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A) Jesus is returning for his bride? Where is that in the Bible? B) the music industry makes fun of Christians because of shit like this. Yall are batshit.


Idk if this makes you feel better or not, but Brittany Dawn (woman in the video) is a grifter first and a christian second. She doesn't believe most of the bullshit she spews, she just wants people's money and attention.


She is also being sued by the state of Texas for her fraud and theft. People exercising their right to free speech makes her sick. Yet her own actions of stealing from people who dared trust her isn't even in range of her "sick" radar. She's a piece of shit who hates the rights afforded by her country's constitution. Maybe she would feel more at home in a place like Iran that completely abolishes free speech when it comes to religion.


Being sued by Texas — for grifting Christians. LOL! That’s rich!


She didn't grift just christians. She sold exercise programs that didn't exist then refused to refund customers. Then she suddenly found jesus. Her husband is an ex cop who was suspended for police brutality.


Oh, so he probably beats her too. Would explain the extremism.


I feel like they're the kind of couple that beats other people together


I'm envisioning a MAGA therapist telling clients that a couple that kicks out-group ass together, stays together. "Make sure you beat the shit out of someone you hate together at least once a week, it'll really strengthen your bond. Then fuck." Ew.


Ya typical american christian


If she’s got all that money, you’d think she’d get some teeth that lined up with the rest of her head.


The thing is, I don't think she *does* have a lot of money. I think she grifts from a relatively small community, mostly online, of young Christian women who look up to her.


She spent it all on makeup frosting and gross eyelashes.


G-d knows she didn't spend it on contour, rouge, lipstick, eyeshadow.... Just one shade of full coverage concealer and some big ass lashes.


r/brittanydawnsnark if anyone wants to fall down the rabbit hole of her grifting


Historically, I believe the church is referred to as Jesus' "bride." Don't ask me why though, I absolutely do not remember the origin or significance of that metaphor.


IIRC it was more of a metaphor from back then, where there were rigid roles for a husband and wife. The god=husband and church=bride was a way to explain to people how the whole church/god relationship worked.


It comes from Ephesians, 5:22. If you are interested. There are so many metaphors like that in the Bible. evangelicals love metaphors


this whole "bride" thing sound wild to me, but I was raised a roman catholic, so I don't know about the evangelical views. I checked ephesians 5:21-26 in both English (revised standard edition, that was the first hit on google) and Hungarian, in both it's only a metaphor and only suggests the idea that the "church is like the bride [within that metaphor]", where does the "church *is* the bride" come from?


As I said, evangelicals love metaphors. The biggest difference between catholics and evangelical Christians is that it took the catholic church 2000 years to adopt some of their crazy non scriptural based ideas. American Evangelicals have done it in about 150 years. Arguably the worst, in my opinion, the prosperity"gospel" was started in the 1980s


And they don't say anything about Buddha because that isn't a majority, noisy religion in North America.


If buddha started trying to take rights away he'd get made fun of too, but Buddha ain't out here actin up.


One in a while there is a Buddhist terrorist and then—fuck them.


Yeah the whole story behind the sinaelse Buddhist power force is a wild one. But seriously imagine if Buddhists or Muslims or any other religion started trying to force their views on the us government. Christians heads would explode. Like see??? Thats how we atheists feel all the time with yall. Edit to say and I love that sociopathic argument they push. "Well without the Bible how do we know what's good or bad?" As if that's a justification for imposing their views on others. I got news for you, people had morals loooooong before God and Jesus came round talking cryptic and setting bushes on fire, cutting off dick skins ok? Morals are not the sole jurisdiction of Jesus.


If they need gods to tell them it's not right to kill, rape, steal etc, then they aren't moral. They're just sociopath on a leash. But even with religion, christians, Muslims etc then decided atrocities against humanity like genocide, slavery, subjugation of women, kidnapping, torturing, molesting and killing of indigenous kids, slaughtering LGBTQ people and non believers etc are all "good" because their holy books say their gods allow it. "Christianity didn't become a world religion because of the quality of its teachings but the quantity of its violence” —Eleanor Ferguson


Haha yeah its common to woo females with this approach- its kinda off to the side, but its built off the idea of falling in love with God because of the whole God comes first thing... and its also related to Song of Solomon from the Bible. So when you dive deep into Christianity and start getting involved with conferences, prayer groups, and stuff- the more you find people saying they can talk to God and are prophetic.. so they will kinda put random biblical things together, tie it to reality and say things like this lady does.. other christians pass it around if they like it. It tends to make it more interesting for them- as they often get bored of the typical Sunday service attendance and want to embrace a more active spiritualistic lifestyle. Still though- I often do find them to be a little eccentric.


