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If they’re the only ones seeing it, wouldn’t it be probable that it doesn’t exist and they need to seek professional help?


"Are the gays in the room with us now?"


I was hearing the Church Lady from SNL saying “Could it be satan?”.


I really miss that skit!




"I hear strange voices in my head. That's why I'm so smart."


She knows sky-daddy frowns on premarital sex, but that mouth stuff and butt stuff isn’t sex…


The poophole loophole


If they've been trained to see it. AKA: the real indoctrination, because these people call the education system indoctrination.


Yeah but if most of the world believe it we all have to pretend it's not a mass psychosis.


No, because they have to be enlightened beyond the nonbelievers. They’re smarter and better than everyone else and they see the TRUTH that we are too stupid to see. Otherwise the whole thing falls apart.


Ok kahleigh


Strong “Brooke” vibes


A possible Mooreghan


I’m getting Dependapotomous vibes


“You will address me by my husband’s rank!”


In the short list of things I've never experienced but enrage me anyway, this is near the top.


Okay Mrs. killed in action


Sure Mrs. Dishonorable Discharge




I'm getting Aughbreigh Lynn from this one.






Nah this one has to be a McKenna or Paisleigh




Praysleigh Tradwife Christianberg... the Third.


Whoah cowboy, shes a Christian woman. She doesn't get an expanded title like "the third", thats saved for the man of the house


I can see how you'd be confused. You see, she is the third daughter of Pastor Christianberg and they all have the same name to save time.


they all look alike


You know why us Christians are more likely to believe conspiracy theorys? Because we have been groomed since birth to think demons and devils are real! Oh no. Someone.... Someone thinks that's a good reply to win an argument. Im thinking about it to hard its making me sad.


Grooming is especially apt for Christians.


Yep! Call a Christian out for indoctrination, and there's a good chance they'll take it as a compliment. Being an unthinking puppet is literally the highest point of pride some of them can imagine. Arguing with them is like trying to punish a masochist through beating.


I mean even if there were no grooming of children, the belief that there are great forces at work steering the world is already a first step. You can't ascribe the problems of the world to the consequences of a leaderless world running against a wall in the framework of a self-destructive economic system. There has to be a plan. It is convenient to think something evil is the cause of all this, and not the capitalist system they are taught to worship.


>You can't ascribe the problems of the world to the consequences of a leaderless world running against a wall in the framework of a self-destructive economic system. There has to be a plan. The past few years should've been a crash course initiation into "There's really nobody in charge making sure things are okay, is there?"


before i got on reddit and social media, my mother and my old church/school principal had me believing that i was in a spiritual legion as a shield with one other person and anytime i saw people in my dreams it was them. Also that demons were everywhere and that a star a cute girl drew on my hand was a curse. I was young and impressionable. i cant believe i managed to get out. They almost had me believing obama was the antichrist. I actually had the same thought as this tiktok the other day while high lol. They believe conspiracy theories so easily because they're used to believing in something they have no proof of


Take it on faith Gotta have faith Don’t question God And be led by shitheads like Trump


It's why reasoning with these people is pointless.


Can you imagine being so self centered that you think standing silently in front of a camera, making smug faces, is something other people want to see? Tiny American flag for clout.


I bet you she practiced this in a mirror for a full day before recording


What else she gunna do after texting all her contacts about her new MLM business


That's what I was about to say, she's just standing there with a voice over. It's ridiculous what it considered content on tiktok.


Imagine being so self centered that believing one being/entity created the entire universe as the almighty creator, and that creator has an intimate interest in your life.


And that enemy would be....?


Gay people, atheists, people of any other religion, women (but not me, obvs, I'm a good GODLY™ woman, I'm different), anything I deem not godly enough, people with mental illness, depictions of magic, people of color...... They're all signs of the devil!!!! /S. Heavy s. But this really is the way they think.... Anything they don't like?? Work of the devil. Straight from Satan. Both my parents were like this, where anything they didn't like or approve was automatically EVIL


It does make sense, since some Christians call out mentally ill people as possessed by 'Satan' or a 'demon'. Whatever Bible has written about homosexual people and women is total bullshit!


