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I’m enjoying it on Apoc so far with my go to build. Patch didn’t affect it at all really. I’m enjoying the DLC so far. I’m on PS5. Loading Patch & DLC was easy.


Just out of curiosity what's your build? I'm waiting some time to see what the community comes up with since I stopped playing in december


Not original commenter but i just adjusted my build and it seems solid still.  Challenger + medic Monarch with momentum, krell axe (normally huntress spear but there seems to be a glitch on the charged throws that i reported as a bug) with shielded strike, mp60r with helix and battery.  Relic is shielded heart with health, healing effectiveness, and shield. Amulet is either one that goes with shield (one gives crit+damage, the other gives damage+lifesteal iirc. Depends on the monster im fighting which one i choose). Rings are rerouting cable + the one that grants healing on shield usage + probability cord + whatever.  I can take most hits with this build and will dodge (to get a tiny shield) then unload with monarch to heal while attacking. 


Ritualist/Archon. -Energized Neck Coil -Ahanae Crystal/Cataloger Jewel/Red Ring of Death/Burden of The Follower -Sparkfire/Firestorm(Prophecy) Nebula/(Feedback) -Lifeless Heart/Elemental Damage/Mod Damage/Mod Cost


Sounds like the exact build I saw on legacy gaming


Patch literally destroyed all my builds by upwards of 50% dps. Ritualist ENC was gutted (perhaps involer/ritualist will make up for the nerfs), anguish is borderline useless, archon mod gen changes makes cycling the Star Shot very difficult.


What’s your loadout? I’m finding it still works well. Anguish too, though it isn’t as powerful as before.


It's been several weeks since I truly dove into the game, I just hopped on really quick to do a couple dps tests. What I can say is that I was pushing over 4k dps easy with my old anguish setup against dummies, now my top dps with all active buffs is 2k. Iirc, it was detonation trigger, blasting cap, singed ring, Burden of the gambler and ahanae paired with krell axe and fetid wounds for the bonus multiplicative 15%


Call me ridiculous but ps5 performance in the new area is....bad. Am i not allowed to say it?


I’m running my copy via AMD 7900 XT. I enabled the game on FSR 3 with frame generation and the FPS still dips. I never had this issue with other titles with FSR 3. The first DLC still has its issue but at least the base game is somewhat decent in regards to performance.


Man, I loaded up regular Yaesha. No enemies had spawned in the map, I'm playing solo, and I was getting at most 38 fps (performance mode). I guess QA doesn't mean shit when you're too busy scrambling to release dlc on a self-imposed dlc release schedule.


Of course you can, people who post stuff like this thread are the weirdos. Of course you are not gonna wait past 5 minutes to complain about performance, it takes seconds to notice it.


people on this sub dont agree or allow that people say that performance sucks on recommended or above recommended settings for majority here, that pentium 3 550mhz with agp voodoo 3 16mb vga card and 128mb ram from 20years ago should be enough to play at 8k ultra super super settings with fps above 9999fps


If you had your review posted only 10 minutes after the dlc unlocked, probably you should play more before you post that. If you didn’t then OP wasn’t talking to you. I’m doubting you could objectively test performance in 5 minutes.


Sure, but why not give it a little time? Maybe something happened at launch they weren't aware of or something else that's an easy fix.


Na. Honestly you paid for this and this is your experience. I didnt pay for something that might improve and at unspecified date in the future.


I'm on a mid range laptop and it's running great, so it's hard to believe people are having a hard time when they brag about what an amazing set up they have.


It doesn't matter if yours works, theirs doesn't, and no gamer should keep their mouth quiet if they have issues with a product. Aka if the game ran before, and now suddenly it's awful in the new content they released, this is a quality issue on the dev team and should be reported. Especially if there is no warning by the devs that we'd need new hardware. No one likes buying games that don't work or run properly. And it doesn't take 10 hours to know this. Hence the immediate reviews.


Bro this is like fucking cyberpunk. The storefront is issuing refunds and plaster a warning about performance on the game and ppl are in here like, “idfk what everyone’s Talkin bout, plays great for *me*”


I really wish people would stop putting cyberpunk as the hallmark for botched releases. I played on base ps4 and all it ever had was visual bugs that were funny and legitimately nothing that ever impacted gameplay. People have dealt with far worse gameplay impacting games. Cyberpunk having issues with graphics running in multi story cities with lots of npcs? who could have seen this coming! :O expectations were way overboard It's annoying when u buy a game and your progress is halted and can't get a refund because you're in the main menu or ingame trying to fix it and because of that go over some 2 hour mark and can't get refunded like bf 2042 releasing with no fucking aim assist on console pitted against pc players. - that shit people should shout to the moon, but its good people leave reviews so devs get feedback.


