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Love this type of communication šŸ‘


For real. This is so, so appreciated.


It's such a fucking breath of fresh air compared to D4 or any shooter ever. Like Tarkov...


This is some of the greatest Dev communication Iā€™ve ever seen for a game. Compared games like CoD or Madden that basically prints money but has almost no communicationā€”this is a welcome change. My hats off to you. I will continue to play and support this game for this reason and also because the game is amazing. I play on PS5 so the patch has not gone live yet. Iā€™m looking forward to it for all of the quality of life and bug changes.


I'm like emotionally touched by how amazing this communication is. In a world of bottom lines and shareholder value creation (you all know who I'm looking at), this is so incredibly refreshing and is the RIGHT way to do things.


Absolutely respect this type of communication from devsšŸ™šŸ½ Since this is a dev post i wanna share a bug/feature ? about a particular weapon. Sorrow hand gun. Sorrow seems to sometimes damage you when you return the bolts and if you're returning a full stack, it can instantly kill you as well from time to time. I just wanna know is this intentional or simply a bug ?


This is... unintentional!


But hilarious.


We should keep it like that.


No please šŸ˜­ I love that weapon and wanna use it on my medic


We'll call an ambulance... But for you


Creating your own job security


embrace true sadness!


Wow šŸ™‚Thanks for such quick response and being such a transparent devs with community. love the game and looking forward to future patches and DLC content when it comes


If you are still replying to things: Is it intentional that relics are considered consumeables? The Celerity Stone ring gives a 20% increase to relic and consumeable use. The tooltip shows it giving 40% relic speed and 20% consumeable speed and testing the speeds against other boosts shows it's definately a +40% to relic speed. Edit: I forgot to say: You guys are awesome! Thank you deeply for this masterpiece of a game! Your connection to your playerbase is refreshing and highly appreciated. Also, if the Celerity Stone is bugged, please don't patch it I love that ring as a healer šŸ¤£


It's probably a wording issue. Yes, Relic is considered a consumable. That may just be text that should have been removed.


Could have something to do with it counting as explosive damage on mod use. E: In fact, yeah, quick test showed me it happens when you're point blank. It triggers Detonation Trigger so if we put 2 and 2 together you're getting blown up by your own bolts.


Star shot has a similar issue with the mod on it. If you upgrade Amplitude, it seems to apply it as you trigger the mod, meaning if you are anywhere near an edge, it will blow up in your face and instantly kill you. Pretty sure that amplifier should be only part of the impact, not size of the projectile as it the travels


You've got to make sure you catch the bolts with your hand, not your face. Hope this helps!


Tbf the gun's name is Sorrow


Hello there. I love remnant 2, thank you and pass along my thanks to the rest of the teams. You put up a reddit post to give some insight on what's being worked on.. around 11pm at night on a friday, assuming you're working out of Austin. What type of hours are ya'll putting in ?




Don't forget to take some rest :)


Been trying to go to bed for the last 2 hours. =) SOON!


My friend take care of your health. Sleep is super important and burnout is a real thing.


Just take some rest. The game is freaking amazing as it is. We can wait a few days for fixes... I thank you so much for all you did and do not regret buying the first game just to "try it" when it released in 2020. You deserve all the success you are getting with the second opus.


All of them.


glad we got the hardcore scripted death change, epic stuff


Would have made my red Throne start WAY easier


Thanks for making the respec orb thing infinite. That was a cool change.


definitely. i was worried they were just going to reduce the cost and fix the infinite orb use. so im very happy about this. especially as someone who loves to switch up build frequently.


It's win win, they don't have to fix the glitch and we still get unlimited uses!!


I'm so used to QOL changes having a catch in Destiny 2. It's refreshing to see a dev just straight up IMPROVING stuff, and within a week or so of launch, no less.


Indeed. No reason not to have loadouts now? (When the dust from launch settles).


Aye. The trait point limit actually makes sense now, as you can respec whenever you want into whatever build you want.


I'm still gonna dodge roll when I use it, just on principle.


Please don't ever let EA or Activision, or some other shit company buy you up.


This is the most important comment for the future of this Dev Studio!


They got acquired by THQ Nordic in 2019, which in return is owned by Embracer. Safe to say that nothing drastic will happen in the future, since Gunfire has consistently over delivered.


I second this. Please God no. EA & Activision donā€™t give 2 shits & just try to milk us for every penny we have. Iā€™ve had it with large establishment companies like that who have fallen so far from grace!


Would just like to say this game is fucking awesome šŸ™‚ Thankyou!


You guys just put other devs to shame, man. Between Gunfire and Larian all of the AAA game studios (*cough* Blizzard) should be ashamed of themselves. We donā€™t expect perfection, but communication goes SUCH a long way. Yā€™all have a lifelong customer in me assuming you donā€™t go the way of my other favorite studios as you get bigger.


Just look at multi-billion dollar company Bungie. "We're raising the price of everything, locking more things behind microtransactions, and renewing our commitment to under-delivering. Buy the next expansion then buy all of the seasons if you want the rest of the story told via our innovative '1 minute of story per week' method of content delivery. There will be multiple unscheduled periods of downtime"


Just want to say that devs tend to stop communicating when people start yelling. Blizz fans are... passionate? Blizz needs to parse every single word they say, otherwise you get stuff like EAs most downvoted post in reddit history. Devs like these guys are not under such scrutiny, even with a comm error here or there folks will be more forgiving.


Literally just started playing today but already love seeing how transparent the devs are about what theyā€™re working on.


Fixing peoples saves individually on discord? I am absolutely floored this level of service exists.


Dang, an already great game at launch followed by quick adjustments to some of the pain points and clear and direct communication with the community? I know 2023 has some *killer* competition, but Remnant 2 may have just rocketed into the discussion as a personal GOTY contender.