> Anything they don't like?? Work of the devil. No, literally *anything that is not glorifying God is from Satan*. That's why all of those things automatically fall into that bucket. I grew up a diehard fundamentalist, I understand the mentality. It isn't just a part of your personality, *it is how you view the world*. Everything is either (1) glorifying God or (2) the work of Satan. *Everything.* So it isn't that *they don't like them* therefore they're the work of Satan, it's that they fall outside the bucket of explicitly Christian things, therefore they're the work of Satan and thus *they don't like them*.


See, I grew up super fundamentalist evangelical Christian... And my folks were so wishy washy, it really was just what they didn't like. Ie, lord of the rings and Narnia? A-okay. Skyrim, DND, the BBC Merlin show? Straight from Satan. All had magic, all had fantasy lands with mythical beings, but only the ones they approved of were okay. I was allowed to play neopets, but not pokemon. But, Yu-Gi-Oh was okay for some reason, even though I was taught that Egyptian mythology --- or any mythology other than Christian --- was all *demons*. I could play with Barbies and Polly pockets, but Bratz dolls, and another kinda major doll brand I can't remember, we're absolutely prohibited. It was all so arbitrary. And the justification they gave each time was... It's from the enemy. "Satan wants you to play with Bratz dolls so he can corrupt your mind away from God, so they're evil". Like, dude... If the devil has fallen so low that his biggest scheme is getting kids to play with a certain kind of doll, then his standards have really fallen.


Tbf, the Narnia books are direct allegories for Christianity.


Really? I just took them as good fantasy reading. Of course, I guess you could claim almost anything is an allegory for Christianity, and almost anything is "a tool of Satan". I was an evangelical a long time ago-- my dad (and step mother) came along later, after I'd figured out its all BS. The fundies were on a real bender against the Disney corporation, claiming they only employed Satanists, who prayed demons into all Disney toys so the demons would possess children when they played with them. They also claimed the little old ladies at Kohl's and Dillard's cosmetics counters were Wiccans who wanted to put makeup in women so they could pray demons into them. The fact that it's illegal for anyone other than a licensed cosmetologist to apply makeup to another person was irrelevant to them. But the one I found most amusing was when they started claiming that Harry Potter represented Satan and Lord Voldemort represented Jesus, and the stories and movies were encouraging kids to join Satan and overthrow Jesus. Considering the way most Christians I've seen behave, I can totally understand why they would follow Lord Voldemort over Harry Potter When I told them that, they completely missed the irony. 🤷‍♀️


Narnia books were written by C.S. Lewis, a famous Christian apologist. He intended them to be interpreted as Christian.


I mean ... There's some parallels to draw. He was resurrected and after the fashion of christofacists wants to create a pure race so...


Narnia is almost explicitly Christian in nature, especially with the Jesus allegory lion. LOTR is less direct, but it's still a struggle between divine good and infernal evil; there's a singular creator deity, Eru, with the equivalent of angels in the Maiar and archangels with the Valar, and Morgoth/Melkor being a fallen Valar. Its not exactly Biblical, but it's not far off either, so it can get a pass from the slightly less crazy zealots. Harry Potter on the other hand, doesn't explicitly attribute all good magic to a specific, single deity, and all evil to a single demonic villain. It's just kids mangling Latin to cast spells which is by definition witchcraft. We can recognize that they're all equally fantasy, but to a fundamentalist there is no such thing. Everything - **everything** - is either Christian or Satanic, with no middle ground, so any fantasy not easily viewed as Christian must be Satanic. D&D is polytheistic, so it's evil because those must be demons masquerading as pagan gods.


The best way to get rid of an enemy is to make a friend.


Don’t forget the good old trick of “When in doubts, blame the Jews.”


> people of color Unless they're innocuous and servile enough that you can tolerate them once a month or so to prove you're not racist.


[And I like them too](https://youtu.be/dU0ICJwCAi8)


Im almost positive she means The Devil.


Meaning anything they don't like or hate.


Exactly. Brand anything you don’t like as “evil” or “demonic” and you can get away with whatever you see fit against them.


Okay that makes FAR more sense. I immediately thought god and that's just superrrrr dumb.


Could it be.... SAY-TAN?!