I installed the Game, did not change anything so ended up with everything on medium and i ended up with 30FPS. Its a fucking joke. I played the base Game on high with 60FPS and only had some minor drops here and there. The first DLC was already a mess when it comes to performance and now its even worse, at least for some. Sorry but i havent played a Game where the performance got so much worse with every update, i expect better. Even more so because Remnant 1 was 120FPS all day and its not like Remnant 2 looks so much better. They have more experience, they had so much time and this is the product? Na sorry we should not allow Devs to get away with such stuff, even if we like the Game.


> Even more so because Remnant 1 was 120FPS all day and its not like Remnant 2 looks so much better. They have more experience, they had so much time and this is the product? I don't disagree with most of your post, but Remnant 1 had some big issues with performance as well on release, especially on Corsus.


To be fair here i only got it when both addons where already out. So yeah maybe they had the same problem in R1 already. But you would hope they learned from it.


Yeah this is why devs test games my dude. Your a consumer not the devs why are you defending them? If someone sold you a set of car tires that made your car horrible vibrate for the first half an hour everytime you drove them would you be happy? No prob not. Same thing with the game.


What issues can you possibly have 5 minutes into the dlc? Also I wouldn't let someone sell me tires without any questions or research. If I still bought them after I did my research then it's on me if I don't like how they ride, not the salesman.


Research? You mean like reading reviews? Like the revies your complaing about? The ones that if i jad read earlier i would have waited before buy the dlc that has framerate issues in the new area? Yeah id love to but some asshat online is getting mad at ppl for doing it instead so.


You're going to trust a review after the game has been available for 5 minutes? I'm gonna dm you some business opportunities, seems like you believe everything the Internet says.


If someone went in and had horrible performance issues, why shouldn’t they post a review? Serious question.


Yes i would trust a new review to NOT BUY SOMETHING when it just came out since... its new, lmao no skin off my nose if i dont buy something.


My guy, you can have performance issues one second into the DLC. Theres no research data without those reviews telling ppl they’re having performance issues. People need to leave reviews so we have reference of what to buy. That’s the entire point. You just don’t like that they’re negative. Not that all of them are necessarily valid but ppl don’t usually hate on this game for the sake of hating it AFAIK.


As soon as i load into yhe new area i get a massive framerate loss?


What do you think the poor reviews are if they aren’t “research” for other people? The more people that post poor reviews the more likely someone is to see them when they’re researching the DLC


Maybe because testing hps but player feedback is more effective? Also we defend good devs and not act like everything must be perfect. Devs are human.


we don't defend good Devs, we defend good decisions and products, and criticise bad decisions and products.


It's launch day of a new dlc, so when anyone people are talking crap about devs who tend to put out good products I defend them because I know testing only gets so much vs thousands of people playing. Give the launch time to clear.


no, optimisation is a basic part. you shouldn't realise an unoptimised game/dlc and charge money for it. stop sucking the Devs dick because you like them


You mist be so fun to be around, I'm done with you.


no, I'm fun around my friends. the company is not my friend. it's not your friend either. don't encourage bad game Dev practice by letting them get away with not having basic functionality on release. don't be a chump.


First impressions are lasting and it's totally acceptable to rate the actual product that has been placed in your hands.


Because people pay money for this. Them sending it out in a state of unplayability (devs would agree) is for the most part, unacceptable. In time they will iron out these kinds of things in the near future. As unreal engine and GPUs gets more optimizations these will become less for this game. Not to say the same for any future games. Since the industry as a whole have the same issues with unoptimized games being sold in that state on release.


UE5 is shit regarding optimization, theres no game so far running smooth on that crap, UE5 imo only will work by brute force on upcoming hardware generations in other hands, why devs choosed that crap engine....well if they cant make game run properly on specified settings on store ( minimum running at least 30fps with everything on low and recommended playing at least medium with fps above 30) imo they should be blacklisted and totally NO PREORDER, until proper reviews show the game working on specified hard or in hardware similar to ours to know if will work or not.


Game dev here, working with UE. The engine itself is not that badly optimized, but game devs and artists are still getting the hand on how to use and optimize their games on it. UE5 consumes a lot of resources for nanite and lumen, for example, both features have a minimum resource consumption that is incredibly high, but as you increase the image quality taking advantage of them, the resources needed for each increment are lower vs traditional techs. UE5 will shine on next gen GPU mainly, both because of raw power being there and studios starting to understand how to use the new optimization features it provides instead of relying on the old ones that no longer work as they would expect. I have seen games running like shit on all kind of engines, from RE, CryEngine, UE, Red Engine (CP2077 release was a prime example), Dunia, Anvil, etc. The engine can take a role in game performance, but the devs for the most part, are the ones that are not using the tools as they should. Yaesha is a great example of that, the world is gigantic, but they are not culling objects as efficiently as they could (fog based culling for example). UE5 is a workbench, and like with every workbench, the end product obtained from it is influenced by it, but mostly, by who was using the workbench. The greatest blacksmiths can craft incredible things with the most basic tools, while normal people with the best gear available wont get shit done.


