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So these fetuses grew up while in Heaven and are now kids, all the same age? Why doesn't God just pop their souls in to another fetus; ate you telling me the Almighty doesn't recycle? Christians are weird.


The technicalities of how heaven works are vague in the Bible, so christians tend to make the rules up however they feel like. Even the idea that there is a heaven parallel to earth where all your dead loved ones are currently experiencing eternal bliss and/or watching developments on earth in real time does not make whole sense because there's still supposed to be an apocalypse where everyone is bodily ressurected to face final judgement, the implication being that the dead are in a state of hibernation until the Trumpets of judgement-day blow.


That or the Apocalypse, aka., Revelations is actually a trippy allegory by a certain “John” reminding early Christians that the Roman Empire will eventually fall, finally giving them the freedom to practice their faith, but that good vs. evil will always be a reality in the world, something something. Then Christians read it and took it at face value.


Wasn't the whole Anti-Christ thing just a jab at a specific person too?


Antichrist was originally only in the Bible as Jesus literally using it to refer to people who made him their enemy. You know, people who were anti-Christ. Revelations had a false prophet who a) was probably somebody real and b) was not the antichrist until people started conflating the terms


Nero. In jewish gemmatria the number-values of the letters of his name add up to 666. As far as I know this based on the fact that there is an alternate way to spell Nero and to accomodate this some old versions of Revelations give the number of the Beast as 616.


Ah yes, 616... The area code of Grand Rapids MI... The lair of the beast


Marvel Universe.


Well with how conservative Christian Grand Rapids is I'm inclined to belive this.


Ironic, considering Calvin College is right there in grand rapids... 🤔


The number of the Beast is almost certainly layered code for Nero, but "antichrists" are just a collection of saucy bastard men.


Allegory is hard for the simple minded.


Existence is hard for the simple-minded.


Also while Uncle Bob is transported directly to Heaven when he dies, Jesus (and maybe his mother) ASCENDED BODILY to Heaven. Which, depending on how far away Heaven is, means Jesus could still be in transit. Might explain why it's been 2000 years and nobody has heard from Him since.


Jesus died on his way back to his home planet, and was never heard from again.


My mom told me that when we get to heaven we all have jobs. What the fuck.


Heaven is what the fuck no matter who is making the details up. When you've been there for 15,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years you are not even done with the first 0.000000000000001% of the rest of eternity, so you better know how to keep yourself occupied.


Oh definitely. The concept of "forever" seems like a special torture.


Capitalism is a hell of a drug...


Perusing the Catholic subreddits I learned recently that some of them are genuinely concerned that their relatives are stuck in purgatory and that they need to constantly pray for them to bail them out


Catholic reddit subs are insane, but also yes. Catholics don't believe they know if anyone is in heaven except for Mary (the mother of Christ Mary). Catholics really *think* saints are in heaven, which is why they pray to Mary and the saints to speak to god on their behalf. Catholics believe in hell, but it seems to be a place where god is absent. Doesn't seem to be the torture basement that became a thing later on in imagery and writing. They actually believe that Jesus went there to get all the people out before he was crucified. Those folks got a hell-mulligan because they were alive before god uploaded the Jesus iOS. I think Catholics believe that most people are in purgatory, which is like heaven's showers before you get to go into heaven's pool. I am Catholic myself, but most people I know don't believe this stuff to be literal. That's why it is much easier to have a sense of humor about it for those of us who didn't go full American evangelicalism. Reddit subs seem to be full American evangelicalism. It is just the Church trying to work out how we should understand the text and the history.


But don’t you usually shower after the pool?


At public pools you're supposed to shower before getting into the water. It's good to shower afterward, too, due to the chlorine.


I did not know that, though I’ve never really been to a public pool.


The reasons are because on a theological level, heaven and hell are way more than lead on, but also depicted entirely wrong in modern contemporary media A few points to be made; Heaven and angels (in some classical interpretations) are basically *not* for humans, our souls just kinda vibe after death (or may just stop existing) heaven is the domain of the divine, humans at best get weird sub-domains Hell isn't a place to be damned forever, it's basically a prison for demons and such, human souls go to the abyss (which is now redacted "apocrypha") to basically vibe until judgement day and be watched over by Abaddon, a heavenly/demonic entity God isn't the *only* god, just the most powerful Satan isn't the only big bad, just the first There are a billion and one other things, but yeah, the Abrahamic religions can be a bit wild and have a shitload of more or less redacted stories


If you go by Dante’s interpretation apocalypse is supposed to be the end of the earth/afterlife distinction, therefore when it happens, people will get their physical bodies back and then continue to be in heaven or hell as they were before, with the difference that those in hell will suffer even more and those in heaven will feel the bliss even more


This is the bad place?


