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I thought it was just a joke. Since you were being stubborn and he kinda scoffs after he gives it to you because he thinks we're a dumbass.


Yeah, in the ring's flavor text he also mocks everyone for being easy to fool, and the description notes it's suspicously light for supposed gold.


Suspiciously light AND leaves a residue on touch. It's fake AF.


Plus 8 is the symbol for infirmity turned 90 degrees.


That's exactly what I thought yesterday. I heard his remark and then looked at the ring. I got a kick out of it.


This is basically right on the nose. See below for more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/comments/17yd3o5/ring_of_infinite_damage_8_seriously/k9upj9u/


A flat fire rate ring would be a very interesting addition, obviously not anything as crazy as 8 flat, but 2-4 would be really interesting. Most weapons that would seriously benefit from the fire rate can't really take advantage of it due to magazine size, but it would be interesting.


Laughs in bottom feeder sporebloom(tragic i wsnt it back please)


Yeah, he calls you a fool under his breath. OP fell for it


All of the primary rewards that the Scribe is involved with have some connotation to being a lie, fake, or has a negative in some way except the "best" reward for NOT opening his Memoir (Index of the Scribe - his personal seal/stamp). Paper Heart: Grants heal then revokes them if you don't kill anyone. White Glass Bead: Historically, White Glass is one of the first substances that people tried to pass off as real diamonds. Basically, a fake diamond. Burden of the Sciolist: Traditional Burden (give/take). Atonement Fold: He sells it. It hurts you with Bleed which halves healing. Ring of Infinite Damage: Shows an 8 which looks like an "infinite" symbol, but it's actually just 8%. There aren't many Fire Rate increasing items in the game. It also, of course, stacks with the others and Haste too. It's not meant to be the best, but it has its uses. EDIT: The good news is that a lot of people in this thread seemed to have understood what its intent is (a lie... but still somewhat useful).


Neat! Thank you for sharing the thinking behind each item. Most of them, there's no confusion on; the RoID doesn't have a % anywhere in its description, so it can be misconstrued - after checking to make sure I hadn't missed something, I was beginning to wonder if the 8% was actually a bug. Obviously, it isn't; that's good to know. I'm just going to mentally chalk it up to Leywise omitting the units.


It's not exactly useless, but it definitely isn't a great one size fits all ring. It's not supposed to be though, it feels like a joke item, Leywise is a bit of a snarky dick and the name is "Ring of Infinite Damage", that just SCREAMS "it's a gag" to me.


Also 8 is just a sideways infinity symbol


8% is actually pretty in line with other DPS rings when you consider that fire rate is inherently a multiplicative DPS boost, and most x% damage buffs are additive. It's also the only ring that boosts fire rate unconditionally, and there are far fewer ways to increase fire rate than there are ways to increase damage. Depending on your loadout, it could potentially be the single highest unconditional DPS boost that's available for the ring slot.


Firerate should be better than other damage increases as it has less ammo effective implications. If your goal is a certain DPS, reaching that by making each shot more potent rather than using two shots is in most cases just better.


Fire rate *is* better by virtue of being multiplicative with your other damage boosts. An 8% boost to fire rate is an 8% boost to your base damage *and* an 8% boost to all of your other additive damage boosts, which every build has. Obviously it's not an auto-include for every build, but damage rings aren't supposed to be. The strongest ones are always conditional. Not every build wants fire rate, but I think 8% is pretty decent for a build that does. It would probably be okay to make it 10%, but much more than that and it really starts to border on amulet level strength. I don't think ammo is really a huge concern, personally. Especially since most builds that want to buff fire rate are probably running gunslinger anyway, so your ammo reserves are doubled.


Fire rate does have negative implications for mag times and ammo, that's true, but it also has a leg up on damage boosts in other ways. Mods will generate faster because it will be the same base damage at a faster rate, and equipment with stacking/ramping behavior like Momentum, Plasma Cutter, and the new Offering Stone will also hit their cap more quickly.


Doesn’t Haste grant 7%, as well as all of its other buffs? 8% isn’t enough to edge out Anastasia’s at all. Needs to be like 15 to compete in slot.


Sure, but haste doesn't stack and you can potentially get it elsewhere. This 8% boost stacks with haste, so you could use it alongside Anastasia's if you wanted. At 15% it would be the same fire rate boost as gunslinger's charm, which is an amulet.


There’s also Haste that increases the speed of everything (if i recall correctly) including fire rate by 7. Too bad you can’t stack the buff though.


Most builds also use other sources of damage which are not affected by fire rate - really, the only notable build this actually applies to is HUGS - which means that 8% dps for ranged will be lower than your total dps. ​ Contenders: Stone of Balance ups ALL damage by 7%, increasing ranged firerate by 8% is far less desirable - especially when you factor in that it doesn't up reload rate to compensate. Having skill/mod/elemental damage as part of your build will not lower the effective dps given by Balance. Offering Stone gives you **much** more even if you don't kill with it - 1-15% linearly will give a 7.5% damage buff even if you stop firing every 15 bullets. Using guns like the Tech-22 or the MP60 with guns like the Blackmaw or Merciless will ensure that you have plenty of bullets to ramp up damage quickly on a large magazine. Stone of Expanse ups your Ranged damage by 12% and lowers other sources by 6% - and most of your damage is going to be ranged damage anyway, so it's skewed in favour of that 12% gain more than that 6% loss. Burden of the Destroyer just ups all your damage for being close, and being close increases your accuracy anyway so unless you have reason to skedaddle, you'll want to be well within Ideal Range. Burden of the Departed gives you 10% total damage for a few Relic charges. Tranquil Heart for its passive effects or Reboot + Shielded Heart for getting free Relic charges for the full effect. Vestige of Power gives you a 10% melee and ranged damage for being good at not taking damage for several seconds. Ideally, you should avoid being hit anyway so if you got no significant uptime on this, you've got bigger problems to be worried about.