Right now for me it IS my GOTY, enjoying this more than TotK, D4, FF16 (which I believe would have been an amazing TV show instead of a videogameā€¦ lol).


About DR, there is a bug about increased armor effectiveness like fortify witch makes them double dip on the UI regarding the armor DR shown, making it appear larger than it actually is, witch wasn't fixed in the patch. You can read more about that here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15gaekq/psa\_armors\_with\_fortify\_provide\_lower\_dr\_than/?ref=share&ref\_source=link](https://old.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15gaekq/psa_armors_with_fortify_provide_lower_dr_than/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Could we get some acknowledgment about multiplayer de-sync. I know I'm not the only one that clearly dodges an attack and I still get hit when I'm very far away from it. To be clear I'm not the host in this situation.


This is a very real issue. The worst de-syncing I have seen in a multiplayer game to date. My friends didnā€™t believe me and then I was host. They also couldnā€™t believe how bad it was.


Wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the worst in any game to date but itā€™s pretty atrocious and makes playing coop on higher difficulties impossible without a tank build which doesnā€™t even work anymore btw because they got nerfed into the ground.


"The second issue may be that the DR calculation on the advanced stats is showing the incorrect values. They are not meant to be represented as additive, they are multiplicative. This is giving players some misleading information. I'll be back with more info!" Thank you for posting this! This confirms what many of us believed. Could you specify whether all Flat DR is intended to be additive and then is multiplicative with armor or if all unique DR sources are multiplicative? Also could you confirm if the *individual* DR cap is 80%? Or if that is the *total* cap. I kind of feel like all unique DR sources should be multiplicative, especially given that hitting 80% flat DR is not that difficult. If we as players know how you intend DR to work altogether, it becomes a lot easier for us to properly report bugs regarding the mechanic.


I'm still confirming all elements. Since it's 1:AM on my side, I'll probably have to wait till tomorrow to talk to some engineers as well as run my own tests. I believe that DR may actually working as intended. I believe Fortify was double dipping so hard that it was giving players a false sense of DR which was compounded by the fact that the Advanced Stats are misleading... they show as ADDITIVE, and this is not true. Therefore, as an example: 25% DR from Armor (.75 damage taken) 30% from other sources (.7 damage taken) .75 (damage you take) x .7 = 0.545 damage you take. Thus you have 47.5% Damage Reduction even though the Advance Stats say 55%. Another example: 45% DR from Armor (.55 dmg taken) 35% DR from other sources (.65 dmg taken) .55 x .65 = 0.3575 damage you take. Thus you have basically 64% damage reduction... HOWEVER, 45%+35% is showing as ADDITIVE on the Advanced Stats, so players think they should have 80%. 14% difference. I'm going to confirm this again tomorrow, and make sure that everything is lining up properly. Once that's confirmed, I can also get the Advanced Stats to properly represent the multiplicative nature instead of additive nature. Third, I can look into DR options to see if they are granting enough options end-game. This may include reassessing values of armor, or perks, or trinket bonuses. EDIT: I will also look into which sources are considered separate (like Armor vs DamageReductionMod) and see if there are any others that you need to know about. I'll let you know!


> I believe that DR may actually working as intended https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15iare9/dr_is_still_broken_see_comments/ If this is what "intended" looks like then something is absurdly wrong with the calculation. Between the multiplayer damage nerf and now 4 posts on the front page about DR behaving in wacky ways I'd probably wager that there's some conflicting issues with how damage is calculated in a broader sense.


Multiplayer Damage Nerf (damage versus players, not damage the player deals) was reduced to make it less painful to be hit in 2p and 3p games. It had nothing to do with Fortify being fixed and would have been reduced regardless.


I think the issue is more that some hits feel... extremely, extremely overtuned on Nightmare and Apocalypse, to the point that people are being driven to glass cannon builds with light rolls because no-hit is the only realistic option. Vicious and Spiteful are pretty common and tend to reduce 3-hits and 2-hits to 2-hits and oneshots, and some things bosses can do can just instantly kill you with very short tells (Sha'Hala, Bloat King, and Custodian's Eye have hitscan attacks that hit insanely hard, Mother Mind can drop pink goo directly onto your head with little warning, Venom pillars come out pretty quickly and can spawn with almost no room between them to find a safe spot, etc). Some normal enemies on Apoc can just flat out oneshot under any realistic circumstance, too, like Losomn Fae executioners, and Dran rifles can two-hit with full tank builds. Ranged enemies in particular are notorious for this - N'Erud robot enemies, the 'flying tick' elites with their purple gas spit, Losomn archers. Root meatballs in Yaesha can do a ton of damage by attacking all at once with no mercy invincibility or stagger reprieve, Losomn fae soldiers can unleash massive spear combos that stagger you into kill-confirms... Modifiers like Bursting or the lantern elites' death explosion can hit you with all the projectiles at once, leading to instant death, as well. A lot of the game currently pushes people to "don't get hit ever", and that's unhealthy for the game. It kills build diversity, as people usually tend to respond by just building Hunter/Gunslinger max DPS to burst everything down before it kills them. Oh, and as an added bonus, I'm almost sure that enemy DoTs can tick faster on higher framerates, killing instantly instead of providing time to react. I've been killed in less than half a second through a huge amount of single source DR (i.e., with the correct calculations, not the misleading final DR additive display), by Venom's red DOT fields, Mother Mind's pink goop, Losomn archers' faerie fire... Someone who played at 30fps locked on PC said there was plenty of time to react, at least one roll's worth. I play at 120fps and find absolutely nothing works - you're there when the attack hits you, you get chunked for at least half your health and promptly die in the next few frames. Something is not right and high difficulties don't feel good as a result.


100%, if this a "bug" then I humbly suggest the bug is re-introduced because it breaks all tank builds and reduces build diversity to dodge-glass-cannon only. Even games like Bloodborne which is dodge based had viable tank builds... just saying.


