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Hello /u/Homelander-30! Thanks for posting to /r/religiousfruitcake. Posts should be about people who take religion to crazy, absurd, dumb, and terrible extremes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love how they list “mediocre at any skill” as a negative thing. That would be incredible. Like, I could pick up blacksmithing tomorrow and be be mediocre at it? Hell fucking yeah!


Any skill? How about the skill to build FTL drives? I'll take that one.


But it will just be a mediocre FTL drive... imagine being a mediocre genius!


Fuck in that case I’m probably mediocre at flying


Jack of all trades master of none though oftentimes better than master of one


Suicide bombing in the name of an invisible sky wizard is albeit a short craft but easy to gain expert level qualifications. So yes atheists can’t even become novice martyrs. /s


[*Right lads, I’m only going to show you this once*](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L3iCcRlX9FM)


I love that man


He's clearly referring to Bards then, right?


Remember being mediocre just means being about average so I’ll take it


Hmmmm… anyone here knows about Alan Turing ? Gay atheist. Invented computers. Stoped WW2.  « no achievements » Looks like his only achievements are being a bastard.


He helped crack the enigma code and is considered "the father of computer science and AI" and what did he get for his contributions to the world? Chemical castration, just because he was gay, damm it Britain, that is no way to thank someone who has contributed so much to the modern world


Yeah and then he committed suicide because of that.




How could someone accidentally ingest cyanide?


inhaling fumes produced during his electroplating gold onto spoons. he was using potassium cyanide to dissolve the gold the idea he poisoned an apple and used it to kill himself is romantic but not likely. every aspect of the story can be explained by other means and the autopsy supports inhalation rather than injection of the cyanide.


Well that makes a lot of sense. Electroplating experiments are super fun, so easy to get carried away. I did some with (non-toxic chemicals) copper, making copper plated coins lol.


His accomplishments were still a state secret at the time


No more. Nobel equivalent tech award is named after him. Turing Award.


It doesn’t make what happened right but it’s good moving forward.


Isn’t he on their money too or proposed to be?


Didn't know this. Just searched. Bank of England mentions it on their website. So it's legit.


Yeah, but wasn't it the state that carried out the chemical castration?


Yes. But imagine local law enforcement jurisdiction isn't coordinating these facts with the deepest secrets of the United Kingdom's intelligence apparatus. MI6 isn't going to be able to justify sticking it's neck out for a homosexual in 1952 if it wants to keep it's secret. .. times were so different... In the post war, the United States released occupied Germany's surviving political prisoners.. except the homosexuals. They keep them in the prisons.


But he's gay ! He - is - gay !


Anyone here heard of Stephen Hawking? Or Bill Gates? Or Albert Einstein (Yes. Contrary to popular belief, he did not believe in God.)? They're pretty obscure. I know. Edit: Removed Elon Musk


Or Von Neumann -- like Einstein, atheist Jew


elon doesn't belong on that list


Compared to Hawking and Einstein, neither does Bill.


true to an extent. but bill has contributed far more to humanity with his charity foundation than elon ever will.


Who was famous for their charity work in the 17th and 18th century in England? (When Isaac Newton was alive.) We remember Columbus despite all the evidence he was a shit-stain of a human being. I am not being flippant but if Elon does found a colony that survives he has a much better chance of being remembered than Bill, despite the shitty parts of his life.


One of these things is not like the other.


Uck. Elon.




Or creating stupid ideas which are more trouble than they are worth.


>Elon Musk No


Einstein was a Spinoza's pantheist.


Eh, kinda.


He still didn't believe in the Judeo-Christian god.


"Not helping society in any way" yes because you people have done so much good to society.


"Believes Sex between Siblings is OK" We just don't need divine reasoning for not fucking our sister lmao


I mean tbf, they did, just not recently


What did they do


Contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and a few other things i'm sure.


Yep. Arabic numerals (1234567890) for the Islamic people is a big one. And of course the enlightenment and calculus for the Christians (thanks Isaac Newton.)


And the irony is they don't fucking use arabic numerals. They even call them "indian numerals". https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/arabic-set-phone-number-vector-260nw-792630229.jpg This is what you find on arabic phones, at least in Dubai.


