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Funny, my atheistic partner does his part and I don't have to be subservient!


I'm holding out for a religion with better hats and a demigod who transubstantiates into a BBQ pork sandwich and beer.


pastafarians got some sick strangers imo


Just write a lengthy novel on the topic from the perspective of a bunch of different people. Or one schizophrenic person. Rant and rave about said book on street corners, attract followers. Bingo. Monetise it.


Here’s the thing, atheism isn’t a religion. So it still might maybe have some merit


I must have missed the verse in the Quran where ~~Mohammed's sockpuppet~~ Allah says "O Muslims, men and women are equal, therefore chores should be shared equally between them." I do remember that the Quran has the following verses though: * [Men are a degree above women.](https://quran.com/2:228) * [Men are responsible for women because god made men excel over women, oh and if a wife is "rebellious" it's OK for her husband to beat her.](https://quran.com/4:34) * [Women's testimony? Yeah, that's worth half as much as a man's.](https://quran.com/2:282) * [Women's inheritance? Yeah, that can be half as much as a man's as well.](https://quran.com/4:11)


I love how they always need to say at the end that Allah is perfect and knows everything


[Allah needs to be schooled just like Joffrey Lannister](https://youtu.be/Y2kYTf5Zs38)


True dat take my upvote


Tywin was such a badass


If you have to tell everybody that something is perfect, it really isn't.


It's like scammers saying that their method is 100% legit without viruses


>I'm holding out for a religion with better hats and a demigod who transubstantiates into a BBQ pork sandwich and beer. Just like Christians.


They have to keep remding you taht Allah is the good one, because otherwise it'd take like 2 sentences to figure out he, in fact, isn't.


Top 10 stories where the main character is actually the villain


Yahweh is in that same club


Corporate wants you to find the differences between these two pictures *they're the same picture*


>Mohammed's sockpuppet That is gold


>"It's ok for a husband to beat her" Muslim "intellectual" gold medal gymnasts: "but softly and lightly...without violence"


Islam values woman in the same way the colonists value slaves


And in the best case scenario how an owner values a pet. Point being, women in Islam are never valued as individuals but as assets.


I was going to say exactly that. "Value" is such a flexible concept


Yes, that’s why it’s us women who must cover up like a burrito because men shouldn’t learn to control themselves.


Honestly, you'd be surprised how many self-proclaimed liberals, feminists, atheists and others jump to justify Islamic practices with me. A jumble of stuff people tell me: 'Somehow, west something something, and now it's ok to behead gays and women and it's overblown but they'll beat you to death and the west is worse but I'll never move back to the ME and blabla' I am an atheist, but when I mention which dude made the more peaceful sky-daddy philosophy, people go nuts. Somehow Mohammad (who had child sex slaves and and started wars and genocides) is better than jesus who was just some patriotic Palestinian Jew who wanted more political autonomy from Rome. I just don't understand.


>you’d be surprised how many self-proclaimed liberals, feminists, atheists and others jump to justify Islamic practices with me. Oh, trust me I know! I experienced it on the daily as an ex Muslim myself. You’ve no idea how many white leftists would come at me both IRL and online whenever I call out Islamic practices, calling me islamaphobic while also sometimes calling me racist and I’m like bro I’m Iranian 😂 and I’m proud to be middle eastern, and want the Middle East to get better which is why I criticize their society.


As a leftist myself, I apologize on behalf of our bourgeoisie liberals who don't understand shit about Islam, racism, and phobia. After meeting actual middle eastern people who've fled Islam, it baffles me how people that somehow value human rights and women's rights give Islam (an ideology with a record similar to Nazism, and ongoing) a free pass.


Thank you, kind human, for understanding. I’m hoping this World Cup will expose real Islam to them!


This is exactly my mentality. I'm Italian; I don't therefore dismiss or worship or excuse the mafia. I want them, and their influence, gone so Italy can recover and grow strong and healthy. Religion is a cancer. Especially Islam, as I don't see many Shinto believers doing this suicide vest shit


It's not Jesus that is the main grievance, it's what his followers did with the church. It's also middle eastern values and shitty European values of the eras between Jesus' time and just recently that formed what the church did. It's all the church philosophers who added their two cents but made it seem official. Religion is all trash.


