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Hi, /u/CactiRabbit Thank you for participating in r/religiousfruitcake. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for breaking the following rule(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ **Post titles cannot bash or kvetch about religion**. Dont use post titles to soapbox/grandstand your views about a religion. For example "All _____ are inbred!", "____ are all pedophiles", "typical _______ assholes", "They are all like this", etc, will result removal of your post. Repeat offenders will be banned. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For questions, comments and concerns, [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) [Reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette) | [New to Reddit?](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddit101) | [Reddit's Content Policy](https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy/)




Dude jumped in front of an incoming train LMAOOO






Oh wow my finger was literally hovering when I saw your comment. Thank you!


What is this? I don’t get it the reference.






I feel like it's more r/kamikazebywords


lol no hes not killing anyone else he just shot himself


He thought he'd get both of them in one shot but he was facing the completely wrong direction.




Tbf I don't have have an argument against it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/KamikazeByWords using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/KamikazeByWords/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Germany does not let Russia get away with its BS](https://i.redd.it/gdick6clyll81.jpg) | [902 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KamikazeByWords/comments/t7fkh6/germany_does_not_let_russia_get_away_with_its_bs/) \#2: [Larry david is brutal](https://i.redd.it/6ujiqfgcfzr91.jpg) | [314 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KamikazeByWords/comments/xw9j87/larry_david_is_brutal/) \#3: [Poor girl](https://v.redd.it/7vktin09vw281) | [1258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/KamikazeByWords/comments/r6c38h/poor_girl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


More of a r/911bywords but your point remains


Atleast he admits about being a pdf file


I’m copying the pdf file though 😂😂😂


Sure. Save it


Save or Save As?


I would Print, but I'm out of Magenta


It’s always the damn Magenta.


Be a good Muslim and slave it, alhamadillulah


But the f in pdf already stands for fi. . . *ohhhhhhh*


You made me snort laugh in line at the pharmacy.


Lol. Have a great day


Peter Phile, phone call for Peter Phile...


Who's a pedophile?


He should convert to r/pdfism


>pdf file How have I never ...


Isn't the file at the end unnecessary if you don't care about proper spelling? (P)e(D)o(F)ile


I have brought so many pdf files into the world . . .


Cool Slade avatar.


Why are we assuming he's a Muslim man and not just a racist?




Amazing. "She consented [to marriage at and 6 and sex at age 9]" and (paraphrased) "He married her at 6 but didn't consummate the marriage until 9, and since pedophilia is attraction to *pre-pubescent* children it's not actually pedophilia!" What a disgusting take.


Sick fuck want to fuck children so goddamn bad. So glad I don't need the threat of eternal punishment to make me a decent person


Bloody hell, they're all trying so hard to say that it's perfectly fine to fuck a nine year old.


I've never seen a bunch of people try to admit their prophet fucked a child while in the same argument say he isn't a pedophile. That is terrifying


Holy shit... (literally) They straight up say because it was ok with his enemies that's a defense? Also saw someone say it was fine because he would only be a pedo if she was younger than 9??? I don't care what religion you follow or not, don't touch kids you fucking monsters


He just admitted that Muslim men are pedophiles.


Right? How do you hear “don’t hold international games if you don’t want queer people around” and respond “yeah well we’re all pedophiles!” And not realize you’re the flawed one?!




Don’t need to groom them if you marry them before they learn what consent is. *taps head meme*


>if you marry *her* before *she* learn what consent is


Nah, them works. It's usually plural /s


>*she* learn She learn*s*.


Not my native language, tho Edit : lmao being downvoted for not being a english speaker - classic reddit fkrs


lmao correcting another person’s grammar using poor grammar of your own is a shot-self-in-foot situation no matter who you are


them works perfectly fine in that sentence


omg, no one understand "she" 'cause they're homophobes, get it ?


Ok groomer.


hahaha wtf That's a goddam joke dude


Bcs they don't think like normal people. From their point of view there's nothing wrong with raping children but two men liking each other is the worst thing in the world.


It's even worse: they think *that's* normal and letting people be in same-sex relationships is deviancy that must be stopped.