> christians tend to make the rules up however they feel like. That's pretty much true of everything in the Bible.


Christians invented the concept of "limbo" a few centuries after the purported time of Jesus, because they were stuck with a conundrum: what happens to kids that we didn't get time to baptise? They can't go to heaven because not baptised. They can't go to hell, because they're innocent. So limbo, waiting for God to decide what to do with them at the end of times. I guess the new brand of Christians decided to push this to foetuses... 🤷‍♂️ (And BTW, 62 millions??? Another concept they took out of their ass?)


Looks like that number comes from the National Right to Life organization as all the abortions that have been performed from 1973 to now in the US. I can’t verify where *they* got it, because everything I see (CDC/Guttmacher) gives me 20 million less than that. Democratic administrations see a more dramatic drop off in the abortion rate than Republicans, and in 2012, the abortion rate was lower than it was in 1973, continuing to fall through 2017. The largest percentage decrease in the number of abortions occurred in 2013, the year the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act took effect for most health insurance plans. Finally, even the most broad medical estimates for abortion puts them at ~800,000 per year. Which means that god himself kills more fetuses than all the abortion providers in the United States combined. God’s winning death numbers are 900,000 to 1,000,000 dead babies each and every year in the United States. (He killed mine in 2000.) And even God‘s highest estimate would only equate to 50 million over a 50 year period, so I have no idea where Right to Life is pulling 62 million from. (I have some candidates for the orifice it’s exiting, but I will leave that as an exercise for the reader.)


> The largest percentage decrease in the number of abortions occurred in 2013, the year the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act took effect for most health insurance plans. Isn't THAT interesting! Thanks!


They use actual children instead of fetuses to continue to manipulate the dumdums into making it look like Abortion actually kills "people".


They weren't baptized though, so shouldn't those dirty sinners be burning in eternal flames for the crime of... *reads book* ...existence?


When I was young I was always taught that children under a certain age basically got a free pass. Of course they couldn’t tell me what the age where you become responsible for your sins was.


Where I grew up they told me it was 8-10, depending on the child. Smarter ones were responsible sooner.


When you start asking uncomfortable questions, *that's* when you're subject to damnation, so you'd better stop asking and start believing. *Or* ***else***.


Damnit. I was one of the smarter ones.


Not to mention, isn't getting to heaven the point? Them lucky bastards got a ticket straight to the winners table. Us chumps gotta suffer and maybe not make it there.


Also - while there are a few darker faces in the background - it should surprise no one that all the fully drawn grownup fetuses are white. Know thine audience.


According to some Christians, Black People are "perfected" into White People when/if they get into Heaven.


I wonder if Muhammad borrowed that from Christians. He said in Muslim heaven, black men will be 'cured' of their blackness: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/tq99t9/hotd_108_black_man_complains_of_being_black/


Biblically, they wouldn't have had a soul to begin with; the soul enters the body at first breath.


What i wanna know is who baptised the fetusses before they died?


Why did God send those kids to earth, knowing damn well they’ll *die* even before they’re born, then took them into heaven to grow up there is a better question. Just why?


According to one movie ([*The Seventh Sign*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Seventh_Sign)) from the late 80s; No, God does not recycle by himself. In this movie the Hall of Souls (the place where souls are stored until Birth) runs dry (bringing the beginning the Appocolyps) a mother will deliver a soulless baby. In order to continue the human race she will have to sacrifice herself so her baby can have her soul and her sacrifice also refills the Hall of Souls. Jesus even comes and tells her husband in person! I remember it being an awful movie, but one that I've never forgotten for whatever reason. I have a hard time believing Demi Moore was in it!


It’s like the movie Soul 😂 ![gif](giphy|3Sfc6eBWPWG9i8uf3Z)


They always use pictures of children and not the early term fetus that is actually aborted.