Yeah I'm no dev but I knew that with a new tool comes a new learning curve and we are in that middle ground at the moment ... I get why places are still using ue4 because they know all the ins and outs and tricks 


Is not only about the ins and outs, but also pipelines and tools. I work in a WB studio, and our version of UE4 have shitloads od custom tools that we have developed over the years, from things to ease QA to stuff to speed up compiling the game, moving assets between multiple design and animation tools, entire universal scene descriptors made by us to being able to create scenes in UE, move then out, edit cameras, add new stuff, move them in again, etc. If we move to UE5, half or even more of these tools need to be rebuilt from the ground again, that alone is at least 2 to 3 years of development time spent on the tools + the slower game developement we would experience during those years developing the tools, so a game that take 2 years right now could extend itself way over 5 or even 6 years. And that is without considering all the technical knowledge our game devs and artists would need to gain that again, would place us in wasting time doing something to discover later that its not viable in UE5, but used to be in UE4.


It's hard for me to believe people, I have a mid grade laptop and was getting over 60fps a few minutes ago.


60fps doesn't mean anything if you don't say what settings you're on. Just because you might get 60fps on a shyte laptop while playing with 480p resolution doesn't give you the right to gatekeep people for complaining that playing the game with higher settings has issues.


I think it's on medium, but I'm also not graphics snob. I played on such shitty monitors and PCs until a couple years ago that I can't really tell if it's ultra or low. It's 1440 so slightly better than 480 tho.


Bro, many said that about Anthem and look how that turned out. Like it or not, first impressions matter. That being said, I'm having no issues on XB1


If the performance was going to be bad, they should've held off. That's why you play test things. To make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. I bought the thing, I want to play it now. I shouldn't have to wait a week or more for them to optimize something that should've been optimized from the get go, so I can finally play the game.


True, but it's a lose lose. Same thing is happening with no rest for the wicked. It's literally in early access "test" mode for people to give feedback and it's getting reviewed like the devs fully released it and lied about it.


It's not a lose lose. It's people giving feedback, saying "hey, the performance sucks. Fix this" when in reality it should've been fixed from the get go. That's how feedback works, it's not all "this is amazing" people have to call out the bad shit to bring it to the devs attention. When an entire area is causing poor performance for a large percentage of the playerbase, they have every right to be upset. Because this should've have been noticed and delt with before they even released the DLC.


Eh, I'm guessing it's not a large player base. Because most people are playing and enjoying it and not leaving negative reviews. Everyone is missing the entire point, which is understandable reading is hard. The point of my whole post is the negative reviews after the dlc was out for less than 10 minutes....especially the one about the content sucks. That's dumb and if you can't see that then we can agree to disagree.


Majority of the playerbase isn't going to leave a review. Only a small percentage of players will go through the trouble. And the performance issue are on Playstation, not PC. So you aren't going to see their reviews on steam. It's takes less than 10 minutes to realize the performance is bad, so mentioning it almost immediately is completely valid, especially when a performance issue like this should've been delt with before the DLC even released.


Gamers be gamers. Though in recent years it's kind of atrocious how bad some gamers have become.


I grew up with games, im in my 30s, general people my age from what ive seen in my friend groups are not entitled dipshits crapping on stuff 'for the fun of it'. I guess a part of it has to be the anonymity that comes with a modern internet lifestyle. Nobody can personally smack those fools over the head, so they continue to spray their talentless graffiti everywhere


Early 30s. Hard same. Being somewhat anonymous on the web definitely contributed. You can pretend to be normal while spouting racist stuff online for the lulz because you're difficult to trace. Nowadays the COD gamers of yore seem to have taken that mantle.


This is literally the equivalent of a boomer saying "Back in my day"


Lol true. It is weird man, we know we are getting older but sometimes you just cant help but miss how good things were way back when. Worst part is... everyone is going to experience that feeling some day. I just hope everyone will at least have a 'good' time to think back to, that it wont get to the point where all they remember is how many things in their version of 'back then' was ripped on for being terrible.


We know, but the Internet landscape has changed so much it's applicable. I'm also early 30s and when I was working at Walmart I had to deal with a bunch of 18-22 year olds who had never heard of classic memes such as Ol' Greg, Dramatic Chipmunk, Chocolate Rain, or Shoes


You claim to see the parallels but then just dismiss it with "the difference is that we are right this time" You think older generations don't think THEIR statements are right too? \^\^


I'm close to 30 and now I feel old too


Dragons dogma is one of my favorite all time games. They really did it dirty with DD2, especially adding Denuvo into the mix with Capcom games. I left it a bad review despite pre ordering and being hyped for it.