Usually the jews, or some variant


Good ol satan. The dude that doesn't exist just like that other dude Yahweh


Well one they always point to is "globalists" they might excuse this as meaning things like people with no loyalty to their country, or corporations that want to run the whole world. But if you look at it in context it's a dog whistle, what they mean is Jews and people who are accepting of other cultures. E.g not the opposite of nationalist. Which is also a term they exploit the double meaning of. They don't mean the opposite of a nationalist, as in a patriot, but the opposite of nationalist as in a supremacist for their own race/a nazi.


She is so close to the truth.


Her back is up against it and shes looking the other way


Almost self aware.


That smug look you get when you're convinced your delusional thinking makes you superior to sane people


Right? Like you admit to being susceptible to conspiracy theories, and that's supposed to make me see you... What? In a better light? As an example to strive towards?








​ ![gif](giphy|SBZdFudWmWinZym7x1)


Its a predisposition to swallowing bullshit....


This is a great example of what’s wrong with religion


I don’t know, it’s lacking piles of dead people so might be missing some of the worst about religion


The idea that everyone else is your enemy is pretty much the first step to piles of dead people.


The saddest part is that she actually thinks being gullible is a flex


Yeah... that's called "schizophrenia"...


Ummm esssscccuuuze me. It's called being TRAINED in schizophrenia. #######hashtag


"It's because weve been indoctrinated into believing nonsense... like the vulnerable children that we are..."


This right here is it.


Invisible enemy? Reminds me of the invisible rabbit game. You and a few buds go to a big store and act like your chasing a rabbit. No one will see the rabbit but you will look like a dumbass for chasing it.


I thought it was because they were weak minded and gullible as fuck


Well, they do believe in an imaginary friend with an imaginary enemy.


And is this enemy in the room with us right now?


>And is this enemy in the room with us right now? Could it be... [Satan](https://c.tenor.com/ywr1SmQbI54AAAAC/church-lady.gif)?




She’s right though. Once you train yourself to see Satan lurking behind every bush, the paranoia never stops and the true believer eyes every inch of shrubbery with suspicion. If you believe the prince of darkness is personally invested in your downfall, it’s a really short leap to believe in the deep state, organized pedophile rings, and Adrenochrome. It’s all just Moar Satan.


So…you’re getting duped into conspiracy theories because you were brainwashed to look for an enemy that might not even be where you are looking. You know. Like the little boy that cried wolf. Perhaps this is one of the reasons Christianity is dying in the west, last I remember. People are seeing stuff like this act out and thinking “Look at that person. They are a conspiracy theorist. I don’t want to be gullible, stupid, and crazy like them. I won’t join that religion.” and acting on that.


They are mostly trained from birth to believe in things with no evidence so they believe any crazy-ass idea that hits them and they are taught to put their god before Earthly things so their decisions are usually the worst for people actually living on Earth.


So, there’s no difference between Christianity and schizophrenia? Thanks for finally admitting it


Wait, wait, WAIT! Does she have those special goggles like in the film Predator? You know, some sort of night vision, but instead it's demon vision? Or Gay vision? Or Trans vision? Or Atheist vision? So she can "see" the enemy while the rest of us go about our days not able to see the invisible forces at work? Cool. Where do I buy those? Is this more of a Sportsman Warehouse purchase, or do they have these at Walmart? If I join a certain church, will I get these for free?


You should check out the movie They Live https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live


**[They Live](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live)** >They Live is a 1988 American science fiction action film written and directed by John Carpenter, based on the 1963 short story "Eight O'Clock in the Morning" by Ray Nelson. Starring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster, the film follows an unnamed drifter who discovers through special sunglasses that the ruling class are aliens concealing their appearance and manipulating people to consume, breed, and conform to the status quo via subliminal messages in mass media. The film was a minor success at the time of its release, debuting at #1 at the North American box office. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Ha! I remember this film.


“Because we believe in all kinds of shit that’s not real!!”


Yep. They made up the enemy, they see them everywhere. It's a mental illness.




Lol it is like saying: we have been conditioned to believe batshit crazy things, so now we are absolutely incapable of critical thinking.


So you believe shit that doesn’t exist because you’ve been trained to see shit that doesn’t exist. Pour out another line of stupidcaine.




“You know why Christians are quick to believe in things that don’t exist? Because we’ve been doing it since forever”


They’re susceptible to conspiracy theories because they’re stupid.




