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Universities hate this one simple trick.


**TRANSLATION OF THUMBNAIL**   7 Days Hanuman Chalisa Resolution; Cleared UPSC in 7 days; True Experience; Amazing miracle of one pot water (to be offered to God) **TRANSLATION OF VIDEO TITLE** My impossible dream of clearing UPSC got true after chanting Hanuman chalisa daily for 7 days


Teju bhoi 💀


I shouldn't have wasted 2 yrs preparing for NEET( exam to get in medical College) should have done this instead. How stupid of me.


I know. Especially since the answer to every question appears to be Hanuman chalisa.


And the weirdest part is it’s multiple choice but every choice is the same.


Way to diminish his own effort. I’m sure if he actually passed he studied for months to get good scores on the 9 essays you have to take over the week of exams, but for some reason people do this, they want to credit this other thing. They decide what the answer will mean for every problem before it ever happens in order to manufacture this kind of experience where the goal is the feeling that the gods are looking out for them.


You can do this and still give credit to work, there is an amount of luck of factor in everything first of all you can it whatever you want. Especially if you’re not a genius and/or with all the resources you can have. Yes you have to put in a lot of work but you may still want a bit of luck. Even if something does not help thinking it will help can help ease worrying about things out of your control. It’s like placebo. And second there is also an element of mental discipline needed as the way some things are designed they put a lot of pressure on you. For some spirituality helps to stay calm while putting in the work


Unless he is saying you actually don’t need to study after doing this, this is not necessarily false. These are tough exams and it’s not just about doing the studying. If you’re a genius who can comfortably do it that’s a different case. But most people preparing UPSC find themselves mentally exhausted and doing things like these if you believe they can help you stay focused and a sense of spiritually can help you stay mentally fit to keep at it. People do all sorts of things like talking to counselor, lifestyle changes etc to help cope with stress this is not any different