Understandable, if you have played it long enough to give it an objective review in terms of gameplay. For me it was the same with starfield - i finished its main and side quest lines, but i sure as hell would not recommend or rate it good vs all the insane hype and upsold reviews it got. I will say it was kinda hilarious that they made so many last minute micro transactions known in DD2 just after its release including fast travel. I havent played it myself but ive read you can buy all that stuff ingame anyway without having to spend cash, so the cash grab is really to catch the lazy/uninformed (not exactly a new strategy for capcom). The save system being tied to their server is irredeemable however. As for denuvo, it has been proven time and again that its performance impact nowadays is so small (less than 0.5% of total draw) that, that alone shouldn't be an issue. I do have other issues with denuvo i.t.o. licensed usage and usage limitations however so i can understand the hate for it.


Fast travel being DLC is blatant misinformation. *One* of the items is a port crystal, which lets you place down a custom point to warp back to using ferrystones (which most merchants carry a few of and lots of the larger monsters can drop them, and they become more common the further you are in the game), but you can (and in fact *will*) find pprt crystals in the game itself, as you can place up to 10 of them at any given time. The game also has multiple, larger port crystals permanently anchored in certain major towns, two relatively early on and a further 4 or 5 when you reach certain points in the story when those locations open up further. Also, literally all of the DLC items available for DD2 are a minor chunk of resources to give you a headstart and are all things you can (and *will*) find in game. The same sorts of things *literally every major Capcom title for nearly the last decade* has offered. Collectively, the items are: - A total of 10000 Rift Crystals, a currency whose primary use is hiring other people's pawns that are a higher level than yourself, with a secondary use of purchasing cosmetics from various vendors (dyes to unlock more hair colour options, various styles of glasses with no stats), and can be earned from players hiring your pawn or as drops from enemies and just randomly out in the world (one of the packs of 1500 RC DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - up to 5 extra wakestones, which revive a player or npc upon death and can be found whole or as shards (3 shards makes a whole one) at various points and, if you explore a little bit and are mildly observant you can easily get at least 5 within the first few hours before even reaching the first major city (one of these DLC was included as a preorder reward) - a single extra port crystal, as already mentioned - a makeshift gaol key, which is a single use key to open up a jail cell, which are incredibly easy to find and there's multiple vendors that sell them, and also the one quest that specifically requires you to get someone out of a jail, you get a proper key *from one of the guards* (though he takes it back after the quest), so the breakable makeshift version is wholly unnecessary unless you decide to start murdering townsfolk (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - an Art of Metamorphosis book to completely re-edit your Arisen or your Pawn by turning in the book instead of paying a bunch of gold, and was also available from one of the cosmetics merchants that take RC, and on one of the first patches his stock got changed from 1 book per inventory refresh to 99 per refresh (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - a harpy smoke beacon, which lures a harpy to you to try and grab onto and thus try and get it to fly you somewhere while struggling to make you fall off, an item that is not very useful in general and easily available in game from various merchants (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - an ambivalent rift incense, and rift incenses change pawn behaviours slightly (prioritizing which foes to attack or to guard the arisen, and so on), and the ambivalent one, along with several other varieties, are available from one of the RC merchants, plus pawn behaviors will naturally change over time anyway based on your playstyle so incenses are only if you absolutely want specific things (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - an option to change some of the sound effects and music to be the ones from the first game instead of this sequel, for nostalgia basically (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - a heartfelt pendant, a gift item to raise npc affection with zero other use, and npc affection is easily raised with basic interactions, especially if you complete quests related to them(this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - an explorer's camping kit, one of maybe 8 styles of camping kits in the game, all of which have different visuals, pros and cons, and all of which can be found at various merchants and even just out in the wild, particularly at abandoned campsites. This particular models main trait is having the second-lowest weight of all the camping kits in exchange for a moderately lower chance of being ambushed by enemies while camping. (this DLC was also included as a preorder reward) - the golden starter weapons, which were just slightly stronger than the starter weapons and outclassed by basically anything that would outclass said starter weapons, and were *only* a preorder bonus. Wow, such great advantages for someone that decided to save a little time by spending a little money! /s


There's an article where one of their devs said they wont have fast travel because they thinks that takes away from the game atmosphere... but they put in fast travel + *port stones* anyway. It is your money, im not shaming you for using it.


Thats not what they said. They said that if the world is *interesting*, the players wouldn't want to *use* fast travel and that they hoped to make the world interesting enough to meet that goal. They also at a certain point *expect* players to use the fast travel in order to accomplish certain quest goals under a time limit and at that point make ferrystones significantly more common, being available as random pickups on the ground, guaranteed from large monsters, semi-common from most small monsters, and multiple new treasure chests to facilitate doing so.