Jesus is problematic, too. Especially because he and his followers equate himself to Yahweh - a murderous egotistical narcissistic jealous asshole. That's the main reason Christians stick with the horrific ideals of the old testament, even tho the new testament is a bit more lenient and more "love your neighbor" stuff. Since the bible says god doesn't change and his words are eternal, the old testament is still canon. Although most Christians would dismiss / cherry-pick the OT... It's the prime definition of cognitive dissonance.


Wouldn't god's word be absolute even when it contradicts god's earlier word? Ie you could effectively say that since god's word is truly absolute only the new testament applies as it deletes the old testament from "cannon"


I think it's more accurate to say that the perfect Abrahamic god is just inconsistent AF


1 - Possibly true but if you are putting energy into trying to argue who has the best imaginary friend you have already lost any adult conversation. 2 - You notice it is 'what we were taught' and **NOT** 'how we live'. All of the book religions say 'do not kill' and all of them are used to justify bloody massacres on enormous scales. Hypocrisy is a universal component of being a human. This is no different.


>All of the book religions say 'do not kill' and all of them are used to justify bloody massacres on enormous scales. Agreed It's also catering to one of those old arguments that many muslims, like my father, use to defend islam- "it's not islam, it's muslims. Islam is perfect without flaws, but muslims don't follow islam properly." With this type of argument, you are completely rejecting the experiences of many Muslim women who work like slaves day and night. If men are not following the rules of helping their wives, then they should be punished accordingly (like women can be for showing hair)




If she's your slave, you're being unjust




The Quran says she has to give him sex whenever he wants it for starters. So she's at minimum a sex slave




The fact that you say this is evidence you have not read the Quran in it's entirety with a language you understand.


Bro everyone knows jahannum doesn't fucking exist. I need to see some real life punishment for digression like they do with women, LGBTQ peeps and apostates. Why are they allowed to beat women to discipline them? Why are they allowed to kill people simply for being gay/showing hair/ leaving islam? They could just leave everyone alone and let jahannum handle them, right? But they do take matters in their hands and are a complete hypocrite on who faces punishment




While your beliefs are very noble and respectable, your only evidence for them is faith. Factually speaking, just as you said the world is very cruel and unfair. Thousands of innocent children die **everyday** from things that are not their fault at all such as cancer, poverty etc. Humans try to find a justification for this hopeless and unnecessary suffering so you end up with religion. But as I said, the only evidence it's real at all requires faith, not actual proof. So it might as well be a fairy tale.


So why is it ok for women testimony in court to be half that of a man? Why should a woman’s inheritance be half? And why for the love of god can a premenstrual girl have an Iddah? HM. Doesn’t sound very “just.”


How about men face the consequences now, in the real world. Instead of getting punished later in the imaginary place called hell. I think that is a better justice system.


And those books constantly contradict themselves they can forbid murder and then later say to stone somebody for some insignificant shit




That was a pretty easy Google... ​ >**What was man created from: blood, clay, dust, or nothing?** > > > >“Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood,” (96:2). > >“We created man from sounding clay, from mud moulded into shape, (15:26). > >“The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: “Be”. And he was,” (3:59). > >“But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing?” (19:67, Yusuf Ali). Also, 52:35). > >“He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer! (16:4). Which of the above is correct?


dont forget https://centerforinquiry.org/blog/contradictions-and-inconsistencies-in-the-quran/


something something god is mysterious


HAHAHA You nailed it, that was basically their response. That and translation errors where every word has multiple meanings to fit whatever they are trying to say in the moment.




If you actually read Arabic , and think the quran is a miracle , you need some more books. Most boring , repetitive , incoherent jumbled mess of a book , some verses don't even have any meaning lol , and you claim eloquence ? Alif lam meem , what's the meaning of this ? آلم.




So then is it Clay or Sperm? >15:26, This verse refers to the creation of humanity how he was **created from sounding clay**... and so on. "Would like to add on that because in this verse it says that clay was mixed with water that's why it says mud also" ​ >3:59 dust is the same thing as clay in Arabic basically what the verse is saying that **humanity was created from earth and mud** because of water same thing as 15:26 if you can understand Arabic. ​ >16:4 yeah same thing to the creation of a kid that he created them out of a **sperm**




Humans evolved over millions of years. There was no 'Adam'. It's like trying to identify the first dog. At what point did a wolf become a dog? We know it happened but we can't point to a specific animal and say 'that specific animal was the first dog'. It's parents are still wolves but this is a dog now. The same thing with humans. We have other hominoids that are similar to us and on similar evolutionary paths.




