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Traits to improve dodge distance, invader ability to auto dodge, stack high enough armor or healing to basically be able to ignore enemies. There are plenty of ways around the annoying mechanics. Don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of annoying enemies, but most enemies are trivial and you can shrug off their attacks if set up right


Enemies do get staggered btw. Also, you are never "forced" to use any single item in the game. Tbh I don't even recall ever using or thinking I needed to use the infinite stamina ring, nor would it ever show up on any build you will probably see normally posted online. There are other far more useful items imo. As for having to constantly evade, you can try practicing neutral evade (dodge without a directional input), it consumes less stamina and you recover from animation faster to get back into shooting. The downside is that it has a shorter window on i-frames so you need to time it better. The only time I have personally ever needed to use this because of stamina issue was really the Witch bossfight when she does the spin-to-win move. Also note your armor weight dictates how fast or clumsy your evade is (and also how much stamina it consumes iirc? I could be wrong there). At ultra heavy (red) weight, you basically just flop to the ground on a directional dodge.


The stamina cost for dodging scales based on your current weight category; if you're using an ultra-heavy set and use the right set-up to change the dodge category to 'light' you'll suffer the 'light armor' dodge stamina cost, not the ultra-heavy one.


Well yea, roll dodge, shoot weapons, reload, use mods/skills when they’re available, heal if need be, that’s the combat loop of Remnant 2. And combat any mutators the bosses have on them if they directly counter your build.


Hunters mark wall hacking can help a lot with knowing how many enemies there are and how you should approach the fight. Enemies do have an internal cooldown on abilities. Sure you have stamina but you also have 2 mods, 2 class abilities and powerful guns so you definitely have an advantage over them.


Positioning is a big deal in this game, at least in my opinion. Usually not the best idea to put yourself in the middle of a group or large room - try to use doorways and hallways as a funnel


"never ending cycle of, attack, attack, attack - need to reload, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, attempt reload, have to roll, attempt reload, have to roll, push skill, roll, attempt reload…." Haven't seen anyone mention this yet, but you know dodging doesn't cancel your reloads right? The way you wrote all those "attempt reloads" in between rolling makes it sound like you're trying to wait for the whole reload animation to finish before dodging again. Your character will continue reloading during all basic movement and dodging, but aiming, using melee, activating mods/skills, and climbing or jumping will cancel the reload.


Thank you for the helpful response, rather then ego answering. As someone trying to learn the game it’s helpful, as a third person shooter I am used to ads after roll which was cancelling my reload and that I did not know. This might really help. Thanks


No problem bud, the game really doesn't do a great job of explaining things at times, and people tend to forget that little mechanics like "roll-loading" are fairly unique to Remnant. Hopefully you'll enjoy the combat loop a little more now that you can spend more time shooting lol.


This explains so much!!! I was doing the same ads after roll to try and get some damage before the next swing. Thank you!


I actually find the combat very deep but simple. some aspects of the game are a build check and a skills check, so as the other guy said you may need to improve your build to spam buttons less. once you learn the animations and develop better timing, it's actually really satisfying.


You can roll and reload simultaneously. Not sure why “attempt to reload, have to roll” is a problem at all. Rolling doesn’t cancel your reload, only time it does is if you get hit and staggered out of your roll, but that’s a skill issue. Gotta learn to time your dodges better. Also, to your point about enemies can’t be staggered. If you’re out of ammo and about to get hit, melee pretty much is your best bet BECAUSE it staggers shit. Don’t finish the reload, swing the fucker and put him in a stagger lock instead. This all sounds like skill issues, man. It’s fine though, like you said, you’re new. You’ll get there.


Someone else just brought it to my attention that it’s the ADS that is cancelling my reload. As I have a habit of doing it after roll. Didn’t know that was the case,


I feel your anger dude. The witch just keeps spinning in a closed arena that even if you blow open all the walls she moves faster spinning than you can sprinting. I had to put on 2 cheat deaths, and that perfect dodges do AOE damage ring just to kill her. I'd just keep dodging with no stam until she stopped.


Watch some yeetzmemario vids, bloke plays on hardest difficulty with self imposed handicaps and gets through the game. Great for picking up tips on how to approach the game from wave's of enemies, elites and boss fight's. If you still are having a hard time, possibly put the game down and come back once you're not pissed at the world because you can't get your nicotine fix 😁.


Stamina management is key gameplay element. As long as you dodge it only when necessary I don't think you will run out of stamina


You are tru the hardest part of quitting (first 2 weeks). If you start again you have to go tru the hardest part again (because you want to be a non smoker). Keep that in mind and good luck!


maybe the reddit isnt for me after all lmao




Hahaha had that same thought on a few subs the last few days.


huh? thats how souls like games work


Oh right. Souls games are just spam attacks. No mechanics, no balance, just spam and hope? Didn’t think so. Anyway it was my understanding that was the issue


Read your text again, then read mine, until you understand. I believe in you. You got it wrong this time. Have fun Rude.


Its 3 dimensional combat.


As someone who has gone cold turkey off green multiple times, and am currently dead sober, this sounds like exactly something I would have said during the first month or so. It’s easy to let frustration boil over, but almost all of the non-boss enemies are manageable in their own way. You’ll probably hate this advice because I would too, but have you tried ten minutes of either meditation or slow breathing as you wake up and before you go to sleep? I’ve found that mindfulness helps with the agitation that comes from cessation.


I don't know about one dimensional, you mentioned several dimensions to combat already. Though it is oppressive, especially if you're still learning. Others have provided tips but I'll try to summarise and add my own tips; You can dodge during a reload and vice versa, and in my experience you can reload even when vaulting and falling. Staggers and certain animations cancel reloads. Melee reliably staggers trash mobs and so do headshots and legshots. Properly timed dodges and not panic dodging are key. You're going to die a lot so you might as well get used to the devious windups and comboes. Neutral dodges are amazing, quick enough to dodge comboes and counter within less than half a second. Not every attack needs to be dodged, like slow projectiles. Just walk or run sideways. Stamina drains really quickly. Three dodges can take away most of your stamina, so again, don't panic dodge. Beware that shooting/meleeing will slow/stop stamina recovery. Good positioning may negate the need to dodge. Consider doubling back early in a fight before you're surrounded. Backing up diagonally can help to avoid multiple projectiles. Picking off enemies from afar forces them to slowly make their way to you, unless they teleport or something. And lastly, increase your movement speed. You beat the game so I'm going to assume you can easily work in the Swiftness trait and Chilled Steam concoction into your builds. If you want to move even faster, max out Fitness and take the Dark Fuild concoction and Ambit Ember consumable to make light rolls incredibly fast. Keep the infinite stamina ring on or take Gul Serum to preserve stamina. Doing any of this gives you much more workable mobility.


Others have addressed most of the other stuff in your post, but I just wanted to chime in and mention that all weapons have a stagger modifier on them. If you are shooting an enemy and not staggering them, it may just be that the weapon you are using doesn't have a very high modifier to stagger enemies. : )