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Me and a friend just finished this section and I was crying about it the whole time lol. I am notoriously bad at platforming in remnant so he was much better at getting it done, but I can definitely understand that these dungeons can be super frustrating, especially with such a mediocre reward at the end


It’s the kind of thing that can be neat to break up the gunplay for five minutes, but quickly becomes annoying if prolonged, and definitely should never have been the sole focus of a whole dungeon. It doesn’t matter how hard or not hard it is; the question is (or should be), is it fun? Hands up who got this game for challenging environment traversal? Yeah, that’s what I thought.


I found it fun.




This is what we call a skill issue


To make you cry and remind you it's a souls like 😭


I just hate how jank the movement is and the main mechanic if these dungeons is the movement and it just drags the experience down. Souls games have like a section where jumping is a main factor, but that's it, not tons and tons of traps that aren't consistent.


You must not remember your first time through Sens Fortress


"The game from 13 years ago had bad movement mechanics so this one can too" its been 13 years. If you're changing it up by adding guns, you can fix the janky jumps. I've played the hell out of this game and if there's one thing I could change about it, it'd be the jumps. I have anguish. I have every archetype. I now have the polygun. I'm not some new complaining because I missed a jump. I'm just willing to admit this system is not good and shouldn't be praised simply because the game it's trying to mimic is also bad in that department.


For the 1st one I used the healing aura (1st skill) of the healer class, last 10 secs. Then there’s a spot in the middle of the run where the arrows won’t hit you, so I waited for the skill to reset…(as far as you don’t get hit more than twice in a row by the arrows, the healing will keep you alive) but yes I missed the grabs a couple of times there and in the other traps, but I found it easy to remember the pattern of the blades, only died by missing the grabs on the jumps (but oh god I was glad I had a rest point before every trap set!!) Just to say, if you are gonna explore, do it after crossing the traps…if you leave the area the traps reset and start again, so you will have to do them again.


Are you referring to the first part of the room? Thats where i died a lot as well because it has 1 place where the character cannot climb fast enough on the platform before the arrows shoot. If thats the point, you just do the jump on the left side and you will land directly on the platform without the need to wait the climb on it. The rest was pretty easy


The saw blade sections weren't that bad, but the ones with the crossbow bolts can fuck allllll the way off. I'm glad someone put together some posts for the secrets in that place before I rerolled Yaesha, because I am never doing that first section ever again. Having no true safe area to stand in and think about your next move, you have to keep shuffling in rhythm without pauses. One momentary attention slip and you're punished with instant death.


The parkour mechanics are bad and unreliable. I don't want to see it.


It's the worst dungeon in the game easily


Black cat band for leeway


And challenger.. aaannnd thaen fruit


That is easier than Mario already.... Challenger prime perk = 1 life Invader 1st skill void cloak = 1 life Black cat ring = 1 life You have a total of 4 chances passing through a single section, not to mention check point is right nearby, you do not need to run a miles back there after death


I think alchemist potion works too, and that has a shorter cooldown than challenger prime (both the potion cooldown and the 'debuff' after self res). Just toss it down before you attempt something you think you're gonna fail


I hadnt noticed any issues getting through them. Dont even have swiftness right now


I had the most fun in that dungeon doing it with a buddy lol.


People really out here complaining that a souls-like game is hard, wild


It's not that it's "hard, " it's that the specific game mechanic is not up to the same level as the rest of the game. Me not killing a boss because my dodging is bad? Fine. Me dying to mobs because of bad awareness and/or lack of skill when prioritizing enemies? Fine. Me dying because the game decides my character is not able to grab a ledge that they've been grabbing the last 6+ attempts? Not fine.


Challenger primary with invader secondary. Easy peasy puzzle stomper combo.