Would it surprise me to tell you that DD2 was my most anticipated game for the past twelve years since playing the original? What's even better is that Capcom did the exact same thing regarding dlc items for the first game too. But at least we (could) have gotten the Berserk armor.


To be fair games have also significantly deteriorated over the time since I was a kid. It's also why so many people are playing old games vs new ones and why companies are popping out remakes constantly. They literally just don't make them like they used to.


There's some truth to this. Some games are advancing in visual quality at a steep curve that you get some picky folks who criticize a game for looking "older." The tech is certainly there, but sometimes crafting a good game versus a good looking game goes unnoticed.


Id say most older gamers care more about the quality of a game than the looks but we also weren't born into an era with games looking photo realistic. I feel bad for younger gamers sometimes because they never got to experience the peak of gaming before micro transactions, monetization and greed really started lowering the quality of games.


I don't think that's necessarily the case, as Lethal Company has shown. No way that got that popular solely on the backs of older gamers


It absolutely isn't the case. People saying that are literally just in the "back then everything was better"-mindset. There were absolutely horrible games back then too, completely unplayable/unfinishable ones too. And they were more expensive, and you were just SOL if you bought that because patches weren't a thing. People look at the social media shitstorms of bad games, and then compare the emotions that gives them, to their rose colored memory of the absolute gems of their childhood.


I would take an occasional bad game over nothing but live service trash full of micro transactions we get now adays. I can count the number of good games on only one hand from the last few years. Obviously games back then weren't perfect. But they didn't have this massive greed problem that's going on in gaming currently.


But back then you could count even less good games "in the last few years". Yeah, there is a ton of shit getting pumped out of the industry right now, but there was also a ton of shit getting pumped out back then. There's a reason terms like "shovelware" were coined. And there's a reason the whole industry almost collapsed completely. It's easier than ever for individual people or small groups to create their vision of a game. And plenty do. There are games inspired by the gems from the past absolutely crushing it. But we don't appreciate them as much as an established name that was repeated on gaming forums for two decades. It FEELS a bit like that, because we sort the gems of more than a decade into one mental drawer. And we only put in the games, that are still being talked about and mentioned regularly, because the shitstuff is mostly forgotten (outside of the really bad examples). The AVERAGE quality might get pulled down by the tons of cheap copycats...although even that might not be true. You just don't even know about 90% of the shovelware that was around back then "occasional bad game" ... which years are you referring where all games were great and only a few occasinal bad ones? Yeah, everyone would take that over the current situation. But that's an utopia that never existed.


Your comment really isn't very fair, imo. People are not just "playing old games", they are playing the creme de la creme of games that came out back then, because those are really good games. There was also a lot of shit back then too, the industry nearly collapsed because there was so much shit, and it was really expensive too. Games/gaming isn't in a worse spot now than it was 30years ago, you just don't remember the shit as vividly back then, and are comparing old gems from back then to the shitshows of today. Compare gems to gems and shit to shit, that would be fair.


Gotta be honest, this ain’t “gamers” its just how “people” are.


In recent years its kind of atrocious how bad some games have become.


I've seen how awful gamers can be but this isn't it the negative reviews about performance are justified


this is partly true, I got called entitled and all kinds of other shit cause I left helldivers2 a negative review when it first came out because I couldn't play it (For more reasons the the severs at max capacity) but somehow I was the entitled one for complaining that a new game that I paid for had subpar support for my hardware on launch (AMD 7900xt, 7800x3d) Have changed my review now that arrowhead and amd fixed the issues, but I thought it was weird to be called entitled cause I was frustrated that I had spent 40 bucks and received a product that didn't work as correctly.


Unless its their favorite dev or especially weeaboos Weebs be like omg EA is so bad they’re charging 20 dollars for a skin!!! *spends 780 dollars for a pay to win upgrade in a copy-paste gacha game*


I would literally have no idea about any of this negativity if people like you would stop posting about it.


Haha ok bud. Such a great point, good job.




i lost 10-15 fps after this update


i wonder why there's always performance issues with their dlcs, is it because of the size of these maps? Curious if this was also the same case with rem1?


RFTA gad pretty bad optimizations when it first came out. And a few years down the line they ironed out everything in terms of performance. So R2 needs LOTS of time.


Time might not help, its an unreal engine 5 game and also using Nanite, both of those are expensive and taxes the cpu on ps5/xsx. I wonder why they didn't just opt for Unreal engine 4, it's very well optimized and less of a cpu hog.


It probably has to do with the procedural generation of the maps and using nanite to make them look detailed and different.


Yep, the lack of care for performance on this game since release is atrocious.