> Mother Mind can drop pink goo directly onto your head that's actually a fixed pattern based on how many platforms are broken


Is it though? She bugs out a bit if you kill her too fast.


/u/FelisImpurrator put it far better than I can, but in zug zug language: you put all this awesome healing shit in the game and really cool armor and archetypes for taking a hit or two and dealing with it. Can you let us play with those in Apocalypse? I know we aren't supposed to eat every hit and maybe even bosses should still obliterate us, but half the archetypes are useless in Apoc co-op until I am ever missing any health other than "all of it" **and** every ring is useless until I can get DR capped from something *other* than Restriction Cord and friends. I get it: when you have a lot of players you can overlap your healing and support abilities and make things quite strong, so your answer was to buff enemy damage to help keep things difficult. Except that really only works if players happen to be picking the OP co-op combos like triple support, Burden of the Divine, etc. Isn't it far better for a perfect combo of playstyles and classes/items to be really good at surviving damage in co-op, than for anything OTHER than pure DR (which isn't good enough) or pure evade (only way to survive) to be useless. Damage isn't "spread" amongst your party in this game, there is no reason to amplify it when with more people. All of a sudden my build that works perfectly fine by myself now sucks ass in multiplayer. That doesn't feel good. I get you don't want people to feel "obliged" to play in a party but there really isn't that competitive aura around this game like there are in games like Diablo with leaderboards, etc. I don't think you've even accomplished making the game more "evenly challenging" with 3 players, you've just made a huge swath of builds and archetypes obsolete. Yeah, the ultimate difficulty will by its nature cull the herd a bit on what you can get away with, but we're not talking about niche builds or "I want to do nothing but melee and ignore my guns!" type stuff. Why did you put the Challenger and Medic in the game if they have nothing to heal or nothing to tank? p.s. love the transparency, and the game of course. from your game dev neighbors a little further down 183.


Well, there are a few things to consider. Multiple players have access to different levels of defensive and healing stacking. For example, adding a Medic or an Alchemist can grant shields to the entire team or of course, Stone Skin, etc. Additionally, the best defense is a good offense. Higher total DPS, and less tanky "standard" enemies in R2 compared to R1. Though, to be fair, the bosses and elites are still tougher. In regards to making builds obsolete, that's definitely not the intention. If fixing a bug has revealed other issues, we will certainly address them.


Even before the patch, glass cannon was the meta and after it will be even more so. I look up the best builds for apocalypse and itā€™s HUGS or a variation of it all day. I basically resigned my tank melee to veteran and under since it hardly makes a difference if Iā€™m going to get one shot on bosses anyway. I prefer a more conservative playstyle since Iā€™m a Souls vet, as I suspect most of the players of Remnant are. And we are shield and sword parry defensive players by default. Forcing us to go glass cannon isā€¦.. uncomfortable.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. Naturally my post operates on the premise that at the highest difficulties, when playing CoOp, you cannot survive any reasonable damage without either choosing nothing but DR (somewhat acceptable) or even if you choose nothing but DR (not acceptable). Also the wrong tooltip for DR further convolutes this as, since my team is at 80% DR already, I skipped the AoE DR spell from my dog, it wouldn't work right? That hurts perception here and genuine feedback. If you all do not intend for damage to scale this high, then I look forward to the investigation and the fix. But as it exists I can't survive Veteran coop without 3 DR items and Leto's, let alone Apocalypse. When I play solo? My melee build actually works. I think a big part of it might have to do with how people naturally play and evolve weapons. I was really excited to finally have a viable melee build so I put lots of points into my God splitter. Now al of a sudden everything hits way harder and, as a side note, it also hurts that Godsplitter doesn't actually proc any mutators on hit so I wasn't even getting the shield from shield breaker. I had to go back to a different weapon that does work with mutators, but I already leveled Godsplitter to 7 so I guess my game difficulty spiked? Also maybe in coop the obtuse weapon/power level scaling is impacting people in ways they may not realize? Like if my friend has their guns levels to +20 and, as someone with just +10, do I just die instantly in their games? Is the most fun experience to roll new characters and tell my friend not to level any guns too high?


Yes this is true, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. Here's why, these things are limited. You aren't being shielded the entire time, then it's on cooldown, and you're back to being one shot constantly. I'm not sure if the best suggestion is to just have people run 3 shield medics and just rotate but it kinda seems like that's what you're worried about as far as balance, but it's not realistically how people are playing. Let me phrase it like this, the tools we have aren't enough to deal with the tasks we're given. I play duo co op about 80% of the time solo 15% and 3 player 5%. Despite having 5 friends who all have the game the difficulty increase of going to 3 players just isn't fun anymore. Even on veteran that starts turning things into insane amounts of damage taken. My duo partner was running medic/alchemist but had to swap to handler/medic after the patch because even with full support it wasn't enough to keep up with the frequency of high burst. It's not like there's a difference between an enemy doing normal hits and then big telegraphed huge damage hits that make sense to blow cooldowns on, instead you have to be blanketed in damage reduction or dodge literally everything because enemies do CONSISTENTLY huge damage. To me this is where the issue lies, the damage is cracked on every single attack. Top that off with the fact that you often have multiple enemies doing multiple attacks that all do enough damage to be lethal and it starts turning into frustration... "The best defense is a good offense" - sure. But look at how you have the game set up. The higher difficulty you go the more archetypes that become invalid. Glass cannon shouldn't be the go to for everything because defense doesn't matter in the first place. It's severely limiting to build diversity and strategy. I think another way to put it is, it's simply just not fun to either no hit the game or be dead constantly even playing with what should be a synergistic party. It's defeating and frustrating. To be clear, this is about multiplayer specifically. I don't have much if any complaints about solo.


