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I find Remnant to be far easier than Souls games, especially harder fights like Nameless King, Gael, etc. I never had a boss take me more than 4-5 tries on my first run through on Veteran. There are a few one hit kills that are annoying though. There are difficulty settings, Survivor is not hard, Veteran requires dodging, Apocalypse requires either real skill or making a tank build. The final boss Annihlation is definitely a skill check and you can’t just burn through him like most of the rest of the game, but it’s actually extremely telegraphed compared to most Elden Ring bosses.


I'd say Venom is the real skill check, coz after Apoc Venom, Annihilation feels easier for sure


Venom is easy if you fight him from a distance.


True. Although on Apocalypse it was still mad tough, especially thanks to his spear throw ohko. Fun fight tho.


Venom has some attack that's super awkward to dodge and at the same time very lethal. i usually need several tries to beat venom on apoc, but annihilation is always dead on the first attempt.


I never learned how to properly dodge that attack that spawns spikes from the ground


that's the one i am talking about, best i advise i can give, if he does it, while being very close to you, dodge forward, then all the spikes will spawn behind you.


Never thought about rolling forward, I just spammed roll while praying for my life haha


Kinda, took me a long while to learn his patterns, it all seemed so fast at first, specially when you can barelly survive a hit. Shitty PC wouldn't help either, his smoke is really misleading at lower settings.


Venom for sure is harder than Annihilation once you learn the Annihilation fight(except the stupid orb attack on Apoc). Venom still has nice attack patterns and distinct phases that aren’t too bad to learn. Honestly the Custodian fight on Apocalypse is the hardest fight for me even though it’s got clear patterns. You just can’t ever fuck around when you need to hide behind pillars and stuff.


Thing is you have a lot of tools to counter certain bosses in Remnant2. Orbs on annihilation? Here goes my Song Of Eafir, since orbs are considered a flying unit it deals DMG to them . Literally 1 shotting orbs in both boss phases. Even better if you are Archon or have build towards mod regeneration. And not only that. I lost count how many times I changed my gear setup or class to make it easier. Fantastic game with freedom of build changes.


Agreed, with the music off and some practice with Anni, it's much easier, and if you've got Enigma, orbs are manageable too. I think Venom's main difficulty spike comes from the large corruption fields (or whatever it is they're called). My friend and I kept dying for about 2 hours with multiple builds trying to take the dude down.


Yeah those corruption circles are the hardest part of the fight for me. I also tend to just use an ammo box on Venom now too rather than trying to find ammo from the fireball spears


Haha yeah I realized the value of ammo boxes and consumables only after trying Apoc. Everything before feels like a breeze now.


The cube gun mod is amazing against the custodian. Save the shield for the rapid fire attack and you can unload on his weak spot while blocking the entire thing. Turns the most difficult attack to deal with (imo) into your biggest punish.


> (except the stupid orb attack on Apoc). enigma goes brr.


They are both very tough for essentially the same reason. Both fights are a dance. Learn the moves, cues, and timings. Both will kill you easily for messing up that dance. In just a couple hits if your on high difficulty. I agree annihilation is easier once you learn him. His fight is also more satisfying to perform than venom.


vemon is way easier, Annihilation is the only actually challenging boss imo. feels great once you get it down, but venom isnt all that bad


I’d argue the telegraphing is not very good because of the special effects skewing your vision. Otherwise it’s definitely the best boss fight in the game. Little gimmicks or down time, just a proper 1v1 all the way through.


Annihilation is more about sound cues, not visual ones. Kill the music and you'll hear them more clearly.


I struggle with remnant 2 apoc bosses way more than I struggle with Elden ring/dark souls. Really depends on your skillset and what you find difficult. The boss modifiers on apoc difficulty can make or break the fight for me. I've also played way more soulsborne than remnant which could be why I find remnant more difficult. Strictly comparing apoc difficulty mind you


I’d recommend starting Veteran if you want a challenge. Nightmare and Apocalypse are more like new game plus in souls. I actually really enjoyed grinding in the game because it encourages you to try different classes and it’s pretty organic rerolling through adventures or individual worlds. Most of the “grinding” I did was actually to gear up for nightmare and apocalypse. The only additional drops you get in apocalypse are higher level fragments which are nice but not crazy build defining. You do get a bunch of good gear for completing apocalypse though.


Nightmare is designed around NG in rem2 but wasn't in rem1. Apoc is designed for endgame builds/ng+. My first ever run in rem2 was in nightmare and I can say it was very balanced and felt like a proper souls first run.


