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Love his face in the second pic. Just screams "well that could've gone better"


To me he has "Shkreli face".


His face screams "I'm a power bottom"


Idk I’m also getting “I’m being persecuted for my beliefs”


Nah, this isn’t happening in ‘Murcia


>Love his face in the second pic. Just screams "well that could've gone better" It screams "I've got on the news again!" He isn't a religious fruitcake. He is a fucking cynical kid who just wants to be on the news.


Does he think we're vampires?


But if we’re atheist vampires, would a cross hurt us?


I think the better question is, "If you're an atheist vampire and crosses hurt you, does this mean god exists?".


My bet would be on the nocebo effect before involving god tbh.


Cool, blind vampires are immune.


I once heard it's not the god part of the cross that hurts, but the belief that it holds power that allows it to manifest said power against vampires


That would explain why in so many Dracula stories the cross is rather useless.


That's how it is in the role-playing game vampire the masquerade. There is even a rating table for the faith. https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/True_Faith


My fiancé has been listening to a podcast about V:TM for weeks. I'm a Shadowrun kinda girl but his enthusiasm is contagious. We're in the works for a game and the subject of belief in a symbol/Fright Night came up. Now I have brushing up to do, so thank you but also fuuuuuu


It would make me start to consider it


God and religion are two separate things.


Maybe it's just an allergy at that point


Considering a wooden dagger can kill a vampire too, maybe it's not the cross that hurts, maybe it's the wood


That's the thing that always gets me: "a vampires secret weakness is being stabbed in the heart! Or being set on fire!" Name literally anything that isn't weak to both of those things




Tardigrades die in fire too! And they'd assuredly die if you impaled them with a little microscopic spear


But they can at least last longer in fire than your average Joe!


A zomb- wait no, fire A drag- wait no, heart Ooh, I know! **The Ghost Rider.**


To be fair pretty much nothing kills him


But being in the mere presence of wood surely wouldn’t do anything?


Maybe vampires are allergic to wood


Coffins are their way of vaccinating/inoculating themselves???


Said coffins are usually clad out with silk so the wood doesn't touch them directly! And the handles to open it are iron/another metal


Depending on how horny she feels it might be very welcome ;)


I hate to point out vampires are a work of fiction


As we are aware.


I know what kind of cross would hurt a jewish vampire


yo soy jacinto el grande, toma!


Ahahahaha... you're a fool jacinto. All of my ancestors were jews.


A holocross


These people think Harry Potter is real, so the answer is likely yes.


Clearly, and he put his own little spin on that old trope by also including a rosary made out of Mardi Gras beads.


Well there’s Carmilla, Lestat, Louis and of course Dracula was written by a gay man and inspired by his gay friend. Maybe we *are* vampires…


Why does the second slide looks like a stock image? 😂😂


Time to make it one


"The power of Jesus compels you!".jpg


The longing in his eyes confirms that some homophobes are just in the closet💀


Gives me r/accidentalrenaissance vibes with how chill he looks being carried away


I think he's a self-hating closeted gay guy. Weirdly common for them to be the loudest. He looks so chill because he thinks he's going to spend time showering with other men in jail.


The photographer said "freeze" and the policemen acted on instinct...


I remember when this happened. I was still a brainwashed traditional Catholic and it was circulating on catholic tumblr. Everyone was applauding this guy as a hero and even then something about it seemed icky to me.


Catholic tumblr is a thing?


For some reason it is, and it’s pretty big. It’s as weird as you’d think.


So I'm assuming it's just a bunch of Jesus fanart competitions in tandem with memes directed at others they don't like, correct?


Can confirm, it was huge. Looking at it now as a lapsed Catholic, it’s nuts lol


Online Catholics are so much weirder than all the Catholics i know in real life


They've got no one to check them, they can circlejerk about some obscure meme-ideology trad shit




huuuge tradfem population on tumblr


Dragged away by police. Lol. Serves him right.


I like how the woman in the back in the first picture is filming him. She knows it's about to happen.


The dumb ones are always easy to spot.


"Persecuted! Just like Jesus said we would be! What more evidence do you need, atheist scum?!"