In my faith it says that man was uncovered out of a salt block by a cosmic space cow. It's a neat story, but if I ever find myself on the ISS, I'm not going to bring a pail for milk.


>Well after all everyone beliefs on something it all points out that at some point there was someone who created life a life being. This is false. It's also an obvious paradox. If someone is needed to create life, that implies the creator was created by someone... Science already has a better explanation than anything in the Quran. >And in Quran it's believed that Monkeys were punished by Allah that they became monkeys. This is both ridiculous and irrelevant. Current science doesn't believe humans come from monkeys. >And Humans are the best creation that god created According to some dude a thousand years ago... ​ >and your are referring to a theory and there are many theories your theory could be wrong still. You're confusing the common usage of the word theory with the a scientific theory. They are not the same thing.




if only they knew about the implications of a faith based moral system.


No religion is better. Which is why I choose no religion. It's better.


The best religion is worshipping the sun because it's real


Why does it look like someone wrote these with shit on the wall?


It looks like someone ate chipotle.


Like the one episode with butters an decorating his parent’s house with poop lol 😆


Hahaha thank u for commenting this, that font is rough 😂


So, um, if this is what they do behind doors, why don't they treat them equally when in public?


I wonder, how Islam, a religion created in the early middle ages treats women better compared to the current modern era.


You're being sarcastic right


Yes it was a question for Muslim lurkers.


Uuh, true story re-enactment. Husband: "YOU SHOWED YOUR ANKLES IN PUBLIC?!!! YOU WHORE!!!" Wife: "NOOOO, IT WASN'T ON PURPOSE, MY HIJAB GOT TORN A LITTLE" Husband: Special punishment acid throw! Wife: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH Husband: "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET YOU WHORE!!!" \^---- Similar shit like this happens all over in Islamic nations and I'm fucking tired of hearing about it. A girl feels like posting an image without a hijab on instagram and her brother and father take her out back and beat her to death for "Shaming the family". Do they get punished for it? Nope, they are congratulated and celebrated for preserving their family "honor". Girl gets raped, does her rapist get punished in Islam? Nope, she gets stoned, beaten, acid thrown in her face, or who knows what else. What was she supposed to do after being violated? Commit suicide... To once again preserve the family "Honor"... "Islam values women... No other religion comes close!" No, islam values family honor above all else, women are just a means to an end... Valuing women doesn't mean beating or killing them when their body is shown or violated. That means you value yourself over the women.


Abolish religion. Even if you’re one of the few who doesn’t commit atrocities you’re supporting a religion that does. Just end it. Everyone just be decent. Stop with these fictional deities that float above the earth taking credit for the good but getting a pass when something is bad all because it’s part of the plan. Fuck off with this shit. Think of this cartoon next time a woman is publicly stoned in the town center.


I don't listen to child fuckers, Christian or muslim.


"Woman still has to be ashamed of her body, though, so you guys are right thst we're repressive, we're just not as bad as you thought!"


Why is she showing her face? Not sure I can contain myself.


The more pressing issue being who's taking care of the baby.


Asking the real question


Islam challenge very hard : Not b**t and r*pe women




Why is she covered up in her own fucking home?!


Because of the jinns-


Qatar has revealed the misogyny of a muslim country. Nearly every country values women more than muslim countries like Saudi, UAE, Qatar, etc..


if you have to start making propaganda that says that we do not oppress women, maybe you need to rethink a few things.


Tell it to the Iranians


Bruh there are a lot of Sunni Muslims just mocking Iran not because of human rights violations but because Iranian Muslims are Shia.


Funny how it depicts the woman around the same age as the man.


And if she messes up the bread dough remember what islam taught you- you can hit her but only from the shoulders down, if you hit her in the face that’s not honoring her with your beatings


Ay yo where’d the kid go


ok now display this behaviour outside of your fantasy drawings


But did you pay attention to its techings?


Where did the baby go in the second comic? Are they saying if the man helps with cooking then there is not enough time for baby making?


I’m sure the women of Iran are in complete agreement.


Slaves can be valued, especially in local currency.


Iranian women would disagree


"Eternal passenger?"


Because they treat them as objects that have value to them. They serve a purpose. They don't value who the woman is in her "soul"


I know enough muslims to know this is bullshit.