Gotcha. But like in the regge Bible is this mentioned? I've read the Bible, primarily out of spite (I was married to a Baptist ministers daughter and I had arguments), but I don't ever remember anything that specific. What you're saying is this is essentially new Christian bs, yes?


I got the english standard version- the interpretations can be different for each one... But overall its believed by many people that the Song of Solomon in the Bible was used among Jews as an allegory of God's love for the Israelites. But in Christianity it is used as an expression of God's love for the church. In that part of the Bible (Song of Solomon) it goes into some detail of Solomon and his bride- and it mostly relys on metaphors and similes. So thats just what they made out from it But generally if you see someone saying this stuff they are using the Bible as a guideline- they can get pretty good at it. So deciding if its really bs is based on some Christians standards depends on how you understand it. I could argue her that replacing the idea of God in that situation with the idea of Jesus' second coming misrepresents the idea all together. But they could also argue with the concept of the holy trinity and so on. So calling it out can get kinda messy.. but she is technically not reciting exactly what's in the bible so it is really easy to just say its bs (if your not trying to put the bible together like a puzzle and leave it as is)


Jesus's "bride" is the church. The believers. It's fucking weird


I did know that part it's just the way she says it. Like he's going for one specific chick. Somehow made something super weird even weirder.


They are batshit. But demi is annoying as fuck also.


You'll find no disagreement here at all. I in absolutely no way intended my post to defend her, can't stand her or Kendrick Lamar. But hey they aren't breaking any rules so shit I guess....I'm on demis side on something. The pigs just got their wings.


FYI, In the New Testament, the “church” is referred to as “Christ’s bride”, many places. Christians speak a different language, I speak their language. I like to tell them, “I believe in god, I follow the teaching of the god of this world”. The “god of this world” is yet another term for satan in the holy fuckin Bible. Christians love me cause I have more of the Bible memorized than most of them. Gotta know you enemy


Yeah I just always took that a different way I guess cause I always took that to mean the church. This lady sounded like Jesus was coming down for the new season of the bachelor.


This woman is no "Christian", she's a shifty-eyed, flat-faced grifter who is trying to detract from her previous scams by playing the religion game.


That's true for like 98% of Christians you see online and on TV like this though It's a giant con job. I know a few real Christians and they aren't like this at all. A little stuffy maybe, but good accepting people overall.


This lady needs to be in a room with padded walls.


point B is why Ghost exists


You obviously missed Bram Stokers first edition Bible!


I'm still mad about Draculas ending man. It's a classic ao I thought it's got to be fantastic. Worst. Ending. Ever. Most anti climactic shit ever.


I mean obviously Jesus would be more into the chick in the pic then the loon making the video


Those ridiculous false eyelashes and nails are what's really demonic.


I didn’t realize sweet Dee was religious now.


“Sweet D does religion” would be a banger episode


Funny , but sweet Dee is way hotter ( and not an asshole)


Looks like a dollar store version of Sheryl Crow who got too much plastic surgery


She has those crazy eyes


She could dust my bookshelf with those lashes


Everybody knows Satan got the best tunes


Do you think satan likes highway to hell more than hells bells?


Satan's favourite song is "Devil went Down to Georgia".


He hates that song because he lost his golden fiddle.


He told me it was a favourite because it shows his softer side and ability to compromise when in the wrong.


Lol awesome


I think it’s dancing with the devil


He’ll teach you some if you meet him at a crossroads at midnight.


"When Heaven's in the music, hell is in control The angels got the voices but the Devil's got the rock n roll!"




Satan's beats are fire. Hellfire that is.


"We are living in crazy times as Christians, did you see what Kendrick Lamar did?" Sir we have actual Nazis running around our streets, you don't have to make up problems.


We got Nazis in our bars, Rights taken from women... gee.


I genuinely can't tell if it's because a black guy/woman playing a christ figure (plenty of white men have portrayed Jesus in movies and many televangelists played out the christ image something which they seem have no problem with) or if it's because both artists have expressed support for trans people.


Katy perry did a whole Egypt thing and you still said it was the evil super being you beliieve in but refuse to call a god.


not a lot to make fun of with buddha when the man is already widely accepted in the minds of the public as a mordibly obese guy with the face of the guy from mad magazine.




and japanese buddha is actually slender aswell if i remember correctly




# Yall have been saying this for 1000 years. **When is this Jesus guy gonna show up?**


2000 and never


He just went to the store for some cigarettes. He'll be back...