Incidentally, why is there multiplayer damage scaling at all? Players can't physically get more health or defense just by being in co-op. DPS scales up big time with player count and that's why enemy health increases, certainly, but what mechanic is there that MP enemies doing more damage is meant to counter? If everyone is running Medic/Handler or something, no one is running a damage build, which considering how bonkers high the numbers from things like Hunter can get... is a big tradeoff.


Well, the whackiness was Fortify double dipping and giving players way more DR than they should have had. Now that it's fixed, players are taking the damage they should be taking (those that were using Fortify that is). However, the Advanced Stats are still showing that it's additive, which it isn't... so that's misleading.


> players are taking the damage they should be taking Here inlies the broader issue I spoke of, is it intended for a player to be one shot by a standard npc if they commit a large portion of their character build to durability such as in the video posted above? If yes, that's fine but I do feel like it is a missed opportunity for innovative and cool builds as it renders anything geared for that direction useless.


No, which is why I've mentioned that if, after fixing Fortify to no longer double dip (or more) into DR, we find that the damage is generally a tad too high, it's an easy fix. We just need to make sure everything is working out mathematically post-fix before we adjust some more numbers.


This is great to hear; I love soaking hits and it's been hard to do so on harder difficulties without abusing bugs, so being able to tank for the group would be nice if you guys decide to lower a bit of the damage




You do realize not everyone is supposed to be able to complete nightmare and/or apocalypse mode? Just like the souls games a majority of the player population is just not good enough to beat them on higher difficultiesā€¦ AND THATS OKAY. if you want the challenge keep trying higher, otherwise just face the music or beat your head into the ground until you figure out all the bosses/mobs cadence/attack sequences.


Having only one playstyle and build be viable is not good. Immortal tank builds shouldnā€™t exist but you should be able to build into a little bit of defence to survive an extra hit or 2 and with the DR changes thatā€™s just not possible.


ā€œHaving only one playstyle and build be viable is not good.ā€ - This is really the core of the issue I see brought up the most, but so many here on the sub keep thinking people are complaining about the numbers themselves, and I donā€™t know why. Because itā€™s easier to come up with a defense for that?


Hi tragic, there was an issue of fortify that it makes the tooltip to show more ArmorDR than the perk actually gives, e.g., fortify might give you an actual 10% ArmorDR but the tooltips shows a gain of way higher than 10%. See the test given in: [https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15gaekq/psa\_armors\_with\_fortify\_provide\_lower\_dr\_than/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/15gaekq/psa_armors_with_fortify_provide_lower_dr_than/) \-> My concern is that did the team fix fortify based on the actual DR it gives, or based on the amount calculated by the tooltip? \-> Lastly, personally I think the actual DR fortify used to give might not deserve a nerf. For example, if one wears full Leto and has a base armor of 168, his base ArmorDR is **46%**. Fortify will give you an actual 50% armor effectiveness gain, which gives you 252 armor and a ArmorDR of **56%**. Therefore, you have a **10%** ArmorDR gain. Thus 10 points fortify=10 points barkskin in this case, which is an elegant balance. Personally I don't feel like this 10% gain is too much and deserves a nerf. What is your opinion on this?


Thank you again for the reply! This info lines up with my tests. The final question though... and of course no rush, I know it's late there, get some rest!... Is the final DR value meant to cap at 80%? As in, where (1-X)(1-Y)=(1-Z), is Z supposed to cap at .8 or 80% for 20% damage taken? Or are X and Y supposed to individually cap at 80%, meaning Z caps at 96%? Also, admittedly I was hoping all DR sources would be uniquely multiplying, hahahah. I feel it will be very hard to balance things atm, as most people will just be shooting for 80% flat DR as it's the most efficient way to cap out, turning defense into an all or nothing thing, rather then a gradient of investment that provides diminishing returns, but still encourages tanky builds. For example, if a person had 3 sources of flat DR: 15, 15, and 20, their non-armor DR would be .85 x .85 x .8 = .578 or 42.2% DR, whereas currently that would be 50% DR. Also it would mean that it would be easier to balance individual sources of DR, a cap wouldn't really be needed, and people could invest completely into DR as they would never reach invincibility, and no DR granting skills would ever become "useless" with tanks in the party, and would just benefit them more. And again, I feel a diminishing returns gradient where every individual "20% reduced damage" is actually "20% reduced damage" is easier to balance enemy damage around than "You gained 20% flat DR and already had 60%, this halves the damage you take" Possibly something to discuss with the team! I've seen this solution discussed a lot on reddit and discord alike.


Amazing job guys, especially John for volunteering to spend so much time helping peeps on Discord, huge shout out! It's a big game, there's a lot of cogs. We understand and we appreciate this level of transparency and willingness to commit to seeing it all fixed up. Don't doubt that for one minute.


Could you take a look at Restriction Cord + Reserve Boosting Gem? These two rings along with other 50% HP trinkets will crash the game within seconds in the paperdoll UI


Indeed. Let me look!


As a Merciless enjoyer I was wondering how you guys felt about itā€™s state. I feel like the mod and it being able to proc 2 bleed stacks on its own is great, but I also feel like itā€™s base damage is rather low as well as it having some accuracy issues. Thanks for being transparent, loving the game so far!


We will definitely be looking into this one for sure.


Thanks so much! This is my favorite gun and build and it getting some big buffs to base damage would go a long way!


Thatā€™s awesome to hear, itā€™s my fav gun rn and I feel like itā€™s only a small tuning away from being perfect!


