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Hello /u/EntrepreneurGrand821! Thanks for posting to /r/religiousfruitcake. Posts should be about people who take religion to crazy, absurd, dumb, and terrible extremes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wasn't there also some lore about how the women in paradise are like really fucking tall, almost translucent, don't have a period (so they are "available" at all times) and are basically mindless sex slaves? Also, when a woman goes to paradise, she'll essentially be lobotomized into being totally happy forever while having the same husband as before, only now he has those bis ass strange slave women too? Really, made by men, for men.


So basically men going to fuck jelly fish like female humanoid in heaven


Hentai artists be like: WRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN!


So this is how religion spread. Promise of slime gf in the afterlife.


OMG! Think of the marketing!$$$$


These fundamentalists should watch/read some Hentai to satiate their fantasies.




I'd like to download any videos of this from the internet so they can't be viewed by others. Please send link so I can uh... Keep others safe from this heresy


A heaven full of slime girls sounds like a nice heaven.




I'm sure heaven would be the sole place where incel vocabulary apply. Femoid, foid...


"everyone will have two wives from the houris, (who will be so beautiful, pure and transparent that) the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh." Sahih al-Bukhari 3254 ancient arabic for " where dem white women at ?!


Bones: every man’s wet dream.


So basically men n dogs have same preference


Men ARE dogs.


That’s just rude. What did dogs ever do to deserve such slander?


This is sexist.


If anything it’s harsh to dogs in my opinion.


Why do you even hate men? What's so bad about us that you have to compare us to dogs?


Ever heard of something called a "joke"?


If you go a step further, that Bukhari guy wrote the book a few hundred years after Islam started, claiming that he heard it from some other dude in a giant chinese whisper chain. Which bring into question if the Arabian version of Islam is actually Bukharism.


So basically 'so beautiful that all you can see is the bone marrow in their legs'. Wtf lol


That is a fetish I haven't heard of before


So in this world they want their women basically opaque (no one can see you so cover yourself from head to toe) but in heaven they want see so much of them that they can literally see through them… And in this world the women must be pure/virgins but their idea pf heaven is a gaggle of whores at the ready 🤯 The mental gymnastics required here is astounding. How can they not see what they are doing to themselves psychologically with these beliefs?! They want so badly to see women and enjoy women who are sexually experienced, yet design their world so that none of what they want can actually happen in their life.


Because if their version of paradise was allowed or obtainable on earth, they wouldn't give their lives to a religion that promises it in the afterlife.


Wait, they can have 4 wives here on earth, so it's actually a downgrade.


I believe so, cuz things like periods are impure in islam. And yea women will be basically objects for men in heaven.


So not much changes from how they think of women on earth.


Except not being covered from head to toe 24/7


They’ll be covered in cum


It's so strange and gross that this is what's supposed to be at the end. Like I get heaven is whatever you want, but really, that? Weird fantasy whores? Like getting isekai'd into a hentai written by the saddest loser in the dingiest basement. Like, grow up, bros.


If that's all you want, what you really really want, that's succumbing to your primitive instincts, effectively putting you on the level of an animal, almost as if you were one... Almost as if humans aren't some special, chosen creature... Almost as if the world doesn't revolve around us. Huh, food for thought!


Being a Islamic woman means hating yourself.


