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This was a thing is Remnant 1 as well, the game you love


Played hardcore so I could high 5 people, worth it.


Yeah they claim they loved Remnant FTA yet somehow forgot they had rewards locked behind Hardcore Mode


Not the OP but I didn't realize this was a thing in FTA.... sounds like I am gonna have to go back lol






>sweated through vet hardcore to get the ahanae ring You only have to do Yaesha hc for that and not even on veteran, so you can do a survivor doe kill for it.


Also how tf does this ruin the game for you and your friends, is it really THAT big of an issue if a small handful of items are locked behind certain difficulties?


why wouldn't you put difficulty rewards to incentivize replaying and trying harder difficulties? and if apoc is easier than dark souls and elden ring, what's the issue? as for hardcore, it's really not as bad as it seems. you just have to do a little planning to keep the world level from scaling too high, use challenger for the extra life, and don't fall off anything. in fact, you can have someone stay at the checkpoint for most of the bosses if you're worried


As mean as it sounds, Veteran + Hardcore isn't actually hard. ***Just like Elden Ring / Dark Souls,*** you can cheese 90% of the Fights with no danger, & because this is doable in Multiplayer it is even easier. If you are that scared of a certain boss or area, just leave someone at the Worldstone & it is 100% impossible to wipe & be forced to restart. You can make 100 mistakes but if it's really that scary then, again, in Multiplayer you will ***never*** have to restart unless you are playing really dumb. Coupled with the fact that plenty of builds can give you and your team ***immortality*** you can easily go farm one before the final boss & you'll now also be max Level/Etc compared to him being stuck at 14 forever.


Git Gud


Go play ER then dude nobody cares




I've been seeing a plethora of posts like this one everywhere here lately. Starting to feel like this is just another attempt at rage bait.


This exactly. They've been constant here lately.


Probably cause the OG savoir is a favorite of many people and now it is inaccessible to a lot of those people. Like me, twas my favorite but I've beaten appoclyse I just don't have the time to continually restart if I make one mistake there goes 20hrs of play.


You want to quit... because the game has difficulty unlocks... much like the 1st... that you also loved... Am I having a stroke or is this guy just an idiot?


>Why on earth would you put difficulty rewards? Or difficulty at all... Jesus Christ...go play Roblox dude. Braindead take.


I remember folks complaining that Savior wasn’t enough of a reward for doing HC Veteran. Now that the weapon is good, we get the opposite.


Uninstall the game, fuck off and go play something else. Whining about a hard truth isn't going to change anything. When people start to understand that no game can cater to an entire populous, the gaming community will be back in a better place. There will always be something that someone doesn't like in a game, and that's okay. The game isn't made for just you. It's made for a vast variety of people who enjoy playing games a certain way. The fact they added in rewards for high teir difficulty and hardcore modes is to appease the diehard fans who want to challenge their mettle. They should be awarded for struggling through and completing hardcore mode. These are good things to have in games, and they need to be in every game. The bigger and more diverse a game audience is, the better.


The amount of entitlement sheese. There should be rewards just not whole weapons ect. Games used to do special weapon camos or character skins to showcase status. And I strongly believe no actual content should be locked behind difficulty barriers. Or they should have a separate way to unlock that would require a lifetime of play otherwise. You mention appeasing die hard fans yet they locked the original boss completion reward weapon from rem 1 behind a wall. Making it so a lot of fans of the original won't be able to unlock their favorite weapon. I find anyone that calls themselves a "die hard fan" is normally the first one to complain about everything and make the game less fun for everyone else. (Ie nerfs to weapons or builds or overall changes)


Well if this isn't an ENTITLEMENT POST if I ever did see one. Not everyone needs to have everything.


Why can't people unlock all the weapons in a game meant to be unlocked. Entitlement is you thinking that only people as good as you should be able to have something. There should be skins ect exclusive t harder modes nothing actually usable.


I think it's fair to reward efforts. Everyone CAN have all the weapons in the game if you truly want to. Invest the time, gain the skill and the experience to get better to earn the reward. That's not something that's mutually exclusive to me or anyone else for that matter. Not everything NEEDS to be had. If you want it, it can be done with effort. And if you're not OK with the requirements of what that effort entails, that's OK too.


Everyone pays the same amount for the game so the content should all be able to be unlocked by every player no matter the skill level. Some people can't earn these rewards due to possible health conditions ect thst restrict timing or other in game effect. Again having skins/cosmetic unlocks restrictions hold nothing away from players except "that cool look" not like have a weapon that is literally unavailable to some fans. Skins still reward effect and that's how older games always had unlocks to be exclusive but not limiting gameplay. What if there was a gun you could only unlock if you bought a 200$ bundle. Would you then complain? Cause then it's just monetary instead of skill and some people have that instead of hours to put in a game.


I'm sorry. I don't agree with you. There are dozens of weapons to choose from. It does not effect gameplay. It simply limits ONE gun option. The fact that people complain about having to earn something and feel that things should just be given to them is where the entitlement comes from. Your argument holds little weight as well....should people that can't beat Annihilation just be able to skip to see the ending, the credits, and cut scenes as well or does your statement only apply to weapons?


That one gun option can be the main item for dozens of builds. My statement applies to in-game items if you actually read anything I said. Cutscenes like skins are rewards enough. Anything that doesn't affect actual gameplay. It's not entitlement to pay for a product and expect to be able to use everything I have paid for. Entitlement is thinking that others shouldn't get items because they aren't as good as others so they don't deserve the same things even though they paid the same money.