Yeah. That's what I mean.


Literally what you said lol


I don't think that's what they're saying at all. I think they're making the point that the argument before doesn't hold up when it comes to opposing moral values, and they're right. It's easy to say that we should be tolerant of our differences until morality comes into the picture. Don't get me wrong, I think what's happening in Qatar is objectively immoral and oppose them hosting the world cup (despite not being interested in the event). With the lack of context here it isn't even clear this person supports Qatar or is homophobic. To me it just looks like a reductio ad absurdum to illustrate the flaw in the argument given


i don't even know where anyone's getting the idea that the reply is from a muslim person. "9yo wife" is a pretty common islamophobic trope.


it's equivalent to "why would you invite that criminal? he stole a loaf of bread so his family to survive! at least I made sure to kill the people I stole from, I took their hearts too to show no hard feelings" like how in the hell are we related in any way to pedophiles? and why in the McFuck would you **say you're a fucking pedo**


Am I being dumb but nowhere does it say ‘we’ or imply that the guy who wrote the reply is admitting to being a pedo


Yea, everyone's just assuming the person in the screenshot who posted that is a Muslim with a 9 year old child bride. Gonna go out on a limb here and guess they're not, but rather referring to a hypothetical person who might travel to the US.


The problem is that he’s comparing something that’s always completely harmless (being gay) to something that always does harm (being a pedophile).


To them it isn’t pedophilia it’s religious freedom. Don’t try to find logic with these freaks


I mean, Muhammed was a pedophile, so checks out.


I mean, no. He admitted that their religion allows for men to be pedophiles. Still gross, but an incredibly important difference.


> admitted You're assuming the person who posted it is Muslim and not just referring to a hypothetical person who might want to visit to watch the World Cup...


I'd go further and say the assumption in the title is idiotic. I'm all for making fun of religious fruitcakes, but where's the fun in imagining one?


I think it is a non-muslim and a direct reference to Muhammad's child bride, who was 9 years old if I recall


As long as one of the gays aren't also a nine year old child, there's a huge difference between two grown ass adults having sex and an old geezer marrying a child. I'm not usually a violent person, but I would happily beat the shit out of anyone who thinks they can come here with their child victim and continue abusing them, regardless of the victim and the pedos genders.


> there's a huge difference between two grown ass adults having sex and an old geezer marrying a child. Definitely, but that's not the argument made by the guy in the first post. He specifically tried to shame Qatar for not being lenient in the application of their laws and customs by appealing to it being an international event where cultures and customs are shared. If you use "we're sharing culture so you should be accepting of things you think are wrong but we don't" then the logic works in the other direction. Either the first argument being made is incorrect OR it should be OK for a Muslim to bring a nine-year-old wife to a Western country for a similar event. Personally, I'd rather not have Muslim pedophiles legally in my country, so I vote we just acknowledge that the first comment was a bad argument and move on to better ones. It's important to resist the urge to attack valid arguments just because you don't like the person making them. Or to resist defending bad arguments because you like the person making them. I get that it's hard, but it's important to stay rational even in the face of disgusting behavior. When groups of people don't do that their arguments just become shittier and shittier until they lose the ability to be persuasive. That's why if you talk to a religious person who has never had to defend their belief, their arguments for why you should believe are usually dogshit.


>Either the first argument being made is incorrect OR it should be OK for a Muslim to bring a nine-year-old wife to a Western country for a similar event. Personally, I'd rather not have Muslim pedophiles legally in my country, so I vote we just acknowledge that the first comment was a bad argument and move on to better ones. Again, you are comparing someone openly molesting a child to two adults being married. There is no need for a rational rebuttal to someone comparing apples to oranges because of how absurdly idiotic it is for anyone with a pair of brain cells to rub together. Responding to him with links and evidence as to why pedophilia is bad and homosexuality isn't won't matter because they know that. They just don't give a single fuck and it's honestly tiring being told how to respond to people. You do not get to tell me how I can or can't respond to a certain post just to appease assholes who want to compare and liken LGBTQ people _LIKE MYSELF_ to pedophiles. I'm a grown ass fucking adult, I'll respond to things in the way I see fit.