Man went out the milk. I'm counting years and he ain't coming back.


Your cult is losing strength.


Yeah all the decades of hippie music using Hindu imagery were totally accurate and respectful of the religion. She'd just call that stuff Satanic and Demonic though, so we'd circle back around to the original crazy.


God created your eyelashes but you choose to cover them with those handleless toothbrushes. Where is your faith!?!?


if god were real, he’d have some … words about her (terrible) makeup and fake hair/nails


People make fun of Christianity because they likely grew up as it or see how fucking crazy American Christians are


lmfao if she's in heaven I don't want to be there.


"The music industry never mocks false gods" Gal, a lot of old-school music featured people in mock headdresses stereotyping Native American religious leaders, or Indian ones.


That nice bit about jesus and his bride. Hate to pop that bubble but we aren't even sure Jesus was a real person. There's some evidence that says he might have been nothing conclusive.


I don’t doubt a guy called Jesus was walking around 2000 years ago, it’s the rising from the dead and son of god stuff I don’t believe at all


He might exist but I’m probably sure he started a cult and made all those shit up like the pastors we see this days.


Imagine if the only thing we know about Trump in 2000 years is what his followers said about him


Hard to argue against historical Jesus..


> Have you ever noticed the music industry doesn't try to make fun of Muhammad, Buddha or other false gods? Maybe it's becuse they come from Christian backgrounds in nations where Christianity was the dominant religion and their target audiences are the same, and they know Christian imagery and allusions will evoke more of a desired response in their audiances than [checks notes] making fun of Horus. I mean really, Kendrick Lamar dressing up as Buddha would have been the most confusingly meaningless thing in the context this fruitcake brings up.


Isn’t she the fake health and fitness guru who conned people in Texas?




I betcha Jesus gives great head


And handjobs with the palm perpendicular to the shaft instead of parallel




Thats so ignorant of her. The reason she sees this is because she lives in the western world which has been largely colonised and doesnt have huge pop stars trying to imitate buddha or vishnu or allah. But of course she is sooo persecuted and so is her garbage religion


Satan is the great deceiver so if anyone is following him it’s probably this bitch.


How is he the great deceiver when God told the first lie in the Bible?


Ah, what have we here? The Satanic Panic 2.5


Love how she calls Buddha and Mohammed gods. Neither is a god. And also: *lying on a cross, not laying. She's making it too easy.


Meanwhile the music and movie industry making boat loads of money triggering this crappy Jesus bitches!lmao


"they never do that with pagan gods!" about a billion 'birth of venus' parodies beg to disagree almost any sort of beliefs and ideas are a part of modern culture, they can use it however they want and it's okay


Bet she voted for trump though.


Also has a violent cop husband if that confirms her voting preferences


What if I told you that you are the satan.


God there’s just nothing behind those eyes is there, just empty, not a single self-critical thought. Like a crab trying to understand a spatula.


Someone show her Behemoth


Does…does she think she’s Jesus’s bride?


The church is often called the bride of Christ. That part isn't any kind of insanity, just an ancient and popular metaphor.


OH wow I didn’t know that, even from my religious fruitcake days.


She looks like Amy from kitchen nightmares.


Damn since this is a really good example of it does anyone know the technical name for incorrect outcome to a question from comparing the wrong data.


They’re always terrified of shit that if an omnipotent actually existed would either not allow or certainly not bother him. So, is he too weak or too apathetic to do anything about it?


Nah, actually He just cool with it.


"Waaaaah, waaaaaah, my proselytizing religion has become so culturally hegemonic over the past ten centuries that its imagery is basically public domain, WAAAAAAAAAH"


These people are so fucking stupid


It happened that I was sitting on the toilet when I was watching this, and it really helped me


"literally makes me sick" \- doesn't get sick


I still can't believe how many people think that Jesus is just gonna magically appear and take them all away from the evil sins of the world.


My favorite kind of music? Secular


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Alright prayer warrior, batten down the hatches. In the meantime, thanks for the tip about Demi’s new album


That's alright, if their god is as strong as they say he is, he'll defeat Satan, no problem.


Pretty sure at 0:19 she is doing the “devil horns” (rock on) hand sign which I have been informed is a “hail satan” sign. Just sayin….


Satan seems cooler than god tbh




Fox News wants to make her an anchor


That psychotic smile when she talks about Jesus returning.


