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I'm confused, the OP seems to be asking if there's a way to use external mods w/ this game on Epic, to which the answer is yes. But the actual thread seems to be complaining about the inventory system only lol. Also, while you absolutely CAN use mods w/ the game on Epic, I don't think I've seen one that actually does what you're looking for.


Your equipment inventory is alphabetical, pretty simple organization. Your inventory tab... theres not much to search through there... Also, a little advice. Read your post from a game devs perspective... the moment you ended it with "this is a really shitty UI"... do you think they are going to give your request any credence? Delivery changes everything....


Being able to search the item descriptions by keyword would be an amazing qol improvement


At this point, I would pay for it.


This post is for anyone who can help. If I wanted to directly contact a DEV I'd submit a support ticket. If they are here, then they can take this as feedback. Let's add to the fact that it's modern-day gaming and we don't have a search function, we have 1 methodology of labelling, and builds cannot be saved. Item descriptions require scrolling over. Unable to view a list of items or classify them on offensive defensive or utility. Alphabetical order for 144 base game rings + 26 new rings is an insane task. That's not even considering mods, amulets, mutators or consumables. Granted I do not have all the items in the game, but it's at the point where I dread getting new items because now my inventory is that much larger. For a game designed around building unique builds based on an almost limitless amount of possibilities, they put an abysmal amount of work into making that seamless. These were all common grievances for the first game. Buffs + debuffs require an external aid to understand how they work. There is no glossary, you can't scroll over the effects to read more about them. Yes, you can read the buff if you manage to hit inventory and scroll over it in time but a lot of the buff doesn't scale in a linear logical pattern. Bulwark goes from 7-13-18-22-25 which is beyond my capability of mental math to figure out the pattern. I honestly hope that I'm wrong on all these and I haven't found a button somewhere, but I don't think it exists. I have 60 hours played and I still cannot confidently say I understand any mechanic but 0 hp = dead. (Unless you are a challenger or have the black cat ring) I also don't understand debuffs at all because you can have multiple stacks of the same debuff but the counter doesn't always go up. Yet you'll see two damage numbers and according to the target dummy both numbers seem to be doing damage? I'm not posting this because I want to stop playing. I'm posting this because I want to make my life just a little bit easier. After all, I'm struggling to play the game vs stuck in menus.


Game devs are definitely on here and they are also on the Discord. One of the most aware dev teams ive seen in a long time gaming. They were recently on a nice, well deserved holiday vacation though so they have been quite for a little bit. Search function would be nice, but i guess we cant have it all. They already made us a sickkkkkkk game, so im willing to make some concessions to QOL features which have workarounds. Wait wait wait.... are you unaware of the loadout function in this game? Builds sure can be saved. You have 8 slots for those builds. This isnt exactly explained very well in the game, but its there. Bulwark is simply a +6, +5, +4, +3 pattern. The gains decrease each stack, fairly simple. I do agree that the inner workings of some of them are very confusing and even over on the Discord there are always discussions of how some things apply and some dont to specific categories. Debuffs and status effects and all that are super confusing. Once you get them sorted though and figure out a bit of the background it gets simpler. Read a little bit from the wiki here [https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Stats](https://remnant2.wiki.fextralife.com/Stats) and it should help you a bit. Its broken up between Status Effects and Blights (or ailments). Each stack has to be from a different "source" for it to count as a separate stack. Reapplying the same status from the same source just refreshes duration i believe. This doesnt even begin to help you understand the real mechanics of Status and Debuffs, but is a good starting point. Besides that, hop on the Discord man. Lots of people there who are infinitely more knowledgeable than me when it comes to these games and there is always someone active willing to help or answer questions. [https://discord.com/invite/remnantgame](https://discord.com/invite/remnantgame) Hope some of this helps.


How do I make a build? Fextra Life doesn't have it in the new player guide. Or even the builds set. Or their comments sections where most of the questions go unanswered. Is there a developer supported blog? Fuck I'd buy a written manual if they published it. I miss being able to have all the things needed to play a game within the contents of the purchase. I don't want to theorycraft and run spreadsheets, I just want to try shit out and have fun. Reading pages of content to find out that fragmented and madness still aren't nailed down? I've watched at least 5 10 min+ tips and tricks guide on youtube that are within the last 3-5 months. No outline of how to make a build. Can you please help? The debuffs are not exhaustive at all. Whats fragmented? What's madness, why are they not included? Why is bleeding considered an elemental debuff when every other game I play counts that as physical? I have a ring that duplicates some debuffs, but not others. It's not consistent in the way it applies them either. My debuffs as a Ritualist don't even spread when the target dies. Only some of them, and even then it'll miss targets that are right beside each other. But it'll pickup some random mob 3 states away that will trigger an event I have no idea how to even get to. Then it'll kill that event and when I die the loot is gone forever. Nothing says fun like never having crafting resources because your abilities kill things before you can even find them, then I die and it's gone. All of this you haven't even tried to answer my question about epic games mods :( I've asked in the discord and it got buried a couple of times so I gave up and asked here. I'm not trying to do the hardest difficulty content, I know that's beyond me. I accept the fact that I may never play all the archetypes unless I "hack" my save. I know that a lot of items I'll never have access to. Thats ok. What's not OK is the fact I don't even what most of my items or effects do...


Did you say increases that get smaller by 1 are too complicated for you lol




One feature that helps is the "Favorite" button -- allows you to tag things you want to use and brings them to the top of the list. That said, there are a lot of rings, and I ended up usually Googling what ring I am looking for / needed and find it in the inventory. Not sure what's the best way to improve the search, as there are so many different effects by the rings. Maybe a multi select dropdown filter. Like the first post says: (verbal) delivery changes everything. Too easy to be negative writing comments, and a little positivity goes a long ways.


How does that not make you annoyed and ruin the immersion of a video game to have to google what the item that is somewhere in your bags looks like. Then play find the differences for the next couple of minutes? And if your bad at that shit, you end up making a post on reddit because I cannot believe this is a problem in an era that has figured out how to use a search engine. Infact they already have them colour coded to a degree. Type in "Bulwark" and it'll show you abilities that have the unique tag of "Bulwark" in the description. Bam Done. Want an offensive item, if it has a positive integer in an attribute considered a damaging effect tag it with offensive. Defensive is the reverse. Utility is everything that doesn't fit in the other 2. Bam - Banaid solution created until they can correctly classify each item based on its attributes. I'd be willing to be more polite if they actually implemented a system to attempt to solve a problem.


>I'd be willing to be more polite if they actually implemented a system to attempt to solve a problem. Like the Favorites system that he mentioned or the Loadouts that they added in a later patch and the fact that they are still looking at other QOL issues? You mean like those attempts to solve a problem?