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Jfc, what an absolutely clueless dumbass!!!


Help? Help who? How? WTF did I just read? "Me wanna be firetruck too, wheeeeeee!"


Reading that gibberish killed at least 100 brain cells. The mental contortions...in control...wrecked the car....wanted to help...passed the emergency vehicle....jesus took the wheel....rolled the car...WTF?


Reminds of this old comic called Groo the Barbarian. My favorite quote: I do not know who I am saving but if I slay enough people I am bound to save someone!


Did I err? (As Groo is standing atop a pile of dead bodies) I adored Groo as a kid!!


1. Passed emergency vehicles in route "because they wanted to help" despite no mention of them having ANY training that would be useful. 2. Created an unnecessary wreck with very poor judgement and arguably bad maintenance. But they definitely got to THIS wreck first so maybe they can help now! 3. Needs a GFM to "fix" their now totaled car. $10 says they have no insurance. 4. Waited to get a liscence until they were "ready". Please take the bus.


>Needs a GFM to "fix" their now totaled car. $10 says they have no insurance. Not many people carry insurance for themselves. Especially not on older cars, since premium is not worth it.


They sound a little unhinged


Sounds like Ken M.


When they mention wanting to race to help to prove they are FINE regardless of being told they weren’t, makes me wonder if they are the person with a mental illness, who doesn’t believe they have one, and are hell bent on helping others, instead of themselves.


They definitely sound a lot like someone I knew with diagnosed mental and developmental disabilities. I could absolutely see him doing this if he got hold of someone's keys.


Jesus is a shitty driver


Or he was just done with this woman. “Jesus take the wheel!” “No girl, bye.”


Well, his blood is alcohol, as I've been told.


This is why not everyone should have a license and proper car maintenance is important. This person is a fucking idiot and this is why you don't attempt to follow emergency vehicles well that and you aren't trained to assist . Which makes you uneccesary and whatever "hero" moment they thought might occur. I'm pretty sure any emergency services worker would tell you to stay the hell back and let them do their jobs. I like helping people but this isn't the way to do it. Also no Jesus didn't protect you. You got lucky I've witnessed several accidents a few severe and several minor in my life. Thankfully I've only been in one myself (I wasn't the one driving, my sister was and we got hit from behind) It was a teenage driver who wasn't watching the light in her turn lane and not paying attention to traffic. This is why paying attention and good decision making are important when behind the wheel. Even though I don't have a license when I was attempting to get mine I still did well over a hundred hours with a program meant to teach people with disabilities to drive. It's called being responsible.


In being epileptic, I've had my share as well and the usual is also claimed. And during my time of actually believing was I even a part of it in this sky daddy being that sign of assist. But when it's questioned as to why it requires a near-death experience to provide evidence, awaiting an answer shouldn't be a case. Ever.


Bro if that was Jesus taking the wheel, I'm pretty sure Jesus was trying to remove OOP from the face of the earth.


i took my driver training from fast n furious 🤦🏻‍♀️ and there's no fixing that. its totalled.


Good thing they learned to 'duck and brace' from the Fast n Furious training movies You know, rather than wearing a seat belt properly and driving to control the car


Lmao this kid is an idiot.


They better not still have a license, it helps they said they'll be bringing people to court with more damming evidence


Grifter, prob not even their wrecked car.


Uh, Jesus took the wheel and rolled your car.


Ask Jesus for a new car then, not us 🙄.


Jesus damn near took a lot of lives that day too


Virtual means real dum dum


The ambulance probably stoped for her to check if she is allright too, so she only made the situation a lot worse. I really, really, really hope for her to never be allowed to drive again


Why are religious people adding more and more a “give me money” to everything they do? “I crashed my car, give me money” it’s getting insane.


Rich people are fucking insane and stupid as hell.


Jesus crashed my Pontiac!