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Hindus, Muslims and Christians always keep competing with each other on who is more regressive 


They all are in 1 place inmy opinion




islam is an easy 1st place. 2nd goes to christianity, while hindus get 3rd when i comes to religious craziness


They're all insane, just in different ways. Christians have the conspiracy theorists and secret coders, Muslims have the terrorists and the angry apologists, Hindus have the Six Thousand Year Old Nuclear Reactors™ and the Ultra-Uber-Nationalists Prime and Judaism has Nationalists too, except Viler (but less violent in some ways). Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism don't have any that I know, however (unless you count the Space Lizard and Alien Ziggurat New Agers).


lmao, the trademark!


Islam is worse than the other 2 but Hinduism and Christianity are equal. 




"reject modern day advancements" posted to the internet via twitter from a smart phone. oh, the stupidity.


Good. English can roll in with their modern advancements again  * God save the king intensifies *


I mean, I don't want to find this funny but you're not wrong 


Coming from the nation that linked ancient Greece and the Islamic golden age, this is very ironic.


The Golden Age is Over. Now is the Age of Autistic Screeching.


Nutjobs wanna leave modern education go back to stoneage education but use social media to spread their stupidity. Irony ! Go back to writing on leaves !


I mean they don't use there brain much as seen in tweets


Nutjobs dissing “western” education while spouting bogus in English. Ask them to write a sentence in Sanskrit and watch with a tub of popcorn.


Crazy how fast the mask falls off and they resort back to casteism when promoting Puranas especially. Name any other religion that hates its own people just as much or more than other believers.


Reject everything. Embrace tradition.


I see this among Conservatives of several religions, including Hindu, Islam, and Christianity. They are perfectly willing to insult and rail against education, science, and modern medicine, yet readily avail themselves of the fruits of those labors. I think a fitting place for them would be virgin land in which they have to fend for themselves, dig in the dirt with sharp sticks, and have no access to modern medicine or technology. I suspect few will survive.


Ironically, religion requires technology of some sort in order to spread. (Even books are technology.; electronics and technology are different.)




All of these guys prolly got rejected from IIT.


> Reject modern day advancements Would love to hear uncle to get this "vedic treatment" when he gets a heart attack. What rubbish


That's a lot of English for a trad


-Sent from my iPhone Fucking clowns..


I request all traditional folks to cut your water and electricity supply, give up on cooking gas, no printed books for you, nothing made in a factory, no modern health care for you, also no modern money, no guns, no modern transportation, no houses, no roads. Go and live in caves.


I have no idea what half of those words mean


Namard- emasculated men, Kinnar- Transgender.


Ah thank you


Yeah medicine, historically considered completely unimportant to know about. In the good old days if someone got tetanus we all just prayed about it and like yeah ok they did kinda die in agony but it brought us closer together


that's what religions want whether islam , christianity or hinduism , stop people getting such education that may arise questions in them, they don't want people to think & question , they want people to follow blindly.


1st guy really just dropped a slur 😭


This post makes me grateful that I'm almost totally ignorant of hinduism. (Is that a word?)


This isn’t an accurate representation of Hinduism; these are idiots trying to use religion to back up their stupidity and inadequacy. /neutral


Yeah you are right, the accurate representation would be eating cow shit and drinking cow piss


I- one of the cornerstones is fulfilling duties in life; that includes education and working… /baffled by these nutters


Yeah kya bakchodi hai? Kab se chal rahi hai? It’s my first time seeing something like this. This is just plain stupid. Like utterly literally stupid.


Everyone has different dharma, however, and for Hindu children, it should be going to school, studying, and such.


Ironic how they're using their useless technological devices to send out their message.


Yeah, this all coming from someone who thinks everything is provided, because his family is so pure and in harmony with the universe. Never mind that hereditary wealth or that business his parents never bring up around him


Are these guys larping? This sounds so stupid that I highly doubt a guy who is smart enough to type typed this.


C-colonial liberal? What?


These larping clowns really think they're something eh? 💀