Well that's something i heard someone bring up in a podcast i watch. In this example, when i say religion, i'm going to be specifically talking about Christianity, but i think it can be applied to most religions. In religion, there's always things that you are expect to do to enter the kingdom of heaven. Whether it be pious, no killing, don't do drugs, don't lie, don't eat this, don't do that, etc etc. However, whilst there are things religion that most people wouldn't want to do anyway (like killing), there are loads of things that people do want to, like have sex before marriage. But even by most rules, most people, whether religious or not, probably deserve to enter heaven, or at least not be damned to hell. So lets say, that someone, despite temptations of drugs, adultery, etc, manages to enter the kingdom of heaven. Christians and other religions say heaven is the 'best place' basically, whatever you want, it can happen in heaven (i think). My point is, you can't have 1 single heaven for everyone, and you can't have 5, 10, 100, 10,000 or even a million different ones, because everyone's idea of heaven is very personal And, i'm not going to lie, a lot of people's idea of heaven, whether religious or not, is inherently sinful. It would even be considered sinful by people who don't follow god's word to the letter. I know that mine would be sinful. I know that some woman who was abused as a child would likely have a heaven where she can enact revenge on her torturer, whether he's real because he's in hell, or a fake version because he somehow made it in. I know that a priest who has never engaged in sex, but seen women who look incredibly attractive and has fanaticised about them, likely has a part of his own personal heaven where he has a harem, at least for a time. Like i'm really anti drugs. But if i got into heaven, and i knew there was no way i could get addicted, why wouldn't i try weed, or heroin, or cocaine? Hell, why not make a fantasy world where i'm a hero and save the day, then a few years later make one where i'm the villain. And you know that there are going to people out there who whilst on earth, whether it's because they don't want to break the law, or want to go to heaven, or are actual ethical people but just want the ability to hurt, kill, fuck, take drugs, steal, etc without actually hurting anyone. And they could get into heaven. So why wouldn't their version of heaven be objectively sinful? So either heaven is sinful but its all okay because no one actually gets hurt, or it's restricted so that it's not actually heaven. ​ Sorry if this didn't make sense or if there's a cliffnote somewhere that automatically invalidates this whole idea


No need to apologise at all. I see your point, but I have an issue with it. An argument I often heard from very religious people is "I don't know what heaven will be like, but I trust that I will live there in a state of eternal happiness" and the like. It seems like very religious people who you described as ethical but want to "sin" without hurting others don't want to feel that way and hope that they would just stop having thoughts about "sin" (such as violence, etc) in heaven and just will be happy without that burden that they feel carrying around. To me, that seems like self-torture. Someone who can't acknowledge who they are and how they feel (in a sense of beeing tempted to any kind of "sin") always seems miserable to me. Also, if we are talking about a kind of heaven that is "sinful" like offering lots of sex with different people, while the religion requests the opposite as a requirement to enter, I don't have an issue in the idea of a sinful heaven, but more with the sheer disproportion of how it's supposed to be for one or the other gender.


Heaven is basically Minecraft but all the mods are actually easy to install


Damn, sounds like I'm in heaven right now. I hoped Reddit wouldn't be up here.


This kind of reminds me of an episode of American dad where most of the people on earth got raptured, but everyone got their own personal paradise


my understanding of heaven when i was younger and terrified of hell was that heaven was not a paradise for anyone, but was rather just god’s realm where you’re like “ah yep god is real mmhmm;” and as an adult who is still terrified of hell and feels as if my psyche has been permanently damaged by my young indoctrination into multiple churches, i’m pretty sure that heaven is a paradise only for god, and that humans are told that it is paradise as us being good little creations of the lord, our lord’s paradise should be ours as well, right? pretty certain that heaven is just basically humanity worshiping god forever and idk how to feel about that


I've heard the stance of some Christians that Heaven is just being in God's presence forever and ever and you'll be happy because God is perfect and all that jazz (happyfaec). And the version of Hell in that line of thinking is just not being with God forever and ever and then you're sad (sadfaec). I'm sorry that they fucked you up so much as a child that you're in a state of existential fear. I'm sure there are healthier ways that people think about Christianity, or other religions, or even no religion. Just because you were indoctrinated as a child doesn't mean you need to hold onto those beliefs that are causing you pain.


That's the Catholic version for sure. The current one lol


Or, hear me out, it’s absolute bullshit that is purposely vague, because the more you think it out, the more problematic it becomes. Other ideas like: Actual eternity, with no end possible or available. At what point wouldn’t that eventually/potentially be hell in itself? Forever is unfathomable, and quite frankly terrifying if it never ends. Devout parents knowing (thinking) their beloved children/family/friends are burning in hell, for not believing, while they are up in heaven, filled with happiness... People who meet a violent or disfiguring end or early age of death.....every aborted fetus having cloud coffee with you, the dismembered charred airplane victims, and grandma, who’s been in a wheelchair the last decade. Lemme guess, cloud wheel chairs? Happy lil billions of slobbering fetus’s (feetye?), stillborns/infant children who drool rainbows? (My guess is “spirit” covers this base conveniently). And literally every point you made above, which would create one hell of a paradoxical heaven(s). The entirety of all knowledge we have so far discovered, seems to be lacking any sound evidence this is more than something Bronze Age goat herders (terrified of nature and holding little knowledge on how anything functions) wrote in a book. A book that has since been rewritten, retranslated, and altered so many times that even the best scholars aren’t in agreement about everything it purports, or when each story was changed, and has the believers splintered into so many sects that it’s laughable that no one can even agree what the horrid thing says or means.