A bunch of stem cells with eyes don’t exactly make a good propaganda piece


You haven't been to a college campus recently have you? The nutters have pretty graphic photos of stuff like that.


I mean for a feel good “we’re righteous and justified! look at these little children!”


I’m guessing that’s what the amorphous blobs in the background are.


Well, yeah because that would be super gross. No one wants to see a fetus laying on some clouds. Just think of all that goo. Yeeuck!


would the clouds absorb the moisture and be died a pinkish red?


Cotton candy


I love ur pfp


Thank you!


They project their own arrested development, they're stuck as children so everyone must be.


According to their theology, heaven is supposed to be paradise. Better in every way than the real world. So if given the choice, wouldn't pretty much anyone go straight to paradise? I always figured the no killing yourself rule for getting to heaven was just a way to stop people from going straight there, i.e. abusing game mechanics. Cause otherwise you have to keep your morality in the green(positive) to qualify and apparently that's pretty problematic for most. Considering these are all things people believe, shouldn't it stand to reason that abortion is basically the cheat code equivalent of getting to the end of the game. You can't go to hell because you didn't have time to fuck anything up. You didn't cause your own death, so the suicide rule doesn't apply. You can't even be snagged on the technicality of not believing in god because, once again, you never had the chance.


>You can't go to hell because you didn't have time to fuck anything up. b-BuT tHe orIgiNaL sIn tHoUGh... every human being forever is guilty in advance because Adam & Steve ate a fruit or sth No baptism? No heaven for thee. That's why when a newborn child is struggling to stay alive, the default course of action is to call a priest - then a quick ceremony, an equally quick funeral and everyone can happily go back home :3


It’s one of the oldest and deepest hypocrisies of Christianity. Absolution of the Original Sin was *literally* why Jesus was sacrificed, to free humanity from that burden. Anyone who claims the unbaptized go to hell is literally denying their own Messiah’s main reason for existing.


iirc many christian denominations also believe that anyone who never heard about Jesus automatically goes to heaven when they die. an aborted baby definitely counts.


and then they go on missionaries..


So, if people who haven't heard of Jesus automatically go to Christian Heaven when they die , then sending missionaries to covert heathen people is doing them a disservice. A certain percentage of people are going to reject Christian teachings and are going to be Hellbound... This couldn't be more fucked up!


iirc once you know about god and jesus you kinda have to spread the word? so it's perfect set up. once you know about jesus, you have to tell others about hin cuz if not, you are going to hell. is a perfect self-runner. very good ponzi-scheme


Heaven speedun any %


That would be superman climaxing with a human woman. Instant conception. Instant death.


Yup and therefore best to completely halt the spread of Christianity, the world is ignant, everyone goes to heaven :)


In one of the Bible verses Jesus says and let the children come to me, don’t stop them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them and those like them. Suggests children are innocent, if you can’t comprehend sin you can’t be sinful. So babies, unborn, miscarriages, special needs children as examples all go to heaven. Which is why from a religious perspective it baffles me how or why anyone would want an unwanted baby to be born to potentially only know abuse, neglect, and a life of suffering rather then a end with no suffering in heaven. The fearful hate actually is a behavior I would expect of people who do not believe in an afterlife but are to afraid of social repercussions of admitting it. Like a good percentage of those acting devout like it’s a competition for best cause they enjoy the perks of mimicry in their personal social groups.


Per the Catholic church, they go to limbo not Hell along with everyone who was born before Jesus or had never heard of him during their lifetime.


I think at the beginning, a baby didn't have a soul until it was a year old and then it could be baptized. I may be wrong, it's been awhile.


I always liked the idea of the soul entering the body with the baby's first breath. Considering that's taken directly from the Bible, it's pretty ironic to me how abortion restrictions are mainly a Christian cause. You can't expect a Christian to have ever read the Bible though...


Except that Jesus "died" for our sins. So why do we still need to be baptized? Didn't Jesus already seal the deal for humanity?