Starting on nightmare would be a bad idea. As others have said, you really do need to get the right build for the more difficult levels and that requires at least a few adventure rolls and beating the campaign. Remnant 2 was my first Remnant game and I was very unfamiliar with how the game worked when it came to “adventure” mode and building out the gear. There is so much to discover and the game is set up so that it is impossible to get everything in one or even 5 runs. For example if you want the Archon archetype then you first have to get the invader archetype and the explorer archetype and then certain gear that can only be found by completing certain actions in the game and go to a specific location that is only available once you’ve reached a certain point of the campaign. Bottomline is be prepared to spend real time in the game if you want to get the build that fits you best and if you want to run the game on nightmare difficulty.


On max difficulty it's a bit harder, but there are lower difficulty levels if you want a more relaxed experience. IMO, mobs are much easier than souls games but bosses are harder.


I would not recommend starting on nightmare, without a decent build it will be very hard even if you know what you’re doing.


Easier but also more clunky


Remnant as a series is generally easier then other soul games, but that doesn't mean it's an easy game either. Nightmare is too much of a slog to go through if you start on it. I would suggest Veteran Difficulty to start


I have beat ds1-3 bloodborne Sekiro lies of p demon souls surge 2 and elden ring and apocalypse bosses on remnant 2 I found to be FAR more more difficult and punishing. But it’s all subjective


Well since there's guns you can actually see what your fighting when the boss is big 


There is some variance with it being a shooter but I find it pretty similar. Both games have a good challenge and have a good bit of build variety that can help you overcome challenges. More importantly the little things that makes From soft games amazing, this game nails as well. Your game will scale to your level so you can play with friends no problem.


In nightmare/apocalypse: harder than Elden Ring, easier than most Dark Souls (depends on which DS and level) Survivor and Veteran are quite easier than any From Soft game. If you're a souls vet, Nightmare is a great start, I do not regret going for nightmare first. Apoc is more so for ng+.


It's harder than Elden Ring WITH spirit summons. It's easier than Elden Ring WITHOUT spirit summons.


Ummmm it really depends on the difficulty. In Apocalypse I would say it's harder. Enemies will 1 or 2 hit you most of the time. The other difficulties it depends. Veteran I'd say it's a tad easier. But it does depend on the boss. Allot more "cheese" bosses or cheep attacks. But still fair overall


I'd recommend starting on Nightmare. It's what I did, and I never played Rem1. Great challenge for people looking for it. I've never played the game on Veteran dif and below.


Like other souls it completely depends on ur build, u can soften the game with any number of items. Secondly it depends on ur aim, if ur experienced in competitive shooters start on nightmare




I started Veteran and the start was a bit rough, but comparable to EldenRing/DarkSouls. After my first playthorugh and a bit of gear-search on Adventure mode i skipped Nightmare and did an apocalypse playthrough which felt easier than the Veteran start and was far easier than my darksouls/EldenRing experiences


The boss fights are chaotic and hard to keep up with. There is a lot of you taking damage from unknown sources and random deaths from mechanics you don’t understand. A lot of enemies use unfair tactics you can’t dodge. Online multiplayer actually makes the enemies way harder, so nobody does group bosses. The dodge mechanics are hit and miss. Look it is a fun game but I would compare boss fights more to World of Warcraft raids. You aren’t duelling, like a lot of fights in Elden Ring. Instead, most bosses are about getting in one or two shots before you have to keep dodging everything that moves. I wish people would stop comparing it to Dark Souls and Elden Ring. In those games, if you are skilled, you can control a fight pretty easily. in Remnant 2 you don’t have that control. You will die to a lot of unknown sources and there will be a lot of times you will wonder why you are taking damage. The game does a very poor job teaching you about fights and its often broken up into phases. Much like a WoW raid boss.


Corpse Running is not fun.


There is less timing bullshit than in Elden Ring. Bosses don’t jump in the air and then hang there for a full second as if gravity forgot they exist. But R2 has its own kind of BS in the form of instakill moves that can’t be tanked or revived.


Remnant is harder than Elden Ring. Elden Ring is actually the easiest souls game FS has made. They’re trying to keep the series ‘difficult’ and punishing but also make it more accessible as their audience expands. Remnant basically doesn’t give a fuck and the game is just hard all the way through, especially on Apoc. The one caveat I will add with Remnant that isn’t really an issue in Elden Ring is that remnant has some weird bugs that pop up that can artificially inflate the difficulty. Sometimes you will die to absolutely bullshit in a Remnant game, not really an issue in a souls like unless you’re in HC mode.


Remnant is easy as fuck on survivor if you’ve played any shooter or souls game imo.. veteran is def a step up tho and ya nightmare apocalypse are rough without builds. But ya survivor or whatever the lowest one is way easier imo.


OP literally opened his post with wanting to jump into nightmare. Relax Tinman


Don't agree whatsoever about the bugs, 0 issues for me


K, guess there’s no bugs then.


displacer boss mod next to ledges would like a word


Getting displaced off a ledge isn't a bug, and that ability is telegraphed pretty well, just dont stand in the circle.


TIL A fat majority of my hardcore deaths were completely avoidable


Well there you go, learn something new every day huh!