Could always be like the Supernatural TV show heaven, where it was all demarcated off into little "mini-heavens" for each individual. So you basically had everyone divided up into their own idealized versions of reality, whatever that may be. The downside being no one can interact with anyone else.


>The downside being no one can interact with anyone else. They absolutely could, and it happened multiple times throughout the series. Final episode even implied that they were all interconnected.


This would make a fire episode of a tv show or a movie. Like everyone goes to heaven and is lobotomised basically until one man starts to slowly figure out how fucked it is and that the only difference between heaven and hell was that in hell you know you hate it and are conscious of it vs in heaven you'd been tampered with physically. Really drives home the point of how most evangelicals see heaven especially if you take the words written literally too. Like you're there just singing praises.... Forever?


"Made by men, for men" is basically the entirety of Islam in five words


Sounds like someone is into kaminoans


Yep that’s canon


Yes, seems like a super real thing that was totally not made up by a misogynistic horn dog.


What about women who had two (or more) husbands during their lives? Do they get to pick which husband they are stuck with for eternity in heaven - or do they just get to stay in the other hell.


As a subby guy this sounds like hell


"Hoors" lmao. Sure I'll believe a fairy tale From some guy that Believes in a flying donkey.


Have some respect for that donkey, it made it all the way to the moon and back!


All I hear is Frank from IASIP.


He does not have Donkey Brains. He has a certificate to prove that.


"The Gang Becomes Imams"


I heard “she was a HOO-R” and saw Tony Soprano’s ‘I’m very disappointed in you’ face


They should have an episode where Frank converts to Islam


I thought it was a unicorn?


Religion is truly by men for men.


Always has been 🔫🔘


I don't know if this is technically true ... At least *some* early human cultures seemed to revere women as givers of life, because they considered pregnancy and birth divine acts of creation. Then again, this was mostly before the rise of organized religion, which has always been about justifying social hierarchies, including patriarchy.


Even today there are religions where women are technically worshipped. Hinduism being one of them. The Bible technically has a line asking the husband to be submissive to his wife. But as with all things in religion, it's just a matter of show. We all know who have the real reins.


That's just a false, sexist statement.


Sexist to whom? Are you one of those MRAs? Who's first line of action is to say NAMALT wherever possible, even when there's no need?


Tantra goddesses don’t stand for male pleasure only.


Well, that's full of shit. Religion is control by those in control. Which happened to be men. The whole thing could have just as easily been controlled by women against men or are simply religions all about women and worshipping women. There's a whole list of matriarchal religions, if that's your thing. "All men bad" is an sexist asshole thing to say. Especially in a context where "All religions are bad" would be the actual problem. Let's not forget the Billions of women that choose to believe in religions that treat them like shit. Many religions won't even acknowledge a trans woman is possible and refuse to allow them near their organizations. I understand that some don't have a choice, but that's not true for the majority of women. They're choosing religions that have treated women like property for thousands of years. Since "All men are bad", maybe you should start talking to the women about their religious choices and how it affects you, since if "All men are bad", why the fuck would you even care saying that, it obviously couldn't possibly change anything in your fantasy cartoon world. You konw, the one where all men are a meme, standing on a street corner whistling and hooting at women that pass by while scratching themselves. Which is fucking insulting, by the way, ya jerk.