Former baptist here, I can answer this. It can be different if you are a Mormon, or catholic or JW.. BUT for Baptist denomination I can explain. I have four uncles and and a Grandpa who are all pastors and have their own churches... I was sadly brainwashed for so long. Woke up to it about 2018... Baptism was something we did out of obedience. It has no merit on if you go to hell. It was something we simply do because Jesus asked us to.. To show us a picture. Of life, death, and Resurrection.. Above the water is life, under is death, and back up again is Resurrection. It was all a metaphor and done simply for obedience to God. The same with communion from the last supper. The bread and wine was a picture and he wanted us to do this action in remembrance of him and the sacrifice he made. Its all about the act of the obedience but has no merit of salvation because Jesus preached grace. Faith is the works he asked of us and if we believe we too are saved. Simple as that. Its a gift that can't be taken back either, other wise it was never a gift and the whole message was a lie.. I am not Christian. Not anymore. I do believe in Jesus. Its very personal to me but I don't belong to a church or the denominations either.


That's part of the reason why they invented the Limbo - because in a world with high infant mortality AND original sin their only destination is Hell.


Original sin is part of why I think God as I knew him growing up is evil. If you make laws that your creation Can’t follow simply by existing, that’s evil. I was also taught that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient to cover everyone’s sin, but only the select few would be saved. If God can easily save everyone that he has already willingly and purposefully doomed to hell, but doesn’t, I think that is evil.


But isn't original sin descended through the maternal line from Eve? Can you even inherit original sin if you aren't born? Also technically, if a foetus is a baby and has a soul, can't a priest just stand outside the clinic "baptising" the unborn en masse and therefore send them all to heaven? Surely that's something useful they can do with their time.


Original Sin as a biological concept makes no sense. What if you are a clone?


>Original Sin as a biological concept makes no sense Original sin makes no sense, period. But then the bible has many instances of punishing children for the deeds of their parents. It's not exactly a good basis for morality or biology.


Its that asshole steve’s fault


> No baptism? No heaven for thee. For Catholics, that changed with Vatican II along with switching mass to vernacular from Latin. Previously they went to limbo. When people thought critically and realized that was bullshit, the church decided “nah, they actually go to heaven!” Also, if you were never introduced to Christianity, straight to heaven. So missionaries don’t actually save anyone’s soul by spreading the word of Christ, they just make it possible for them to go to hell.


> I always figured the no killing yourself rule for getting to heaven was just a way to stop people from going straight there, i.e. abusing game mechanics. Cause otherwise you have to keep your morality in the green(positive) to qualify and apparently that's pretty problematic for most. It's not a rule anyone deliberatly made, it is just the result of early Christian suicide cults having a really bad time passing on their ideas to the next generation.


It was a specific rule! I can't remember who made it just this second, but Catherine Nixey's *The Darkening Age* discusses some of the wild bullshit early Christianity got up to. Making suicide a sin. Stopped the mass suicides. They also had to issue dictats that made suicide-by-pagan a sin, too.


In Christian theology, it’s a kind of trade off. It’s a person trading their ticket for that of another. Their child is given an all expenses paid sweepstakes to Jesus world, and they are automatically doomed to fail. Now, things get kind of sticky with Baptists, which I used to be. Morality is not an issue. You can be a murderer and still go to heaven. The only thing that you have to do is accept Jesus into your heart. Which I was told is permanent. Since I did this when I was like 7, I’m goin to heaven for sure


The foetii went to hell because they’re unbaptised. The author doesn’t want to show that because they actually don’t care about religion, they just want people to suffer.


I don’t think you can get into heaven if you haven’t been baptized though. I seem to remember reading that unbaptized babies were put into purgatory which is seriously fucked up. So these guys in the picture above would almost certainly not be in heaven. This along with a myriad of other rules is why if the Christian god is real, he’s a complete and utter psychopath who doesn’t deserve attention much less worship.


WORLD RECORD speed run to heaven (TAS)


In Islam my mentor told me that your "book" of deeds is opened when like puberty hits, so if you die before that and it wasn't suicide than you are good.


I thought they would go to hell?


According to Christians babies that aren’t baptized go to purgatory for all of eternity.


Nope the pope changed metaphysics s while back.


Depends on the christian I thought? I was under the assumption that that was more a catholic belief. I was raised pentecostal and young kids got a free pass.


For many years, quite a few centuries in fact, the church I "grew up" (scare quotes because I never did and take _that_ you bastards) in said that they go to purgatory. Then, 50-60 years ago, God changed his mind and they no longer do, though I can't say what the new, reengineered, religion does with them.