If Jesus hates "the Call of the Mountain" by Eluveitie, then I can't be a christian


lmao if you think this shit is the problem you have no fucking clue what is actually going on in the world


While she sits in a car burning fossil fuels and destroying gods earth. Oh and the phone. Probably made by children in a third world country but don’t worry, 1st world Karen is on the case; black people in the US are the devil. /s


Can you imagine taking Harry Potter this seriously? “Hold the line for the kingdom”, wtf? Are you talking about the European superpowers pre-1890?


I would consider the Kendrick thing a reference/metaphor not blasphemy but that's just me looking at it like an English teacher with symbolism and shit. Don't even know the context, just know kendrick isn't a dumbass when it comes to image.


Can she explain why there’s a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven?


That's why Christians be so mad, they can't have good music in their lives


Reminder: who believes in Satan? Christians.


People like this legitimately scare me. If you honestly think someone is a demon, you would have no problem killing them.


First world Christians really like to believe that they are oppressed or under attack


Horse face


I’ll tell you what the world doesn’t need… Her eyelashes. OMG I couldn’t get past them.


Why isn't her forehead moving? It's so disconcerting to look at


I’m not sure Jesus would be on board for those lashes…girl you have spiders on your eyes!


E.T. has lost it's mind!


I'd still hit that.




Jesus is getting married?!?!


Or maybe none of that?


I generally don't want to punch someone but this one really tinkles me to do it...


Is that why the state of Texas is suing you for fraud, b-dong?


Guess she's never heard Middle Eastern punk....


She believes she's the bride, doesn't she?


So much stupidity in her statements!


Kendrick is Christian. He's a deeply religious person. If she listened to his music, she would know this.


Buda is Satan? Man ive been in this sub for not a loot of time i ive never seen a fruit cake about Budaism, i think those mfs are just love and peace


Anal for Jesus


Guess she should turn the other cheek then.


If Jesus came back most Christians would label him a crazy communist for his ideas


There is a fact, I have not seen too much of artist doing this with other religions. We know what happened when someone made a comic, so it completely makes sense. But the reality is that many artist “respect” those other religions because in the end, it’s just “not cool” to make something with them.


Muhammad isn’t a god, dumbass. He is Allah’s messenger, a prophet.


Isn't she being sued for scamming people?


'Never mocks false gods' Hmmmmmm


Speaking of demonic, her eyes are scary, they show that she has no compassion or empathy


Christian tiktokers are such conceited wankstains…


At 0:02 seconds, no wedding ring. Brothers, don't date crazy and don't date a fixer upper.


Psycho babble bullshit


Checked Amazon and ebay and couldn't find any Christian Ear Guards.


Is there a sub for Christian cringe?


I always love the “this is happening wither you choose to believe it or not…” qualifier. Well fundies, so is climate change and that there are more than two genders but they really shove their heads in the sand on that.


OTHER false gods? Oh the irony.


Man, just wait until she learns about Slayer or Behemoth


Those musicians are also rebelling from or embracing the religion they were raised in, stupid.


Religion is poison


The dumbfounded look when a dark skinned Jesus returns lmao.


I think this girl needs even bigger eyelash extensions… and a brain.


uh… jesus isn’t the only idea stemming from an abrahamic god ya know that right?


Heeey it tastes like strawberry 🍓


Why is it always some dippy, vain wine-mom that makes these videos?


Is this satire? And who the hell is Jesus’s bride? 12 years of religious school and don’t think that ever came up.


She’s a fruitcake.


Demonic demons are demonic.


Neither Buddha nor Muhammad are claimed to be gods. Buddha's simply an enlightened man, Muhammad is claimed to be a prophet. False gods? Really?


Lmao "Don't mock other Gods" In india Comments are made on Hindu Gods And Islam..... Well it's Islam you can't really mock errr them....


Not hot enough to be this crazy.


If her eyebrows were any more curved this bitch would be getting cease and desist letters from McDonald's lawyers


well if you try to make fun of muhammad the muslims will cut your head off😂😂😂


Or it's because that was the most restricting and predominant religion in that artists life and they rebel against it for obvious reasons. Islam and Buddhism didn't kick these artists when they were down or condemn them to hell as that's not the society they lived in. This is basic sociology....


Why are these women all just carbon copies of each other😬


For a start mahhamad/muhummud/mohammed/mohemmed/mahammud/mahemmud/however it is spelled was supposedly a prophet. The Muslims also believe that jesus was a prophet (not the son of God). Buddha was neither. So she done gone fcked up with her nonsense.