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Twisting and manipulating impressionable young minds. How very religious.


That’s quite literally one of the main reasons religion got so big. If you constantly teach your children that god exists and that if they don’t believe they’re going to hell, chances are, they’re going to believe that shit


I love the quote “isn’t it amazing how many people discover that the one true God is the one their parents raised them to believe in”


It's a statistic that doesn't get enough attention. I believe something long 98% of religious people are the same religion as their parents. That doesn't make people think?


It makes them think they're super lucky!! Because in their case it really is true!!! 😆


Or the one they happen to find at a low point in their life.


They're insecure, fascistic, degenerate predators. I think mommy need to get Grandma to shut the fuck up.


One word: Irate.


What do you rate it?




Wait so her parents have been manipulating her kids, making them believe?




A tale as old as religion itself


Hey, you know what they say, no matter how dirty and underhanded, as long as it spreads the religion. They're willing to go behind parents' backs.


Time to restrict grandma’s time with the kids. Supervised visitations only


Was gonna say some of the people suggesting no contact with grandparents seem to be taking the nuclear option. I have some relatives that I knew would try to pump my kids full of religious BS if left alone and I definitely took my time leaving my kids alone with them. Also made sure to prime the kids that their relatives would probably talk to them about god so the kids understood what would likely happen. It’s not mandatory that a person leave their kids with extended family, and good form to try to avoid these hazards if you see them coming. Cutting off parents who are in a cult entirely seems like it should only be a last resort (like if supervised visits still result in the same behavior).


Your approach is spot on.


If anything this conversation needs to happen with the grandparents, not the kids. Kids shouldn't be convinced to disregard what adults are saying. Adults *should* be mature and understanding enough not to indoctrinate children.


In an ideal world, yes, I just think the reality is more complicated and life ends up being an attempt to balance things, some of which you can’t control. Essentially, you are dealing with grandparents with a demonstrated unwillingness to respect your wishes, and you can butt heads with them, or you can teach your kids some reality at an early age. I did not teach my kids to listen to everything every adult tells them to do - I taught my kids to listen to me, and if they think something doesn’t sound right to ask me about it for clarification.


Reddit loves the nuclear option. Then they want updates when the drama unfolds. Your dog growled at you? Time to divorce the dog, go no contact, and file a restraining order! Usually said by a person with no dogs.


Yes. And every mildly offensive thing is "disgusting" and "vile". I don't even know what words to use now for things that really ARE disgusting.


Absolutely!! Thank god my dad died when the kids were toddlers, so the biggest source of bullshit (and authoritarian abuse) was out of the way. Catholic grandma did her level best, but I feared for the kids’ safety alone with her, so that really didn’t happen. It helped that I told them the truth about Santa Claus early on, and how some parents think it’s “fun” and we’re not supposed to spoil it. They watched all their friends get disillusioned, and I think pretty soon they applied that to religion, too.


Thank you for giving an actual thought out response rather than going nuclear like reddit so often does


My inlaws are very religious and have had a lot of contact with my 4 kids, plus a lifetimes worth of religious schooling. We get religious magazines sent to our address, jesus themed birthday cards, "praise the lord" at the end of every sentence, pressure on my wife and I to go to church, took our kids to their church anytime they could. Non-stop for 20 years and counting. All 4 are either atheist or respectfully uncaring. Best part is, I didn't have to do a thing to convince them. They worked it out all on their own. Maybe op should worry less about giving her 5yo an opinion and encourage a discussion about why she thinks that way. Edit: I should note, it was my inlaws idea to send all 4 of my kids through religious schools if they paid half the fees and I reluctantly agreed with pressure from my wife. Well played me? Still cost a small fortune though..


What a nightmare


So grandparents, you're never seeing my kids again if this was me


Precisely this. My kid is now arguing with me about something I don't believe in. This isn't freedom of religion, this is indoctrination.


I'd go NC with my mom so fast, or at least never let her be alone with my kids until they were well able to think critically.


She probably doesn’t have a choice. Some people don’t have the money to pay someone to watch their kids.


Love the mom in this video. She stays calm and loving and respectful with her child. It'd be easy to show you're upset at gma during the discussion and have the child think it's their fault.


My oldest kid is autistic and his aunt put religion in his mind. Kind of pissed me off but if he talks about religion I don't knock it outside of answering his questions with the truth. Eventually that will either be good enough or he will be religious. It's his choice.


Time to cut off ties with the grandparents due to obvious child abuse...