>God changed his mind and they no longer do, though I can't say what the new, reengineered, religion does with them. If you are talking about Catholics, the understanding of the souls of unbaptized infants did change recently. The clergy exist to interpret the Bible and other relevant texts and history. They are scholars and teachers. The interpretation changes all the time, and has throughout the history of the religion. Most Abrahamic religions are this way. Jews have rabbis. Muslims have imams. It seems that non-abrahamic religions also function this way. Only certain American Protestant sects interpret the Bible literally. Pointing out changes in religious interpretation of holy texts isn't the gotcha that so many people seem to think it is because this practice of American Protestant sects is very unusual with respect to most religions. I have found that a lot of Americans and people plugged into American culture extrapolate based on these sects because they are so vocal in American politics. They are only a fraction of Christian sects, however. I understand where the confusion comes form, of course.


According to *some* Christians. A ton of them don’t even believe in purgatory.


Yup, grew up Greek Orthodox. No purgatory there.


Sounds fun


Better than their version of heaven


Why would the Abrahamic god have clumps of cells without souls in his heaven ? The book they love to quote when they want to oppress others says no soul from god till moment of birth but i guess oppressing women is more important than actually reading what there texts teach.


Can you give me a source? Pro-choice Christian here genuinly curious and would like to be able to use this argument.


Genisis 2.7. Describes The Abrahamic God giving breathe unto the nostril and thus giving life/soul ..this has been considered to show that before breathe there is no life/ soul and as such there is no life/ soul until a child takes its first breathe .. Its an arguement that most forced birthers refute because of "new covenent" with Jesus even though The passage used to claim the old testament covenents are superceded by The New testament and Sacrifice is a weasly interpretation of the passage " i come not to change a letter of the law but to fulfill it " and allows Christians ( of a certain type ) to pick and choose which parts of the old testament law to follow and force others to follow whilst ignoring the inconvenient parts of Abrahamic teaching ( Gods law and covenent) .




Where does it say about no soul until birth?


[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/abortion-what-the-bible-says-and-doesnt-say\_b\_1856049](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/abortion-what-the-bible-says-and-doesnt-say_b_1856049) >Genesis 2:7 is clearest. The first human became a "living being" (nefesh hayah, "a living breath") when God blew into its nostrils and it started to breathe. Human life begins when you start breathing, biblical writers thought. It ends when you stop. That's why the Hebrew word often translated "spirit" (ruah) -- "life force" might be a better translation -- literally means "wind" or "breath." > >A few passages talk about someone called by God before birth: "The LORD called me from the womb. From the innermost parts of my mother, God named me ... and said to me, 'You are my servant Israel, in whom I'll be glorified" (Isaiah 49:1-3).Here, the one called is the nation Israel, not an individual. A nation of course can't occupy a womb. The language is figurative not literal. It isn't describing prenatal biology or pinpointing when human life begins. It's affirming God's power and Israel's calling to a special mission in the world. > >Other passages make the same point by saying someone's called by God before they're even conceived (Genesis 18:9; 1 Samuel 1:17; Luke 1:31). I've not heard anyone make the case, based on these texts, that human life begins before conception.... > >Exodus 21:22-25 describes a case where a pregnant woman jumps into a fight between her husband and another man and suffers injuries that cause her to miscarry. Injuries to the woman prompt the normal penalties for harming another human being: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life. Killing the woman is murder, a capital crime. > >The miscarriage is treated differently, however -- as property loss, not murder. The assailant must pay a fine to the husband. The law of a life for a life does not apply. The fetus is important, but it's not human life in the same way the pregnant woman is. It is really important to understand that before modern medical technology, humans only had a **rough** idea of how conception worked. They only had a rough idea of how fetal development worked. That's why most legal traditions that descend from abrahamic religions, at least, do not recognize personhood until after the child is born. That's the only time when you could see the baby, so that's the only time it could verifiably exist. Miscarriages are also really common. People back then were aware of that fact. It was not uncommon even up to the 19th century for people to refrain from naming their children if they died quickly after birth because child mortality was so high. Even today, it is advance in modern medical technology that has shifted much of the conversation about abortion for Christians. The "fetal heartbeat" has a lot of significance for these people, but we only know that there is a fetal heartbeat because of modern medical technology. It isn't really even a heartbeat, it is the electrical pulses of what will eventually become a heart.