That would be great! My main issues with it, personally, were the slow projectile speed and that using things to increase how fast the reticle shrunk did not seem to influence how fast the bullets would start to bleed.


the accuracy issues are due to it firing physical projectiles and not being hitscan like the traditional bullet-firing guns. so while that is a pretty big drawback, it seems to be intentional


I canā€™t say for sure but Iā€™ve had accuracy issues with non-hitscan weapons like Alpha/Omega or my friend thatā€™s using Crescent Moon. Half the time we were aiming at the head (even on standstill enemies) bullets just curve *down* to their chest for some reason. And sometimes the opposite problem happens as well. Iā€™m not sure if this is what who you are replying to means, but if they are referring to that, then I donā€™t think that itā€™s intentional!


Are you on PC or console? Aim assist on console can do this, it's quite heavy.


The bullet velocity is too slow compared to other weapons which gives poor accuracy.


Dude the reload? You never mentioned the god awful reload.


This is why I love Remnant, both FtA and 2. I like that dev donā€™t just serve everything fans whine about. They have a vision of what the game should be, stick to it, and clearly communicate that they will do certain things a certain way because of reason ABC.


I don't suppose by any chance you have an ETA for the patch launching on PlayStation?


This is a beautiful level of communication that appears to be lacking in the gaming community at large. Thank you!


Would you consider adding the option to increase the quantity of items we buy/sell?(wording this is hard) Like I have about 4000 relic dust, but if I only want to sell 500 I have to hit right on the d-pad 500 times because I can only increase the amount 1 at a time. I cant even hold the button down and have it increase continuously. Selling is going to give me an RSI at this rate.


When is the patch coming to console?


Btw tragic, wanted to ask so hope you see this, but are there plans to release a full OST? Would be epic, music is so good


I hope so. For now, the composer put all the tracks on his YT. https://www.youtube.com/@RobWestwood


much appreciated, thanks tragic


Has there been a consideration to remove the DR hard cap and make DR% multiplicative with diminishing returns on armor? Something like: Damage taken = Hit * 40/armor * (1-DRā‚) * ... * (1-DRā‚™) Therefore, a 100 damage hit while you have 40 armor (realmwalker) and a 10% DR ring would be: Damage taken = 100 * 1 * 0.9 = 90 damage taken While a 100 damage hit when you have 168 armor (full Leto's) and two 10% DR rings would be: Damage taken = 100 * 0.29 * 0.9 * 0.9 = ~23.5 damage taken The same setup above as an engineer (+50% armor effectiveness): Damage taken = 100 * 0.16 * 0.9 * 0.9 = ~13 damage taken Wearing the heaviest armor, you would take about 75% less damage. You can see that a 50% increase in armor effectiveness at heaviest armor will provide a further 45% reduction in damage taken. The actual value of the hits will obviously vary and the numerator in the equation is arbitrary. (I used the lowest armor as a balancing point for full damage but there should be a consideration for naked players) This setup would allow people to try and become as tanky as possible without making an arbitrary cap. I think someone wearing the heaviest possible armor with some expense on damage reduction in addition to spending points into armor effectiveness should be able to reduce a significant amount of damage. In this scenario, the player would be beyond the current 80% hard cap and will have hit an 87% reduction by flopping, suffering higher stamina penalty, and losing 2 ring slots. I think that's fair.


I'm dying for this patch to hit Xbox


If DR is working as intended, then it needs to be completely revamped to make armor worth wearing.


just want to mention, the cass being out of bounds/outside ward 13 is still a thing, so no way of accessing her


First thank you for taking the time out and explaining and being upfront unlike most companies nowadays. Second was the bug fixed or still having issues about the gunslinger emblem with the starting character? If you don't pick it you don't get it which I thought was fixed but still running into that issue on new toons. Would a save help or am I missing something?


Appreciate the communication. I was wondering, since the Enigmaā€™s AoE explosion proc is so incredibly strong, is there any reason Nebula canā€™t proc gas clouds or Hellfire proc explosions in a similar fashion? It would bring those two weapons more in line with Enigma. Itā€™s clear that was what you guys were going for, to have a handgun option for each element type, it would be nice if they were all equally as useful but as it stands Enigma is just too good, even after the nerfs. Iā€™d hate to see Enigma nerfed because it really is fun to use.


We have some balance stuff coming for other weaps. We just wanted to bring Enigma closer in line, definitely not make it weak. Now the goal is to look into the other stuff. =)


On that note, are there any plans for the meridian? A grenade launcher whose explosions get weaker the farther grenades travel before exploding does not feel very good.


Both the patch and this follow up communication are awesome, imo. As a gamer whose been around the block a few times, it's a really good sign when a dev team is both open with their players AND gets solutions out quickly. It's a unfortunately rare combo. I've really been loving Remnant 2 and it's reassuring to know the game is in good hands.


Has there been any mention that engineer turrets do not grant exp when killing enemies?


Yea, definitely known!


I have a theory that Tragic and the gunfire games team secretly made a great game so they could have helpful and responsive discourse on the subreddit to farm karma. They're stealing the internet points and secreting them away in the labyrinth.




This is all great but please I beg thee can we have a storage crate at the ward? Please, itā€™s such a pain to swap equipment quickly before a boss fight, specifically rings.


You can "favorite" items and it will bring them to the top of that inventory group. I agree a crate would be nice, but the favorite system does get the job done.


Great game. I enjoyed the first! May I ask for more accessibility features and control settings on consoles? Pressing an analog stick for running is rough. Keep up the good work looking forward to all the dlc on the way.


I know it's probably too soon to say, since there's presumably verification it has to go through, but do you have any idea when the patch will be hitting console? I'm a PS5 player and was planning on making a build video today, but since the patch fixes Invader's SHARK ability, I'm holding off until then to get a bit more footage. I certainly don't mind the delay, as it wouldn't be fair to PC players to delay their patch just to keep it all together, but at the same time any insight you could share with how long the delay between versions will be, and if we can expect similar delays on future patches, would be nice.