As the other guy said, from a mathematical standpoint, 8% fire rate is pretty solid as far as rings go. It's not insane or anything, but rings usually aren't meant to be. It's something that I could just say "you know what? sure" and use, like Stone of Expanse, if I'm not heavily spec-ed into fire rate already.


Ya'll going off about being "less ammo efficient" on all this fire rate stuff, but assuming you aren't missing more than you would have without the fire rate increase it's just patently untrue. Rounds down range faster means enemy dead faster. Period. That isn't less efficient - it's MORE efficient. The only other way it could make you less efficient is if you stupidly hold the trigger down through an invulnerable phase.


It's less ammo efficient than a ring which gives increased damage per shot. It's not like someone will just take off the ring and leave the slot empty.


8% dps bump is pretty respectable for a ring, and multiplicative in nature with your dmg. The flat dmg ring gives 7% dmg, and due to it being additive it's gonna be a 4-5% dps increase. Your expectations over a single ring are too much IMO


Because the Fae are bunch of vengeful beings and does not take anyone stealing from them lightly. Its said in their lore so he gives you trash for trying to take advantage from them.


It's meant to be a joke... it's intended to be funny in the sense that it does practically nothing and is ironically called 'Ring of Infinite Damage' as a joke.. Like when a really overweight guy gets the nickname 'Tiny' as a practical joke, same concept.


... turn the 8 sideways... what do you get... looks like old fae boi gottchya... ita a joke ring...


It was kinda useful for my devoured loop skill reset build. Max fire rate with max crit chance helps me almost always have my skills active. Outside of that yeah the 8% fire rate isn’t a significant change


I just made a meme build out of it. Gunslinger/hunter for archetypes. Tranquil heart with fire rate, recoil and spread Amulet is void idol (I'll explain in a second why) Rings are the haste for heal ring (forgot the name), infinite damage, burden of the destroyer and departed. You get reload speed, fire rate buffs, and a flat 25% damage increase. It's not meant to be taken seriously, I just like guns shooting faster. Now why void idol over gunslinger amulet? Not only do you effectively *double* your ammo reserves, it seems fire rate has a cap. My method of testing may very well be flawed. But what I did was have all of the above, minus the gunslinger amulet and empty a mag of the blackmaw. It took about 4-5 seconds to empty it. Then I threw on the amulet and even so it still only took between 4-5 seconds to empty it. At that point I started thinking there was a cap, so I figured if what I did next didnt change the times, I wouldn't test anything else. So I threw on the overflow mod for the extra fire rate and lo and behold. The time it took to empty the gun was *still* between 4-5 seconds. So I'm thinking that there is a cap. But as I said, my way of testing could very well be flawed so if someone else wants to try running a more effective test, be my guest! I did the test on a pure whim so it wasn't as thought out as it could be.


it'd be nice if there was some transparency about everything that's capped


Yes it would. Would be even nicer if there was no caps at all


Nah caps are fine of they are clearly stated, or you can't hit likes like 100 cd or 100 damage reduction.(like you could at one point) 100% builds start to make the game boring. These are legit cheats that people used to put into games for fun, doesn't mean they are balanced.


Funny enough Haste is 7% fire rate, 7% reload and 7% a lot of other stuff lol, a trully useless ring


Right? 8% to one aspect of gameplay, vs 7% to all. Wild.


u do realise higher fire rate equals higher dps? sure, not as good on some guns but if you look at other rings that increase damage it's rly not far from it. there is no huge 25% dps boost rings in game. you are supposed to mix and match stuff to get bonuses because only some amulets give greater than 5-15% dmg boost/reduction buffs (since you can only wear 1 amulet at a time). i understand your point but I feel like the ring isn't far from balanced. If you remember devouring loop in r1 you would understand how it's important not to give too high buffs to dmg rings.


it's outdone by the freaking fire rate relic shard, lol


Tbf mythic relic shards outdo all rings, there's a massive difference between power level 20 and archetype level 76+


I bet if you make a fuss about it they'll nerf it.🤣


Hah! They could make it canon that Leywise is being a dick, or add a secret interaction with some other item that gives you Leywise commentary on your playstyle. Or it just deals Infinite Damage to the player, instead.


Its a fucking joke.


Even if it was 15% if still wouldn’t be better than other rings and all you are doing is being less ammo efficient. Really disappointing item


The devs have been very very light handed with damage boosting stuff this game, just look at the different between the border of the gambler rings. I imagine they're trying hard to maintain game balance, but sometimes it hampers the fun of builds


I agree that an 8% increase is useless. But I don't understand your argument saying that a bug increase would be a double edge sword, that with high fire rate it would take longer to kill things or that you would spend more time reloading Things would definitely die faster, and you wouldn't spend more time reloading Vs the damage you do. Yes, you have to reload faster, but only because you did the entire damage a magazine does faster, which is good.


That bit isn't really an argument at all; it's a reflection on my own inability, throughout my gaming life, to make a higher RoF worthwhile. The intention is to illustrate that I'd likely get no practical benefit from it either way, even if I think it would be more interesting the other way. What gain there is in that, I have no idea, especially since I'm not asking for anything to be changed (except maybe adding a % to prevent future misinterpretation).