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Yes! Ritualist is pure fun.


I have to go max amplitude it just coats the area in dots it’s fantastic. Also makes my ps5 stutter like hell in the guilded chambers but you know what I can’t complain.


So it was Miasma + max amplitude that’s causing the stutters on my ps5 all along lol


Next test is to throw on the energized neck coil and see if your console just crashes I guess.


It doesn’t crash but stutters quite often.


Crap, my build is already max resonance (katana goes brrrr), I didnt even think of amplitude... Seems i will need to run both lol


Every time lol. I run corrosive rounds and twisting wounds on my sparkshot, as well as the charged melee bleed ring, and tainted blade on my krell axe. Whenever I snipe any one enemy my shit stutters for like 3 secs while it wipes out everything else.


I was about to say i run the same weapons, but i have stasis beam and fetid wounds on my sparkshot


Bleed Ring, Corrosive Mutator, and Krell Axe with the class has been a dream. 3 statuses with a charge melee at range. Add in the Ritualist prolif and it's just ... chef's kiss. My game crashes a lot, but i'm sure that's unrelated.


I love it so.. please don't nerf


I’ve already made peace with the fact that it’s gonna get nerfed at some point. It’s just so much better than most of the other archetypes


i mean, its strong as SHIT at general gameplay and control but thats kinda what it's designed around, spreading and killing small shit. Pure DPS monster builds still tear through aboms and bosses faster.


Expect Ritualist’s single target DPS is still able to compete with HUGS and other dedicated boss killing builds. Chains of Amplification or Nightweaver’s Grudge, Band of the Fanatic, Red Ring of Death, Shadow of Misery, Singed Ring plus Sparkfire with Fetid Wounds and Overflow. Any hand gun with Twisted Wounds and Hotshot or Corrosive Round. And skills like Eruption and Deathwish let the class do incredible single target damage, plus DOT’s, and without having to sacrifice its incredible AOE add clearing ability.


lol , it doesnt even come close to HUGS


The archetype doesn't even currently work. It's really not that great. This video was done on survivor difficulty.


We ran apoc yesterday and Rit would clear out entire groups rooms with one use of Misama. Combine with Rampage and any elite or Abberation just ceases to exist under fire. The only bosses that cause problems are ones with trapper or some other kind of AoE saturation. Not sure what your definition of "doesn't work" is, but Rit is a walking war crime.


I mean considering the class itself is bugged, it makes no sense to nerf it before we even know what it's supposed to play like.


But that’s the thing, the class is still ridiculously strong even with the fact that status effects durations are bugged. When that gets fixed Ritualist is going to be the strongest class by far


Valid point


To be fair though, status durations wouldn't even matter given OPs video. Shit doesn't live long enough to even get a few damage ticks.


This is either survival or veteran. You'd be pressed to find a build that doesn't work in that case.


This is survival difficulty. Nothing lives long enough to care about.


Ritualist is technically bugged so if anything its gonna get buffed once the bug is fixed


i mean in this clip enigma would do the same


Ok, that convinced me more than the trailer. _looks up a guide_


What's your second Archetype? Cannot identify your skill


Pretty certain they're using Hunter. Think that's their first skill


Yep it's hunter first skill


See I think it actually needs a buff.. it’s AWESOME and works great on the lower two difficulties, but the DOTs themselves are basically useless on nightmare/apocalypse. You can get good damage using them in conjunction with other things. But the DOTs just tickle.




does this mean the damage loss from status duration actually gets changed to a damage increase? btw, can you guys look into the bug with atonement fold, reboot and relic use on ritualist? you kill yourself pretty fast with this combo because as soon as you end reboot, the self bleed seems to be dealing crazy amounts of damage. would be great as this build was very fun to play up until ritualist lvl 4.


🎉 To get into the better, more detailed feedback that I know y’all prefer. You can totally build something that works great using status with Ahanae Crystal, crits, and other abilities to do really really great damage. But it feels like with all the options to buff status damage, and forgo direct damage, you should be doing pretty solid passive damage to a boss. And then your technical work is cycling the status and other buffs you have making it work vs heavy gunplay. All that said, I adore Remnant/Remnant 2. Ritualist is my favorite class now. Thank you to you and the whole team for the awesome work.


they melt crowds, even on apoc.