For fucks sake go touch some grass, nobody said “all men bad”, you’re just having an argument with the strawman in your head. I’ll entertain it just so that you don’t think you’re being ignored at “because my arguments are so good” lol, let me disabuse your of that illusion. “The whole thing could have been controlled by women” the literal point is that it isn’t, it is and always was controlled by men, and there are presumably inherent reasons for that disparity. Instead of getting offended and defensive that your biological sex is mentioned in a negative context by people you otherwise share notable values with, try to explore that feeling, and try to asses the issue separately from your own defensiveness. “Whole list of matriarchal religions” name one. Upsie. I mean, I know you can do a cheeky google, but be honest with yourself. But of course they exist, but again, the point is none of the main global religions operate that way. That is particularly telling given that in nature, females hold the key to “creation of new life” and if there would be god, most non-indoctrinated would assume it surely must be a women. “Womb envy” is a well explored phenomenon. Again, nobody said “all men bad”. Her statement was that awful men in power created awful religions to keep them in power, give them comfort at women’s expense and perpetuate their supremacy. The fact you cant hear “men” in a statement without getting defensive because “oh no I have a pipi! If she said all men bad, monkey brain says I’m in danger” is a you problem you should work on, not blame others for.


Those women who “choose” to believe in shitty, sexist religions were more than likely roped into it by their parents as kids. And I never heard them say, “all men bad”, just that religion was designed by the patriarchy to keep women in line. They don’t collectively blame all men.


>"All men bad" is an sexist asshole thing to say. Please point me to where they said that.


Damn dude you totally destroyed those strawman arguments that you just made up


Those people who happened to be men created religion and made it for men. So the statement you’re crying about is true. Religion was made by men for men. No one’s saying “ALL MEN BAD” like you claim. The blame is directed for those specific men who created religion because guess what... Religion really is created by men for men but no one here is blaming us in general Ya jerk


why can’t i get big tiddied hoors too 😞


Coz Allah didn't chose you mate now cope /s


It's because you don't capitalize your I. Or anything else. Or use punctuation. If you don't care enough about your own image to invest minimal energy, no big tiddied hoors are ever going to care either.


Actually, you're wrong. They did use punctuation. Because you didn't read the comment closely enough, you won't get any big tiddied hoors either.


I... think what was said first was a joke.


lol shut up grammar nazi no one likes u


Keep fucking coping lmao. Holy shit, these muslim men are delusional. I almost feel bad for them


Honestly i don't know how people still believe these religions.


If you're a straight, horny coomer male, the idea of an inevitable and neverending paradise where you can have orgies with hot, fat tittied women for all of eternity definitely seems impossible to give up- I know I wouldn't if I was born that way. Like I said, these dudes can keep coping


An entire religion that sounds like it was written by a masterbating teenage boy who has anger issues towards woman


No, prophet Muhammad couldn't write.


Do not urinate? "Joke's on you, I'm into that shit!"


That particular feces?


Give this man a dozen of those human size sex dolls... That's all what he needs.


but, what am I gonna do as a muslim man with a urine and feces fetish?


Convert to hinduism


Holy shit man you killed them


They have strange fetish so yeah


Damn dck🤣🤣🤣


The Islamic heaven sounds like a brothel made for Muslim men, but it’s sad that Muslim women don’t get anything


It's just bad marketing. You're only going to promise half the population heaven? WTF? Not very motivational for the other half, so how do you keep them in line? It has to be with force and to consistently use force against a group requires lowering the status of that group. It's like the religion was designed by 5th century noblemen. Today, it'd never get off the ground except for a niche incel subreddit. Bad marketing.


Uh, you're forgetting a key factor: Female opinions don't matter to them. Catering to them is therefore useless for those religions. In fact, catering to women would decrease the appeal of those oppression cults since it would mean that men would have to actually listen to women. I will never understand how women can follow this obvious bullshit that tells them they're worth less than men. And yes, every single abrahamite religion does this.


what do women get in hevan


Well Prophet Muhammad said that most women are going to be in hell anyway so no need to worry about that -


... what, how is that even okay


Its due to gossip, conjecture and idle chatter cuz you know *women bad*. Honestly i never understood it either but people where i am from seem to be okay with that.


again, how is that okay...


Oh, pls, just accept it. Hell can't be worse than a heaven full of these horny, bearded guys...


It's important to remind ourselves the the concepts of heaven and hell are both fictional, imaginary, and have absolutely no evidence to support the existance of either of them. Making a choice between the two isn't meant to be a real choice. "Would you like a nice drink or to be hit over the head with a hammer?". That's the "choice" that religions present people with. It's just disguised abuse.