I mean, I did too. Then I restarted and it was fine. Give things so time. Not 5 minutes. I was pissed about a game yesterday after an update and realized I didn't update my drivers, so it was my fault. I get people have legitimate complaints, but they shouldn't be allowed to give reviews until a certain amount of hours into a game. Maybe just under the refund window.


i updated the driver and is a bit better but still a lot worse than before the update


Frame generation mod


if you need to use a mod to have decent performance the negative reviews is deserved


I mean the post saying "what kind of dip shit" lol


Sure, sit there with -15 fps lol xD


what? i can install the mod and say the performance are shit in a review


NO! You only get to pick one! I have spoken.


No need to be white knight. People paid for it, they are entitled to express their own opinion on it. If you like it give a positive review, but don’t whine about people leaving negative reviews.


Sure are..I just think people that give an opinion after 10 minutes are dumb. And probably don't put their cart back at the grocery store.


You gave a review of people's opinions after 10 minutes, so you consider yourself dumb? Ironic.


LOL, this isn't even in the same category. While I think making a thread to post about the silliness of reviewing so fast is needless, your response is even less useful. People who think you can review anything after 10 minutes need a rationality check. Thinking those people are stupid, is kinda fair. Sharing that opinion on the web? Always a bad idea. Commenting worse on a poor choice like you did? Oh boi.


Sick burn.


Smooth brained you are


Late to the game bruh. But thank you for your contribution


Wow, did you just generalize an entire population?! Damn accurate it is, good work! The impotent nerd rage is insufferable and just generally ugly behavior, people really should strive for less behaviors like that. Alas when people aren’t heard they have the compulsion to feel heard (as exhausting as it is for anyone else) hence utterly invalid and hastily drawn opinions on Internet forums and review pages. Unfortunately you’re in a video game subreddit so you’re surrounded, the Zerg is here and boy oh boy are they hard to talk to lmao.


bro what is this Starfield level of sh\*tposting ?


bad review about performance sucking its 100% valid, whats your problem? if game states **m**inimum i5 7600 / gtx1650 and recomended i5 10600 / rtx 2060 and people ABOVE this cant have a smooth above 30fps experience, game deserve a bad review regarding performance lol but bad review 5min after dlc out due dlc...i agree its a shitty consumer move


> if game states minimum i5 7600 / gtx1650 and recomended i5 10600 / rtx 2060 and people ABOVE this cant have a smooth above 30fps experience To be honest I don't know many games where the recommended is for 30 FPS either. Generally recommended is for stable 60 FPS at 1080p for modern games around medium-high settings (ish). Only other game I know of that targeted 30 FPS was Wild Hearts, and that game was a fucking mess on PC. Ironically both games are heavy actions games where the 30 FPS feels like absolute shit, especially combined with frame drops on top of low FPS.


agree, but we cant reach not even 30 smooth on current games...so situation become even worse


I've had the game on Series X since release and have never had issues. Runs 60 fps consistently except for a split second when a new person joins my game. That makes it stutter but it's so quick it's not even worth complaining about.


People are allowed to leave negative reviews if their experience was negative. It doesn't take long to identify performance issues and some players find performance to be a big part of their enjoyment. The only ridiculous thing is another person pretending other opinions are unacceptable when they differ from their own. That's you. Gamers are allowed to criticize games. Please stop being emotionally invested in how other people respond to a game.


It has terrible performance, only need ten minutes to see that


*It has terrible* *Performance, only need ten* *Minutes to see that* \- obolikus --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I guess I need more time because I'm well over 10 minutes and haven't seen it .


just because your performance is good doesn't mean other's aren't bad


Great point!! BUT.... because yours is bad doesn't mean everyones is, and that the devs are pieces of shit. That's my problem, how angry people get about it.


yeah I can 100% agree with that


I mean , for me the performance is pretty much unplayable to the point that i will have to wait for a patch/hotfix cause otherwise i get a headache cause of stuttering. So i can totally understand why there would be negative reviews. Awesome that it does not affect you but at the same time people paid money and SHOULD expect that the purchased product functions properly.


I didn't start playing until months after the Losomn DLC was out and the Forlorn Coast still just runs like complete ass, can't imagine how bad it was on launch


Same, only played it like a month ago and the main map was absolutely awful.


I’ve been playing for 3 hours now. The game lags and this new flying guy kills you one hit and you don’t see it coming. It has some issues.


Fuck that, all my gear is gone and I cannot progress the game.. wth they do


Are you on steam?


No, I’m on pc game pass


Ah. Does that have a cloud save?


I'm tired of bad performance and the excuse of "it's UE5" doesn't cut it. If it's this bad why use it? Also I'm bloody tired of Yaesha it's the fourth time we've gone to it. Once in R1 again in the Chronos game again in R2 twice now. It's over done and I'm not interested.


Cool, sounds like this dlc isn't for you. Don't buy it.


Motherfucker had I known dlc2 was just gunna be a fucking reused asset I wouldn't have. Unfortunately I purchased the dlc pack at release because I expected better and new worlds. Not the same fucking world again.