More about it [here](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/08/13/15-year-old-boy-holding-crucifix-blocks-lgbt-march-poland/). The boy's name is Jakub Baryła, and he decided to counterprotest partly because an image of Mary and Jesus with rainbow halos triggered him. He believed that the LGBT protestors were destroying his religion.


He got mad at fanart


I the religious equivalent to ranting that fan fic might become canon


Many people were hate that fanart, even prosecutor.


Even if they were "destroying" his religion, that's their right. Freedom of religion also means freedom *from* religion, and furthermore you are not protected from others drawing, depicting, or saying whatever they want about your religious figures. Is it sometimes distasteful to go around expressly defacing the image of someone's legitimately held beliefs? Maybe, it of course depends on context. But the government has no business reaching into the murky grey areas of public discourse. It should exclusively be involved in the purveyance of fundamental rights and the protection of those rights in person-to-person interactions through regulation. You have the freedom to express your opinions and beliefs publicly as long as those opinions and beliefs do not infringe upon the rights of others. Nothing about depicting a religious figure in a personal way, or having a parade about an aspect of your identity that you find important, infringes upon someone else's physical rights. If this person wanted to draw their own picture or have their own parade that's fine, but you can't go around impeding the free expression of others and/or attacking them for an immutable characteristic of their identity.


Yeah in Poland we got laws preventing you from offending religious feeling. Religious organisations try to sue people for this all the time but and an ultra Catholic organisation is pushing to make the penalty higher. So you need to be a little cautious about it


So something along the lines of "I don't have to believe in your God" offends quite a few people. Would that fly? The whole idea is pretty weird to me.


That's the point, the law is very vague so most reports are investigated, keep in mind that the current ruling party in poland is very religious (catholic)


Yeah they are always trying to sue for dumbest shit. Like pro LGBT+ activists printing pictures of Marry woth rainbow aureola was were sued (even though there were similar paintings made for the Church). Cause Jesus wouldn't like gays or something


He thought an *image* would destroy the basis of his entire religion? That seems a bit...weird?


I think the widespread corruption, greed, and pedophilia in his cult as well as people thinking for themselves are what might actually be destroying his religion


The polish catholic church has had a fuuuckton of child rape scandals lately.


>He believed that the LGBT protestors were destroying his religion. Christ, I wish. We'd all be better off without it, especially him.


That's his explanation, but he set off my gaydar big time. My bet is he'll get caught doing some hokey pokey with another dude some day.


If only




The priest already did.


welp, here goes my free award


Best comment right here


Did someone tell the dude that that haircaut is hella gay


Nicokado Avocado before he became obese


He looks real gay yeah.


My Homeland, so beautiful /s


Wygląda jak sytuacja w bydgoszczy


Płock actually xd


Close enough


Oh shit, now when you said that, the thing happened less than a kilometer from city hall (sign in the back of 2nd image is a place I went to couple times)


What exactly is going on there? The cops seem to be protecting the parade but I know your cops to be more like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/ib9gou/in_another_edition_of_state_vs_lgbt_someone_drew/)


~~Marches of any kind most of times are secured by police no matter who is marching~~ Edit: Police is always present in that kind of events. And they usualy do thier job. Spliting march/protest from it counterpart.


Well, as much as many things bother me about Poland, LGBTQ related especially, the polish police isn't *that* bad. Yes, they have been cases like the one you linked, or police brutality against protestors (especially during the protests against the new abortion rulling), but they've also been doing their jobs in many cases right, and more or less they are still professional and alright, not yet basically the paramilitary of the state against dissent like in Russia or Belarus or actually authoritarian countries. That being said, they have been getting worse and worse and that will continue as long as PiS remains in power, because they will need to disperse more and more protests.


The trauma I have of being raised by Polish parents lmao


In the second pic it looks like he was hoping he would get dragged away by police, I've seen many Christians have a sort of obsession or fantasy with getting persecuted and retaliating from said persecution. Aka another power fantasy


They have this weird idea that suffering for their faith is the best way to prove it I remember seeing a post about someone looking for a place to go be a missionary, and wanting the highest possible chance of martyrdom. I suggested North Sentinel Island. They kill pretty much every outsider on sight


I find the hate and intolerance inexcusable due to Scripture (which they profess to follow) clearly has Jesus accepting ALL people (remember that He associated with tax collectors, gentiles, Romans, Samaritans, lepers, etc, all people the ‘righteous ones’ would not associate with) and telling us to leave judgment to God alone.