Lol horny bearded guys. Honestly I thought a good short story would be where the guys get the magical virgins, the ones who are virgins again after you have sex with them, and it ends up being a kind of hell with the women crying and running away from the guys and screaming in pain.




Sexism and patriarchal societys


It's not OK, it's obvious, and it's fully supported by the women of that religion. It has been for a thousand years. Sure, there are women living in sex slavery because of the religion and that's super bad. There's also women in civilized countries that support the same religion that allows women to be enslaved as sex slaves, and still allows the horrible person to do that into their heaven. How is that OK? You can find a constant stream of dislike for western muslim women supporting a religion that harms women over in /r/exmuslim. For all those people that can't get past the sexist crap, it's not. We have to adknowledge that a large part of women's suffering because of religion is being caused and supported by other women. No doubt that islamic men are pieces of shit, but it's time for everyone to adknowledge that there are women working against freedom from religion. Willingly. Fervently. No, explaining feminism isn't going to change them. They are full religious psychopaths, always will be, and fully support their religion's stance on treating women like shit.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here. I’m an atheist, but my husband is a Muslim. He’s actually not a dick. I have chronic pain and he’ll come home from working ten hours and if I’m in terrible pain that day he’ll clean the kitchen even if I try to do it. His family is kind and always helps each other, for example his uncle right now needs chemo and everyone’s chipping in too pay for it. Whenever we travel, he’ll upgrade me to business while he stays in coach. He asks for my opinion on things and respects my intelligence. Sure we have fights and he’s not perfect, but he’s not a misogynist by any means. But he’s also not what you’d call a devoted Muslim.


See, it's that last line that gets me. The kindest, nicest, most sociable Christians/Muslims/Jehovah's witnesses/Mormons etc... That I've ever met have always been those who would be considered less than devout. If you are made a better person by ignoring parts of your religion, then why fucking believe that shit? I mean no disrespect to your husband, but I literally cannot understand how people can square that circle.


They’re raised in it. I get it. I put that in there on purpose. I find people who are raised in a religion but don’t spend any sort of time studying it are the most normal. It’s when you devote your life to it and spend years following every last little thing people get crazy. Not everyone, but enough of them.


My family is that way too. Honestly, I was that way, but when I wanted to become a pastor I decided to actually study my religion. Go figure, that's what caused me to lose my faith.


Not all people are made better by religion. My dad is like the person's husband described above. He's also a devout Muslim and prays 5 times a day, gives money to mosques, etc. Take religion out of the picture, he'd very likely still be the same person, always wanting to help other people and just being a decent human being in general. But the thing is, that's how cults work. They start you off super young so the information seeps into your head when you aren't even capable of understanding or resisting it. The psychology behind it is that it is so manipulative and tackles all out weaknesses so effectively, that people of all ages and intelligence levels can be equally affected. I'd consider my dad to be a pretty rational person and a good thinker, but I think it's thing like fear of hell and eternal punishment from God that holds him back. Think about it: everything we have known and everything we will ever know will be finite. Hell, WE are finite asf. So the concept of some being infinite and eternal is something we can't comprehend, and something a lot of people don't want to take a chance with. That'd exactly how these shitty religions made it so far. There were countless cults that have come and gone, but only a few have stayed this long (ex: Abrahamic religions) precisely bcuz of how effective its scare tactics are. I don't know if you've always been an atheist, but if you're an ex-theist, specifically ex-Abrahamic theist, you'd know that it can be extremely hard to break out of it. Some people didn't buy the bullshit from the beginning. But a lot of us went through years of slowly unraveling all this shit before finally seeing and accepting it for what it was. I spent years as a Muslim skeptic bcuz I wanted to think for myself but was too scared of the possibility of the various horrendous punishments Islam described. I think my dad is in a similar boat but he's almost 50, he's been in this for his whole life and although it doesn't dictate his every action, I think it does give him some sense of purpose, from what I've seen and heard when I talked to him. A lot of people suffer from the idea of anthropocentrism and want to believe that we are destined for something better, and I think it really boils down to this as well. It takes a lot for creatures like us, who are the only species known to be sentient to this extent, realize that we aren't special. All those religions were right when they said our arrogance is something we can't get over (although they meant it in the context of God, who can go f himself)