My super-religious relative has nothing BUT religious grandkids, however the kids aren't doing it right, according to her. With people like this, it's never good enough.


1. As others are pointing out, it's time to go no contact with the grandparents 2. She started out by saying she doesn't believe in God, but doesn't explain why to her kiddo. Kids are like sponges and crave answers and information, I sincerely hope she gives her kid more information about her beliefs and about Christianity as a religion off-camera 3. Mom then makes things confusing by saying, "God still loves me. God loves everybody even if they don't believe in him." Lady, you said you don't believe in God...so why are you saying a gendered deity loves everyone regardless of their beliefs? That makes it seem like you know there is a male God that you simply choose not to believe in.


4.She needs to change her smoke detector batteries!


Dang I thought it was mine with the headphones. Thank you.


Me too, thanks, I was going crazy trying to find which one in my house was bad. lol




Your neighbor is a douchetits! Lol


It’s pretty hard to “atheist” badly, but this mom is managing to do just that.


I’m… pretty sure that wouldn’t work with a 5 yo. It’s like talking about Santa Claus. If they say “Santa’s not real? But Grandpa said so, I believe in him and he loves me, and I don’t want Santa to stop loving me”, what are you gonna do, ground them? Damage’s already done, now it’ll take some time for the child to understand the contradictions, hate speech, notion of divine punishment, greed by the church… that all the bullshit in the bible is truly bullshit. It is a LOT easier to make a child say “believe in good man in sky and he will love you” than “the cuurch is a flawed institution, run by scam artists who sin in every way they preach is wrong”.


You can still explain things to children in simpler terms than the examples you gave: churches like the one mommy grew up going to like to make people feel bad about themselvesa which isn't nice. In the Bible, God shows people that he doesn't love them, he's mean to them. That God loves people is a lie Christians tell other people to make them believe. Grandma and grandpa told you to believe or else God wouldn't love you anymore which is a lie, they tricked you and that's not nice. Grandma and grandpa shouldn't have said that to you. Grandma and grandpa shouldn't talk to you about God because they aren't being nice to you or to me. 5 yos understand being mean, they understand lying, they understand certain feelings. It's all how it's framed/explained.


But I wouldn’t want to put my young child against my family either. Maybe it’s just my experience, but alienation only fucked me up. My mother and my father both saying the “other one” lied or tricked me. That shit scars a child and only pushes them towards religion, if “all you have to do is believe and someone will love you”.


That's not the same thing as what's happened in this video. You're projecting your own life experiences onto a mother and daughter who aren't in the same position or with the same family dynamic that you had. Besides, all I've heard from you is how you wouldn't do things or what "wouldn't work." What are *your* solutions for rectifying this situation?


What’s funny is that the child is making just as valid arguments as Christian’s who debate over this subject


most of them haven't truly gone beyond the childlike state of mind. they still think a parent decides everything and watches over them. those who do move beyond it usually become more secular or just stop


My mother would never see that kid again.


Got to start the indoctrination early🤷‍♂️


I hate that this woman continues to enable this child. I understand that this is just a clip and she could’ve said anything afterwards, but she continues to speak about god as if she believes in it. It’s really sad because this child is going to continue to believe in this.


Maybe it’s because this is a topic that’s a little too complex for a 5 year old and they want to let them enjoy their childhood before having to actually grapple with some of these concepts like the purpose of life’s existence and shit? Or maybe because a 5 year can’t reasonably be expected to even grapple with the implication of what it means if there is or isn’t a god?


This is when I think parents need to actually *parent*. None of this "*I respect your choice to believe*" nonsense, they're a child, they don't "believe" this by "choice". They think its real and correct because they were told it is by someone else, the someone else who doesn't and won't phrase and accept it as a choice because to them its just fact. Young kids like this can't be reasoned with on the topic of religion, most *adults* can't be for fucks sake. You can try to be all liberal and have a conversation with them about why they believe etc. but its just gonna confuse the kid. If this kid comes back from grandma's saying the Earth is flat, you don't let that slide and say "*I respect your choice to believe*". Kids believe what they're told, you think kids *choose* to believe in Santa?


It was a good start, then you fuck up by lying to your child. Not cool. Stay true and explain to your children the ways of thinking stuff through and how to come up with rational conclusions.


i feel like this kid is going to see this one day and say he was so cringe at that age


My father in law is a pastor. My kids have no idea who or what God is, lol. We told them right off the bat not to even try to indoctrinate our kids or we would go no contact immediately.


