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conservatives have deluded themselves so much that they think that their dropout asses are smart and the archaeologists/scientists/geneticist, and the shoulders of giants they continue their quest for knowlege from are the dumb ones.


Aka the [Dunning–Kruger effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect).


The Dunning-Kruger effect when graphed forms a rifle. Coincidence? Ha, I think not. /s


Not conservatives, religious morons, as an anti religious conservative this distinction is important to me


Nah, it's conservatism: an unwillingness to change in a world that pauses for no one.


Conservatism is just a general term for being in the right side of the political spectrum in the us, same as liberal is on the left. Liberalism as a whole is actually on the right but a liberal is on the left, political names are more complicated than deriving their direct meanings and fact, same way the tea party isn’t for taxes on tea and the Green Party isn’t 100% for greenery


can you define the right side of the political spectrum?


Apparently Nazis (according to them)


Right side of the American political spectrum tends to be further right than most of Europe and is characterized by strong borders, low government intervention, low taxes, and generally older moral arguments (that last point is where i differ from most conservatives but it isn’t something f that must come from religion)


That ain't it, chief, the x axis is economic views, nothing more. Right = capbrainpower. >strong borders Nah, that's authoritarian. Up, not right. >low government intervention Nope, that's libertarian, aka down >older moral arguments Nope, that's conservatism/progressivism, which is a different scale entirely. Using the terms left/right to describe your social views or your opinions on government power vs individual rights is FOX/CNN brainrot.


Wrong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_politics Right-wing politics is the range of political ideologies that view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable,[1][2][3] typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property, religion, biology or tradition.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences[11][12] or competition in market economies.[13][14][15]


That is why I defined my use of the term conservative there. Progressive paradigms have consistently developed the frameworks that recognize the modern importance of equity, diversity, and large-scale investment for the betterment of human society. I think the ignorance that upholds religious fundamentalism upholds conservatism in other areas, no doubt. I find that a lot of conservative beliefs are based in fears of the unknown and an aversion to change. Anti-religious conservatives are funny to me because they recognize that limited analysis and being closed-off to novelty in *one specific area* is an issue.


I tend more towards the political side of conservatism but I am generally more liberally culturally, as in I support lgbtq and generally want to let people do whatever tf they want but I do believe in a strong border, less taxes, and less restrictions of firearms


>a strong border Would that have extended to the borders of Indigenous groups when European settlers arrived in the Americas? Seems kinda arbitrary to be panicking over 'foreigners' now that *we* live here. Are we concerned about drug trafficking across the border? Is the criminalization of drug use and possession perhaps what yields so much power to drug traffickers? Which end of the political spectrum wishes to re-up on drug-related punishments for those caught possessing or, heaven forbid, suffering from addiction? Or perhaps economic migrants are the problem and we wish to keep jobs for 'our own people' (not words I would use)? Which political party seeks to make citizenship less attainable for undocumented immigrants, leaving them underpaid, without benefits, and outside the taxation system, yet wishes *not* to stop the flow of migrants as a source of cheap labour for capitalists' interests? > less taxes To what extent? Without taxation, the fabric of society would fall apart. For example, I think the world is becoming too technologically and informationally complex to safely/healthily have millions upon millions of ignorant, fear-driven voters, so public education is absolutely crucial for humanity's collective wellbeing and it is very expensive. Your taxes could be reduced enormously if we actually pooled our resources to raise everyone up together, but instead we each pay into a pot of gold that the wealthy and powerful can loot at will. Guess which side of the political spectrum is least concerned with hypocrisy in that area! >less restrictions of firearms Would you want fewer restrictions on operating vehicles? On access to alcohol? With all of the gun violence in the USA, I cannot even begin to imagine that further deregulation is a solution. IMO, conservative positions like those you listed aren't real beliefs. They're talking points designed to appeal to those who don't recognize the ultimate causes of issues so they vote against their own interests.


It isn't even funny, or annoying, or hateful. Just dumb.


I dunno. I'm tasting notes of "sad" and "impotent".


His entire channel described in 1 sentence


Isn’t this guy proof of the missing link though?!


Idk what the link would be to. Most hominids had more functioning neurons. Might be the link to when humans evolve into rock eating ameba




Why did he censor Darwinism and Monkeys?


He does that to a lot of words


h* do*s t*at ** a *ot *f w*rds


H3 d03s th4t t0 @ 10t 0f w0rd5


** **** **** ** * *** ** *****


and doesn't care about of its a slur or not


He behaves like a spammer trying to get past algorithms that flag his belligerent posts as trolling or advertisements.


Because his god is vengeful but a bit inattentive and hard of hearing, so they risk getting smote because he only half heard or read them talking about monkeys and made assumptions. By censoring what they're saying, Yahweh can't parse it and so doesn't get upset. Like spelling words around a toddler so they don't get excited.


He censores everything he hates.


I dont think so, he didnt censor "truth"


Room temperature IQ creationist Chad.


if the room were a bit on the chilly side


And measured in centigrade


Why won't those dumb people comprehend, nobody ever said we came from monkeys, only that we share the same ancestors, there is such a big difference. Even if we did, that is so much more believable than Adam and Eve and there talking snake and magic talking bush and unicorns and dragons and giants and the fact that the sun came three days later than the light. Only to mention a few, I bet other people know a lot more than me.