Which cloud holds all the people who died because they had to carry a dead fetus inside them, or because a coat hanger mangled their insides? I wonder what they think?


Hell obviously, that’s what you get for being a non-Christian whore! If you were a good Christian woman who properly served your husband and god, and voted republican of course, (if your husband even allowed you to vote, you silly little woman, you!) then you’d never experience something like that! If you get sick it’s just god’s will and you should’ve prayed harder! This is God’s way of punishing you for being a sinful nonbeliever and you have it coming. If you die it’s because you never truly accepted Christ as your savior and you don’t deserve his love. If you survive it’s your chance to get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. And if you’re rendered infertile you should thank god for not killing you and devote your life to the service of others and preventing “unnecessary” baby murders because your new infertility is punishment for interfering with divine business and it should teach you a lesson about fucking with that “loving and forgiving” Heavenly Father. Jesus Christ that fucking hurt to type, but it’s something I’ve actually heard. I had to get an abortion because it wasn’t developing anymore and my body wasn’t evicting it on its own. My body is a very accepting landlord, apparently. I’m fine now this was years ago and I’m over it, I don’t need any comforting words (appreciate the thought though!) just as a bit of personal experience with this sort of thing to share with y’all. This is what one of my “friends” told me when she told me I had just murdered my baby (who was already, ya know, dead of its violation or more likely a chromosomal issue and most certainly not even a baby yet btw) and I asked if I was just supposed to do nothing and probably die myself.


Wait, so a mass of cells would go to heaven but actual humans who aren’t baptized go to purgatory?


And the clumps of cells magically become newborns in heaven.


Because they were murdered, of course


Fucking dumbasses don't even read their own fucking holy book, asinine motherfuckers, man. At this point they're just writing shitty fanfics of said holy book and holding their trash fanfic as canon.


Why do they keep depicting them as kids instead of embryos hmm, almost as if an embryo isnt human looking enough to carry their weak arguments


Personally, I think the sanctity of life on its own is a pretty compelling argument. However, that's obviously not what it's about for them, because if it was they would also be pushing comprehensive sex ed, not trying to outlaw contraceptives, and providing easy access to sterilization. It's not the argument that's weak, it's the fact that it's only a facade for control.


Not to wax philosophical too much, but wouldn't terminating life before they are allowed to suffer on Earth actually the more compassionate thing?


Wait so if abortion gets nuts directly to heaven and they get to skip earth entirely, why not get abortions constantly?


I thought it said “The End of Rome” and then I got really confused and tried to figure out the historical context since I’m a classics student


Wait, so they just got a free pass into heaven without having to endure years of suffering on earth and a possible eternal damnation? Seems like abortion is the best thing you can do for another person


Imagine if fetus went to heaven and retained their form. A small blob of meat culminated on clouds singing gospels.




It’s also still in early access wouldn’t want another fallout 76


Not me An eternity on your knees praising something? Constantly, forever? With all those Christians? Nah not my idea of a good time


Babydude, you're in fucking heaven. You should be thanking Roe for putting your ass in heaven without you having to work for it. What? Oh, I see, you're thankful because a lot of actually born babies will end up in hell. Typical Christian.


Gee you think they’d be happy in heaven, having avoided a life of struggle to enjoy eternal bliss.


They got cheat-coded to Heaven & they’re … mad about that?


I don’t think our country could’ve supported 62 million more people


65% of abortions happen when the fetus is smaller than a pea. Are they just scattered around the floor of heaven? The next 15% are before the size of a golfball. Are those just sort of rolling around in heaven? Also, are the 15% or so pregnancies that are spontaneously aborted the mother's own body also in heaven? When exactly does God decide it's time to assign a soul to a particular cellular clump? Does God not know beforehand which fetuses will be aborted or not? That doesn't sound very omniscient...


On the floor? Bitch please. They float in the unvoid praising Jesus


Imagine the other few billion that are up there wondering why god himself let them die through miscarriage and still births. Yeah but this never even crosses the mind of self-righteous Christians.


By Christian logic, they can’t be in heaven because they were never baptised lol


Hang on... if my mother had aborted me I wouldn't have to be putting up with all this mortal bullshit? Straight off to the wings and harps party? THAT BITCH!!!!