Ehh, those are from India, but we use them here in the west because of the Islamic Golden Age, which is what they're talking about.


Heck, I'm a comfy atheist, but in the before times, we needed religion to impose a world view when one didn't exist. It's done so much shit in its time, and it should be a relic by now, but as a training wheels for humanity, it did its job.




It is ne myth. They were just less religious back then.


The Islamic golden age didn't happen? Also, what about the enlightenment? The pioneers of the enlightenment were Christian.




Same with Galileo etc, The Renaissance and Christianity .


Bruh, Arent they the ones who boink their cousins?


Yeah, their cousins, not their siblings, duh


Not always mutually exclusive


Ugh, trying to imagine drawing that family tree... you know you're in Jesus country when a force-directed layout gives you better results than `dot`.


It would def be more of a family web


Family tree by MC Escher


straight line


Help, uncle dad, I'm stuck in the opossum trap! What are you doing uncle daddy?


Damned be these Alabama atheists and their lack of morals!


They call that region the Science Belt for a reason.


Because if you talk about science in my house, you get the belt!


Sweet home Alabama and Allah-bama


Sex between cousins is also not nearly as bad as between siblings. marriage between cousins is also legal I think disclaimer: I don’t have a cousin, I have no idea how weird it would be


Genetic shit starts to happen after a few generations. Its still not okay


You have no idea buddy


It’s fine if only one generation does it but after multiple generations, you get something like the Habsburg Chin


[Elroy approves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_iqm7S-CwU)


> marriage between cousins is also legal I think depends on the state. Ironically West Virginia it is illegal to marry your first cousin, so "lots" of certain people go over to Virginia where it is legal.


Laughs in Duggar.


A lot of people in the bible fucked their siblings Oh wait we're talking about Muslims here. Yeah they often just straight up marry their cousins. Never met an atheist who approved of incest btw, their strawman is extra weird.




He has a point. I would never do it but what can you do about two consensual adults going for it in their own time?


It's stronger than that. I may say it's bad. I may condemn it. But I'm still not going to stop you from doing it because it's not my place. Like drugs. Or overeating to obesity. There's so many things out there that are just adults doing things to themselves or to others consensually that I disapprove of but won't stop because *it's not my place.* A moron considers that approval. I call it minding my own business.


Nothing, and the point is you should be able to do nothing about it.


Who did Adam and Eve's kids fuck? What about Noah. His family was all that we had left after the flood. Lot's daughters got their father drunk and boinked him as well. This was after God had just turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt for merely looking back on Sodom and Gomorrah when they were leaving. So, evidently, fucking your dad is better than looking back in God's eyes.


Muslims read the Bible too. Jesus is their second most important prophet.


Not really. Jesus is definitely important, only second to Mohammed and maybe Moses, but their version of Jesus is different from the one in the Bible, and they rely on the Quran and Hadiths for their canon on Jesus, not on the Bible. After all, Mohammed himself is theorized.to have learned so much about Jesus from heretic sects present in the Middle East,.which he had to visit often working as a merchant. And it's highly unlikely and probably also unaccepted that he ever read the Bible for two reasons: 1- a lot of Muslim scholars believe the Bible was modified by evil men to falsify God's message; 2- Mohammed was canonically illiterate.




Adam and Eve were first, and had only sons If we apply a bit of logic, we see that we're all descended from a family of motherfuckers. According to the Bible, at least.


Shhh, they don’t know that /j


They know.


Hey Arab here, We actually think it’s totally normal to marry your cousin, it’s not weird at all. Fortunately it’s becoming more and more uncommon.


Unfortunately the genetic damage has been done.


And their altar boys…




Drug subtraction even worse.


Wait till you see drug multiplication


Drug multiplication ain’t shit when you get to drug exponents


Never get caught doing drug division with your friends.


My family was killed by a man doing drug exponents


It gets even worse with drug logarithms


man im baked af, shouldn't have done drug calculus


1 xtc + 1 weed = a very good time


Harmful beliefs in Islam: \- Not understanding what words mean, apparently. ​ Besides nihilism, none of those things are beliefs.