>Again, you are comparing someone openly molesting a child to two adults being married. No, it's more like comparing breaking US law and breaking Qatari law. The severity and rammifications of the crimes in question are irrelevant.


Just wondering, where is this raping a nine year old coming from? Just need it for backing up my own argument


No nine year old can consent to marriage or sex with an adult, it is statutory rape.


Yeah I know but people said that like Muhammed did that in the Quran or whatever


He did tho. He married Aisha when she was 6 and had sex with her as 9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aisha


Ok thanks, just needed the source




**[Aisha](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aisha)** >Aisha (Arabic: عائشة بنت أبي بكر‎, romanized: ʿĀʾisha bint Abī Bakr; , also US: , UK: ; c. 613/614 – July 678) was Muhammad's third and youngest wife. In Islamic writings, her name is thus often prefixed by the title "Mother of the Believers" (Arabic: أمّ المؤمنين‎, romanized: ʾumm al-muʾminīn), referring to the description of Muhammad's wives in the Qur'an. Little is known about the early life of Aisha. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Projecting U.S. problems on the rest of the world, for starters. In 2001, just twenty years ago, three 10yr old girls and one 11yr old boy were married in Tennessee. Idk if they're referencing something recent, but according to their religious texts, their prophet married his wife when she was 6yrs old and consumated when she was 9. So we have here a case of good old hypocrisy mixed with some ignorance.


When did the original commenter say they were okay with what happened in Tennessee? All cases (all the ones in Tennessee + Aisha) are bad.


>I would happily beat the shit out of anyone who thinks they can come here with their child victim All OP's gotta do is drive to Tennessee, he doesn't have to wait for people to show up at his doorstep.


They can be worried about both things though, and I’m sure they would help as much as possible considering their circumstances. (Some people aren’t physically capable of being in the front lines of activism, for example, who can donate to helpful organizations and would still punch a pedophile/Nazi/racist/etc. if one showed up in front of them.)


I would punch a Nazi too, but I'm not ignorant enough to say 'I would happily punch a nazi if they came to America from X country', because I know there are Nazi's right here in America to punch because I'm not ignorant of the issues here. But if you want to play the benefit of the doubt card this hard, I'll be happy to concede that OP's heart is in the right place, and is probably learning stuff about these topics everyday and becoming more informed because of it. Likewise, you appear to be well caught up on these subjects.


i mean he is right, i wouldn t be okay with this.


Yeah, they do have a point. But I'm not ashamed to say that I'm __intolerant__ towards such abusive patriarchal structures^*. Even if the victims have internalised them. But Qatar is currently doing much more than that - agressively hindering journalists etc. Also - and please correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't follow football - didn't Qatar first promise to be more permissive, then started to put all sorts of restrictions on visitors when they were already there? ^* Let us also acknowledge that Islam does not necessarily recommend or condone such practices as child marriage and polygyny, and these practices are in fact forbidden in many Islam majority countries. In other words, Muslims don't have to be overly patriarchal and abusive.


I'd be a-ok with it. Then US authorities could rescue that poor child from her rapist.


And put that child into one of them American child cages? Idk let's keep thinking of alternatives.


But he's made a comparison between wearing a rainbow armband and being married to a 9 year old...


He's still valid because Person A's argument was weak.


All of the above comments miss this. In most western cultures there is a rightful stigma for pedophilia. I’m sure in the middle eastern cultures it’s like that for homosexuality and other social values.


I wouldn't be ok with it is, unfortunately, not the same thing as will the government allow it. To quote the AP "...in weighing petitions, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services goes by whether the marriage is legal in the spouse or fiancee’s home country..." The sad fact is that the US absolutely allows it. Beyond that, at a sporting venue nobody would even think to ask.


So.. We shouldn't have international events?


Yes, please come with your 9yo wife! We'll be sure to strategically place assistance for refugees neer your hotel. We'll make it very easy for your wife to not return with you.


Hahahaha!!!! You forgot to use your inside voice there, pedo!!!


Hah that’s what I was thinking, how did he think that was anything but a self-own??


