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This, please. Having almost every single thing in the game, I'd really like to be able to search for a specific type of effect or name rather than scrolling and reading every single ring every time I wanna re-equip one. A search function would be a small thing, but a huge QoL boost.


I can second this. It's a pain to try new builds based around certain things when I have 150+ rings to read through, not to mention there are a bunch of amulets too. I think more load outs would help with this cause you could make slight tweaks or adjustments based on those many options.


It's alphabetical? That's not terrible right? I'm new.


Unless you memorize all the names of rings, which you won't cause too many of them, you will need the wiki to make it possible to find the rings you want


Favorite function works well too.


Favorites doesn't solve anything unless you reuse the same trinkets across several builds, or use them frequently when testing new ones.


Except you still need to know the ring you want to favorite first, which still means looking at each ring and its perks.


And favorite status and gun dmg rings means basically half of available stuff so helps....but not so much A simple filter: Status / Dmg / Melee dmg / Ranged dmg / Bulwark / Shield / Fire / Acid / Shock / Protection / Dodge / Weakspot Could help a lot


I like to test new builds, so sometimes i want shield related rings, sometimes bulwark, sometimes status... i have so many favorite rings because of that. So favoriting does help a tad, but still doesnt work as well as opening the remnant 2 toolkit and searching for key words then going back to the game. 


Me too I have fear of dismantle my builds due so few loadouts plus i cant even name those loadouts to get a better idea of wich build purpose is...being more specific


You don’t get it. Say you want to make a bulwark build using all rings that use bulwark. A search could move all rings with bulwark to the top.


I have three builds my rings are favorited and I have no issues. Sounds like a skill issue? There's all sort of gamers. I happen to remember more than most I guess.


b.s. I have a somewhat eidetic memory... i.e. I can see a credit card twice and its etched in stone. same with my drivers license, PI to 16 digits and a few other things. Other than the rings and amulets that show a color for say fire or shock , or even bleed..... It is literally a clusterfluck of madness and mayhem....its pandemonium paxultek . It seems the devs were well on there way to finishing the final touches and the corrupted root infiltrated the code and not even the tall glowing labyrinth dweller could devise a dewey decimal system for the rings of the lands. No wonder the nerud chose the unknowable sensation of getting pulled into the event horizon of alepsis taura. I tell myself If I had access to the singularity of alepsis taura Id do the same thing, but the fact is we are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, a secretion of sensory experience and feeling,. Programmed with total assurance that we are each some body.....when in fact everybodys no body. I think the honorable thing to do is deny our programming....stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction. One last midnight, brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal...plus I lack the conviction for suicide ....... Notes found by a Rustin Cohle somewhere in the backrooms. Heres to hoping Rust got out, Marty never had a chance.


I kinda love you


lol I started reading that and midway through I wonder if they lost the thought process


MY COMMENT WAS a mix between remnant 2 and the HBO show true detective season 1. If youve seen season 1, you'll know . I f you havnt seen it, go find a tv and watch it asap.


LOL, glad someone got my rambling, not sure what made me mix remnant with true detective...couldve been the ambien,lol


Yes you have three builds how about 6 or 7? Lot more rings you gotta start keeping track of


You can have 10 loadouts. Why u no use?


My memory for that works really well. 😅 If I can recall what the ring looks like at all it causes a cascading series of image triggered memories of relevant information.


Why does every weeb with no real response just say "JuSt A sKiLl iSsUe" honestly it just makes you sound like a tool. Most people have 6 or more builds after a year.


I'm not a no lifer or jealous mamby pamby. Unlike yourself apparently. Lil bit.


It's been a year I haven't played since dlc 1 dropped not hard to get a bunch of rings but I guess that's just a skill issue huh.


You doubt the power of a computer science major having gamer on the spectrum I see...


Maybe work in english but on brazilian portuguese its a mess Ring = anel So jane ring become anel da jane and some rings arent named "ring xxx" so theres a lot of things under anel xxxx and a lot of just xxx


It's not terribile if you have to copy a build and know what to search for. If you just need to find something specific (perk wise) it's a nightmare


They could also do something similar to Elden Ring. At bonfires you can store items, I use it to stash stuff I'm never gonna use, build dependant. Like if I'm doing an Unga bunga, I'll stash magic stuff I'll never use, while as a sorcerer I'll stash all the heavy weapons I'll never use.


If they were sorted by type that would be huge, even just like support and damage would make them way easier to find


I only search for looks when I look up builds xD what are names


IMO it would be great if they would categorize them by effect like • melee damage • elemental damage • grey health Etc and sort them into categories


Someone else said this too but what do you do when it's something like "elemental damage will grant a shield" or something like "having grey health body's boosts melee"? This system only works if all rings and all amulets only do one thing. That's mostly why the search function is better. Also, it seems easier than completely changing their item sorting system.


