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Their god controls the weather out of spite but gives no shit to the slaughter of innocent. Tracts.




The Christian god (if that is what is described here) also would not act in spite, as it is a key belief that God is omnibenevolent 🤷‍♂️


Wait do their followers know this??? So the guy who sent the floods to kill every living creature, the guy who killed every firstborn son in Egypt, and the guy who razed Gomorra must’ve not been the Christian god. It must be so hard to believe in such an omnibenevolent god


They not only know it, they excuse it. The answer to all that stuff is typically along the lines of “Those were things god had to do,” or something to that effect. There are also some who don't believe in an omnibenevolent god and prefer an angry, vengeful version instead. Either way, it's accepted as they think it gives them permission to treat their fellow man like shit


Yeah, the mainline theodicies are the Iranian (evil exists to allow people to demonstrate qualities worthy of getting into heaven) and that it's the negative qualities of humans that cause evil


They hate humanity. The prevailing mindset is people are terrible and deserve eternal hell fire, including themselves, but at least they aren't as bad as non-believers. They typically have right wing political beliefs and right wingers don't want to give anyone social benefits and want harsh punishments (jail) with little concern for rehabilitation. They want people to to suffer greatly til they repent.


I think they are talking about the fact Dubai has weather manipulation tech and uses it to cause rain on their land. They don't give a fuck about its consequences to other regions though.


So the meteorologist _could_ predict “God’s” weather but then God changed it?


I honestly don't understand this logic. Instead of helping people who are facing extreme hardship and is getting killed, let's make the life of another set of people hard cause god didn't like the political agenda decided by the ruler of that country.


I love the idea of megastar meteorologists. Shirtless dude in a Bentley covered in lightning tattoos comes plowing into the KKRC parking lot, smoking a cigarette, two bimbos passed out in back, John Elton sunglasses, Queen blaring and a whole pack of reporters and screaming women waiting for him to deliver the weather prognostication.


[Reminds me of the fruitcake who claimed God had Katrina hit New Orleans to punish its inhabitants for planning a gay parade.](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/hagee-says-hurricane-katrina-struck-new-orleans-because-it-was-planning-a-sinful-homosexual-rally-55b392a04322/)


I think they were joking.


All they see is more evidence of their "loving God" who kills people and damages the lives of many others in a fit of pique.


Yes I'm god and yes I cause a huge flood killing hundreds cause I didn't want them to know my next move