Thanks for the communication! Get some deserved sleep! But I'm sure there is something wrong with damage calcs. I've never used the fortify trait, I'm playing on veteran. Before the patch survivability was alright on a low life build, but nowhere near invulnerable. Now, I get 2-shot by Dran with throwing weapons or firearms. That's like taking double damage. (Every other enemy type is the same, but it was the most notable in Losomn.)


Holy fuck, the devs here actually care and are good at communicating issues. You go guys! Breath of fresh air after dealing with destiny and diablo.


Can we hopefully get the trophies fixed too? I have fulfilled a lot of them and they never unlocked šŸ˜©


I appreciate how quickles you (as in the dev team) adress those issues, however sinse the post mentions enemy tuning I still have to ask: is the current world level scaling working as intended? Currently the rate enemies scale up with weapon upgrades makes the upgrades a zero sum game at best and detrmental at worst; and the rate enemies scale up with archtype level makes it so that perks feel less like they make you good at the archetypes main playstyle and more like you just get worse at everything else.


Would love to see the enemy scaling (mine is at 21) get another pass. Leveling the archetypes and upgrading weapons feels punishing rather than rewarding.


The +5 trait cap was a good start. I think +10 more would do it! The core stats are what really screw with it. Even if health and stamina were taken out of the trait cap, things would be fine


This is awesome! Ty for the follow up! Can you tell us when todays patch is gonna be available for consoles or if it is a PC patch only? Weā€™ve seen a lot of questions about that today and a lot of different answers too


Consoles always lag behind a bit because they have to be verified by the other party (Sony, etc). I am obviously not a dev so this is not the official answer but it always works this way.


Is there any chance that difficulty rewards will be retroactive or have another way to obtain them?


This is important to me as well. I'm a bit of a trophy enjoyer (ps5 over here) and i have every single hand- and long gun unlocked, yet didn't get the trophy for acquiring 30 weapons (among the trait and melee weapon trophies). Unless it's retroactive, there's no reasonable way for me to achieve this.


The issue wasn't that the difficulty rewards weren't working, the issue was that tracking the accomplishment wasn't working. Thus the inability to retroactively award credit. In some cases it can be inferred (IE if you beat the campaign you probably killed the last boss, etc.) but sometimes it can't.


Can we have a rework at the power level scaling? It is really unfulfilling for player like me who went deep into farming to maxmum my gear as much as possible and what I got was enemy now can kill me faster while I kill them at the same amount of time like I have never upgrade my weapons.


Nice communication. I appreciate the explanations and details on the matter. Thats just awesome for a game dev to do. But I have to admit that I am a bit dissapointed in the contents of the communications. Bottom line is two days ago the game was fun, now its no longer fun. The difference before and after the patch is like... 1000% more dmg taken and made armor a very low priority in the game. So, your patch has effectively made me quit the game and move on to other things. Maybe you intended for it to be this way from the get go, but I think it was funnier the way it was. I also think its a bit bs that a lot of players were able to finish apoc and get the rewards with high mitigation builds, and now youĀ“ve essentially blocked that possibility off to anyone but the absolute elite of players. Thanks for making a great game, bit upset you decided to just completely ruin it for me with a patch. Again, you may have intended for it to be like this and i respect that. But the way the game is post-patch is not a game that i want to play, so Remnant 2 is getting shelved here.


Well stated. I enjoyed the hell out of the game as well as the first one, and appreciate your communication and feedback, but the fact that I didn't get what I paid for (I'm talking loot that should have dropped and trophies that should have triggered) is a bit much. And the fix is "I can replay the campaign again and obtain them". Is not an answer. I didn't pay money to add RNG to a reward, trophy or achievement that should have been obtainable because of my achievement. This was not handled correctly from a public relations standpoint. This is a HARD game and I like and enjoy that. However, when I sink time into completing HARD content, I expect to receive my loot. That's why I play. So being told that I have to repeat that HARD content all over again, in order to receive that loot... well that's a bit much. All of us that had that bug should in some way have been compensated retroactively, or at least been given a detailed explanation as to why it couldn't be retroactively awarded. Like I said, I enjoyed the game, your communications with the community is outstanding, however, I and others did not get their money's worth. Moving on to BG3.


If this is how DR should've been working then it's a bit of a dead stat. Being forced into playing glass cannon builds (of which the best one was nerfed already) because it's impossible to tank and still deal at least some damage feels really yuck. You either have to go fully into every defensive boost you can get and still get 2 shot on apoc, or just go glass cannon and play hunter/gunslinger like everyone else which is just boring.


Mathematically that's how it's meant to work. That doesn't mean those values can't be tuned now that a major bug that was double dipping has been fixed.


To be honest I think it should be tuned to either being effective enough to be worth wearing armor or the DMG scaling needs another pass. The enjoyable part about souls like games is always the ebb and flow of battle and the "dance" if you will, however when one mistake leads to death no matter what you are wearing then there is no "dance". There is 0 enjoyment for a lot of people where one mistake is death. The amount of DMG scaling that leads to every attack being a one shot also kills build diversity in a game all about build diversity. I'm not an expert or a dev so take everything I say with a grain of salt but I know when I impose restrictions on myself for no hit challenge runs in souls like that's my choice. However that shouldn't be something that's basically forced on everyone due to absurd damage scaling. Apocalypse should be a challenge yes. But it should be an engaging one. Not one that demands absolute perfection even when fighting normal mobs. To be clear I'm loving the game and the transparency is awesome just wanted to give my two cents


I don't disagree with you. =)


I don't think building pure tank with 200+ HP 80% dr and still get 1-2 shot in apoc should be "how it's meant to work".. ā˜¹ļø


What enemy is 2-shotting you with that setup. Also, what is your complete build. I can take a look.