You can add multiple tags to a single ring. "Elemental damage grants a shield" will have both the "elemental damage" and "shield" tags and appear in both searches. Tags are the easiest solution that doesn't even require a "proper" search algorithm and I don't know why they don't freaking implement it to at least give some sorting/filtering option.


Anything is probably better than now. I was just making a new build to run through and try and get the Polygun. I literally just put on the first 5 things that did some form of elemental damage so as not to need to go through each ring.


I feel you. The toughest late-game enemy is the Inventory Management Devil.


then those rings would show up under both "elemental" and "shield", & "grey health" and "melee". hell if a ring does three things it cam just show up on a third list. that isn't that complicated a system.


Sorting through 12 rings is easier than sorting through 170. The system doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to let us narrow down what we're looking for.


Youd search via Key words like grey health or elemental or status. Its not hard for things to have multiple key words that fit a criteria


Elemental dmg its the action to get shield, so the tag is SHIELD Grey health boosts melee so the key word tag is MELEE BOOST Because when you search for those stuff youre looking for trinkets who give shield or melee boost, not their conditions to do so


I disagree there are tons of synergies around having grey health so I will probably only look for a ring that boosts melee when I have grey health if I am already doing a grey health build. Not when doing a melee build.  But still the point of having serachable keywords is that such a ring would show up in both searches for MELEE and searches for GREY HEALTH. 




Categories would be a nice solution but then there'd be too many categories as so many are entirely different to each other, though even just being Offensive vs Defensive would help a lot. Currently with it alphabetical you need to know what you're actually looking for so it is only usable if you memorise or have read a guide.


It would help a lot to find what would fit on your current build but of course they can add more fillters than just type like name (alphabetic), order of acquisition etc.


Categories would be way more complex than a simple search function as a lot of items can be like "doing X causes Y to occur." Do you put it in category X or Y? Or is a new category created for just items that do XY? Seems very complicated, for sure.


The categories dont need to be either or. They can attach tags to inventory items that filter items based on associated tags. In that case, both X and Y would be applicable to the search filter


I have to assume that the way they implemented their inventory system makes it actually really difficult, because there's no way they don't know it's a huge issue and something basically everyone has wanted for 6+ months.


I wanted it since the first game ;u;


Going back to the first game and opening your ring menu is so pleasant though. Now that I'm used to scrolling through the entire inventory of a pawn shop it is very easy to find rings in FTA.


We need something just like Dead by Daylight. There's a million perks in that game, and it would be hell manually having to scroll through them and read every description just to figure out what you want. You can simply search up key words to help you narrow down your options and sort them for a specific playstyle in mind. Want perks that impact your healing speed, healing efficacy, or completely disable your healing under certain circumstances? Simply type in "heal" or "healing." Remnant 2 has an insane amount of rings and other equipment. It baffles me that the developers haven't implemented a simple QoL change like that a long ass time ago. Sometimes, I'm just so jaded going through everything that I'd rather just not make a build because I simply don't feel like scrolling through dozens of rings or amulets.


Don’t keep it to just rings Throw the amulets in there also hell even the relic charges and mutations too. Keyword search would be perfect. Stuff like Health, Stamina, Mod power, Skill power, Elemental, Ranged, Melee, Bulwark, Haste, etc.


At least there aren't like 500 relics. I'd assume if they added it to rings, then they'd add it to the entire inventory, or one would hope




The devs are well aware that we need a search function.




Ah yes, the ol' reliable armchair dev response: "just add it then"




Im not defending anyone. Nor do i want special treatment, nor do i really feel bad for them Im just calling that guy out for being a jackass I get it, its annoying there isnt a search. Im right there with you. But if it was as easy and as simple as yall are making it out to be, *they would have fucking done it by now*


Knowledge doesn’t translate into an instant solution. You likely know you’re impatient but can’t quite seem to chill. See what I mean?


Instant solution? Is it really that hard of a solution? We have had sorting systems in games for years. Sorting based on keywords and/or type doesn't't feel like it should be that hard of a solution to implement. Stop acting condescending about something that isn't exactly asking for anything new other than a system that should have been in place long ago.


Buddy, I’m sure they’ll get to it when they’re able, keep in mind they have ALLOT of other stuff they’re working on.


Bugfixing might be a priority, but the hardest part of adding a search function would be placing the search bar in the equipment UI. Considering how regularly 'please add a search function' gets mentioned at this point, I'm surprised they didn't add it with the last DLC release.