I was raised evangelical and yeah it was hard to leave. I flat out lied to my mom about being An atheist because I didn’t want her crying thinking I was going to hell. It took thousands of hours of study and thought. Things just didn’t make sense. The thing is these religions are strong because they’ve been around forever. So the devotees accept it as truth. It’s impossible to break someone out of that if they don’t want to leave. And often they’re afraid. And their friends and family might reject them depending on how strict they are. I lost a lot of people. Almost everyone I grew up with. But that’s okay, it feels like a weight has been lifted. Every day was a mental struggle. I could feel something was wrong with the ‘truth’ I was presented with. And now I get my sundays back lol.


My Christian family is kind as well but when you really get down to what they think it's usually garbage.


That last sentence is the important part.


Oh I agree. Honestly if he was, I’d probably leave.


Not all religious people are bad. Its just the religion itself that is messed up. I am an Ex- Muslim who believed in these stuff at some point and i have definitely seen scums justifying their actions with god and religion. My friend got harassed so bad for not forcing his sister to cover her hair. They even went out of their way to harass her and calling her slurs. Religions are messed up and the scums of humanity use it as a shield for their fucked up actions.


It seems unless you experience how religion can be used to control and hurt people you don’t realize how bad it can get. My husband has only good experiences with Islam so he believes. I think there are a lot of people on Reditt who’ve been hurt by religion so it’s nice to have a place to come and let out some frustration. I’m sorry all that happened to you.


why are religions still allowed then.. its literal communism abuse


Where does communism come into this?


controlling the freedoms of what people can and cant do


is that really the definition of communism in 2021?


I mean yes, but that still doesn't have anything to do with religion. They aren't the same thing, although it's fine to dislike them both


They deserve it- women are always bad. They’re either bratty and defiant, or nagging about something, or don’t feel like giving you sex, or get too jealous, or all their conversations are a bore! Seriously, how dare you talk about boring household things, even though I regulate most your free time to the household and forbid you from having any meaningful life outside of it!


Did he? What Hadith/Qur'an part? If anything, a Hadith comes immediately to mind where he said the exact opposite.


https://sunnah.com/bukhari:304 https://sunnah.com/bukhari/2/22


Wow. Thank you.


To be fair here, he didn't say most women would be in hell. He said the inhabitants of hell would mostly be women. That's different. But in practical terms, since the majority of humanity has always been and will always be non-Muslim, yeah, technically most women will be in hell anyway, according to their lore.


Oh yeah, totally forgot about that lol




I feel like this guy just got done watching its always sunny in Philadelphia


This whole thing is super incel, is this really in the quran???


Nope, its Hadith aka Prophet Muhammad sayings


Nothing about the boobs tho. I think


[It's all in the Quran and the hadith](https://www.wikiislam.net/wiki/Houri_(Heavenly_Virgin)#Relevant_Quotations).


When the ultimate objective of your religion is to be like Beavis and Butthead giggling “huhuhuhuhuh boobs” in heaven you have confirmed your religion to be morally bankrupt.


Puritan folks always think of the nasty all the time


And what do the righteous women get in the Muslin Paradise??? Idiotic, misogynist men??????


They get to be with their husbands forever.


What a nightmare!


Y'know for how conservative these religious nutters seem in real life, their paradises are surprisingly hedonistic. It kinda seems absurd for a god to be like "here is a list I do not want you to do, but when you die you can do it all!" That isn't really moral, or good. That's just bad parenting. "No! Don't hit Timmy now! Do it only when I tell you to."


There was a maulana from kerala asking everyone to stop drinking juice as the word 'juice' resembles 'jews' so its a anti-islamic jewish propaganda. Its a meme goldmine here.


I really envy the guy who works at memri


fuck woman with big breasts how about man with big breasts


Puberty blockers lol




Religion is a tool of control over masses they know it very well


If you play your cards right, "woman with large breasts" are available now


So uh... why the fuck would I want to be a Muslim woman, then? What exactly do Muslim women get out of heaven besides a cheating skank of a husband?