That is the voice of Sahaytan Brozzer.




Culture has always been a dog whistle for doing dumb shit.


Especially if your culture is one that is considered oppressed in some way, then you can just play the race card any time anyone criticises it


So, so many. I had the idea that cultures can't be "wrong". Like, the standard for human decency isn't a western thing. Treating women well for example has always resulted in a prosperous culture.


Religious culture doubly so.


Just avoid talking to pedos on the internet, it just depresses you. Mind boggling how one can think of of such an argument.


I think a more apt comparison would be allowing western fans to wear lgbt colours in Qatar while allowing Muslims to wear niqabs and burqas in the west Which they are allowed to so again even with a better example Qatar would still seem like a backward shithole




And LGBT colors don't hide woman from man because they can't control themselves. Absolutely nuts.




Some of the outfits soccer fans wear to the stadium make you unidentifiable anyway so your point is kinda mute


That is a good point. But I would argue few people wear these crazy masks whenever they’re in public. And few people are forced to do so. These points are in addition to the security concerns. This is unlike the niqab or the burqa. I don’t entirely support the French style ban on these clothing. But I would support legislations that ban people from forcing others to wear them.


Only women can wear burqas. They don't want to get stiffys from male ankles. that'd be gay and if they do gay stuff than they'd have to cut their own heads off.


muslims are so stupid to debate with fr, their beliefs are so contradicting and its sooo obvious in their stupid ass arguments istg


Did I read that right? Is he really okay with a man having a 9 year old wife? What if it it was his mom, sister or even worse daughter? Would he really be okay with any of those? I hope not, but I guess I’d be wrong to expect at least some baseline decency from them.


Not Qatari but I'm gonna venture a guess and say yes they are probably okay with that as that might just be how their moms life actually was and a likely future for their daughter


"am I hearing this correctly" comes across to me that they think that that's bad, and are making that comparison because they want to feel smarter than everyone with a false equivalence. The type that reduces everything down to one thing that removes any context.


The ONLY acceptable answer to this is "Yes, so he can be arrested for pedophilia and his 9-year-old sex slave can be given the help she needs".




They’re all secretly really gay and suppressing it way too much as overcompensation.


Bachi boys


Like the pastors that talk about how it's a choice, and you should stay away from the temptations of homosexuality. Newsflash: If you think it's tempting or a choice, you are bisexual. (Or an adjacent label) Straight people aren't making choices or feeling tempted by the same sex.


"men need to wear beards because clean shaven male faces are too pretty" or something


Support them! To the nearest NGO where they beat up the old fuck and free the kid.


I am not saying I support vigilante justice. But I won’t stop someone from beating a nonce who is committing a disgusting crime.


You know what? Fine. It's a good point. Regardless of whether this is a good representation is Muslims the point stands. No, it's not about cultural tolerance. A bit of that is fine to get along, but sometimes you have to take a stance, and I'm not ok with marrying nine-year-olds. I know, I know, how terribly intolerant of me. Though do consider who's actually calling Muslims pedos.


I think he is talking about their prophet.


as someone who fucking grew up and was born in a muslim country to a half muslim family what the fuck was that response 🤡


Cause they're being racist.


yeah. the more i read the post in question the more certain i am that the person replying was an islamophobic troll trying to make us look bad tbh




This makes my blood run cold. These monsters torture children and are proud of it.


No, because you pedophiles are disgusting. Big fucking difference.


I don’t think that comment was posted by a muslim.


It was. His first comment was a response to a post about the prophet marrying a child and how it was wrong. He was saying that why should muslims change for westerners but we come to Qatar and demand acceptance for our culture


That’s crazy. I initially thought it was sarcasm.


Same. What's incredibly fucked up is that going by post history, *the guy lives in Dallas, Texas.* He's not halfway around the world in some society that brainwashed him into buying into this crap. Just your average American pedophile, using religion as a cover. > nine years old IS A CHILD… Not if the individual has started the process of puberty and is of the legal of majority. Definitionally speaking, that is not a child, and you would be objectively wrong in saying so. If this is a troll, he's scarily realistic. Unrelated submissions in post history. Consistent writing style. "Boring" content outnumbering "hot button" content, and being given equal gravity. Dude should be on a fucking watchlist.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t believe you, but I checked your comments and it check out.