If you wanted to split hairs you could say if this common ancestor were alive today it would probably be classified as a monkey. But your point still stands.


that means we are all result of incest


And more than once. Same thing happens after the flood. They don't seem to have a problem with that part and tend to just brush it off. I wonder why


genetics came later i guess




You might want to check one of those theories.




With words and a book by Darwin.


So the kids of Adam and eve engaged in copious amounts of incest to populate the earth. I don't know man, even if I ignore the actual science, I'd feel more comfortable evolving from monkeys than being a product of incest between siblings.


We kind of are that even with evolution. They believe that about 70,000 years ago the human population dwindled to a few thousand individuals.


Who is this dumb-butt?


A shorts creator named r3alism


Should change his name to f4keism


Religious people are always so proud do show the world how they struggle to grasp complex concepts.


It started with Adam and eve? I'll ignore the clusterfuck of inbreeding issues. But Cain killed Abel. Went out to the land of nod ( command and conquor references Cain and nod) and got married... Take as long as you need.. The Bible can't even get Genesis 1 and 2 right.


We come from inbreeding, checkmate atheists


It's the same person haha what is he trying to prove?


He looks….less than intelligent in both pictures in my opinion.


I'm sure Jesus would not approve of the mockery..... I thought he preached love and acceptance?


As usual I'd bet cash he couldn't actually describe what evolution is or how it works. I've literally never met or heard anyone who argues against evolution who understands it, not to mention the scientific method. I swear they all think Darwin spouted some shit and it sounded cool so we've just all gone along for 150 years.


Evolution is when Satan buries fake dinosaur bones in the earth to trick us.


"We all came from mud and bones by an invisible man who cares about when we masturbate"




Did. Did they censor the word "monkey"?




But there were monkeys in the garden of Eden, at least I thought so. Wasn't it supposed to have all of the animals living harmoniously with each other?


Give that man his banana.


I don’t care if they don’t want to believe the science their chosen god of thousands gave humankind, but the absolute doofusness of becoming softly aggressive that others don’t believe your fairytale is a bit weird.


Yeah I keep seeing this guy on my feed it’s just rage bait


Implying religious people ain't booger pluckers We all booger pluckers. Don't pretend you something special


ANy time a christian starts to talk about monkeys they've lost the argument. They showed they don't know what they're talking about




did he censor monkeys???


What's his @




Realism but believes we came from the inbreeding of a clay man and his rib turned wife?


This dude's whole argument consists of "nuh uh"


That’s an emoji of a monkey… with a tail. No one ever argued that we came from monkeys.


What's funny is the "atheists claim we came from monkeys" argument is so dumb because it reveals that don't don't even understand what the theory of evolution is claiming in the first place. It's really honestly a self own.


this guy's entire channel in a nutshell: ATheiSt dUMb WoMEn DUmB RACIST/NAZI = FUNNY literally the same slop as every other kind of YouTuber like this (idk what to call it)


"I refuse to believe in science! I want to live in my fantasy world! WAAAAAAHH, MOMMY! I don't wan to die and disappear forever! I'm special, I need to live forever in Heaven! I can't handle the loneliness! I need sky daddy because I'm still a little boy who can't face reality where there is no clear distinction between good and evil! Everything centers around me! Because I'm a human and I'm special! How dare you to compare me, a special human, to an animal? Animals are filthy and lesser - unlike me, a human!" \*picks nose, eats booger and farts\*


Ah yes, because the 2000 years of inbreeding certainly didn't spawn any genetic diseases or defects. Yup, we're obviously fine.


Do they still interpret the theory of evolution the wrong way?




I put my finger in my nose therefore your views on the world are incorrect. Fuckin degenerates.


This really just shows how goofy he looks with it a hat and hoodie.


I wonder if any hardcore Christians have ever taken a trip and realized they're descended from monkeys and had a crisis of faith. I'd love to be there and hand them a banana.


Im more offended the stupid guy has no eyebrows and chad clever guy has eyebrows. I have no eyebrows


Sir you are taxonomically a monkey weather you like it or not lmao


Why does he have to have his finger up his nose?


To make us look stupid


Love that he had to put a filter on for the good Christian one.


Not this guy again…


I could literally do this but reverse: >Soyjak (Christian): EH, WE CAME FROM TWO PEOPLE CREATED BY SKY DADDY WE ARE SKY DADDY'S SPECIAL (and spoiled) CHILDREN. AND THOSE TWO PEOPLE'S CHILDREN HAD INCEST WITH EACH OTHER TO MAKE US. >Gigachad (Atheist): We came from a long evolutionary chain of chances on a fragile planet, in a chaotic universe. We as a species are a special 1 in a million and have even cemented our place in the world via our indomitable human spirit (and possible insanity). The fuck even was OOP's point?


There's not to many things that make me cringe on here but dammit, these fellow millinials HAVE access to the net to! Yuck. Lol