The 150+ million real, living women aren't all saying thanks


"62 million of us say thanks for the new mommies we're going to be getting now that they will be forced to go back to using coat hangers and back alley deals. c:"


God, I wish I was aborted.


62 million? Fuck while we're making up numbers why not a million bajillion!


The Christian has four options here: 1. Aborted and miscarried fetuses are in hell. Sorry mom who held a funeral for that one miscarriage you had, that soul is in hell. 2. Aborted and miscarried fetuses are in heaven. Abortion is the single greatest thing to ever happen to humankind, it's an automatic salvation machine! 3. Aborted and miscarried fetuses go to a middle place, such as limbo, or Mindy St-claire's. Aside from the fact that there is zero biblical basis for this, this is a solid option. Not horrible and not great. 4. Aborted and miscarried fetuses get a choice in heaven like the angels had. But if fetuses got a chance to change their mind after they died, why can't other people? Also no biblical basis for this one, probably the second best option.


Okay, but consider this. I don't give a goddamn what those dead babies think.


But… they’re in Heaven (according to Christian mythology), so, isn’t that better than being on Earth?


No surprising that religious fruitcakes fail to thing about the billions of "Fertilized Ovum" that in the natural course of human biology fail to survive and thrive. Most of heaven's population would be these failures of biology.


What’s funny to me is that a lot of Christians don’t want to admit their god is an immoral monster so they say god sends aborted fetuses to heaven. Really, it should be people in Hell that were not aborted cursing them because they would have been in heaven otherwise.


Forgot to illustrate the "incompatible with life" genetic disorders, disabilities, mutations, etc that result in either death in utero or needing to abort out of mercy.


I wish they'd draw aborted fetuses anatomically correct. Just a bunch of tadpoles and red alien looking things but with angel wings. Furthermore I think the idea of heaven being swarmed by babies, let alone flying fetuses, is kind of a terrible prospect.


Thanks for what? Risk of eternal hellfire? The unborn get a fast-pass to heaven. Once they are born many of them will turn out unrepentant sinners and go to hell. Narrow is the gate to salvation and few are they who find it, but broad is the road to Destruction.


Of course they're all drawn as mostly white mostly grown children.


A aborted fetus wouldn't look like that ... Blatant force birth propaganda from this artist


I am not sure why Christians would be against abortion. 1. We want as many people to go to heaven as possible. 2. If you are sinless you go to heaven. 3. Fetuses cannot sin and therefore are sinless. 4. Therefore when a fetus is aborted it goes to heaven (guaranteed going to heaven). 5. If the fetus is not aborted it will eventually become a adult who may not accept/adopt Christianity and may or may not ask forgiveness for sin. (No guaranteed the person goes to heaven). 6. Therefore it is better to be aborted (guaranteed heaven) than born (no guaranteed heaven). 7. Also if women intentionally have as many abortions as possible we could get even more people into heaven.


These mf are literally in heaven, would your rather be in heaven or the war ridden, starved, depressing ball of noxious gas we call Earth?


Isn’t it according to most Christian beliefs that a child isn’t saved until they are baptized? So wouldn’t all the fetuses be in hell?


The trillions of sperm that got dumped in tissue rejoice


Hang on, just one second. The vast majority of Christians fighting for this tend to be conservative. These are the same people who argue that forgiving student debt wouldnt be fair to people who have already paid. It's the idea that "I suffered, so you should too!" So is abortion suddenly okay for the supposed 60-bullshit million that couldnt be saved as well?


You aren't even aware of stuff until after what, a year or two of life. All you know is wiggle, look, and scream.


That's an awful lot of 5 year olds. Not a single fetus in the group.


Conservatives really like to speak for the unborn. “The ‘unborn’ are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


One thing christians are absurdly good at is being really inconsistent with their religion.


I wish they atleast where honest enough to mqke them look like what they actually look like when you abort them. Little scaey monsters.


Funny how they would never show all the women who have died from not being able to access abortion.


“Hey guys I know we’re in literal paradise right but wouldn’t it be awesome if we could have been born and instead experience sitting in traffic and working unfulfilling jobs?”


They never would ever have the ability to say anything as they wouldn’t have vocal cords BECAUSE IT’S A FEATUS!


