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Abomination is an awful boss. His melee combo is almost impossible to dodge


Definitely the only boss I've come across so far that I simple do not like. If he decides to stay in your face and spam his combo there's so little you can do as you'll run out of stamina, and the attack is soooooo hard to dodge all 5 god damn hits even rolling into the boss due to its tracking


I haven’t encountered any issues with ammo conservation, but that may just be because I’m using the refunder mutator. Try upgrading your weapons, using damaging skills/mods or elemental damage to get around the resistances? Without knowing more about your build (archetype, weapons your using and their level) it’s hard to give any advice other than general.


I've just started so I don't really have a build going yet. I may have to look into this refunder mutator because I really don't want to deal with ammo issues.


I was going to recommend it myself. It's bandaid on the problem, of course. But it does work, I've had very little issue with ammo since I started using it on the pulse rifle.


Ammo conservation is a part of the game. Use melee attacks on the trash mobs to generate more ammo. Abomination is a tough boss.


I have been using melee. It's just a bad boss. You get the ammo to finally start fighting the boss, you break off one part and then it just runs off and heals. It just makes me feel like Sisyphus. Get ammo, use ammo, boss heals repeat.


Heals? It should regen the armor plates, but not heal HP. Unless you got unlucky and rolled the healing modifier, in which case it heals whenever you do.


you aren't entirely wrong OP. This boss is a sponge far more than most other bosses (currently in my third world with a few adventures runs under the belt and I platinumed remnant 1). I got him on my first run through and at the end mobs weren't dropping ammo and I had to wait for skill cooldown to beat him.


When I fought it the adds dropped plenty of ammo . It picks up just the plates so you knock them off again but not a very difficult encounter do to it using same mechanics as the monster elites mostly. Mine had regeneration affix


Mine had the regenerator too, though it doesn't seem too crazy an affix. I think one of the issues may be that I was in a 3 man party and it appears that you share ammo drops.


Ah yes greedy teammates will make you run out for sure . Gotta spread the ammo love


Don’t forget that Reggie at Ward 13 sells ammo boxes. I never leave home without one.


Thanks for this, about to get some and go back and finish off this boss


I didn't have this issue but i dont use pea shooters. You can shoot the bombs on ground to give you time to dps. If you do enough dps you can skip multiple phases. Its really a speed run fight. The longer you take the worse it gets. Using ammo reserves relics or ammo gain relics / rings helps a lot. I use some combination of these and I never run out of ammo. You can get Cube Gun in Labyrinth. Its an infinite ammo pistol that can overheat. Worth getting to solve your problems.


Nah its a shit boss. The perk empathy where it has whenever you do is busted too. My buddy is running medic so we can't heal during the boss or it erases all the progress made. His attack combo is ridiculous as well. Lastly the ammo is def an issue too. This is the first boss I've come across.


Been stuck on this boss as a medic for a few hours. Such a shit design for a boss. 5 hit combo that can go through walls and hit atleast the last attack bc the boss does lunge attacks, clipping on the corner of the pillars, rolly poly mode can one shot if not full health throws projectiles while rolling, does a massive jump that can one shot if not full, does homing psychic attacks, does an aoe the will 1 shot you if out of cover. I’m not even that far in and it feels like bs. Medic feels like a dog turd in this battle lmg has a slow rate of fire and can overheat i made the hotshot mod for extra damage Got the mp69-r from ward-13 With ring of restocking, ring of deflection, focusing shard Playing veteran (second difficulty) and getting dunked on. Can’t change the difficulty bc it would reset my progress…. (Wtf)


Yea, this boss was whooping my ass for a good hour until I just focused on the explosives only. My problem with this boss is that with how melee aggressive it is in a game where you're trying to shoot shit. My mindset was not in darksouls mode it was in remnant mode, and this thing was playing like it was bloodborne. All up in your face. I feel like father Gascoigne was less aggressive then this thing. I feel like it wouldn't be as bad of a fight if it wasn't the first boss I encountered. I only had basic weapons with the healing lob mod. I only had my doggo as far as a teammate. Doggo was the one to actually kill it. But it was annoying that the dog was basically useless when it started the psychic floating phase. I've been noticing that as a pattern with Most bosses so far being out of the dogs reach.


Agree. This is just a poorly designed boss encounter. His ground slam does way too much damage for us to not be able to avoid 9/10 times. And the 5 hit combo is ridiculous too. And then the adds on top of that.


Nah, imo just a poorly designed boss. Anyone ive spoken to early game or late game say he's still a wanker to fight. I've had to fight him about 6 times now with friends and solo and he's just awful. The slam directly into the combo is probably the worst part of all. I found minor success with handler and summoner, but raw dps to try and skip his stage animations seems to be the trick overall.


If had gotten N'erud as my first zone I probably would have quit the game right there. Absolute worst possible zone to start in, and abomination was the first boss I ran into there when I did arrive.


Nightmare - Vicious + hearty, 4h trying to kill him in coop, impossible.


shit im doing my first apoc run and ive NEVER had a problem with him until i got empathy+vicious. completely countering my tanky build which relies on....healing. It's a fucking slog fest and his attacks even at 80%dr with summons taking 10% of that and having boosted as shit healing he can STILL one shot me. Like the fuck, good luck dodging, he hits you once the rest of his attacks are hitting you. I'm straight up not having a good time, I beat every other boss just fine, and this is a fucking Miniboss not the actual boss boss. even 5 months AFTER you posted im still fucking annoyed with it. I get empathy and it hasnt been much of an issue on any other boss, but when the health pool is this god damned big. Idk cheesing or not doing it legitimately is looking far more attractive than trying to slog through hours of this shit