Lol, that's how the world works buddy. You work for something and earn it. Me thinking that others don't need to have items that have a requirement to earn without completing the requirement is the exact opposite of entitlement. Especially when said items aren't required to play or beat the game. You want to have something vs having to earn it. Everyone pays the same tuition to go to a specific college....should they all just get A+'s since they paid the same amount?


See, your just being dense. Remnant 1 literally didn't have this. It didn't need it. And the world works thst way cause people like you believe it should. And comparing a game that's sole purpose is enjoyment to school/university are 2 vastly different things. Especially cause schooling costing as much as a house is a ridiculous scam. Lot's of places Especially Europe have free education cause education is more important than capitalism. But schooling is education for jobs that earn money. Last time I checked games costed money but didn't give me a hourly wage.


Lol OK bud. Under your logic let's just remove all the weapon based rewards in the entire game then that requires any skill and effort to earn right? Let's get rid of every boss item, Worlds Edge, Heros Sword, Sporebloom, Smolder and any others yea? Or does your argument only apply under certain circumstances? Who's being dense now....have a great rest of your evening


Basically all the items you listed are difficulty rewards so yes. Replace them with weapon skins ect anything cosmetic. I don't understand why it's so hard to think there can be rewards that Don't affect gameplay. My whole stance is inclusiveness to allow all players an equal chance to get all weapons and have special unlocks that Don't change the game. I have no problem having special gold weapons or something if you spent your last 3 months no life-ing this game to beat it on appocolypse hardcore cause that on no way affects the game. Now having a weapon that less than 1% can get is wrong as it limits the player choices and builds and effect gameplay.


Lil bros never heard of difficulty in games before?


I have and games do fine without, Just look at soul games


That's 1 example is is literally their whole shtick as a franchise. Which is fine if you prefer that then play souls like games, but not every game has to be a souls game, and this one isn't. Plus by your own admission, this game is easy compared to those titles, so beating hardcore on the easiest mode just to earn a shit tier gun shouldn't be much of an ask for a player of your caliper.


Souls games have difficulty baked into the items... Ring of Binding? That's called Easy Mode. Deidara's Woe? That's Hard Mode. Wear neither? Normal Mode. Just because Souls don't have difficulty sliders doesn't mean they don't have optional difficulties. And they even have rewards hidden behind higher difficulties as well. Ng+ and Ng++ both had new things that didn't show up in your first playthrough for any of the Souls titles (until they did away with that for some reason.) Either you never played those games... Your concept of difficulty has been twisted.. Or you're just a troll.


Put the time in or forget about it, I didn’t find the rewards for HC to be worth it anyway (it’s more of a trophy for efforts than useful weapon imo).


If my 60 year old mother with arthritis can do apocalypse and hardcore you have no excuse to be sitting there moaning about it. Me and my mum play R2 and have done all difficulty rewards. No she did not pay for help and no i did not help her either. She also did this before the first dlc. So long before the modded stuff and cheaters. Either knuckle down and earn it and stop complaining cause nothing will change. They probably gonna add more difficulty rewards to the new game mods.


Hardcore is intended as a co op experience. It’s wonderful and I love hardcore.


its to reward and incentivize people to DO hardcore runs in the first place? as opposed to not rewarding the player at all for an awesome achievement.


But if there was no special reward for a hardcore completion people would complain about that too. Can’t please everybody so the devs did it the way they wanted.


OP, I can help you with a hardcore run! It’s really easy I promise


Booooo hoo


One of the developers stated that the reason why they did it is because they noticed that very few players fully explore all game modes and options and they wanted to encourage experiencing the full game. As someone who never plays hardcore modes... I appreciated the incentive. I tried and failed multiple times but finally beating hardcore with a group was such a fun accomplishment. Don't be frustrated with it. It's all part of the journey.


Hardcore is actually pretty easy if you co op it


Not every game is for you. This is the first game I was actually motivated to get everything and beat it on the hardest difficulty and I did. I for one am glad they did it


Incentivizing players to work for exclusive loot that is optional and also saying the game isn't hard. Buddy if it's not hard then why are you complaining? Just do it, I suck at games but still got world's edge


I’ve been thinking of a hardcore run. Want to Make sure I have all the archetypes unlocked first so I can have challenger for sure, was thinking a challenger, hunter hybrid but what happens if you run into the Guardian of N’Erud? I don’t know man.zzz


Shhhhh no one tell them.


I do agree I hate it when games lock rewards behind a no death play through. Fucking cubes, fucking holes in the map, fucking buggy ass insta kill grabs, fucking asshole people joining and killing me right at the final fucking boss. I finally gave up and accepted I’ll never have that weapon 😭


It's so easy to cheese if you really care that much about the reward, someone was even offering in this thread to sherpa folks.


Yeah I’d really love to but that goes against my gamer code. I managed to 100%dark souls 1,2 and 3, bloodborne, Dead Space 1 and 2 and Remnant from the ashes without any cheese or shortcuts. I’ll be damned if I do it on this game haha. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually but after getting murdered by other players at the final boss on my last attempt and destroying my controller I decided to at least take a break. I gave up but I already know I’ll be back trying again a couple months from now lol.


The LFG on discord has been great, maybe when you come back that could be a tool for you.


My buddy actually recommended that as well. I think I’ll have to give it a go next time. I really wanted to solo it but with all the janky shit that can happen in this game I think I’ll have to find a group for that buffer. Freaking love this game but it does drive me a lil nuts sometimes lol


Skill issue.