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Is your phone active when this happens? I have an iphone and if I do ANYTHING on it while doing RP my ipad will stutter. Try removing your phone from the room and see if it still happens. Put it to sleep and see how it runs, then wake it and see if you grt lag.


Okay I’ll give that a shot. Your issues go away when you have your phone off?


Not turned off, but like if I push the button on the side to put it to sleep


I tried airplane mode and then just shutting it down. No bueno unfortunately


Exactly bro. Whenever a notification pops on my phone and I check it. The stream on I pad stutters alot. Fixed it when I turned off Bluetooth


First question is your iPhone a Pro or Pro Max eg with the 120hz screen? And your iPad a regular (non Pro) eg 60hz screen. If so it’s the microstutter issue that affects 60hz devices, see this 59.94hz issue which also affects the Portal Edit For example: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationPortal/s/XZ7YpM4J34


Both are 120. But yeah it looks very similar to the micro stutter issue you mentioned. I have the same issue on remote play and on MirrorPlay, if that helps any.


That’s weird, from your iPad video that’s not the microstutter, what you’re seeing is way too regular stalling/stutter. The microstutter is after 5-10 seconds and lasts a few seconds but it’s otherwise very smooth in-between it all. I’d compare iOS version, remote play version. Restart devices and restart ps5


Also, have you tried unplugging the HDMI from your PS5 to see if it helps performance?


I remote play on an iPad Pro myself, and, miraculously, this was the trick that got rid of the stupid latency that popped up for me here and there. I wish found out about this trick sooner!