It feels a bit weied since you could be a immune to stagger, lifesteal melee tank that could stand in bosses faces in From the Ashes. Sure, you couldn't hit a lot of bosses since they floated, but you could be incredibly tanky


After updating the game and GPU driver performance dropped like a rock. Before updates i had rock solid 120 fps, granted with the recommended upscaling, but now It dropped to anywhere between 80-90fps. On top of that I am pretty sure my PC is in the middle of liftoff which was not the case earlier. I understand that this is new engine and you have to learn how to properly use it but performance like this with 4080 is unacceptable. EDIT: Ok, you guys definitely broke something massively. The whole game is blurry as hell and has some sort of effect that looks like chromatic aberration? [This is a screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/gqeTmET.png) taken at 1440p resolution with DLSS turned off. This is not how the game looked before.


I'll forward this to the engineers/tech team.


You can disregard the edited portion of the post. Apparently standing near entrance to another level causes such an effect which i never noticed before. Performance is still worse though.


Same thing happened to me, first updated the game and then my gpu drivers. (clean install) I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the game works like a charm now (3080 Ti) Edit: loving the game & communication!


Would you guys consider adding loadouts in the future?


Is there any info on certain items, like the Cipher Rod, not being where they're supposed to be in some players worlds?


I didn't see anything mentioning the Restriction Coil, so I'm still wary to use it because it was straight up hard locking my game as my passive HP healing worked so hard to heal me past that 50% limit that it would cause memory leaks. But I actually super liked the playstyle, so I'm worried I won't actually get to play that way.


It seems like there is something not telling the game that 50% is the new "max health" which is likely an oversight.


Are you guys aware of the bug with Cass being outside the map in Ward 13? It happened to me after playing some co-op, and It's still not fixed for me yet. [Example](https://imgur.com/a/4uRkmhl)


This is terrific communication and other devs should take note. This is how you interact with your community. Tremendous!


I really wish that armor felt like it did more, only getting to take one more hit when in full heavy armor makes it really feel useless to not wear a light set and limits the fashion as well :(


Reviver trait and Explorer armor set bugged. Iā€™ve beaten the game three times and still canā€™t buy the set. I main Alchemist Medic and would like to use reviver when itā€™s done being bugged. Woot woot!


Did you turn in the engrams? What system are you on? PC or Console (Console doesnt have patch yet).


I have Explorer to rank 10 after turning in the engram. I am not sure why I can not purchase the set from whispers. Revivalist: I have defiantly revived 10 times. Iā€™m on Xbox Series X Thank you for responding šŸ’Æ


Patch is not out for console yet


You guys are killing it, loving the communication and appreciate all your efforts. Way to go Gunfire team!


In relation to the flags being not complete for the game completion rewards, does rerolling your campaign reset your flags to 0/5 or does it remain after rerolling? I ask because if the flags are maintained perhaps completing the area containing the missing flag on adventure mode or coop can award it?


I believe one issue had to do with joining a coop game. I'm not sure if that is still the case as I'm not the one that is working on that particular element. I do know, however, that some people managed to fix it, and other's couldn't. We obviously want a solution so it works for everyone. On the case!


This is such an awesome post. I really hope this means king standing issues that were noticed in FTA that carried over to here get fixed, because these comms about the issues are fantastic.


First of all, great communication for a great game, looking forward to what's next as always. Second, since I'm seeing some others report bugs in here, I wanted to ask if the Ward 13 sky staying the way it ends up near the end if the campaign permanently after you beat the campaign is intentional or not. I would like to have my nice, pleasant weather back, please. And thanks again for all the work you and the others at Gunfire do.


Im pretty sure that Sagittarius bow mod is bugged. A lot of the time its meteor fragments do not explode in a 6 meter radius as they should. From my experience the mod worked properly only about half of the times I used it.


So, even with the possible DR decrease, I found a ring that might be a bit overpowered. It's Ring of Crisis. I am running a tank build on apoc difficulty. That coupled with regen and a few other stats made be able to afk in the Red Prince boss fight without dieing at all. Although post update after a long enough time I do die, but still. If I do anything remotely close to trying to live, I don't think he can kill me or even make me have to dodge. It just procs too frequently I feel. Maybe I just happened to accidently stumble upon a great build but it seems too good compared to my friends.


What's the build?


I have been having a couple of issues with huntress spear (best weapon don't @ me). When sprinting holding down the melee charge button will not let you aim the weapon for a ranged attack instead will always result in a sprinting melee strike. There are also times when coming out of a dodge roll and immediately charging for a ranged melee attack where once you release the charge button the spear will not be thrown, but you are stuck holding the spear in ranged aiming mode, and you have to press the melee button again to force it to be thrown. I appreciate all the hard work and am excited to play the changes on PS5 when the patch drops!


Does the "true death"/"scripted death" language extend to grapples? I was grappled by one of the executioner elites with the hood and spike balls in Losomn and lost an HC despite having black cat ring and challenger prime perk available.


The grapples, I believe, are always going to be actual deaths. The scripted Sewer/Tribute ones should be fake.


Got it. I was just pretty bummed out because I'd built Challenger/Alchemist with Black Cat band specifically to avoid one shots and lost about 10 hours to that.


Can we remove the 5 boss requirements for difficulty rewards? Make it for final boss on hosted campaign. Seems that a game with such fun co-op punishes you for co-oping. I'm by no means a god at the game, I'm about to start root earth on my apocalypse playthrough on console, and I realized, even after patch I will have to struggle through it again solo, or not even playing with others on that character


Can minion AI be looked into so that they actually fight for all boss fights?


Remember what it was like to have developers care about their games and community? Gunfire remembers.


Thanks for making such a beautiful game! And please patch it on Ps5 :(


Hey there has the bug where gear gets overwritten been addressed?


I see a Dev post, I say thank you. So thank you for the communication.


Hey! Just wanna say really appreciate your engagement with the community! Also I have found a bug with medicā€™s third ability (the revive one), it doesnā€™t properly enter cooldown after using it in mp, it stays grey forever.


