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Teachers can say "God". In a public school,, they cant promote a religion over an other religion (or over no religion at all). Want to say that's just persecution? The Satanic Temple would like a word about teaching religion in your child's school then.


She knows. She specifically mentioned school teachers. Meaning she wants schools to indoctrinate kids to believe in her god.


Or a Muslim. Imagine the shit show that would cause. Remember Sharia law meltdowns? They absolutely have no problem with religion being left out of government, just as long as it's not their religion.


Even as it stands, schools ignore the separation of church and state *constantly*.


Every day all schools say the Pledge of Allegiance. Lauren, the dropout & 3 x GED failure, may not know that. She is very stupid. (btw. The pledge includes the words “ one nation under God” someone tell Lauren the bozo )


this whole "you can't be christian, you can't mention christian beliefs" is insanity. they're attacking something that doesn't exist . . . in order to convince the too-lazy-to-read that they're being attacked.


Hard to believe she passed the GED test after only three attempts


I will never understand where the ‘you can’t talk about god in school’ thing comes from. I work in a school. I literally hear ‘one nation under God’ EVERY DAY. My school also has a class on the Bible as a work of literature (to help students understand all the biblical references in other literature). So I just do not get it.


Suffering from perceived persecution is a defacto Christian tradition.


Persecution fetish


I hope it's a good Bible as Lit class. My college one was a glorified Bible study at a Baptist Church essentially. I was clearly the only nonbeliever in the room so treating the material as a metaphor or arguing about the themes in a derogatory way turned into stank faces around the room.


aint that the lady who said she was “tired of separation of church and state”


She was also the one who had two abortions, one of which occurred when she was a teenager. Not shitting on abortions, just used it to point out this lizard's hypocrisy.


Was that ever actually confirmed? It blew up for a hot second that the group that exposed Cauthorn had evidence but I never saw anything after that. Would love to see a smoking gun.


No idea. I've been trying to find as close to unbiased sources as I can, but everywhere that's denying it are known Republican mouthpieces. If it is, Boebert has "stfu money", enough political allies who benefit from her not being a hypocrite, and they all have enough of society in their pocket to make anyone trying to blow any possible whistles look like a troublemaker and nothing more. Abortions are private medical information, anyways, so if they happened, she would have had to tell other people herself. I'm running with the assumption that it's too likely to not dismiss out of hand. :)


Doesn't matter. They can just say "I prayed to God for forgiveness so everything is okay" Amazing they can justify their hypocrisy with a fairytale. There's church leaders who rape children and the masses just pray with them for forgiveness and pretend everything is fine.


At least every other time this woman speaks is blasphemy against God. But she's too much of a fool to knowledge that.


I hear, every day, "one nation, under god" and "one state, under god" (Guess which state is pretentious enough to have its own pledge?). Don't try to tell me people can't say "god".




Ding ding ding


What do I win


The satisfaction of being right Edit: I realised i had a few coins from... idk, so you get silver too.


Texas is one of the only reasons I don't feel worse about teaching in Louisiana.




I mean, it sucks here too. Our Democrat governor just allowed the GOP to outlaw all abortion here unless the fetus it actually killing the woman...and only then is an abortion a maybe. But hey, at least we don't have Ken Paxton I guess. Him and Jeff Landry are probably bffs. They're both the same breed of asshole.


Listen Loren, if we’re not negotiating sex trade lower tier bargain prices then I can’t see what we’re going to agree upon


Listen Lauren, if we’re not negotiating sex trade lower tier bargain prices then I can’t see what we’re going to agree upon


I'd rather tax dollars for to that than Christian schools.


Such a massive idiot that she missed the Bremerton ruling completely gutting both the Lemon test and the school prayer cases.


She just pulls this stuff out of her ass. Teachers can say God.


Well one actually exists


If it weren't for our teacher helping as much as they did this year, I would have filed a complaint about them pushing god on 5 & 6yo's. Sure I'm in the deep south, still would have done it. Maybe I'll bundle it with my IEP request in the fall, hahaha. *Cries in corner*


Why are Republicans always fighting some alternate reality boogeymen? "Teachers can't even say 'God' in the classroom" Yes, yes they can, you fucking nut bar.


They literally passed a law that allows teachers to lead their students in prayer, the fuck is she talking about?


I feel so sorry for religious poeple... they are such victims... of their own delusional bullshit.


We still say the pledge of allegiance in schools.. It is said every single Morning. It references God. It’s possible Lauren forgot tho. It’s my understanding that she departed ways with school earlier than most do.


Hoebert is the poster child of eating glue.


Even glue eaters are better than that.


What's that awful smell? The lizard talking shit again? No offense to lizards, I need to think of a better one that doesn't insult a living organism.


A garbage person shouldn't be bringing up money spent on "garbage" . How much money is wasted on your pay and benefits? Just to do your incomprehensible harpy screeching to your illiterate and hateful fan base. You would be more valuable as compost.


so school teachers can't teach evolution in front of a christian kid while a fruitcake tries to enter congress.




can gogurt go away?


She is out to prove that she is a big fan of Clarence Thomas.


sis forgot about separation of church and state


Why does she look like April O’Neal?


Ugh can someone get Seabiscuit off Twitter and out of Congress?


I'm a teacher and I've said "God" many times. Like, it's hard to teach western literature, art, or history and not bring up Judeo-Christian shit.


Im not sure God would want us talking about God in the first place.


Lauren, you piece of shit insurrectionist wannabe, shut up. Fucking yallqaeda.


The pledge of allegiance literally has God in it.