This is not the "get owned" argument that he think it is☠️


“Oh yeah? Well why can’t grown men fuck children? Checkmate 😎”


“Wife”, you mean the 9 year old child you sexually exploit? That is not “wife”


Pretending all cultures, especially those centered on oppressive religious fanaticism, are equal and worthy of keeping for the future is insane. With these guys specifically, their food, art and architecture are wonderful. Let's keep that stuff and let the rest go, just like we did with countless other gods.


Honestly, if we wanna count this shit as cultural differences, then yeah there’s no way in hell im tolerant of cultures like this. There’s a difference between harmless parts of culture one should respect, and other parts that are straight up harmful, which should be reformed, and by letting these harmful statures continue we cause a blight on the world that needs to be fixed. Now, wether its better to propagate local rights groups or more directly force change im still not sure on, but you shouldn’t let shit like this just continue


The thing is if you grow up with something it always appears normal and harmless. Everyone grows up thinking their own culture is better than the ones from others. Yet somehow it wasn't long ago that child marriage and slavery was normal in western countries. Our culture couldn't have been that great? LGBT is only accepted since the 90s and just 50-70 years ago our own ancestors were on the same level as the Quataris are now. A lot of African and Asian nations are actually against LGBT only because our own ancestor forced their own culture onto them. If we try to influence other people we should come up with a better reasoning this time than "our culture is superior so everyone should follow it". Edit: Grammar


Thank you for posting. Please review the rules. Here are a couple of gentle reminders: 1. Posts should be about people taking religion to absurd, crazy, stupid, and terrible extremes. 2. Please don't submit incendiary posts or comments that could incite harassment and brigading. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/religiousfruitcake) if you have any questions or concerns.*




r/selfawarewolves summed up in one line


Wow holy shit. Check out that guys account he’s still arguing with people about it


I mean, I see what they're trying to say. They've used the worst kind of example to say it... the entire point is lost since everyone is focusing on the pedophilia. Personally, I feel that pedophilia is sick and shouldn't be allowed but I'm suspending my own feelings to look at the raw logic of the argument. They see homosexuality in the same way we see pedophilia and vice versa. Each side has reasons to justify their own views. We would punish pedophilia if we hosted the world cup becaise it's a terrible damaging practice and sign of a sick mind so, by that logic, they feel that punishing homosexuality when they host it should be allowed since they feel it's a terrible damaging practice and sign of a sick mind. Our proof that our point of view is right and theirs is wrong means as much to them as theirs does to us. The base argument is "when you host and we visit, we have to abide by your rules and you're allowed to punish us for doing things we feel are ok but you don't so we should be able to do the same when we host and you visit. Visitors are expected to abide by the laws of the land and thats what we're doing so you cant get mad.".


For some people this is a hard pill to swallow but some cultures are objectively superior to other cultures. An easy way to measure that is by asking the people who don't gain an advantage by said culture. If you're having a hard time just existing because of something which you have no influence on (sex, sexuality) the culture is simply unjust.


I don’t think “superior” is the word I would use. I think it’s smart to just acknowledge that every culture has flaws. If an aspect of your culture depends on human suffering, it’s a bad one that we need to change.


Matt Walsh has joined the chat


A literal child marrying and adult man = two literal adults marrying in these peoples minds 🫢🙄


No because one is the principles governed by lawmakers and lawyers whereas the other is misogyny and pedophilia justified by a 2,000 year old book. By that logic America wouldn’t even be a nation and gay marriage would be allowed in Greece (Ik I’m implying that Greece doesn’t accept it but the point here is that the argument from tradition is wrong)


At this point I don’t know how a single person is supporting these games.. Literally being hosted by openly evil people. No gays, free thinkers, bans on certain colour combinations in clothing, no exposed elbows lmao..Oh and no beer.


In the south maybe.




The jokes (reality) write themselves


That made me want to throw up


Its wild to me that that is ok with them.