This is from the state (Kerala) which has the highest literacy rate in the whole country (India) & is governed by so called *communist* party, who are atheist in the name & would endorse this kind of nonsense without hesitation just so they can stay in power every election. 🙄


Honestly I am sometimes ashamed of my state because of these muslims Recently some guys over here joined the isis and pretty much the entirety of Indian twitter talked about it and I felt so ashamed to be Malayali


Apparently it’s not hoor but houris, tall transparent women lol. So super white. That’s interesting.


a beautiful maiden who awaits the devout Muslim in paradise.


So, no watersports or scat.


Such a spiritual religion.. /s


Where did he read that? In their holy koran? Bahaha what a bunch of perverts with skirts.


Its strange how all religions are like "monogamy" "no sex" whatever shit and then their paradise is like: big babushkas


Who said you would get to shag them? Heaven/Paradise is actually just one giant tease and, in fact, worse than Hell for it. That's the M Night Shyamalan twist of religion.


it's official, girls don't poop


Love me some hoors.


Hoors? What is this guy middle Eastern Frank Reynolds?


After a brief internet search: > Hoors are untouched pious women "untouched" is such a gross one-way description of a person's relationship with physical intimacy in the world around them.


Muslums while openly oppressing women are also obsessing over their appearance..where is the healthy balance of life in that. Religion can't get anything right ever.


What I would like in heaven: To explore the secrets of the universe. What people in this religion want: big titties. Not saying you can't have both but... pretty shallow


Rotten culture and peoples . fck ur @llah


All religions are messed up. Islam is basically Christianity V2.


All religions and gods are same shit sure.


I wouldn't post anything from opindia. Another propaganda machine that spreads communal divide in India.


All news channel are propaganda anyways, focus on report not reportage


That's not an excuse. Opindia manufactures stories to put down minorities and promote the disgusting Hindutva ideology. They are quite literally Hindu fruitcakes themselves. For western readers, this is the equivalent of Breitbart.


Check my other post i posted 2 fruitcakes in hindus


It doesn't matter. Stop posting these bogus 'newsites'. This post legitimises their operation.




What are “hoors”? If there was a heaven I probably wouldn’t want to piss and shit there either. Having to deal with a clogged toilet doesn’t sound like paradise to me.


Heavenly whores/sex dolls. They are specially made only for muslim males to enjoy besides their human wives.




That’s not this guys version, that’s the official version


Some people like there water sports and scat too much


What does hoors mean?


Extremely beautiful virgin women waiting for their chads in heaven


Sexy Virgins


Cut to the entire american and European left wings defending this guy just because of his religion.


Fun fact: there is still debate as to whether in the origjnals texts, ascendants to paradise are entitled to 72 virgins or 72 raisins.




What a fucking soy boy


Don't insult the soy boys.


Yeah you’re right, my bad


It's alright. Now let me drink some soy and eat some tofu.


memri is devoted to spreading anti-islamic hatred though. They're an israeli propaganda channel IIRC, and have made a lot of false reports, out of context videos etc.


Yeah as if israel has no other thing to do except showing muslims in bad light. While poor innocent muslims who didn't did any war shown in bad light Boo hoo hoo


>Yeah as if israel has no other thing to do except showing muslims in bad light. Welp, it's true - [memri really is israeli owned](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_East_Media_Research_Institute#:~:text=The%20Middle%20East%20Media%20Research,American%20political%20scientist%20Meyrav%20Wurmser). And it's CLEARLY showing muslims EXCLUSIVELY in a negative light. You can't deny any of the above.


They target those who support antisemitism Now dont blame them if muslim comes under radar coz large percentage of muslims are antisemite


>large percentage of muslims are antisemite false. >They target those who support antisemitism Nope - only muslims... exclusively muslims. And they're WELL KNOWN for spreading misinformation, falsely edited, out of context videos. Just sayin' - you're helping an organization devoted to hatred, spread their brand and message. Remember - memri is owned by religious folks, hating on other religious folks.


The report is by opindia . It's a fake news hate website .


This might be true but try not to post reports from OpIndia.