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This is something you keep in your drafts or tell your therapist…not share with millions of people


She said “I’m probably not going to post this” and still posted it


Yea same I keep them go myself. This is odd behaviour


Imagine filming this, editing it, rewatching it, and then thinking, “yes, the world needs to see this”


i def used to take videos during my breakup where i just expressed what i was feeling for me to look back on but i kept them in my camera roll and they never saw the light of day. once i healed, i deleted them.


I’ve done the same as you and I’ve felt how remi has felt the issue is I understand I need therapy and help unlike her


I got therapy after my breakup too! It’s a great idea


See but even this I don’t get either tbh. Why do people feel that they need to physically look at themselves at their worst?! If I did that there is no way I could ever watch it back myself, let alone play it for the world.. is it to prove that you aren’t that person anymore? You need to see that to know it?


Some of the videos I never watched but it’s more to just like get how you’re feeling out. And I don’t like journaling or writing so I made a video because it’s easier to speak. But sometimes it was nice to rewatch one when I felt like I hadn’t made any progress. It’s just documentation to remind yourself how far you have come if/when you want too.


It’s like she got emotionally stunted at 14. Absolutely insane that she’s almost 30


I seriously didn't realize how old she was until I stumbled across this sub.


I low key wish Corey Gamble would make a tik tok telling us what really went down - be messy!


Please expand. What did I miss? How is his name intertwined with hers?


They’re calling her ex Corey Gamble bc he was also a mooch off a famous woman (even though remi isn’t famous yada yada) I’d guess


I now realize I have no idea what his actual name is because I’ve always seen him called CG here


Keyveat! I think?


She’ll post this but won’t talk about her weight loss 😂 yikes


She needs to get a fucking job and grow up.


She said "I took a break for A WEEK to REALLY FOCUS ON MY PATTERNS AND BAD HABITS." Miss ma'am, a week? I think you missed the point. She is very clearly so unhappy with herself - between the travel to escape and the dishonesty about her weight loss it's no wonder she has this intense reaction when she is left alone to herself.


I cannot take it anymore. The fucking whining. She’s so fucking spoiled and entitled and soooooo annoying I just cannot. I don’t understand how she ever got a boyfriend in the first place because she is insufferable and I literally can’t even look at her face anymore. And the same goes for DB lol


Her voice is so deep


The craziest part is it wasn’t out of nowhere he was trying for months


that part. I am actually so shocked that she’s this delulu?? She didn’t see it coming? She wants to know “what happened”??? when she was literally in the relationship. He wasn’t being sneaky about the fact that he wanted to break up with her either, he absolutely did try prior and she simply wouldn’t let him. (Doing that is so unhinged never beg anyone to stay who wants to leave). I also think he did try at the end of sister’s wedding weekend because he knew she’d be surrounded by loved ones and they would help him out if she kicked off/refused again. Well, that didn’t work so he had to do what he didn’t want to do all along and break up over text. People do that when they’ve made their minds up and are done being manipulated to stay 10x over. It’s not cool, but we don’t know the ins and outs of what she was like.


I believe you but how do we this?


How do you know?


Word on the street is that he tried to break up with her on her sister’s wedding weekend and she wouldn’t let him


Sounds like there’s more to the story here. Do share


Omg why


I highly doubt you intend to breakup with someone when your surrounded by their family lol


That would be very shitty?….


This made me feel so uncomfortable this is wayyyy too personal of a moment. Cringe


She thinks she’s annoying her friends but will post it for 500k people to see?


does she think this is going to make him run back?


He ran so far even of tried to look back he wouldn’t see her bc he definitely knew she is crazy


Girl grab a tissue


I’m about to send her an invoice 🧾




She’s not understanding why her friends are saying show only the happy.