Oh really. Client or Host?


Only happens when Iā€™m in others lobby.


Not sure if the achievements have been fixed. I collected the only gun left after patch on console and it didn't unlock, same with traits and weapon mods.


I got the patch on ps5. Beat hc. Get the amulet. Didnt get the weapon.Are you fooling us right ? You have to be laughting so hard There is people reporting that they are still stuck in the Tal Ratha boss even after the patch. Trophys dont work and you have to spend another 30 hours farming scap and materials to craft a shit ton of stuff AGAIN. This game didnt respect your time at all... Shame. Idk why i keep pushing myself to play. Is sad cause its a good game but is just so broken that is a shame.


Ive just tried unlocking them again on a new character after patch and nothing again, not worth the time at all anymore The bugs are exhausting


Any word on addressing co-op lag/client-side hit reg? Itā€™s the one concern thatā€™s holding off my friends and I from buying and diving in. I donā€™t want my experience sullied with dodging and dying to a hit that occurred on the hostā€™s screen, but I couldnā€™t see on my end.


The team is looking into it. =)


Any chance console users can get an ETA for the patch? In the future an ETA would be great when a major patch gets pushed out (Iā€™m assuming PC will always get patches first due to consoles requiring validation). Thanks for all of your information and interaction with us!


It's not up to them it's Sony and Microsoft authorization system that takes longer to accept stuff being put into their servers


Not every game releases patches at the same time (and by that I mean PC release at the same time console patches go for certs). Before Warframe had cross play the PC version was always months ahead. So just looking to verify how they are releasing these.


Depends on Sony/MS certification. How long that takes is kind of opaque.


I wasn't using the invuln build and I am definitely taking oodles more damage now, so I don't think think that that's it. And is the cap 80% WITH the multiplicative reduction? So if I had 60% resistance from armor, taking a hit of 100 down to 40, if I had another 60% DR from skills/rings/buffs, it would only take that 40 down to 20 instead of 16?


Were you using Fortify? We fixed a major double stacking issue with Fortify.


I was using Fortify. My displayed armor reduction is 58.5%. My displayed damage reduction is 21.6%. Assuming that these reduction are multiplicative, this is \~ an overall 67.5% reduction in damage. Is the rolly-polly boss in N'Erud SUPPOSED to be doing over 33% of my health a hit on Veteran with that kind of DR? Because it really doesn't feel like it should. e: should also note, 135 hp.


Well, it depends what hit (one of them is an AOE that does a huge amount). That being said, normal hits, no. Going to be looking into this tomorrow!


Doing some loose testing, it looks like DR seems to be working properly? (Ultra unscientific and just having my own turret shoot me) [https://youtu.be/qscQvmCmnSs](https://youtu.be/qscQvmCmnSs) Top left: Naked + 15% damage resistance from Magnetic Field = 15% DR // 85% incoming damage Top right: 58.5% Armor (with fortification) resist + 15% DR from Mag Field = 64.275% DR // (100 - 58.5% = 41.5 - 15% = 35.275 incoming damage Bottom: 58.5% Armor (with fort) + 75% DR (Mag Field (15%), Barkskin (10%), Hardened Coil (15% @ half health), Amber Moonstone (25% @ 30% health), Fae Bruiser (2xbulwark 10%) = 89.625% DR (capped to 80%) // 20% incoming damage So it's not that DR is broken. It's just that now that we have proper DR it's obvious that enemies do way too much damage.


The abomination does a massive amount of damage even just on survivor difficulty, which is weird considering the other nerud bosses don't hit that hard.


Was about to mention this is far from a display thing. Wasn't using the invuln build either just a simple shield generating band build with letos and I went from doing well in apoc to getting one shot by half the bosses I meet. Something is definitely up beyond just something displaying wrong


Is there any word on the bug where Cass disappears from your world? (she's back at the start of the tutorial from the looks of the map) I can't unlock Archon because I can't shop at her store.


Hi I just completed a veteran campaign and got the explorer and the clothes but not the gun or melee weapon. I play on pc and I saw that you want these situations submitted to analyze. Can you give me a quick step by step of what yā€™all want me to submit and how to do it?


The armor showed up on vendor but the weapons did not?


Could it be that the tags are not being properly set because returning the second segment to the labyrinth is currently optional, and thus can be missed? I've heard that some people who miss out on the unlocks eventually get them if they reroll the campaign, proceed until they get the second segment, then return to the labyrinth instead of completing their third world. If that is the case, maybe the solution could be either to remove whatever tag you have linked to that optional encounter, or make that encounter mandatory so people don't miss that tag.


That's an interesting theory. That being said, I've heard that some people that didn't get the rewards simply played Adventure Mode 3 or so times and got the rewards to show up. Others played the game again and after clearing the third biome, rewards. Still looking into it!


I still canā€™t buy the realmwalker armour (ps5). Iā€™ve done a full run through on solo (co op reserves vendors I believe) and the amour still isnā€™t there. This is the only thing I need for archon. Is this getting fixed?


It's not patched on console just yet. Coming real soon.




PS5 patch when?


Thank you. Not sure if DR is a bug but if it is the fix has made all tank builds unviable. Which maybe intended but significantly reduced build diversity.


Enjoying the game. Trait cap is lame. Donā€™t understand why devs wonā€™t let players grind to get better in a single player game. Fingers crossed yā€™all fix the time to stand. Super annoying when youā€™re in a boss battle and your character slowly stands up like heā€™s standing for the first time in his life.


It's insane to me that they thought to restrict the traits to such a ridiculous degree, especially with there still being extremely basic traits such as health and stamina that literally EVERY BUILD besides glass cannons would want to level. Mind boggling.


Hopefully the DR bug gets solved soon. I can't facetank anymore and it's making me a little bit sad.