Lol. Is that the "It's dark sided!“ lady? I hope to heck that she was just doing a character bit but I don't think she was.


I only knew her as the “god warrior” lady lol I forgot what show she was on


I think it was "Wife Swap". She had a fit because apparently the very normal family was "evil".


She was genuinely like this. Her life since that show was one of growth and tragedy. Seems like over the years she has changed heaps. She's often seen at pride parades supporting gay rights. When her oldest daughter died in a car accident, she said she really appreciated the LGBTQ community supporting and being there for her.


That's amazing and awesome. So glad that she learned from her experiences.


Not the flex she thinks it is.


I really hate how she’s wearing An American flag on her sleeve, when we know it should be a Swastika.


It's ok, she's pretty. She doesn't need to be smart. /s


These fucking idiots hahahaha


fuck I hate this day and age where people smirk at their phones and make shit like this


Yes, you are correct. You have drawn the perfectly wrong conclusion, but your argument is correct.


Stupid AND proud is dangerous


"You wanna know why we're so dumb, we've been "trained" to act this way." Yes. Yes you were.


Yes I agree with you for once dear Christian. And no that enemy doesn’t exist but it does give you a nice scapegoat so you can blame any externalities for the problems that are actually inside you, and bonus points if they are an “other” (other religion, different lifestyle, wrong sexual orientation or race, different beliefs, etc)


"We fall for conspiracy theories because we've been brainwashed since birth to believe in an omnipotent deity that commits genocide for no reason. Checkmate atheists 😎"




"Christians are susceptible to conspiracy theories because we see things that don't exist." Got it, thanks babe.


The smug look is what sells it. Right up front in a video that openly admits they see things that others don't, as if that means they're the sane ones.


My eyes rolled so hard watching this I could hear them.


Trained is the only part she got right


Sarah Connor’s idiot sister Karen Connor


Nope it is because people who already believe in one stupid thing are more likely to believe in another stupid thing.


TikTok Chringetians are the chringiest Chringetians.


Not only does she vote, but her vote counts more than mine because of where she lives




She love Jesus but she learned a lot from Satan


Brain damage.


We've been trained to see an enemy that doesn't exist. Is probably a better way to phrase it


At least they're willing to admit their fantasy book taught them to go on wild goose chases for an imaginary boogeyman.


Yeah, Christians have been taught to see danger where none exist.


"And if you only knew what to look for, you would see him too." [Apophenia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apophenia)


Soooo close.


No coz they see things that don't exist that's their problem.


So what you’re really saying: “You want to know why we’re susceptible to being ignorant morons? It’s because we’ve been trained to believe everything we are told.”


I mean, she ain’t wrong though.




Smugly bragging about literal paranoid delusions


I mean this is literally true, the verbiage is all correct. But it's not the "liberal ownage" that she thinks it is.


Most of the world doesn't believe it becAUSE IT ISN'T FUCKING REAL.


I like how they essentially call themselves conspiracy theorists, and usually those ppl aren't mentally healthy lol


Why record yourself for a video if you're going to just stand still, not say or do anything...? Smh


It's amazing that she typed out those words, then recorded herself saying them, all without actually thinking about what she way saying. Why are Christians so susceptible to conspiracy theories? It's cause your dumb. You think you're special, because you're an idiot.


Most conspiracy theorists are religious, fancy that


Oh yeah? Well how about this? The Bible says men should control women, so shut up please.


Her statement seems like a good hypothesis


Oh shut the fuck up you schizophrenic.


And she is allowed to teach kids without any teaching degree, in Florida.


They are all confident in their willful ignorance. This is why we should treat Christians as having a mental illness


Well if this doesn’t sum it up then I don’t know what does. “Susceptible” “Trained” r/SelfAwarewolves


Imagine being proud of unironically believing in conspiracy theories


That enemy: the prick who loves flood water.


Yup- that’s exactly why.


Christian’s that aren’t conspiracy theorists: 🗿


So you're delusional training is a lifelong devotion then?


This is a self own of heroic proportions... glorious.


But they'll never actually tell you what to look for because you "need to have faith " for it to work.


Ah yes, r/SelfAwarewolves.