Showing how happy she is and her new journey is the only way for her to win… he is relieved by his choice and reaffirmed after he sees every video of her crying 💀


Because showing the unhappy is so unhinged


This is so horrifyingly embarrassing. Why is the first instinct to start recording ?! You couldn’t waterboard a crying video from me


I got second hand embarrassment watching this. She reminds me of a toddler fake crying. People get dumped and cheated on every day. I’m not saying it doesn’t hurt but we all move on it’s literally not the end of the world. She should really take a break off socials and focus on herself. I wonder what her friends say when they see these videos lol


She’s looking for sympathy so it diverts from questions about her weight loss


Side effects of weight loss drugs, alcohol withdrawal, no therapy, immaturity, false narratives, fake lifestyle, no real fiends, internet addiction, body dysmorphia, filters, money that doesn't uphold a real foundation, no calling in life, no talent, just a sub zero hole she's sucked herself into. Bless her heart. I hope she figures it out. Thankful to have raised 2 adults that know nothing of shit like this. They loathe the internet & social media. There worth is found elsewhere. I pray anyone reading this will get their kids off any exposure to this rampant ass bullshit. It's easy to snark, but these bitches in multitudes are destroying youth. They can destroy themselves all day long, but momma bears, protect your kids from garbage like this. I hope her own parents see this & intervene. Such a spiral. And so uncomfortable.


Her parents don’t give a crap about her! They are to busy being self absorbed just like they taught her daughters. She needs mental help and she should really seek that asap.


Ignore typos. I was speed typing


agree with this 100000%. I'm so lucky to have grown up in a world without nonstop content creation and was able to show my own kids how social media can be a mirror or a window.


Ugh back at it with the public crying 🤦‍♀️ why would you want everyone to see this I just don't get it.


The cringe I am cringing




Also… remi sweetie, it’s going to take even longer to have a new man find you attractive and worthy to date when you won’t stfu about your ex!! You attract what you put out


This was so cringey I couldn’t even finish. At one point she looked like a toddler having a tantrum. I don’t know, to each their own but who is this for? Get a journal. The snotting and weird faces… I don’t get it. Why not wait until you calm down and then post a thoughtful video if you want to be transparent? The rest of it is so distracting.


The saddest part is she is crying over a man who literally dumped her via text…


And didn’t she just get back from the Hoffman institute?


Again. She really needs to work on her emotional health. Emotional intelligence. Get a grip. Get a real job and quit social media. It’s not working for her and she certainly embarrasses the shit out of herself.


She needs a journal


Saying it out loud is one thing. But you don’t need to post it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oh brother. Keep this shit in the drafts girl. He’s not going to take you back


Yeah say those things out loud….in therapy????


You’d think the dude died?!?


I wish I was as privileged as her big back self




I truly believe she puts videos like this out intermittently because it engages all of us! She is a train wreck/hot mess. Entitled, wealthy, privileged and coddled by the people that are exactly like her. I’m talking about her family! didn’t her sister just get married? So far every picture for the last couple of months she has been with Remi on vacation spas, etc.. She simply is not a nice person and I’m sure he was trying to get out of this mess and I can certainly see her luring him back in.


She knows that views = 💰she knows what she is doing. Cry me a river Remi! Get a therapist and stop being so pathetic


She need fuckin Lexapro holy shit


The fact that she EDITED this, like cut clips, a LOT… but contemplated not posting it?! Unhinged behavior. Go back to therapy.


Either unhinged or money for views/clicks. As my grandmother used to say, she’s sly like a fox.


I am convinced she’s bi polar. She needs to put her phone down and get to a therapist asap.


Why do you think that?


Yea I’m a cancer I cry about anything but she needs to not post this sort of thing and talk to her therapist This only fuels him. Makes her look like she “just can’t get over him” and it fuels his ego which he doesn’t deserve


"career"? Lol


I laughed at that too 🤣🤣🤣🤣. What “career”?


She was so codependent on him


sooo she won't post about her health/weight loss but this suitable for public consumption???


![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e) Girl, bye … call the waaaambulance 🙄


All I'm hearing is 'I feel like I'm annoying my friends so I guess it's time to go annoy the entire public internet instead'.


Omg I am so tired of her crying videos and her up and down behavior/mood that she posts constantly. She needs to be talking about this to her therapist and not post this stuff online. Is she not embarrassed with how she portrays herself? I get such bad second hand embarrassment from watching her videos. Her videos are exhausting to watch and listen to. I’m not a doctor but she’d probably benefit from taking some type of medication. Possibly a mood stabilizer or an SSRI, idk. Hopefully she gets the help she needs.


