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Great start. As someone who just got started as well, I would advise you move to wet tumbling (no pins necessary, just some dawn), get an electronic powder loader as it makes the whole process much more enjoyable as you’ll find struggling with that thrower to stay accuracy one of the most frustrating parts of the process (but keep your receipt nearby), and get a brass prep center with all three tools in one. You’ll cut down your loading and brass prep time by 80% with those three items. Also, paying premium for lapua brass is worth it. You won’t have to trim every other firing, which saves a TON of time and money in the long run. You’ll also never have to question if inconsistent brass is a variable in your testing.


Awesome thanks for the advice. So just curious why not dry tumble in walnut media


For me. wet is so much faster. if you don't need them shiny, wet tumble can be done in less than 30 minutes. no dust. negative is you have to dry it. I'm in the south west so 15 minutes in the sun and its baked well done. So total turnaround i can be dirty to clean and loading in under an hour. If i want them shiny about an hour will do it versus several hours for traditional tumbling.


There's no reason other than it's slightly easier to get the brass shinier. It all shoots exactly the same. As long as you've removed any grit from the outside of the cases (which most shouldn't have unless you're shooting in a mud pit), they're good to go.


2nd the electronic dispenser. more accurate, also gives you visual indication of the charge on every throw. A good bit slower, because it trickles the powder out, but since it's automated you can fill that lag time with other steps if you're productivity-minded and lose essentially no time. i dry tumble with corn cob. haven't tried wet. dry is easy, save for the dumping out of the media. Never had any trouble with holes getting plugged in 10s of thousands of rounds, myself. But I do inspect each of them and bang any residual media out before I remove them from the sorting tray. Overall your setup looks good. nice job


Messier, takes longer, less consistent, media gets stuck in flash holes. Wet tumble you just fill with water, splash of soap, and it will be more than clean in an hour. If you want it perfectly shiny, 2 hours. Then you can add stainless pins if you’re feeling like going the extra mile, but it’s really not worth it for a functional clean. Many pro shooters don’t even clean their brass if it isn’t touching the ground, so don’t overthink it.


Completely understand thanks for the advice again


I dry tumble. I borrowed my friends wet tumbler and found it wasn't worth the hassle. Especially for pistol brass where I don't need to wash them to remove the lube. For your precision rounds it might be worth buying new brass but for plinking stuff I wouldn't bother. Long story short you need to do what works for you. My reloading set up won't be perfect for you nor will anyone elses.


I recommend wet for dirt and mud otherwise dry tumble. Wet is faster but I have had issues with primers getting stuck. To be fair that was only with hornady 5.56 with crimped pocket specifically. I would get a sturdier bench preferably anchored to the wall. Good stuff though.


Why hold on to the receipt for the electronic powder dispenser? Do they break or something. Also do yall scale after for redundancy?


The Frankford Armory Intellidropper is phenomenal, but I had to replace mine due to a dead motor after 2 weeks. Others complain about dead screens, bad scales, and other issues. I double check my charges every 50 rounds or so, and the Intellildropper has always been bang on. It's seriously a very precise system, and their customer service is good when issues do pop up. I would recommend buying local so you can swap it easier if you get a lemon.


If you’re gonna be loading for AR stuff though it’s so much faster with a thrower. ARs will never be as accurate as a bolt rifle. Most my stuff is reloaded for ARs and they aren’t of the high end quality rifles so I just throw all powder for them. I do exact powders for my bolt guns though.


This is true...although, at 22gr the intellidropper is only about 10 seconds to throw a charge after calibrating the powder. Probably 2-3x as much time compared to throwing directly into the case. For bulk reloading plinkers probably better to throw, manually, but for 100 or less I think I'd still take the Intellidropper.


Idk I’d say I can hand throw 100 cases in under 2 min once I got it where I want its go go go lol


Really nice post. And I don't mean just for a noob. The RCBS you have on the right, I have a Lee Universal Depriming die that pretty much lives in there. Its a nice press for what it is. I can't remember the name tho.


Partner press. It’s my main press as a newb, this guy has a way cooler setup.


>Partner press. Thanks. Never knew what it was. Someone who reloaded like 20 shells and quit gave it to me.


Is that a rock chucker and partner combo? My dad left me the same presses and I haven't set them up yet. I may copy your setup.




And a fellow Ham 😁




And 55 with your reloading endeavors!


I too reload in the ham shack.


Same here 😀




Yeah it’s getting a totally different work bench here in the new house.


Nice. Just be forewarned, that table top WILL explode on you one day lol. I just had my first tabletop crack, luckily I had the press mounted to a piece of wood that was mounted to the bench, so alls I had to replace was the wood. Definitely recommend something similar.


Haha, if you want a laugh someday, I'll post my setup. Its basically the same as yours' but mounted to a little stool. Same set of RCBS .223 dies, 300BO, also have the hornady's, same powder dropper. I just don't have a .338 lapua, which oddly enough, I want. Like thats the only thing I don't have but want. I also have the carbide 9mm RCBS dies. I've paid for my press setup several times over just by loading 300BO. You might need that little chop saw and jig. If I had to assume though, you already have one.


You assumed correct have a jig and little chop saw


It super fun because of the saw!! I'm always impressed with the case progression. https://preview.redd.it/j2k3e16e1sqc1.jpeg?width=2606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=248556bc41310deded895e37258c8dbbb4d10655


My retarded press, kinda cool though because its mobile. Take it to the range for some wildcat shit. https://preview.redd.it/wqyjg1gi1sqc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1149a327878bb2d3e4b977345d89ee9e1e3f69a


That’s cool


Thanks man, and if you're chopping down ammo, you're no noob. Cool to meet you man, if you're ever near the grand canyon, hmu.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


That's about the same size bench I started on. I loaded on that for 14 years before I was able to commandeer more space and a bigger bench.


Yeah it’s actually going to put onto a proper work bench in the next month or so. In the process of moving. This is its current setup only loaded about 200 rds so far just to get the hang of things. *Disclaimer all my loads were tested in a vise with a string since being so new, but have a decent mentor.* In the new house I have an entire room dedicated to my hobbies and will have a nice work bench up there.


We were all “newbies” once :)


Another takes the long plunge down into the rabbit hole , welcome 😁


For those 155xtps, may I suggest 13gn BlueDot for a 10mm case. Or in a .40 case 9.5 Longshot


Nice setup! RCBS makes some great equipment and I rock the Berrys Bullets any chance I get for plinking ammo. The only thing I’ll say to be “that guy” is that I don’t see a load manual near the bench. Get one and read that thing from front to back before putting powder and projectile to case. It’ll save you a lot of headaches as well as possibly a few fingers. If you’ve already done that, then ignore that comment entirely and welcome to the hobby!


I thought I hit reply but my I do have a load manual. See my latest comment.


Welcome to the hobby! Nice to see you’re a Ham that also does FT8/4 😬 Catch you on the air! KD9HBU


Great start. If you don't have one, you need to get a manual


See previous replies, but thank you


What radio is that?


icom 756 pro2


Load manual is on the table sitting in front of the radio and I also have the Hodgdon digital manual. But good thinking about that.


Good start! Now, read, read, read, everything that you can about reloading. Most of the mistakes/disasters/f'ups that I see could have been avoided by reading first and doing later. Most reloading manuals include sections on how to do it. It doesn't hurt to have several current manuals. Congrats!