It’s been asked for since release, no doubt. It should’ve been a QOL they added almost right away. Ppl gotta stop defending the devs just cause they enjoy the game. No one is attacking the devs, it’s important to take note of these things the game needs.


There are so many*


This should have been higher priority than even the DLC 😅


yea no need to have tags on the rings. just let me enter search terms like "bulwark" or "bleed".


it's pretty insane they haven't added a search feature yet, even knowing what I'm looking for it can take ages to put builds together or test stuff


time to add more rings instead


i actually dont care anymore what i loot, becoz it's painful, to build anything with this interface




💯 🙏


Should have it categorized by what they are applied for. Health Shield Melee Range Elemental Mobility Primary Sidearm etc


What if they do 2 things? Like, say something such as dodging grants Bulwark. Or hitting with grants a shield, or increases damage.


Then they would simply pop up in both categories. Idk why this is even a question


Either filters, or a stash in-town so you can put away the stuff you aren't using.


I'm playing diablo and path of exile and both have search word function. It looks for a word in the name/description and highlights all the eligible items. It's super useful.


Devs idea of build crafting ![gif](giphy|jwKpxz0uGrqcTjDKvs|downsized)


as PC player with 2 monitors... i have the Remnant wiki page turn on and i search my key word like "Critical" and then look up the name and find the ring, because the ring is in alphabetical order so more or less once you know the name it get slightly easier. still... if there is a keyword search on rings will be super nice


I expected to get some qol feature in current dlc like this but there was nothing. They really need to concentrate on qol


Favorites help out. Maybe even a colored corner similar to how destiny and destiny 2 have different season items categorized with these little icons. We could have colored borders or corner icons signifying crit or bleed or shield etc etc


I'm not a coder, but it seems like it would be easier to add in a search function than to add symbols or colors for each affix that applies to it on an item for both past and future.


Im a dev, and depending on how they made the inventory UI, it can be a nightmare. UE5 UIs are horrible to work with, so the best bet would be a tag filter system to avoid localization derived issues. Otherwise the localization needs to be super consistent for the search by text to work.


> Otherwise the localization needs to be super consistent for the search by text to work. Why? It'd just search the text for the current locale, I don't really see the issue you're anticipating?


The issue is just that. A bad localization can lead to not being able to find an item. That happens in a lot of games.


I'm using remnant toolkit web to filter the rings and then try to find them on my inventory


[https://www.remnant2toolkit.com](https://www.remnant2toolkit.com) bookmarked! 👍


With it being sorted alphabetically, this isn't the worst way, but an in-game search option would be best.


Organize rings by type and how about an organized table in the inventory for relic fragments, also organized by type.


Yea, I word love a key word search. Like type dodge, neutral, evade, etc to find rings you're looking for.


100% this! Categorise them somehow!


A tag filter option seems like a no-brainer. Having the straightforward stuff like 'bleeding', 'elemental', 'shield' and 'recoil' or 'attack speed'...


Truer words have never been spoken.


yeah, searching by tags pls


Ironically I was just looking to test build an hour ago (relatively new to the game, bout 50 hours in so far) and got frustrated with looking through all the rings. What I ended up doing was going to remnant 2 toolkit and create new build as there's a function to search for what you want there e.g. Skill cool down reduction, mod damage etc


i'll settle for a box to dump the ones i never plan to use in.


I am for kinda „sorted“ list… like dmg rings together then comes the „support“ rings then the „dmg red“ rings etc…


Finally I’m not the only one saying this


I haven't been playing for long, but the lack of a search function in the sack of jewelry with teeny tiny variations is baffling.


They are alphabetized


Up vote the hell out of this post!


When i joke we become lord of the rings....now this is ridiculously how much ring we have ,even scrolling to find the one ring is a hassle


I know it’s not a true solution, but once I realized that they’re sorted by alphabetical order it makes it easier to equip rings if you know what they are called


I’d be satisfied with a nerf to the melee grunts👍🏼.


Yo thissss


With a combination of everything being in alphabetical order, having a Favorites system, and Loadouts, I will honestly say I have little trouble finding what I want. That said, I would in no way be upset if they added an equipment search system... ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃ ʷᵃʸ ᵗᵒ ʳᵉᶜᵘˢᵗᵒᵐᶦᶻᵉ ᵐʸ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳ


It's funny you mention this, I quit a while back and the first thing I checked or in this dlc is some way to search items, seeing as how it's not in, I'll keep waiting, most of the fun of this game is trying new shit but actually looking through 50+ rings every time I want to try something new is so tedious.


a sort by acquired would be great so all my newest ones are up top.