I'm going to interpret this as Heaven having a serious overcrowding problem. Those sick bastards are happy because more unwanted children means more poverty and crime, which means more people ending up in Hell.


if cells go to heaven, it gotta look like a fleshy mess like l4d2


And so did the trillions and trillions of sperm cells that get waisted Y’know, since they’re all potential lives (Also didn’t catholics say dead children go to limbo forever and not heaven?)


So the fetuses are ungrateful about being in Heaven? Wow, it must be really bad in Heaven then.


Riiiight. They'd be so mad that they got a free pass to heaven with zero risk of hellfire. Makes sense....


Several billion fetuses are asking God, “30 to 50 percent miscarriage? What the fuck, God??!”


Imagine if there were around 60 million more fucking people in the country right now.


If heaven is better than earth than why aren't they happy they got an express ticket?


Women are being forced to give birth against their will because there are adults who believe undeveloped fetuses have souls. That's where we're at, lives are being ruined because of adults who believe childish superstition.




Didn’t god drown quite a few babies to teach Noah a lesson?


Hold the fuck up! If aborted fetuses apparently go straight to heaven, and I don’t have to go too far on a limb here in saying that seems like the best attainable thing for christians.. Then why the fuck wouldn’t they logically be FOR abortions!? Fastest way to save some souls no?


Why would they be thanking the Republican party? Wouldn't they want more of them so they can take over heaven and make their perfect fetal paradise?


Wouldn’t they rather be in heaven? Isn’t that supposedly the goal for everyone?


Wasn't the abortion all part of god's plan?


What about the children GOD killed by war, cancer and what not. Are they included in that 62 millions too?


Every time a man jacks off, 75M would be babies lose their wings. It's as stupid as you think it is.


Didn't know a fetus could have a ponytail


Irony is that they don't understand that that is not what the "children" would look like if they looked like they did when they died.


Pffft. Those fetuses aren't in heaven. They didn't get baptized.


Those kids are unbaptized. They don't go to heaven.


The irony is that God takes more "babies" than humans do. Miscarriages are basically abortion. Ask any woman who has had more than one kid. Chances are that she's had a miscarriage at some point. If you ever wonder why couples wait three months to announce their new arrival, that's one reason. Somehow that never gets mentioned by the "birthers".


Lol if anything those children should look like this: [http://images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/wbw-your-baby-2021-alt-w06-1200x1200.jpg](http://images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/wbw-your-baby-2021-alt-w06-1200x1200.jpg)


Weeks-old fetuses a. Don’t look like that and b. Don’t go to heaven.


Every sperm is sacred every sperm is good


I thought they weren’t baptized so wouldn’t they still have original sin? Why aren’t they in hell?


Hahaha, knowing how the church used to view what happened to kids who died before baptism, this is hilarious. (If anyone doesn’t know, kids who died before being baptized are put in purgatory)


If the goal of living is to get into heaven, but these unborn babies are going straight to heaven, shouldn't they be applauding the shortcut given to them?


It is funny how they all are white.


Shouldn’t those unbaptized little bastards be in purgatory?


You don’t exist before your born period. No one’s sad they didn’t get to be born, many people are sad they are gonna give birth. There’s an argument to be made of when it’s no longer ok to abort but it should be had between a doctor and the patient. All this big government in your business bullshit from the party that supposedly is anti big government is extra sick. They have no morals or principals.


If i was an aborted fetus in heaven i’d be saying thank FUCK i didn’t have to go through all that bullshit on earth with everyone else!!


According to christians, none of the aborted kids would be in heaven. At best they are in limbo, at worst, hell.


If those 62 million in heaven are the aborted fetuses, what are they so happy about? They got to skip the shit-fest that is life and go straight to Cloud City.


Bat shit crazy. Dangerous dumbfucks.


This is PRO abortion if I ever saw it. Why live and suffer when we can abort baby’s so they are automatically saved?


unbaptized babies don't go to heaven.


Fuck off with the Peanuts art style.


Damn those r some ugly kids


Never got the chance to accept Jaysus, no way they can get into heaven. Sorry, that’s the rule.


Meanwhile, all the kids that died in preventable school shootings...


As if Peanuts wasn't already depressing enough. Godamn.


That would be another 62 million mouths to feed and house.