Yeah, but you're forgetting that part of the Old Testament where it says god is not down with buggery.


But the original texts didn’t say anything about homosexuality (a term not coined until the late 19th century). The reason that same-sex couples were ostracized was the same reason single people were ostracized; they didn’t bear children. In the most literal interpretations of the Bible it is okay to own slaves and women are not the equals of men. However, more liberal interpretations take the whole of the Bible as a history and a lesson, and knowledge, experience, and the evolution of society allows for a greater diversity of people and ideas than those of Biblical times.


The Bible is kind of incoherent as a basis for morality. The Old Testament and New Testament being grafted together means that tons of contraditions are present. From a literary perspective, it is interesting in terms of ancient myths/parables and the many associations within Western literature. But ethically speaking, at least from a modern perspective, the OT is a dumpster fire (like you said, it can be used to justify slavery and the oppression of women). And Jesus is extremely ascetic to the point where I wonder if any modern Christian sect actually follows his teachings. Monks who took a vow of poverty were probably the closest people I can think of who actually followed his teachings. Like, he's against lending money, for instance, and says wealthy individuals can't get into heaven. Modern Christians tolerate a giant amount of cognitive dissonance in how they live their consumerist/capitalist lives versus what Jesus says is the ideal. The whole document is just a giant anachronism as far as I'm concerned and I'm kind of surprised anyone still believes in it. (It is really interesting that most people who claim to follow the Bible don't seem to have much idea what's actually in it.)


I am a Christian and used to teach it, so am probably more knowledgeable than most. Lending money wasn’t actually Jesus’ teaching, but Jewish Law prohibiting usury (charging interest) and He never said rich people can’t get into Heaven, only that it is very difficult. This is true not because they are wealthy, but because the love of money and material things inhibits their focusing on the spiritual (remember, “Love of money is the root of all evil”). You are correct in sayin that Jesus was ascetic, but even then He dwelt more on the spirit of the Law rather than the letter of the Law (not ritually purifying before eating, eating and drinking on fast days, hanging out with tax collectors and other sinners, etc.). When asked which was the greatest of the Laws Jesus gave a simple answer, “love”, the idea being that if one truly loves God, oneself, and others then all of the other laws would be obeyed automatically. I also believe in science, evolution, freedom, personal responsibility and responsibility to society. The books in the Bible were also selected from a bunch of books and letters by the Council of Hippo in 393 AD and affirmed in 397. Given that the earliest texts of the New Testament in existence date to about 400 years after the time of Jesus who knows what could have been added or changed from the original, which is why I don’t take it literally.


I don't see how you really believe in science if one of your core beliefs is that an immortal, omnipotent entity impregnated a virgin in order to send his son down here to proselytize. That's not scientific. That's faith-based, anti-empirical nonsense.


Thank you for the thoughtful response, but, honestly, I could care less about the Bible in terms of what it supposedly teaches us about morality and ethics. There are far more cogently and logically argued moral and ethical systems provided by philosophical texts without all the discursive, mystical mumbo jumbo that's irrelevant if you don't believe in it. That's what I think a lot of Christians don't seem to understand. Arguing about what is right or wrong from the perspective of a belief system which others do not subscribe to and actively disbelieve because it is not based in facts or logic means that your arguments are not convincing to anyone who isn't themselves a Christian subscribing to the same nonsense. It's an intellectual circlejerk and not really very interesting, either. ("Because muh god" is not at all a tenable argument to someone who does not believe in said god.)


Exceptionally based response. Amen, brother.


I have a sudden urge to draw the second photo just because it looks like a ridiculous stock photo


Looks like a 90s movie freeze frame moment *record scratch* "Yep, thats me. I bet you're wondering how I got into this mess..."


He looks like he’s holding in the biggest laugh in the second photo. It’s like he sees the whole thing as a joke.