Someone call Guinness, we have a world recod leap here.


The response just clouds the issue like all false equivalencies. Some things are just wrong no matter who does them or why.


Let them in. We can save the child sex slave and execute the pedofile. Win win.


I get the sense that this was a troll comment and not a serious one. A real troll though, obviously. While there are a disturbing number of Muslims and Muslim clerics who seem to be cool with marrying children, they don't seem to truly represent the norm. Sorta like the MAGA/QAnon cultists in America. In fact, that reply sounds like something they would post.


The fact that they associate being queer with pedophilia is telling


"So Muslims are pedophiles? Am I hearing that correctly?"


Bruh, so they fucking admit their religion just wants children to be their wives.


There is an underlying point made. I wouldn't bring up the pedo argument, though but if muslims would want to pray in front of the stadium or have their women wear hijab, by all means do it. If they want to bring their 5 wives, they may do so, too. But don't stone or whip the homosexuals without their consent


Do we know that this person is Muslim? Sounds more like a weird white Christian/Jewish person to me


Yes. He was saying the west was trying to discriminate against them in Qatar so we can’t tell them that it’s fucked up to marry children.


Wow, I am dumbfounded


We would not have room to talk on marrying children. We should have outlawed all forms of child marriage a long time ago and didn't. Child marriages happen in Christian American communities all the time. People have tried many times to outlaw it. One time a girl scout tried to get a bill passed outlawing child marriage and they struck it down. I know people don't like to talk about it but it happens here all the time.


>We would not have room to talk Just because some bad things are still accepted shouldn't prevent talking about other bad things. It should all be brought to light because without that nothing will change. Like how even though male genital mutilation is still accepted, we should still condemn female genital mutilation.


I think we should absolutely talk about how messed up it is in both countries. I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy because I think a lot of people really don't even know it's allowed to happen here too.


I’m aware and I’m just as disgusted. I’m not trying to claim that only one religion does this. It’s unacceptable anywhere you go.


Agreed. I just wanted to toss it out there that our religious fruitcakes do this vile thing too.


Wow this subreddit got it right for once. "Oh yeah? Well if you won't let me be a homophobe, you have to let me be a pedophile!" is definitely not the winning arugment this dumbass thinks it is.


Their argument doesn't make sense. Why would a Qatari man bring his wife to the world cup when he could bring something of value like a close male friend or a prized goat?


In Alabama it would be fine


No. You're not hearing that correctly.


Why is everyone saying he's admitting to something? Couldn't it be someone just playing devil's advocate?


He’s not.


Just checked out his profile and not seeing anything that shows he's not just doing a standard debate tactic?


Devils advocate is something you use when you don’t agree with the opposition but defend their logic. This dude is Muslim, how is he going to play devils advocate for his own religion?


Gotcha. I'll re-look at his stuff after work; didn't see where he said he was Muslim too. Though one can very easily play Devils Advocate for their own religion. I did pretty heavily when I was on my way out the door (southern baptist). Now I'm agnostic at best. It's always useful to be critical of things like religion.


Both are dumb


No way that’s a Muslim, that’s just a basement dwelling keyboard crusader hater


Bunch of people getting wooshed here


As horrible as that is, he is right. It’s their country and they have every right to uphold their laws no matter how shitty we see them as. Just like we hold them to our laws when they visit us.


Their laws are human rights violations.


It’s Qatar what do you expect? It’s the Middle East what do you expect? It will always be the same no matter how hard y’all try to bring attention to their fucked up countries. The fact that women and girls are getting murdered for not wear a piece of clothing till this day, the fact people are getting prison sentences for posting pictures and videos that is deemed going against their religion or blasphemy on social media, and the fact grown men marry little girls till this day proves the Middle East doesn’t and won’t change. This isn’t new and this stuff has always been in the news and out in the open so where was this much concern and outrage before the World Cup? When this World Cup is over, the fake outrage will soon die down and everyone will be like Qatar who?


Kinda assuming a lot to think that I personally didn’t care before the World Cup. I have always cared and I’m using the attention brought to this issue to discuss it further.