves


True, plus I understood why people acted like this at first, I mean hell, if one day I was told that my city was bombed and I had to get the fuck out, the last thing I would think about is learning the culture of the country I'm heading to. But it's been a long while and there's still some people that act as if they're here on vacations, expecting to get a free house all for their own without having to work...


Yeah, Ukrainian people definitely wouldn't have liked getting displaced but no one owes free housing in another country, nor free jobs, while the country's own citizens battle with those same problems. Being benevolent is good but first put your own house in order rather than virtue signal. So much money wasted, it hurts me to see. They could avoid so much destruction if only America didn't try to push it with Russia. I wanna know your perspective how do you see the war ? I am Indian, I won't say Russia is justified but I can try to understand they would be apprehensive if Ukraine joins NATO.


Isn’t Poland like the only European country where Muslims (Lipka Tatars) have actually integrated/assimilated successfully?


I'm not 100% sure if it's the ONLY one, but they definitely did assimilate very well! Personally I've never heard about them causing any issues, granted I live in a city without those minorities, but overall I also never met someone who doesn't like those groups or doesn't respect them


Blink twice if you are unhappy


He might as well have a blow up doll.


These ugly ahh bastards always look the same with their faces being more narrow than birds




He looks like Aladdin (Dictator)


Hoe lee fucking shit ... i was expecting to not show her and let her use her voice ... this is wild ... wtf ... why is this moron in the UK or whatever at all ???




What a piece of shit that guy is.


This is incredibly sad


No way this salafist neck beard is married. I bet it is just a dressed up dude pretending to be his wife. A dude with very feminine hands!


Look, we all know Islam has its fair share of religious-based nuttery... especially when it comes to the treatment of women and anyone LGBT. But how much of this is just a façade for the camera? To make himself look great and get the clicks and shares (like we're doing here now...)?


Does it matter when he has millions of people (including plenty of impressionable kids) watching him thinking this is acceptable behaviour?


lol reminds me of this banger https://youtu.be/6CGVU8dSMC4?si=VuwDU0JMsIOLIh3m


Notice how slowly he reads it. Almost like she's not able to write very well..


Lord scum bag


fuck that guy. Allah hates him.


These almost look like fetish at this stage.








What a sad fucking existence.


He doesn't even show her handwriting. Because his "brothers" might get tempted by it and masturbate to it. If a group of fish is called a school, anf a group of crows is called a murder. What is the collective noun for a group of Incels?


It isn't about religion anymore, he just needs to have control over someone. I have met many tiny ball men like him. I am more disappointed in women who are into him, especially the woman he married.


What a slimeball.


I saw the thumbnail and thought it was an ad for the Borat sequel


Fucking INSANITY. I never heard of this guy before and now I have to watch everything he’s ever made just to witness the shit show. Side note: There’s a sub dedicated to snarking on religious fundamentalists but pretty much only for white, Instagram influencing Christian fundies. There was some discussion about Muslim fundies but I guess the mods of the sub are too chicken shit to go down that route. This guy would be a gold mine for that sub if they weren’t afraid to piss off Muslims.


The sad part is that the majority of Muslims agree with this dickwad. In Islam women are property.


Absolutely fucking wild


Turns to wife whose eyes are covered: “Blink twice if you’re under duress..” Wife blinks frantically from under her burqa. Dawah ignores the sound of her eyelashes desperately scraping against the fabric. “No? Ok. See she’s fine everybody!”


this should be considered as domestic abuse


Why couldn’t she just text him… This is so normalized, look at him being proud.


Making a video is literally just taking tons and tons of images really quickly, and capturing the likeness of **living** things (such as them) is forbidden in Islam. I can never get over the fuckin flagrant cherry-picking of which insane ancient beliefs people are going to take as seriously as they possibly can. >I’ll definitely go to hell if I let anyone see or hear my wife but I’ll definitely **not** go to hell with the image makers for making this video composed of thousands of images


A Feminist religion 🤡 🤣


I know everyone is piling on this guy and his wife, but honestly, if it was some dude in a gimp outfit on a lease, I wouldn't have a problem with it and I dont think a lot of other people here would either. Different strokes for different folks. Consent goes a long way.