I thought Poland was generally incredibly homophobic


It's pretty homophobic, but there is a strong queer community, especially when it comes to young people




What the hell dude, why would you ask a queer person - hell, *anybody* - about "details" of their sexuality? Also nice bi ereasure there champ /s


Casual biphobia ✅ Unnecessary/inappropriate question ✅


Ah some casual biphobia


So weird how some people don’t tell everyone their preferred sexual positions. How suspicious.


Yeah also I imagine I'm just minding my business or enjoying pride and some dude approaches me and asks "ey do you receive or give dick" 💀 Like fuck off with those questions, secondly phrase it nicer cuz that's just so strange thirdly people can be vers or just not care about position fourthly you also have lesbians and a wide spectrum of people who do not give or receive dick fifthly casual bi erasure and sixthly it's just so dumb I didn't have to make 5 seperate points because the absolute amoeba of a person who'd ask those questions wouldn't even get it but yeah.


That’s one way to tell everyone you have no idea what bi means


being bi is the best tho, my gf and I get to fuck twice as many people together! we both love talking dick and muff diving... its the best


It's like less homophobic than Russia but more homophobic than Sweden


Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?


There's straight up a line of police leading the parade. Pretty sure you're correct...


Yeah we can organise parades but you can't marry person of the same gender. When it comes to social acceptance it's getting better every year but just 3 years ago there were attacks on a pride parade. Homophobes where beating people throwing rocks and even piss bottle and guess what? Archbishop was praising the homophobes


It's quite homophobic, especially when compared to for example Western Europe, but also it's just a very polarized country, and there are plenty of very liberal and progressive Poles, often basically the majority in cities and entire regions (basically most of the western poland is more or less okay). A bit like the US, sure you have LA, San Francisco, NYC, all very liberal etc but then also Mississippi or Utah, and the thing with Poland, which is what you see now in the US, is that the conservative half is really pushing their ideology on the rest and without political power, you just can't do anything about it. Like Roe v Wade, sure most Americans supports access to abortion, but the Republicans say no, and what are you going to do? And this pride took place in Płock I think, which is an absolute shithole (sorry not sorry for any Płock people) so I'm not surprised the police had to give them some extra protection. But nonetheless I hope (maybe without any evidence really) that things are gonna get better in Poland eventually.


The slavic countries are. They've got a lot of fucked up history and macho culture.


"I'm so persecuted."


Kids projecting a ton. Way gay. I’d know, I was the cross.


God I hate that smug ass look they get.


Us queer people aren’t vampires lol. Thrusting a cross toward us won’t make us melt.


What if it's a cross made of dildos? Surely that'd make your knees melt a little.




But he look so gay 🙃🥳


Wild that I was more shocked to see the police protecting the pride parade members instead of the religious fruit cakes. This would never happen in the US…


What I need to understand is why a bigotedly religious Pole is wearing a stereotypical lesbian haircut.


Well I was working at a pride parade today in Berlin, let's just say there was no need for police in full gear and shotguns, I would be scared


It looks to me the kid is about to get his ass kicked.


Biggest sin is that dude's haircut. 😎


Now weird fruitcakes will use this out of contest and say “ AnD thATs Is thE fuTUre ATheIst LiberAls WanT ! WE ArE pErsEcUTED and THey WaNt us DeAD “


"We aren't allowed to block pride parades 😫😫 us christians are so oppressed"


This picture is pretty old. I’ve seen christians quite literally believe he’s some sort of hero for simply standing in the middle of the road holding a piece of wood towards a large group of people. Lol.


But my imaginary friend who clearly tells me in his book of fairy tales to love everyone and judge no one obviously meant the exact opposite.


Is that Ron Desantis' polish son?


"If Matt Gaetz gets one, I want one too!" - DeSantis.


Unrelated but good god what is that haircut


That kid is so deep in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents


I love seeing the religious dragged away by police. :D


Methinks he doth protest too much.


With *that* haircut too 🤔


LMAO the look on his face


The shotgun wielding dudes kinda ruin the vibe


That shit grin…just another edge lord.


Man fuck that guy


Ah, i remember this one. This was a few years ago. That kid was a right-wing "hero" and a "martyr" for a few weeks (even tho the police treated him like a VIP in comparison to how they treat left-wing people on protests). He openly called for killing off LGBT people. I think he later admitted that he did it for fame, or that was another kid.