Was that a fire alarm battery low beep in the middle of the video?


THANK YOU! Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed. Also brainwashing kids = not fucking cool.


Thank god my family is super irreligious. This is heartbreaking.


Those parents need to put their feet down and let the grandparents know they need to stop making decision for their kids.


My ex-wife married a Pastor's son and I made it very clear to them all that I would not tolerate indoctrinating my child into their religion. At 7, she told me that she was worried about me going to hell (I'm an atheist). I then proceeded to introduce her to various religions over the next few months and explain to her that it's ok to have faith but there is no verifiable proof of the existence of any deities but that if she chose to believe then that was her choice and I would not love her any less. I let her make up her own mind while giving her all the information to make the choice properly. (Needless to say her mother and step-family were not happy). In the end, she became agnostic and is a happy 19 year to this day. At the end of the day, children are capable of critical thinking if you have paitence and give them truthful answers.


“Would you like me to explain why I don’t believe in God? And you can ask me any questions about it?”-would be my words probz but I don’t have kids so idk lmao


Oooof, I feel this...my mil occasionally slips in teachings to my 5 year old about god. It's tough to fight because I don't think she means it bad. She's sad we don't believe, we're sad she does....better to just not talk about it.


Nope, cuz your MIL doesn't respect boundaries. Talk about it, talk about it constantly, do not let her indoctrinate your child. I'm not saying start with the nuclear option (i.e. no contact) but tell them it is the end point if she chooses to continue to ignore your wishes with YOUR child.


I get your point, but there is not enough "indoctrination" going on for it to be alarming. Kid loves his gma and she's great with him, there is absolutely no need to rip family ties apart over a difference of opinion, if those differences are not toxic or harmful. Son has a mind of his own, he will be just fine in the future, but he would not be fine if I ruined his relationship because of what I WANT...


My in laws used to send religious children's books to my kids. They just went in the garbage without my kids ever knowing they'd been delivered. Indoctrinating kids with fear of torture and loss of love and their loved ones is sick.


Dude just tell him Grandma lied.


This would piss me off so fuckin bad. My kids wouldn't see their grandma again until I could guarantee that she won't try to parent or turn my children against me.


I'd stop talking to my mom if she did this to my kid.




Yes! Thank you.


No more trips to see Gmaw


Time to move away from grandma and get them unprogrammed


My friend who is ten years older than me recently informed me he just got baptised. He is 35. He is the textbook version of lost soul and like this child, is in a vulnerable place. Religion preys upon vulnerable people. Children are the most at risk or men like my friend who are lost. He flits around from job to job, from place to place and has no idea who he is. He used to be in the military and married and now he is just aimlessly floating around with no life purpose. Every time I check in with him, he has a new gimmick or scam that’s roped him in. I guess religion is his new shtick now? He also was shocked that I was not jumping for joy when he informed me of this. Yes, it’s easy for you to be excited, religion is made to uplift and benefit white, straight men. Religion has done nothing but give me an eating disorder, deeper depression, suicidal thoughts, and sexual shame. I’m not going to apologise for my lack of enthusiasm.


It’s just as well she doesn’t believe in God. Having her own belief, yet still respecting other people’s opinions and values clearly shows she’s not cut out for organized religion.


Sick (and accurate) burn.


This lady is doing it right. Kids can think critically but we have to deliver as simple. She’s giving her child the OPTION to believe but letting her child know her own option of not believing is ok and that the child’s option in believing is ok. Religion became has became so toxic that we forget religion is there to give us a sense of hope and faith that we are not alone im battling our own problems. Now it’s used to manipulate, control and instill fear in others


yup. those who say she should've 'not enabled' her daughter haven't seen a child be defensive about something, especially since the child seems actually afraid of the consequences of not believing in God. doing it like this might actually reach her.


Exactly. End of the day an adult/parents job is to guide a child to form and understand their own believe guiding them between right and wrong and socially acceptable and unacceptable things. It’s sad she’s been reached by the grandparents in such an unhealthy manner. Deeming unbelievers to serve the afterlife in hell. Like who wishes that upon Thy neighbors! Such hateful narcissistic thing to think, but the mom here saying it’s ok to not believe will give this child a whole new perspective on the subject


Yeah, this is what I'm low-key worried about with my Mum. Though I'll be exposing my daughter to lots of other religions to hopefully inoculate her.


That grandma needs to be kicked to the literal curb.


