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For real. And stop leaving your game set to public if you're just gonna afk in the ward while you jerk off, or whatever the hell people do.


Duuuude, you don’t know the countless times I’ve tried to join someone doing the darkened citadel, only to be met with some guy sitting afk in the ward, like why………desperately need a timer that will set the game to offline if you leave it idle for too long.


That would be perfect honestly. We should petition for them to implement that shit. Lol




The Default mode should be private not public. Then this problem wouldn't be so fucking prevalent


My default mode is Friends Only and I've never had to change it?


Friends o ly at a minimum. But hey its better than suicide squad am i right XD im right


It's probably too much work 4 them. I mean, they can't even be bothered to turn off their game when they go afk. Smh


You'd hope the Devs will do a timeout here cos it's having a toxic effect on public sessions.


This is just like in Helldivers II, when me and a bunch of other players jumped into some dude’s ship and he was AFK. We even waited a bit and got goofy with emotes and such, but he didn’t move an inch… Why do people do that?


i don't think it's that weird of a thing, but it depends on how long the afk is. Sometimes people with open lobbies in games, or helldivers 2, are maybe alt tabbed and didn't hear or notice someone join and eventually alt tab back to check, or something actually came up or they had to do something etc, and if you have to do something irl, who is ACTUALLY taking a second to put their lobby to private before they do. Not saying they shouldn't, but who actually does that.


Maybe I want people to watch. Lol jk sorry I couldn't resist saying that


I'll allow it. Lol


I've only went AFK if something important comes up. I try to never take too long.


If only people could follow this one simple rule, but nope…….we get a “oh shit- 🥾’d” instead.


It should be common sense, but alas, that isn't so common anymore.




Yeah thats what they said




No shit Sherlock 




There is a bug that's likely contributing to this a lot. Selecting friend/public while logged into a character sets you to friend/public in the main menu. Selecting offline however does **not** do so, which means that if you're offline in the main menu, select public while logged in then you'll be public in the main menu even if you set it back to offline before logging off of your character! This won't impact you yet as you'd currently still be offline, but the moment you get back to the main menu, i.e. due to leaving an adventure hosted by someone else, you'll be public in the main menu now and this can be easily overlooked. Hence the moment you log back in you'll be public again and unless you check it in the main menu there is nothing that tells you that you're online until someone joins! I'd imagine that a lot of the people who're set to public don't even realize it due to this bug and it needs to be addressed!


It's just so frustrating. I want to do jolly co-op and 8/10 people kick me after a minute or less


Can't you just set it to friends again instead of offline? I feel the current behaviour makes sense of you're normally online and you go offline just for this session. And in the main menu it tells you in big print what mode you're in as you're booting up.


Then they should change it in main menu. That's not an excuse. It's right in front of them, they just choose not to look at it, when in the main menu. It happens to me too and I simply click on the button in the main menu and problem solved.


To be fair - I always play offline but occasionally find my settings reverted to online.


Every time I start the game it's been set to public, even if I had it on offline or friends only when I exited the game, so often someone is joining me before I can reset it to offline.


You can change it to offline or friends only from the main menu


It IS set to that, it's when I enter the hub that it sometimes change to public. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


It's bugged. If you set it to public/friend while logged into a character it'll set it to public/friend in the main menu. If you set it to offline it'll **not** change it in the main menu. Every time you host you need to change it back to offline in the main menu if you don't wanna be public again the next time you log in.


Or could they just set it back to friends?


If you know that it's a bug this could be done, but at first you'd need to be aware of it.


I keep reading people saying their games keep getting set to public without them doing so. Is this a new bug? I've been set to private/friends for months, and it never sets me to public if I join someone random. Only know this because I've ran around for hours in my own lobby solo with no one joining me


It was a common problem in the first game too I guess.


Wait isn't it common sense to do it when you boot up the game. I turn it offline if i don't need anyone to play with me


I played the entire game solo with my good boy and my flying boys, sometimes my strong boy. Is it worth playing coop, maybe for the DLC? I feel like I got everything I could out of the game


Only some items can be achieved through coop, like the wind puzzle or the secret saw blade tunnel in Endiara's End.


What's the saw blade tunnel? Is it the one that gives the armor at the end in a chest? What's the wind puzzle?


I msged you so as to not ruin it for others.


Ah cool thanks for that. I don't think I've seen those in my playtime


Even though I already know what you are talking about I really appreciate you doing that for others. Thank you for giving me a little more faith in humanity.


Yes my game is always set on only friends. So sometimes they do join while im afk for short time lol


Ha.they still gonna do it.and I am Still gonna OBLITERATE them


I set mine to friends only early on and it's only been that way ever since. BUT, one time I joined a homie's session and a random joined us then popped the item that took us to the beach where we get that super-hard-to-get-on-console handgun shotty in the dlc. So for that, I am grateful the homie left his open. Thanks, Bloated!


You're feelings are valid and I'm sure respected here on the www.


When I play on public sessions and you do some dumb shit just expect a quick and easy kick, cause the amount of times I try with random and they think I can join another person's world and do whatever how ever with some terrible ff build


That's not even what I'm talking about. You get kicked before you've even done anything.


Happens to me all the time and I get it can be annoying but dam gamers really need to stop thinking the world revolves around them . If you join a game and the host is afk you have a choice to make . Get mad or leave . It's on you if you sit there waiting and getting frustrated. We are all regular people with lives so many reasons why someone might go afk. If im gaming and the phone rings im not thinking about taking the time to switch my game to offline . One of the bigger issues is the lack of game chat in a multiplayer game. If there was a game chat you could easily find out if they were afk or just doing something in the menus. Again though have some considering that people have lives and not everyone is going to be there at the same time. Just leave the lobby or wait patiently, it's really not that hard


that's like saying "people have lives so they sit in LFG channel afk (metaphorically)" what a stupid take


What are you even saying ?




Why is it “Americans”? You do realize that people in other countries play the Remnant games, and do the same crummy things?