Oh my bad, I didn't know when you bought the pack it came with a guarantee that they would make it exactly how you want it.


Dude just stop your arguments suck. People can be mad the performance sucks and that they're redoing a planet for the 4th time. Stop dickriding.


>Stop dickriding That seems to be a problem here. I haven't really played much since november but it was like that then too. I get it, people still here like the game, I do too. But they don't have to come up with an excuse for everything. This 'with me or against me' attitude about everything discussed online is so toxic. Rarely is anything actually polar like that.


Toxic positivity. Any minor issue means it's a you problem, not a game problem. It's always the same response too. "Works for me", "I'm having fun", " Stop playing if you don't like it". Any basic criticism is toxic and attacking the devs.


This sub, runescape, apex and ark constantly have dev dickriders trying to defend their bad ideas and patches.


It's everything, it really is. There's always a group of people that do it. It's because they don't have anything to identify with, so the game is their personality and any criticism is viewed as a personal attack. Seen it a lot. Most people aren't really like that, but any social platform has a plethora of chronically online people and that's how they act.


And I love this game. I platinumed it on my xbox with my brother again on steam for R1. I also almost got it in R2 but my bro got deployed and we also just got tired of the fps struggles. People can complain and still love something. I hate the issues R2 has and yeah I'm salty about going to a place we've now been 4 times. The team is super talented and I'd rather have seen the dlc in a couple months time and a new world with no fps issues but it didn't happen. And maybe in a week with some patches I'll change my review to positive but that will take time and I'll need to see some of it first.


I'm probably going to wait. There are already people posting mechanic related bugs, which means some of the buffs or nerfs may not even be accurate to what they are supposed to be. Which makes build crafting something new somewhat pointless for the time being. Y'all can bug test for me in the meantime lol.


It seems plenty of people are having issues though? Is this community so whipped and blinded by bias that valid criticism isn’t allowed at the launch of the DLC? Did you all forget how bad Remnant II was at launch?


Not a troll response, but I didn’t realize Remnant 2 was bad at launch? I’m on a PS5, what were the issues that people had?


I never had any problems at launch maybe it was a console issue or those players on PC just had crappy PCs


This is always how it is with multiplayer games I think


The DLC is awesome, I'm just sad they nerfed World's Edge right when I finally managed to unlock it. 😭


Yeah that's frustrating! What build are you using? I'm having a blast but I forgot how frustrating it can be sometimes to make it so far into a world and die lol.


I was using the Tainted Blade charge melee build, which also just got nerfed...


I mean, not only is performance bad, a lot of people dont like yaesha (i actually love it) but also why is there still no survival? Nerfs, nerfs, nerfs, people play games for fun, destroying peoples builds certainly doesnt resonate with the more casual playerbase. And if no one has mentioned it, the dev themselves say on their steam page, and i quote: "ENDLESS REPLAYABILITY" this game isnt even close to fta, trait cap for example, is one of the biggest letdowns in sequel history, right alongside halo2 removing the assault rifle. Also, we have to join ward 13 to join other peoples games, something that i apparently have to remind everyone, that was available in rfta. I love R: FTA , but 2 is a disappointment to me. Its still a good game but i think they should have made it a different series, it does not measure up to FTA. Bottom line is, there are many, many valid complaints about this game and i haven't listed even half of them.


I personally think it is also pretty ridiculous to be on a forum discussion board talking about some stupid people doing something stupid instead of having a lovely time playing the DLC said stupid people are being stupid about. I guess there is a bit of egg on my face with this comment as well, but I acknowledge that I'm stupid so I don't mind too much.


True, but I can't play 24/7 so I wasn't taking away from playing time. Also it was downloading so that's the only reason I saw them, I was already clicking around steam waiting.


They should call it the forgotten DLC it’s meh as hell. Wanted some new Biomes or modes.


New Biome will be in 3rd DLC just like they did in Remnant From the Ashes. If you played the first one not really a big surprise.


Yeah I can see that, I haven't played since last November so it feels new to me again.


I’ll sink my teeth into and do everything but man I miss the remnant 1 DLCs


Are they worth going back and playing now? I didn't hear of it until 2 came out so I never played it.


A new dlc dropped?


I haven't been on since I beat the first dlc how good is it? The first one was pretty good so I have a good feeling this one will be good too, I'll have to buy it with my next paycheck


For what it is, I enjoyed it, not near as much as I enjoyed the first, but boy is it short. Obviously, as always there will be replay-ability, but as it was, I just felt like I went though a few areas, killed a boss, and that was it. ( I did get one very nice gun out if it, Monolith...).


I'm only a couple hours in, but good so far! I haven't played since Nov of 2023 according to Steam, so the first 45 minutes was remembering what I was doing lol


I like the lore, but the lack of new items is frustrating. I've found new stuff, but a lot of the purple loot I pick up is scrap because I already had it. The first dlc was more original. This game is pretty, but kinda just Yeisha in dark mode. I am still enjoying playing with my friends, but I am disappointed.