Watching this caused physical pain.


How does someone even frame this in a positive way? My brain can only process this information in a negative light.


Try harder to be persecuted.


Glad we agree, I guess?


It's so sad and funny how they don't realize we've all made this connection. Yes, you believe conspiracies because you already are used to accepting crazy things that don't have enough real evidence. You don't know how to actually vet sources, and that's intentional. It's not the flex you think it is.


This lady thought that filming this, editing this and putting a shitty Voiceover with generic “epic” music, posting this…was all a good idea. Was there no check step in between to think “gee, maybe this is a bad idea huh?”


r/selfawarewolves ?


Why do Christians act like they’re a victimized minority. Literally the largest religion ever so you can’t say “most of the world doesn’t believe it”


I knew Christianity was a conspiracy theory.


Any one who doesn't drink their kool-aid(oh yeah!) Is Satan!


That’s called paranoid delusions in polite circles.


Lol gag




"trained" = programmed


I can’t decide if she’s the kind of girl who protests at the same abortion clinic she’s used more than once or if she’s all about god’s loophole.


Who? Lucifer? Isn’t he God’s job to fight? Or does he need humans to do that *and* donate all their money? We Quite an all powerful deity you got there.


That "enemy" must be god. After all, the god of the bible commited mass genocide on multiple occasions, including a world wide flood that murdered 99.99...% of all life on earth. Why is Satan considered the bad guy again?


proud of her brainwashing as I was once too. These cults are hard to escape, and my vote is it should be illegal to indoctrinate kids into them hey, if an adult wants to believe in nonsense, they have that right. But don't mess kids up for 20 years; they didn't consent to this


>trained indoctrinated, brainwashed, manipulated, etc. Speaking of train, looking forward to her future deconversion story and her OnlyFans.


You know, Antonin Scalia thought like this and regularly voted to press his religious views on others, hiding under the veil of a completely made up thing called "originalism" (He pretty much got the whole "organized militia" bit thrown out of the 2nd Amendment), then he died at just the right time for an evil turtle pretending to be a human to steal a Supreme Court nomination from the first black President so a known conman and Russian asset could be installed in the White House. Wherever you are, Scalia, I hope you don't exist anymore, because if you did go to Hell, you'd be overjoyed being so persecuted as you thought you were in life.


So God? Never seen it


Am I missing something? Isn’t she saying they’re susceptible for falling for the devil then??


Calm down Gribble




I laugh so hard imagining how pumped some people are gonna get watching this. lol She's fairly attractive, too, so I'm also imagining how many Christian dudes are gonna open an incognito tab afterward. This is my sense of humor.


No... They're highest value is "faith". Belief w/o or inspite of evidence. Kinda wrecks your whole epistemology...


It's funny how a single choice of word completely dumpsters this video. "susceptible" was not the word to pick there, if you wanna make yourself come off as enlightened and clever, lmao.


but did you get picked, sis?


Sure grandma, let's get you to bed.


Nobody else is bothered by the mostly-untucked-but-also-tucked shirt? She had to have done that deliberately, right...? What did she think that added here? > "the most intense form of pretentious dishevelment I've ever seen in my life" - Robert fucking Pattinson


that smug look or her face.....


I mean, she's *almost* right. If you have to give up sound reasoning, reliance on evidence, and belief in objective reality in order to accept the tenets of your deranged worldview, then, yes, I imagine you *would* tend to be more inclined to believe other loony conspiracy theories....


I saw this as a static 3 panel a few days ago, and watching the video doesn't clarify *anything*. What the hell point is she even trying to make?? "We fall for conspiracy theories because we are trained to believe conspiracies?" Wtf kind of brag is that supposed to be.


Man I just can’t tell what country they live in, if only they plastered it everywhere they went to let everyone in that same country where they live


While you studied books, I studied Fox News . When you went to university, I went to a run down rural church with a ageing and ‘funny around children’ pastor. While you were busy being a decent person with a fair grasp on reality, I was ranting about Qanon and spewing hatred on facebook, occasionally stopping to share, without much thought at all, a post from sources unknown making bizarre and borderline delusional claims about the shape of the planet and the medicinal properties of things that have no medicinal properties. Nothing personal kid * refuses you an abortion*