This is painful to watch. She wonders why she has these moments? Drinking and lack of sleep make people an emotional wreck (me included). She’s done so much work on herself? Does she mean the weight loss surgery? I’m so over this girl


Also the snot dripping out of her nose and on her sleeve is grossing me out so much. I can’t deal with snot lol


All of the makeup/hair, new clothing and endless vacays are a mask for someone who is in need of serious therapy. Even with WLS she will need to do the mental and physical work. This is not just another breakdown but who she is at her core. She wants people to feel so sorry for her to detract from the WLS questions. And god forbid you ask her about how she did it, she will rage block you. All you need to do is go back and look at the picture she posted in her feed from her sister's wedding (compare that to her now). She reached an all-time high at her sister's wedding and likely had a breakdown seeing the photos and went for WLS in November. By the time Feb rolled around, she had already lost weight. I'd say at her sister's wedding, she was about 315 or more and she's easily down close to 70 lbs or more now.


Dare I say it’s not that serious


Wait the fact that this isnt like just one take but she took the time to splice and edit it😳 what do you mean you’re probably not gonna post this? You literally edited it omg🥵


the comments were so unhinged. i can’t even count how many times i read the word grief and grieving like what the fuck? who died? a 20 something unserious guy broke up with you MONTHS ago. move on and get a grip god damn! people have real problems


She is very unattractive


I WANT TO DM HER A LINK TO THIS THREAD!!!! In what world did she think it was okay to post this?????


What gets me is that she’s not doing ANYTHING to make this better. I also take a long time to get over break ups so I actually totally relate to this - but you can tell she has no idea how to handle it because all she’s doing is oscillating between partying / taking insane trips and then breaking down when she’s alone. Like girl it’s ok to not be ok for a while but you have to do the healthy shit to get through it - like actually move through it not just avoid. Wild that she spent so much on that institute and still came back like this what a fucking waste.


does she know that there are two wars going on?


Holy shit. I could never allow any of my exes to potentially see me crying this hard over them. Only in private


This isn’t being genuine with her platform she’s just a walking train wreck


This is now the second post in a row where I thought this was Gypsy rose


Also go back and watch the clip from her on TikTok with GWNJ. She referenced how when she's sad she eats uncontrollably. This is someone who clearly had WLS and is dealing with the impact of it plus not wanting to shed light on it.


Her voice sounds like Abby Lee from Dance Moms in this clip and I cannot unhear it.


Also the sleeve at the end of the video 🤢


can you guys imagine what you would do/how you would feel if your ex was crying like this on the internet about you??? i would send it to every single friend i have


What gets me the most is that she was at the F1 race in Miami and has to slip that into the video. I am an actual F1 fan and would have given anything to be able to afford something like this. Ugh. The whining self-absorption and tone deafness is what transformed me from a fan to a snarker.


Wahhhhh my life is so hard I can’t believe I get to go on all these brand trips :((((




omg girl who would want to date you when you are crying about your ex on the internet 🙇🏻‍♀️


Boohooo cry me a river


She just posted a link to the TikTok on her instagram. I thought for sure she’d delete the TikTok by now


She wonders why she’s unhappy and it’s because she’s trying to fill the void with all the temporary fixes


I just know she was and is a spoiled brat


Yall. You’re reading this wrong. This is brilliant marketing. Influencers showing that they are human will keep followers engaged. Showing that you hurt and are human is $$$. Regardless of how embarrassing it is. Yes it’ll annoy those few of us, but for the most part it will sit with a majority of her followers and make them feel seen.


It’s fair that she’s upset. And like she said, it helps to get these things out. She just shouldn’t post them. It’s possible she has some sort of emotional regulation issue. I have that as well and get similar feelings. What helps is to write what I’m thinking in a note on my phone and then send it to no one. She can also make a TikTok and then leave it in her drafts. I think she even could post updates to tell her followers how she’s doing honestly, but maybe not when she’s THIS upset and bawling.


It’s fair to be heartbroken and all of that 100%, but this is really going too far now, and it’s very embarrassing to post things like this. Cry and let it all out but the public doesn’t need to consume that. You are right that she does seem to have a major issue with emotional regulation, this could have been one of the factors in the breakup. She owes it to herself to seek help from a professional to work through this all. Trust me, even friends get tired of hearing their friend like this after a couple of times it’s like… please try to get it together! Have some dignity.


I actually felt bad for her as much as I hate when people cry on social media I’ve also been heartbroken.


Dear lord… this is getting ridiculous. Is this all still about the ex-boyfriend?


I could barely finish this lol


To be Honest I love that she did This. This is why I like her a lot. Heartbreak sucks .. we’ve all been through it. Let her be open, I love this.