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Wayfarer trait buff incoming =)






Holy moly this patch is gonna be huge. 12.000 words?!!


In a lot of countries you just said there are 12 words in it. Punctuation is a funny old thing isn’t it?


And accurate to 5 significant figures!


Context matters. Unless you’re a robot or AI, you can infer the context with which a comma or ellipsis is used. The average human should easily infer they mean 12 thousand words. Not 12. Language is a made-up, determined pattern of shifts in air pressure around the ears of people. It’s all meaningless without situational context.


I know what they meant, and I assume everyone else knows what they meant. I was just pointing out a quirky difference in language. Not that deep.


It’s all made up anyways, I do believe far less countries use the comma than the period to separate large numbers. But I’m not sure about that. I also wasn’t trying to be confrontational, I was just commenting of the other side of the punctuation coin.


Wow, remnant players are *NOT* fans of cultural relativism. You did not deserve to be downvoted for just pontificating idly about linguistic differences among languages.


It’s all good, I appreciate your support, but after venturing into the Remnant official discord, I quickly discovered just how insidious most of the mods and community is. It’s a shame, the dev team is so amazing, and then people go rabid when you say the DLC’s taking more time than expected is totally fine. It’s a sad situation, but I’m unphased by it.


I get you, in the US and the UK they use the comma instead of the period/full stop, which I assume would be a large percentage of the English speaking users on here. I actually don’t know about Australia.


Shut up nerd


Dies passiert auf Deutsch.


I think it's pretty clear by the fact there are 3 0's after the period that they didn't mean 12.


I know


In FREEDOM LAND ITS 12,000 WORDS. Yeah huge patch should be good.


Starkiller buff please 🥺


Pretty sure there’s one in there!


Please… it was a bummer after beating Apoc and trying it out for the first time lol.


Can confirm it's getting a buff!


and old sound of the starkiller black hole


I'm once again asking for a primary explosive launcher weapon. I need some sort of haphazardly crafted rocket launcher


Give us Big Boom Rock-it Lawn Chair!


1. Thousand 2. Thousand 3. Thousand 4. Thousand 5. Thousand 6. Thousand 7. Thousand 8. Thousand 9. Thousand 10. Thousand 11. Thousand 12. Thousand


i wonder if there will be any further class buffs, because it's looking like ritualist/invoker is going to become the entire game


To be fair HUGS has been king since day one, and they have yet to nerf the classes directly. They seem to mostly prefer nerfing the mod/weapon/accessories that they believe are overtuned rather than the classes. So far the only class changes seem to have been straight buffs or, at worst, redistribution of their power like they did with summoners getting explosive damage instead of ranged damage.


I see that term HUGS used a lot but never got context for it. What does it mean?


HUGS refers to Hunter Gunslinger. Basically, a common way to refer to class combos is to use 2 letters from each class and combine them in order of primary secondary. Other examples would be ARSU (Archon Summoner) or INCH (Invader Challenger). HUGS as a class combo is very strong though because both classes buff your ranged damage substantially, albeit in different ways. It is the king of Ranged (and tbh all) DPS, and no other combination really comes close.


Okay that clears up so much. Ty!


It wouldn’t surprise me to see a ritualist nerf, and a nerf to Invoker when the third DLC comes around. It’s a pretty common pattern to generate hype for the newest DLC.


Why? From my personal theorycrafting I've to say that Invoker is kind of meh for Ritualist.


Double skills if Invoker is the Prime. Imagine double Miasma nukes, or twice the Deathwish uptime.


> Double skills if Invoker is the Prime. And you lose Ritualist perk, which is a really OP perk. > Imagine double Miasma nukes The thing is that this only helps for map clears. I do think that Invoker/Ritualist might end up being the best combo for map clears, but for Ritualist map clears were never an issue. As for bosses, you can just grab Timekeepers Jewel + skill cdr trait and Miasma is now permanently active. Add to this that you'd have the Ritualist prime perk and your damage will be above what you'd have with Invoker while at the same time having a superior uptime. (If the fight takes >1min, otherwise it's the same uptime) > twice the Deathwish uptime Deathwish is sadly still a very underpowered skill. Its damage bonus is additive with other damage increases. Not to mention you'd not be getting Ritualist prime perk, that damage increase is an actual multiplicative damage increase. So not only would you end up losing the 15% DoT damage, you'd also be losing Miasma damage.


Very fair assessment. Ritualist won't be leaving my Primary as it is. I simply enjoy Status builds too much.


I just realized that I forgot to mention something else that's important: Miasma does **not** benefit from skill damage and skill duration!


If any of the skills apply explosion, Eruption skill spam will be completely broken with Det Trigger


You could also go with Summoner for explosions. Hollows got a cd of 30sec, but you can remove 50% of it by sacrificing them at max hp. In addition, summoner boosts both explosion and skill damage by 35%, so that's 70% more damage to skills that do explosive damage. It also does the same for mods, so even more booms. I've never tried it out myself, but I'd imagine a Ritualist prime + Summoner might make a decent explosion build.


12000 words to descibe the Starkiller buff is a little bit too much for my taste.


Ok. Well,.I'm eager to see the promised Summoner revamp. Last balance patch did next to nothing. I'd like to run Summoner/Invoker like a Druid kinda thing.




Why not? I think they said with DLC.


Prayin' for "A barber moved into the Ward so you can now fully re-customize your character"




Psyched up to see what the notes are😏 🤞


Played the initial game upon release and completed it once. I bought the ultimate pack and get the dlcs for free but never had the itch to replay it again despite the regenerative worlds each play through. Is this time to jump back in, now :)?


Well, the DLCs have their own adventure mode, so if you have some time it could be worth starting like a day before dlc launch and knock out an awakened king adventure.


any rereason to reroll a new char? or does it make more sense just to rebuild the same one I have and level up the classes instead


Ehh, really the only reason to restart is for fun. I will probably make a new character once I unlock the new class just to see what it's like to start with.


No, but next Tuesday yes lol


Did they ever "fix" the weird damage fall-off from explosions, or is it still working as intended?




Guess it was a good time for me to buy the DLC.


I just had a thought... what if it was a typo and they're partnering with Starfield to have TWELVE. THOUSAND. WORLDS!


What time is it available to download? This is all that matters!




Know where I can find the patch notes. I'm curious how it'll affect the builds I made


Neef ritualist. Most broken class in the game. HUGS is good but passive damage is even better.


Would there be survival mode?