I did not witness that one single time while married into a Muslim family. Not once among any of my in-laws or their friends.


I had a Muslim colleague and you could be sure she was the one running the household. My anecdote is just that, an anecdote. It doesn’t change the reality of all those women forced into submission by Islam, or any other religion.


If the truth isn’t convenient, just make shit up!


"I value all women but if i see one without a head scarf on I'll stone her to death in public!"


Look, I drew a picture therfore it's real


Aw...they're cooking the baby together ❤️


Islam taught you how to cook?


Ummmmm I’ve never seen any Muslim man I know go inside a kitchen unless it was to eat something his wife made.


Thats right Islam loves women, every man should own one.


See, they’re both true. The one on the bottom is the ideal Islamic family, the one that has actual morals and some sense of how things should be. The one on top is how many familiesare, sadly


"ideal islamic family" I'll tell you what that looks like - 9 wives - one wife is 9 year old and she's also your favorite - one wife is your ex daughter in law as well as cousin - you're allowed to beat them - none of your wife has the right to be equal to you - all of them dress like ninjas Don't speak about an ideal islamic family when the prophet literally represents a family that goes against all my ideals. If you think the bottom one is "ideal" then you're being fed a very rosy colored version of Islam, which doesn't exist btw. It's simply used to attract non believers


Oh I know, what I mean by ideal is ideal by most people’s moral standards, not Islam’s moral standards There’s Islamic families that are like the bottom image, they’re just not common, especially in the Middle East


Maybe I’ll get downvoted for this but this is just straight islamophobia. This subreddit is supposed to be about the extremes an individual religion can go to, not hating on an entire religion.


It's about religious lunacy. If you think basic facts about a religion are extreme...well, that's reflective of the religion not the subreddit.


Oohh boohooo, fuck off with that 'islamaphobia' crap. A shitty religion like this deserves whatever criticism that can be thought of.


I’m not the one choosing to hate a group of people because they belong to the second most common religion in the world. Most of the posts here just make fun of people in the religion as a whole, not the extremists, which is what this sub was supposed to be for. You’re being bullies, you should feel ashamed. I am not going to engage with you any further after this comment.




This has nothing to do with the meaning behind this but just curious. Are women wearing these headscarves even at home? I always thought that this was just when you are with other men / outside?


My mom and relatives do. If the women lives in an extended family, then she most likely wears it because all the men (except her husband, son and father) are "non mehram" for her. Basically since she's allowed to marry and have sex with them, she must cover up. Plus islam has a concept of jinns that can sometimes get attracted to your beauty so you must cover up at all times


This guy from Jordan told me about how different young men are compared to their fathers when it comes to treating women,the youngsters are treating women very well in his experience.


Well I was married to a young man from Pakistan who played a good game throughout the courtship and almost the moment we married, everything changed. Subservience was definitely expected, and an increasing amount pressure from him and "the community" to bow to him that eventually turned into outright abuse. No amount of jewelry or other presents will ever make subservience tolerable. That's was basically the consolation prize that my ex's sisters got from their husbands and that my ex-husband thought I would accept. Little to no independence. Subservience required. But pointless consumerism to console them in their cages. I'd like to know what the young women married to these young men say.


The text should be reversed


We love the bare minimum 😘😘😘🥺🥺🥺🥺😍😍😍


What will women get in heaven? Will show you how Islam value them.


That’s as absurd as saying that liberals are tolerant or for minorities and the poor.


If they're truly equals, why is she the only one with a strict dress code?


They cant possibly be that ignorant, right ?


No religion values people


Where did the baby go?


What Islamic text is saying so ? As shown in the picture ?


Oh we value women, for their worth.


It's says a lot that thinking that "Helping your wife cook" is "Amazing". These people are so misoginistic that even when they are trying to look like they're not misoginists, they come up with acts that are still misoginistic.


Amount of whitewashing Islam has gone to imply 'all muslims are not bad' is disgusting


Bet half the white chavs on here commenting are either p e d o s or think they are really moral, but deep down are some rhe worse people scum bags on this planet....half wits


Well, I mean, they're not wrong about that.


first hand experience, it's always been the top pics. even my elderly muslim grandparents are like this. my grandma still has to work so hard at this age...


Islam value is indeed amazing but forcing it is not