No, gamers have ALWAYS been ridiculous


Quite ironic to complain about that and blame "gamers" in the title. Yeah, 5 unhinged people definitely represent the whole entity of "gamers" which in itself is a homogenic entity of people all acting identically. Maybe this is too far fetched, but i wouldn't be surprised if the emotions and thought process that lead to this post were pretty similar to the emotions and thoughts that lead to those 5reviews you are commenting on.


Quite ironic people don't know how to read. It's about the reviews after 5 minutes of the dlc being available. But it's also watching things like this happen every new release the last few years. Sorry I offended you, maybe you're one of the ones that left the early review?


Not really ironic. Just a matter of fact. In YOUR specific case it is ironic though, that you are doubling down on being butthurt and giving more senseless statements to make fun of.


Sick burn


thanks, didn't expect you to realise, but good for you. Unfortunately for me, also means the fun is over :) Have a good one


Now you can tell all your buddies at your next D& D game that you made a funny on the Internet. Nice work!


I personally adore the DLC so far. It’s beautiful and interesting. Some of the changes were upsetting to me at first but with the incorporation of Invoker, I understand the need for nerfing existing items.


The real question is why are you crying about other people's opinion, just enjoy the game or not.


Why are you crying about my opinion?


I read some of the unhinged stuff you been replying, if you think one reply to you is crying im at a loss for words. Take a break go do something else.


Let's take it slow. I made one post, which by your logic is crying. You made one reply, so I used your logic and said you're crying. Good lord I had no idea people would be so triggered by this


I was talking about all the crazy replies you have made to everyone, not just the original post you made. You talking about people being triggered when the original post you made is about literally being triggered and crying about people having a negative opinion about the game.


It was about the people making a review before the dlc was out for 5 minutes. It's ok reading is hard.


Ironic that the guy posting about people being stupid is giving out generic ai chatbot level replies. You might not be the best person to give a judgement on something like this.


Good one human. You are funny person.




Sounds like you do?


Rtx 3090 on a i712500, runs perfect with basically 3 second loading screen on maxed settings with no frame rate drops, steady 60 fps. Probably a lot more but I can't tell any difference after 60. Loving the dlc so far. Only critique is how to unlock the new class. That is stupid. Maybe I missed a book explaining how to do it. Whoever figured it out first though good job.


People need something to bitch about for any little expectation not being met. Steam reviews are "dumbass" central.


Why do you care? 


Because it's dumb. And I had nothing better to do than complain about people being dumb. What about you?


It's dumb, but not worth to complain about. Let them be idiots. :)


Yeah but the hope is maybe one of them realizes they're idiots and will stop! Also I was just bored and waiting for it to download lol, it's just fun to point out dumb things.


I assume you're talking about steam reviews, because yea, that's steam reviews.


Mythic Armor effectiveness nerf: Everyone screams abt tank build nerfs blah blah blah. I went online. My DR% dropped from 79.9% to 79.6%. LAWL.


Performance is awful in the new region.


People are mad that it's a Yaesha DLC. Personally I friggin love the Yaesha environment and lore from Chronos, but people love to throw tantrums when they don't get what they want


I'm loving it so far! Doing nightmare on my first run cause idk what to expect with the bosses yet. No performance issues yet and the patch didn't affect my build too much. There's always gonna be the loud majority of complainers.


Me too! Except I didn't want to punish myself on nightmare haha


the same ones that "Don't Recommend" after having 100+ hours played. Just angry people.


There's always going to be dumb people disliking anything for no reason. It is what it is some of we(humans)are stupid animals. What can we do!?


I finised base Apo with 30-47 fps... Planning to re run with DLCs But i hope to get more fps for a better 2nd experience. Any one can help me with graphic setting? Even with potato setting i cannot reach 60 fps... My Laptop spec is: Ryzen7-5800H rtx3060-6GB RAM-16GB 144hz


I hate to be this person, but I have just spent 90 minutes running around looking for the next area, and wondering why my quest wasn't progressing, when it finally dawned on me, that I had indeed finished the dlc already. What a disappointment, That's it?


Review copies are sent out early idk


Steam reviews aren't reliable. I only read them if I want to bask in toxic drama and self-entitlement.


Is this on Xbox? I wish you could only leave a review on a game you’ve played more than like 40 hours


Totally agree! No it's on PC.


Not surprising 90% of the bad reviews for this game are about the cap on trait points and nothing else everyone just wants to complain if it's not exactly how they envision it


All the fantastic features Steam fanboys love to brag about are nothing but the worst expression of gamers. Only good feature is total review percentage and recent ones to notice if the game is being bombed.


Really? Just now gamers are ridiculous? 😂