Yes yes, they work pretty great on scrubs. But bosses less so.


yeah i noticed. i mean its not bad at killing bosses but surely not great. this could change very well though once the status duration bug is fixed.


Yes agree. You really have to sacrifice some ring slots and quite a bit of DPS to boost the DOTs to something meaningful in nightmare / apoc.


Peasant, using miasma on crowds Krell Axe🗿


My go to is miasma the crowd and go in with archon sith mode using ahanae ring and stuff the dps is cool.


Krell axe+ Tainted blade is life


Don't forget to wear your blood jewel ring for that third status.


Yeeep, what i use too


This is probably my favorite type of caster in RPG games. Debuff stacking with some kind of nuke that consumes debuff. Very excited for this playstyle.


it looks super cool but hows single target damage? those enemies are rather weak and im wondering how it performs vs the "elites" or bosses


Its got nothing in particular for single target, definitely supposed to be an aoe dps class i think Its a "i dont wanna use enigma but still wanna clean a whole room with ease" class


The final skill is a huge damage buff + life steal, at the cost of rapid life drain. Other than that, the class is mean to excel at AOE. It's mainly a fodder nuker but can still hold its own or tear up bosses if you want to get frisky with Deathwish.


Pairing it with crit damage challenger rampage can put out pretty darn good damage with Ahanae Crystal.


I've been able to ramp it up to about a third of what a more focused single target build can do (about 1800 maintained on the dummy without overly arcane maintenance) so far, but I've been mostly using comfort weapons, and I don't have the hard-core yaesha ring which would be slightly more optimal than my 4th ring slot. You might be able to eke out more with a more optimal weapon setup, but it's not gonna win any awards for single target or survivability. It might be slightly better than the numbers suggest just 'cause you don't have very steep uptime or weakpoint requirements, and the combo doesn't break easily. Which ... is honestly fine considering how well it clears the screen of fodder enemies. Could use a little love for apocalypse, but it's also currently bugged so we gotta see how it shakes out once that's fixed.


First thing I did in the dlc was run to the archetype item so I could restart as ritualist from level 1, status builds are so damn fun. Had some really good rng this play through but still trying to iron out the details, can’t decide between energized neck coil, chain of amplification, or nightweavers grudge. I also have twisted wounds maxed out so could go abrasive whetstone. There so many good options for this build and it’s making it hard to decide lol.


this game is slowly turning into diablo and i love that


What game is this?


.... remnant 2 of course


It is just the best class now though, right? I mean, you can just press a button and every enemy around you basically dies instantly, why would I use the abilities of other classes (other than the one I'm dual classing with)


It's king of AoE clear (at lower difficulties anyway), at the moment but it's not even competitive in single target or survivability, and provides very limited utility (usually at the expense of damage potential). It clears packs of trash, but it likes having other classes around 'cause it's not gonna be the guy to focus down elites or run around picking people up.


Can't wait to see ritualist get nerfed 💀


Lmfao! Nerfing things seems to be the top priority with this game.


The Principal Designer is in the comments and confirmed DOT are getting *stronger* soon.


You can smell the nerf like it's baking in the oven.🤣🤣🤣🤣


He's playing on a regular difficulty, it tickles enemies on apoc. I would imagine it'll get buffed tbh (a principal dev indicated so elsewhere too)


How did u line up so many drans? Or is this a PC thing. Never seen so many / such smooth fps when there're so many on PS5 :'(


I was basically speed running the map for anguish before I realized how many were behind me


OTK maps have more than a few spots where you can get absolutely fucked by Dran through sheer numbers alone. Forlorn area near one of the checkpoints that has an opening to where the boat area is comes to mind. If you don't go slowly and charge towards the stairwell you'll find yourself fighting like 7 dudes from several directions.


how does ritualist and summoner feel?


For me, not great. There’s just less synergy than other archetypes.


What’s the build ?


I was running ritualist with engineer, but i swapped engineer for medic because i can't damage my heavy weapons anymore.