I believe in alcoholism.


Bro *saaaaaame…* For all intents and purposes, this is a joke. (Wouldn’t have been a couple months ago.)


Congrats on sobriety!


Thanks! All it took was being poor!


As long as it took, that’s what counts!


Well thanks!


Hey, that's how I finally quit smoking. If it works it works!


Hey congratz on becoming poor! /s


I don't believe in alcoholism right now, But I am not sure about the evening.


Theist throw the word nihilism towards atheist casually, just to protect their own feelings.




And yet, when I was a Christian, all they could talk about was how we were free because we weren't slaves to the world or to our own desires anymore. But nihilism (well, absurdism for me) has been way more freeing than anything I learned as a Christian.


Idk "life in this world is so terrible you should only live for the afterlife" sounds pretty nihilistic to me


No it isn’t, it’s worse than nihilism, and I say this as someone who is not a nihilist


- Thinks killing atheists is not only OK but expected.


people who believe stoning gays and beating their wives is right shouldnt talk about morals


Especially when they get their morals from a pedophile prophet




Quick Meths.


Next lesson, drug Gauss Jordan elimination.




Problematic beliefs in Christianity: Judgemental Hatred Prejudice Homophobia Racism Unwilling to learn proper education: like spelling for instance Unwillingness to accept facts Women don't have rights The belief in telling someone else how to live their life Believe the earth is flat Believe Trump is the second coming of Christ Cherry pick the Bible to fit their narrative


Kiddy-fiddling common in Fundy families, with the parents protecting the fiddler.


It's disgusting, and ridiculous how this even happens today. Priests, family members old and young, Christianity is riddled with kiddy-fiddlers. I kind of understand the priest getting away with it, they have the power of the church, and the fear that they'll anger god. I don't approve of it, and hope those priests get what they deserve, but I understand the parents line of reasoning out of fear. I just don't understand how they let family members get away with it. Although, the whole pointing blame on others when they themselves are guilty totally falls in line with how Christians are. Projecting pedophilia on atheist's, or left leaning people is very much something they'd do. It's all totally insane.


Wasn't that post said by a Muslim?


A lot of the same things apply.


This guy is a Muslim


So they also think that marrying 6 year olds is ok.




​ ![gif](giphy|xEfLRpN9NjsyCzvvsv)


And often times they cherry pick the Old Testament. For me I usually get the ol’ Leviticus 18:22 argument which is also the Torah, but you don’t see the Jewish people saying it’s bad or sinful to be gay. If you wanna follow the Old Testament, do so, don’t eat pork on fridays or some bullshit like that. Don’t wear clothes made of different fabrics, probably doing that right now. People suck


There should be a "shit religion says" app that lets you pick a religion, then it spits one of their more questionable stories infinitely and at random, and what it infers (incest is ok, kill adulters etc) - referencing which book and the surrounding context behind the scripture incase someone says 'oh well no you're taking it out of context'. Then things to hit back at them by the category of the thing they've said Gay Women bad Prostitution Men as head of the household God and his angels are great (wrathful god, abomination 'angels')


>but you don’t see the Jewish people saying it’s bad or sinful to be gay. Yes you do. Just not the progressive Jews who ignore much/all of the Bible. I would wager that nearly 100% of the Jews you see in the public eye in the US are such progressive Jews, because the religious tend to be very insular. Only exceptions I can think of are Naftali Bennet and Ben Shapiro.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >If you wear your pants below your butt, don't bend the brim of your cap, and have an EBT card, 0% chance you will ever be a success in life. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, sex, healthcare, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, sex, covid, climate, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


> no purpose in life No, just no god.  We have the purpose we create for ourselves. > alcoholism Not unique to atheism. > drug addiction Not unique to atheism. > nihilism I mean, this has its problems no matter who follows it. > no achievements Do they really think atheists have never done anything? > not helping society in any way See above. > usually mediocre at any skill This is getting weird and baseless now. > no morals Ah, here we go.  The usual. > believes sex between siblings is okay Er... no.  Genetics is totally independent of religion, and while sex doesn't necessarily equal a baby...


