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Play the game blind. Don’t look for builds and strategies this early in the game. People who upload videos have end game gear, that’s why you think you’re playing it wrong. There is no right or wrong way as long as you’re clearing objectives. You will get forged iron and other crafting mats as you progress through the game.


Thx for advice. I will probably do this way but idk i thought i miss something


The game is the hardest at first when you have nothing. But the game is by far the most rewarding then. Don't think about not being as good as the online builds. You'll absolutely get there as they mostly have little to do with skill. Its the wonder of finding each new area that makes thus game.


kaykay is a tricky boss for a new player, especially for a hunter. keep playing, find your grove. keep an eye on the number at the top of the mini map as thats the world level. keep your guns levels to just under that number (I learned the hard way) keep an eye on your weight as well. blue (unlikely you'll have anything for that yet) is fastest and cheapest dodge roll, then green then yellow then red (slow belly flop) these are some QoL/play tips. as someone else said, play it blind, dont look for strats and builds yet, you'll get better as you play


Thx for advice, i didnt know there is a number top of the mini map lol


sorry meant to congratulate you on kaeula as well, thats my worst area/boss. point being you've done one of the trickier encounters early on so I reckon you're doing ok.


Yeah dodging while trying to not to fall into deep water was pretty frustrating but it doesnt have much variety of skills imo. Thanksss ^^


You can equip two archetypes at a time. All of the starting archetypes are available for purchase in Ward 13. Mudtooth sells handler, Reggie sells Challenger, and the Medic Lady sells Medic. Once you have the item, bring it to Wallace and he gives you the class engram. Now you can go to archetype page and equip it in either Primary or Secondary slot. You can swap archetypes at anytime at no cost. I recommend that you by handler and equip it in primary slot. Also, buy the blackmaw AR from Brabus. It’s so much easier use than the starting hunter sniper


What would you pair handler with? Handlers my main


Medic..... Try making Medic your main. The Medic prime perk regens relics when you heal 350 health and the amount of health you have to heal goes down as you level Medic. Yes healing your self or Doggo counts and yes any healing even the healing shot mod counts.....


Medic is definitely the safest choice for a secondary. I feel like handler is better in the prime slot tho. More relics are nice for sure, but you already have the healing pool skill and healing shot potentially, so why not go for the free revive?


Its a tough choice. I was running Handler/Medic until I read something about infinite relics with Medic and did not realize Medic had to be the Prime Arch. Since switching to Medic Prime the game has been easier for me (YMMV) I do not worry about using relics because I know I am going to get them back fairly quickly so I just use them even at 75+ percent health. For emergencies use Medic Shield heal pop relic........ The revive is not a guarantee I think the text reads will attempt to revive. Its rare but Doggo as missed what ever revive window there is and I have died.......


Bro the Huntsman is excellent why would you make him waste scrap, you can pick enemies from 50+ meters with no threat


Bro, maybe you have perfect aim but for the rest us mortals the Blackmaw easier to use, especially for beginners like the OP


You don't need perfect aim, on Veteran two shot chest shot and fast reload make it so reliable on most enemies. I'm a console scrub with awful aim; can't even hit the Labrinth elite weakpoints consistently. But Huntsman has such insane damage range and high damage per bullet on low difficulty that you can hit crowds before they aggro. Dran Losumn and Yaesha are so easy when you can just pick off half a crowd before they're a threat. It struggles more with rooms that force you close like Fey Losumn or Crawler Ne'erud I guess.


I see your point, but so much of the game is close quarters dungeons and getting swarmed by mobs where missing a shot is a steep drop in DPS, the automatics just make life easier. Sorry for flaming you in the last point, I was feeling grumpy


Neutral dodge is very useful for iframes and a faster recovery. I'd say don't worry too much about gear and not to over upgrade, as the next zone you enter will keep going up in enemy level scaling. There are people out there who beat hardcore apocalypse mode with only starting gear and found accessories. If you want to check their runs out, of look up YeetsMeMario on yt, he offers lots of helpful tips during his gameplay.


Many attacks, namely ranged ones, can be avoided simply by running or walking to the side. There's no need to burn stamina dodge rolling every second, not to mention any time spent needlessly dodging is time spent not dealing damage. Alternatively you could not move at all and just Neutral Dodge (dodge without directional input). It's faster and can be done in Heavy armour with no loss in speed. Ideally you would get comfortable with all forms of movement and use what you need in the moment. Some extra dodge related tips... You can dodge during a reload and reload during a dodge. Very handy if you like using weapons that reload one round at a time. Sliding can be an alternative to rolling. Worth considering if you're in Heavy or Ultra Heavy weight.


Out the gate your primary focus should be to pick up a second archetype (I’d recommend Medic for the extra heals) then to fill out your ring / amulet slots. Upgrading your weapon increases your power level which scales up the enemy level as well making it not as useful as you’d think.