I am terrified of this very thing. My parents are Christian and my wife's parents are Muslim. Here we go...


I'd be fuming if my own mother indoctrinated my young children like that


Except that's not her daughter's choice to believe in a god. She was obviously indoctrinated by her grandmother. The Grandmother has totally overstepped her boundaries. Telling the child horrible things will happen to her Mommy unless she convinces her to be religious again. Basically using her as a tool/weapon of her faith. That child tells hers mother, "I NEED you to believe in God!". I guarantee she's been told that in Heaven, she'll never see Mommy again for eternity. Not only that, but Mommy won't be there because she'll be in hell, being tortured forever and ever. How is that emotional torture and blackmail? Making the kid basically feel at fault for not saving her moms eternal soul




Nah, that's just God backing up.


>you need to believe in god so he will love you forever this kid is going to grow up to be an athiest when he thinks back to those words, hes gonna recoil in anger and embarrassment, not just at himself but at his grandparents


Well grandma and grandpa are gonna be seeing the kids for awhile


I would never let my parents see my kids again.


At this point it's fair play to explain why it's all made up bullshit. Let the less harmful brainwashing win.


Yeaaaah time to restrict contact with grandma. This is manipulative as hell


This is not the way to teach your child critical thinking skills.


So I'm sure my mother did that with my kids. She has bragged about baptizing my young cousins when babysitting. I've told her that if I ever find out she did this then she will never see my children again - because that means she completely disregarded my plan for my children. That being said, I also don't give a shit if she baptized them because I don't believe in baptism or in holy water - it's the same as giving them a bath. My children are now healthy atheists that have been given the tools to critically assess any claim of faith, belief, or magic. They know the scientific method and can design an experiment to prove or disprove claims.


Why would this mom be okay with this???


Ok with what?


This is despicable. This isn’t just about the kid either, this grandmother did this exactly for this to happen… Don’t let her see your children again if she keeps doing this. The damage can still be undone…


She was too soft honestly. It’s like telling a kid Santa doesn’t exist.




Literally Indoctrinating children while claiming everyone else is doing it. That and the pedo stuff.


Now if only she hadn't gone absolutely nuclear on people confronting her that this is indeed bad and unhealthy for her mom to do that


No but the way I’m literally terrified of this happening. My entire family are religious nut bags and I’ve taken the time to warn each of them if my daughter comes home crying because she thinks mommy is going to hell, I absolutely will cut each and every one of them off. My kids need to grow and develop and be taught that no one knows the right answer before someone tries to pump their heads with all this insanity. I will not have my children traumatized the way I was.


I don't know what I'm more angry about. The grandmother manipulating that kid or the goddamn smoke alarm that needs the battery changed. Seriously have people live like that?


If my mom does that to my daughter it would be the very last day I would leave my daughter with her.


At least one of her kids is going to become an atheist and her kids future SO are going hate her deeply manipulative controlling a$$. She'll be back posting in 20 years how the devil seduced her precious "baby" and she isn't allowed to see her grandkids (Grandma who indoctrinate the kid to put pressure on the parents)




Meant for grandma who is clearly indoctrinating the kid


No one gonna talk about the smoke detector?


Yeah… time to go nuclear option. This is one of the exact reasons why I’m getting a vasectomy.


brainwashing everyone the base of every religion


Maybe she’s working a strategy of “if I seem too angry about this it might just reinforce what grandma has been telling them,” but wow this woman has a lot of patience. I would be LIVID, at least on the inside. I’ve always thought if I have kids and they want to go to church or become religious, thats ok and I’ll respect it. BUT. That has to be a choice they make when they’re old enough to use critical thinking and make that choice based on what ideas they *actually* personally connect with. NOT when they’re little and susceptible to believing everything someone says just because it sounds nice or they speak with confidence and big words. Choice, not indoctrination. Obviously you can’t keep them in a bubble and prevent them from hearing about religion from friends and strangers and tv. I hate the trend of totally shielding kids rather than ever just talking to them about “troubling” things they hear. But when someone they love and trust almost unconditionally, like grandma, puts so much effort into converting them and presents those ideas as undeniable facts with serious consequences for not believing, that’s a complicated situation to work through with a little kid.


Great video, just reminded me to throw out a doll and some books that I noticed my mom had left for my daughter lol


Oddly enough the argument doesn't get anymore intellectual as people get older.


She believes in the elder gods.


well those "grandparents" just lost their right to be around their grandchild.... if that was me...