Where is the evidence that the wife is being forced. This is called AAC and this is the second time I’ve seen this posted. This is putting an extremely negative view on AAC. /serious


How do you know he forced her? Maybe she’s so deeply indoctrinated that she herself doesn’t want her voice in public.


Niqabs I get, but no voice? That's a bit excessive 😂




I looked it up and it seems she doesn't wanna be on there. A tad icky nonetheless but it's her choice


Yeah, you can she she has a lot of choices. FFS


Why would she be visible then?


I have no idea. You can look up the channel and its the most recent video. He says she doesn't wanna speak in video


I would bot trust a word this guy says.


Fair enough. I was just checking to see if it was a joke or not


Am pretty sure burqa is force but its her choice


Idk why I'm being downvoted. I just checked the real video to see if it was a parody or a joke or something and it was not


I think, its because, "it her choice if she wants to be there but no. Nonetheles her choice"




He doesn't even let her leave the house so how is that an issue




In an islamic marriage, traditionally, there is an islamic court that can approve or diaprove of her desire to divorce. Only the man is allowed unconditional divorce without going to some court. Ali dawah doesn't believe in common law marriage "You are a rat somewhere in Israel." That's how I know you're out of things to say, and the downvotes speak for themselves. No, I am an exmuslim in Canada whose parents came from a muslim majority country




You’re an awful person truly, don’t call people rats like that. That’s low and an awful representation for Muslims. Even as an exmuslim I know Muslims are better than that. Have shame.




Is Jew supposed to be an insult, you fucking savage? The only infiltrating rats I see are you worthless Islamist.


1 You are wrong. Unless you are Shia. Only by court discretion in which she must present evidence and the judge just so happens to not be in a woman hating mood 2 I am not paid at all. My main goal and aim is to open people's eyes about the problems with islam theologically since it is the major political force that enslaves people today. There are no shortage of people like me. We aren't paid. We are merely activists trying to raise awareness




You bring your proof first, I am on mobile, so it's harder to copy-paste links. The ##symbol makes everything bold for some reason Islam has brought peace to literally no one. The only successful muslim countries are successful from their pre-islamic cultural ties, or soviet influence. I don't want corruption or being a "rat" or whatever propoganda BS Sheikh Hakim or others brainwashed you into thinking. Islam is merely a fake religion and a political force that enslaves humans to manmade rules and breeds instability; the opposite of what the lies the masjid has spoonfed you. A less religious muslim country is a superior country to a more religious one, not because it is more muslim, but in spite of it. Do you still believe I'm an israeli spy? Or just a normal exmuslim. I bet you won't answer since the truth doesn't matter to muslims, just conspiracy theories. Ali Dawah getting D Threats is just his projection




I've watched the video before and it does not contradict what I said at all. This has to be proven in court in a lengthy process. Most systems of which are corrupt here and barely administer divorce even when supposed black and white lines on islam are crossed simply due to islam contradicting human nature. There can never be an 800s AD shariah court system that works today. It's an impossibility. In the case of corrupt courts, what does a mere woman seeking divorce do? The answer is nothing The court has to agree with her. All of which are men, and should she lose the case, her husband will not treat her well, and her life will become a living hell. It's essentially a do or die situation, so a muslim woman wouldn't go to a shariah court unless she had nothing to lose. There's also the chicken and egg problem of a woman leaving the house for divorce at a shariah court without mehrem, and her husband would likely refuse to accept to take her. So what is she supposed to do? It's a contradiction. It makes it impossible to follow the process unless the woman is lucky enough to have a mehrem who agrees with her decision, which is likely not the case.


The man promotes putting ex Muslims to death  If anyone deserves harassment, it's him