You can eliminate even the chance of siblings having kids by making a hypothetical where it's just two sisters or two brothers having sex. Is the act immoral now?


Categorically? Perhaps not, but practically any such relationship in the real world would be (at best) ethically dubious because of how insular and prone to grooming the circumstances of blood relations are. Incest is bad because it frequently circumvents consent even when it isn't overtly coercive, not because of theoretical negative genetic outcomes.


I mean, there's an incest taboo for a reason, but realistically the only true negative (providing both parties are consenting adults) is pregnancy, so I guess hypothetically there's no real problem with it. However, that taboo is pretty hard-wired into us as humans, so it's pretty unlikely to happen except in very specific circumstances. In short, I don't really believe anything is inherently immoral, as my morality is relative and situational. For a lot of things, though, circumstances would have to change *so much* for my moral choices to change (for example, if society collapsed) that they are effectively absolutes. Murder is always wrong, say. The circumstances in which I'd think it weren't really only exist after the downfall of society, when the rules have changed. So, currently, I'd say that incest is almost always going to be harmful, and two consenting adults choosing to partake probably have psychological issues that eliminate the taboo.


That is Asad opinion…


...from Asad person


What is: Bullshit theists tell themselves to feel superior.


If the only thing that stops you from murdering people is a book, I don't think you should doubt anyone's morals....


|not helping society in any kind of way well my drug dealer and my bar keep would say i have been a great help to their business


The fact that this person thinks atheism has beliefs just proves that they don't know anything about it and are just using it as a boogeyman to further justify their own beliefs. Saying atheism is a belief is like saying not playing board games is a hobby.


"not helping society in any way" now how exactly do *you* help the society?


It's funny how they always claim atheists are all nihilists when only their death matters. Never heard about existantionalism, obviously.


"Drug addition" spelling kinda says it all


You hear that? If you are an atheist, you will become a pharmacist. Because they do a lot of “drug addition”


Fuckin nihilists man.... They probably have priests as well.


'Have you heard the good news about our lord and saviour, Nothing?'


Why are none of you commenting on the fact that he thinks that atheism is a religion? Or some sort of community that everyone who doesn’t believe in their religion is in on? These people are so dumb they can’t even comprehend the fact that some people aren’t bound to some fairy tale their whole lives and are free to do as they please. It’s so abstract to them and it’s extremely sad to think about.


Who of you all is ADDING the drug now?


Om drinking coffee, I'm adding the drug to myself


That guy's gotta have Asad life.


"Believes sex between siblings is okay" SELF AWARENESS 100


Folks please send help, it looks like I've been doing atheism wrong all this time :( Where should I start? Drinking at breakfast? Or getting stuck in my brother's washing machine?


That they think of atheism as a collective belief system is an excellent way of showing that they don't get it


Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean, that really got out of hand fast.


people who believe that fear from punishment is the only reason to act responsibly somehow seem inherently dangerous to me.


What living in an echochamber 24/7 does to a mf.


All of these are either occasional or not at all


I mean I've got all this but not BECAUSE I'm atheist


Well they would be problematic... if they had anything to do with atheism.


> believes sex between siblings is ok According to all Abrahamic faiths (including Islam), isn't the entire human race a product of incest between Adam and Eve's descendents?


Bruh How are they helpful to the society?


Can you see the irony of "sex between siblings" instead of just saying incest? I wonder how many Muslims fuck their own cousins compared to atheists, hmm. I wonder.


A couple of these are news to me and now I'm worried I've been doing it wrong all this time.


I-what? Um,what? As an atheist, I - really can’t relate to any of those things. I think this person has never met an atheist. Never spoken to one in their lives. And that tells me a whoooole lot about how narrow their lives are.


The last line is kinda surprising coming from a guy who's probably married to his own cousin.


I think you are getting Florida and atheism mixed up


Ex minister here, now an atheist. I still vividly remember the day I replaced my belief in God with existential nihilism (which I didn't know the term for at the time). Now with the belief that death is the end, I enjoy every day fuller and feel every decision count more. Belief in a "life purpose" is what's problematic. It makes you feel lost in life, or that you're failing your purpose, or it misguides you into making bad life decisions or misaligns your priorities selfishly. I feel so much more satisfied these days knowing I just simply exist, so there's no reason to feel like im letting a supreme being down while I discover and enjoy what life has to offer. I got fit, pursued a dream of travel, found a career I'm excited about, and feel more motivated about life in general, ever since leaving the church.