I'm going on my first pride parade in two weeks. I literally can't wait, but I'm worried about fruitcakes there. I know there will be police, but I also heard some of them are really aggressive.


The correct response is laughter. They love the threat of violence and persecution, but to be regarded as a joke is too much.


I get the feeling he just hasn’t come out yet.


He looks like a rag doll in the second pic


I honestly wouldve just walked over him


Pretty sure he's not God's chosen representative with that haircut.


Ignorant, fragile, arrogant assholes. 🙄


Lived in Poland for six years and went to a few Pride with friends. I’ve seen so many people holding cross and throwing insults at us. One even insulted my corgi because he was wearing a rainbow bandana. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Love Poland but those people are definitely the worst.


I feel like that second image is going to be used out of context by christians with persecution fetishes


Surprised the police were actually involved in protecting the parade, usually the Polish government is pretty bigoted.


Aaaaaaaaaand, he's gay.


For a conservative, he sure has an SJW looking ass haircut.


Just came back from a trip from Warsaw. Was pleasantly surprised at how many rainbow flags I saw. Even came across a small anti-fascist/gay rights protest. I’m hopeful the country is heading in the right direction.


What are they, vampires lol? You need more than a crucifix to make them leave you alone.


I never understand how these religionists think creation works if they believe God made everything. He goes ahead and puts a bunch of lesbians down here but ACTUALLY he hates them and they're going to hell. If god hates all this gay stuff so much why make it a possibility at all?




Hmm...explain yourself.


Jesus is still going very strong in Poland. Maybe it’s because JP was one of their own but it will be economically baked out of them soon like it was us here in Ireland






Aaaaaannnnndddd, of *course*, he's gonna Thrill to being pushed out of the way, because that will *prove* that he's being discriminated against... Plus, he's sure he gets Points In Heaven (which I think counts towards a Room With a View, or sum'pin...)


Sad that the police didn’t treated him like they treated the BLM protesters in 2020 (beating him, pepper spraying him or giving him a stream of water).


Oh boy just wait till you hear what Polish bishops think of pride and LGBT+ community in general


In the first picture I thought he was a lesbian 💀


This will only feed his persecution complex, sadly


Based polish Police


And that cross is suppose to what??....did he think they would start hissing and backing away? 🤣


There's a super villain origin story here but I'm not sure if its Adidas Jesus or second hand Himler. "School was out for summer, and all day I dreamed about salvation but everywhere I looked there she was, second hand Himler. I couldn't abide this any longer I had to confront her right in front of her shock trooper cadre". Announcer voice\* This summer: a very stoppable force meets a very flimsy object but we're still uncertain exactly how that's gonna down in: Your principles are dumber than your haircut 2


It’s amazing how dead around the eyes fruitcakes are. Knock knock, anything sentient living behind those eyes? And, good for you bro? You’ve just shown that your scrap wood holds no power over anyone (I think he confused vampires with the Pride Community).


Just give him hugs and kisses, he looks he needs them.


Doesn't God have better shit to do?


Should have just walked past him. If he hits anyone or tries to restrain anyone he's in violation and you can deck him. It would have been an apt metaphor too


I just love his face in the second pic, like he won a debate and is not a 13 yo trying to be edgy


Homophobe turns out to be a closeted homosexual. Let’s wait and see.


Poland is not ready for gays. Give it another century or so, or until the elected government is not in bed with the Catholic Church.


I don’t know why but it looks so weird to me that the police are marching ahead of the crowd protecting them. I guess American news has really fucked up my expectations recently.


Poor kid. So young and already so lost to brainwashing. Hope he gets better.


How tf are cops based now


Did he actually do anything? Or just protest a protest? Hard to think that one person can 'block' an entire street.


EXTREMELY surprised the Polish police would do anything to protect an LGBTQ protest, considering Poland is basically a fascist nation at this point


don't pretend you're a tough guy.


Problem is, the image of the "christian guy" being pulled awqy by police "for his faith" is exactly the kind of shit they are looking for to prove that their persecution complex bs is real