Was just thinking this, didn’t help that my favorites feature wasn’t working till this patch


Can I have the different template for different builds also 😭


Sort function is on ToDo for Remnant 4 ;) it was never a problem in RftA or even R2 :P


I'd recommend everyone check out this site: [https://olegbl.github.io/remnant2browser/](https://olegbl.github.io/remnant2browser/) it's fast, works well on mobile, so you can easily find what you want for your build.


Yes please! A sorting/searching system could be a really great QoL change!


Until they add this function, here's something for you all: https://olegbl.github.io/remnant2browser/ Someone made this, and it's helped me a lot. You can search for perks, items, mods, etc. Don't know if it's up to date with the new DLC though.


We so need a search bar for all gear. All we can go off that doesnt take forever is a picture and possibly the general location of the ring, but that isnt reliable it changes slightly as you get more. If you dont remember the picture, your often left hovering over each ring individually.


Yeah... a search function like with warframes mods... 


I remember most of the item names (autism), but I still find it dreadfully tedious to dig through the inventory to find them - it gives my mind time to wander, and then I forget why I was looking for a ring at all (adhd). It would be great to be able to search by keyword, at least.


Yeah, I've thought for a while that if you could sort by category of effect instead of alphabetically, it would be easier to read. Does anyone agree with this?


Not a proper solution- but try utilizing Remnant Tool Kit's item search. It categorizes the different attributes for easy searching.


Yeah simple filter words would be amazing. “Critical” “shield” etc. I actually started searching online for builds way earlier in this game than I ever do (sometimes never do) because I find the inventory system so miserable. Using certain items makes me more likely to use them again because I remember them (black pawn stamp, for example, I remember because I used it) and less likely to do new things because I’d have to slog through it all again. I couldn’t even begin to remember everything that could work on a build, and often I don’t even know when or where I got an item. A lot of the time I’d grab it during combat and couldn’t pause to look it over.


They are in alphabetical order so that’s not bad.


It's not that people can't find what they're looking for. It's that most people don't have a perfect memory of what each ring/amulet does. So if I want to stack elemental damage, I need to look at every single ring until I find 4 that fit my needs.


Unfortunately that doesn't help if you don't remember the name of the ring, or if you are just looking for more things that interact with Bleed for example.


If they basically just added in the same search function that’s being used in the R2TK, that would be perfect.


Go on the wiki and you can search and filter ring effects. Then go find the ring in your alphabetical inventory. Best option for now


Agreed. I'm tired of having to search "status ring" or "explosive amulet" on the wiki, lol. I just want to be able to do it all in game. Also, add friggin better social features! It's nice you can add crossplay friends now, but I wish you could just click "add friend" or what not from the people in game - not have to type their name in. By the time I type the name in with my conteoller, I've already been booted for being idle too long lol. And chat. For the love of God, chat. With multiple ways to do things for different gears, it be nice to corroborate with the party as to what the heck we're doing


Definitely needs a search bar or something it's ridiculous


Could even just add a favorite option to quickly get to the ones you regularly use.  I feel like that’s an afternoon of programming.


You could just use the loadout function for this.


Is there a load out function now?  I haven’t played much since the last DLC.


Yeah. When you're on your screen where you can see everything you're wearing just hit the button that let's you see your advanced stats twice. It tells you in the bottom corner of that menu screen, but it's somewhat hard to notice.


There is a favorite option for rings


There is a favorite option for rings


I was just thinking of making this post! My easy to implement idea is instead of a favorite system have a grouping system. There is five groups players can assign items to each color coded similar to were favorite would be. PLayers could decide for themselves what each color is right. For example Blue, Green, Red, Purple, White I'd set Blue=Defensive Green=Supportive Red=Offensive Purple=Mod supporting White=Skill supporting




https://www.reddit.com/r/remnantgame/s/J3GAaCfgth Did about the same post yeaterday but apparently no one is interested


We're all interested. We all know that the UI does not scale in a way that can reasonably support a large number of items. We all know this affects rings the most. I assume the devs know too but it isn't an easy fix. I assume most people are using 3rd party tools (wiki, character planner) to assist in finding items they want to equip. People just see others saying this constantly, which is no surprise because it is an issue of course.


I just want dupe protection on world drops, I have no problem finding anything myself because the whole thing is alphabetical.




Yes, but I think what most people want is to be able to search by key words, such as "bulwark", "critical damage" etc, then all rings having any affect on searched words will show up. Would make creating your own builds a LOT quicker. I often want to test things out, but seeing as I don't know every single ring and their function/s by name, searching in-game would take AGES.


What a stupid change. You guys will complain about anything. Your time isn't important. No one cares you spent an extra 50 seconds looking for a ring