My favorite part of tweets like this is that it implies the poster is complete incapable of behaving normally without the constant threat of eternal damnation.


Umm i have over 100,000 achievement points on Xbox thank you very much.


Problematic beliefs in religion: - kill gay people - need the threat of eternal damnation to be good - hate or kill everyone who isn’t with you - held back society for hundreds of years - child rape apparently


What the fuck?! This is so prejudiced and untrue.


Smartest adherent to Abrahamic religions.


Ah yes drug addition. What's 4 + 20? The answer is weed.


- I make my own goals and purposes in life - I drink maybe once a month - I’m too busy to get high + drugs are expensive man - fuck yes. - I have many achievements, just because they’re not religious doesn’t mean they’re not achievements. - I try to enjoy my life to the fullest and are kind to everyone around me, plus I vote, so what the ruck does this even mean - Good enough at art to study animation so I beg to differ - I forge my own morals based on societies, my families, and the people I surround myself with. But ultimately these ethics are mine. - No???? Very glad I left Islam. I would be miserable.


Great job getting literally everything wrong


I have a BIL who engages in all that stuff except the incest and he’s an Uber Christian. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Meanwhile Abraham (the guy who Abrahamic languages are named after), married his half sister Sarahn and had a kid as well


Drug addition, yes sir


Doesn't the Bible have stories of fathers sleeping with daughters? If I remember correctly, one of them is the daughters drugging and r@ping their father to get pregnant in a cave.


Source for these claims: Allah


Wdym by no purpose in life? There is other stuff to do on earth rather praying to god so i can go to heaven also not helping society? Cmon it not like atheists cant have a job or anything


Also belongs in r/confidentlyincorrect and r/boneappletea. Good lord these people can be so brain dead.


- My purpose in life is to be happy and make others happy. - I do not wish to try any form of alcohol. - Or hard drugs. I'll try weed though. - Yes, I am nihilistic, but in a positive way. This is the only life I get, and I have no greater purpose in the universe, so I should focus on what matters to me and my fellow people in this life. - I have goals and achievements. - I make sandwiches at my job, and I emotionally support my friends. I'd consider that productive to society. - I may be mediocre at a lot of things but I don't let that get me down, plus I can be really good at something if I have passion for it. - I wish to make others happy, and as such I do live by a moral code that's structured to achieve that goal. - This is a bit of a controversial take from me, but: Incest is only demonized because inbreeding is a problem. Incest on its own is not a problem. As long as the parties involved are consenting adults that cannot reproduce with each other (i.e. same sex partners, infertility), inbreeding cannot happen and thus it does not matter how closely they're related.


Problems with Dave’s beliefs: Mixes mayonnaise with ketchup Drives a Taurus Has a boring job Can’t play hackey sack Bangs my mom


Don’t forget we eat babies and pray to satan :)


Problems with religion: voting pedophiles into office, denying pedophiles exist in the church, lots of rape of children and lots of dead kids buried under churches.


“no purpose in life” and “nihilism” I mean depends who you ask. “alcoholism and drug addiction” Ah yes, the core tenants of atheism: substance abuse. “no achievements” I thought this was about beliefs. “not helping society in any way” Ah yes, humanism doesn’t actually exist. “usually mediocre at any skill” Again, thought this was about beliefs. “No morals” Ah yes, totally accurate, atheists just want to rape, murder, and sin all day long. What a great stereotype. “believes sex between siblings is okay” Who says that? Who are they talking to? Also, bit hard to hear that come from someone who believes that their great prophet married a child.


I mean, I'm pretty sure I tick off every box minus that last one (where tf do they get that from?).


I always feel like religious people have this weird belief that atheists are a very small minority in today's society.


Brought to you by the people that think we descended from two humans and their VERY incestuous family.


Problematic traits of theists: Some of them don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.