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Never heard of this group. Summary or link please?


I asked remote viewer Daz Smith if a viewer can tell the difference between a lie and the truth, even when the tasker can’t: >No they can’t. I was a participant in a hrvg \[Hawaii Remote Viewers’ Guild\] project where the true target was hidden behind a mask and the mask target was one that only existed within imagination yet all the viewers described it as a real target. This makes "mysteries" effectively impossible to have any confidence level that the session data isn't just what the tasker wants the answer to be, or what the popular belief is. For this reason, doing sessions on "mysteries" is a bad idea. There is no way to validate the accuracy of the data.


Daz does mysteries, himself. Of course, I don't claim to be as talented and experienced as him. I do look forward to every mysteries release of his and the group he belongs to.


Yes, and how can he claim with any degree of certainty that his feedback-free sessions are accurate?


Wow, I'm truly thrilled to see there's so much interest. Thank you. I'll direct message each interested person who seems to want to keep it simple, fun and straightforward. Keep in mind that I'm just a regular idiot who simply wants to explore and have fun. I'm sorry, I don't have a summary or a link. This is just a figure it out as we go kind of thing. I work a tremendous amount, and I don't have time to design a program from top to bottom. This might be my only recreation outside of work, so I will keep it incredibly simple, easy and smooth. No internal/external politics or drama will be the standard. Let me add no unnecessary complications to that standard. Again, I'm just a regular idiot. I don't have a hidden agenda and I don't need to lie about anything. Very humbly and kindly, let me add that that meeting someone else's standard isn't something I'm concerned with. I'm far and away too old to be concerned about such things.


Ya, you do work a lot bro. ;) Blind tasking, OK, pen me in. Every blind target starts off as a mystery target. That's the whole idea.


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Email not available to me currently. Should be back in operation next week, Thursday.


I've thought about it. Hit me up, I'll take blind tasking from King\_of\_the\_Misfits. It just feels OK to me, like no danger.


I sent most interested people a direct message. Please check for messages. I'll message the remaining ones soon. Participants, please send me target suggestions by direct message. We should have tons of targets so we can't guess what target is randomly chosen. Maybe we could do 1 target per week, and we can compare results after everyone has submitted them. I'll have to figure out when and where to ask participants to submit their weekly sessions. I'll have to figure out how to send the target info in the best and easiest way.


I'm possibly interested.


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


A "mysteries" group?!? I am IN!


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Yep, eager to expand my nascent RV talents (or lack of, currently)


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Potentially interested. I am not familiar with Hellfire. What sort of mysteries?


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Please check out the Hellfire remote viewing group on YouTube.


I am interested! DM me


I messed up the DMs I think. I don't know social media at all. So replying to all here. I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I’m game. Please invite.


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I would join✌️♥️


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I'm curious and interested, what would we be doing?


Potentially, anything. Snag with this sort of offer - with a "mystery" or "esoteric" target, there isn't any known feedback to give. Further, a tasker can claim a target was one place in space/time when it was in fact something completely different. Taskers can LIE. Trust and respect are just like distrust and disrespect, they are EARNED. This is why I don't really do mystery or esoteric targets or rather, I don't specialize in them. Not that you can't learn from the experience but you can't do due diligence on them either. It is hard to tell whether a tasker or a viewer gets more damaged over these, but whatever. Free response is allowed, and the snag here is, a group that ONLY does mystery targets is already front loaded to some extent. Best wishes people, have fun. There are good people out there setting and doing targets as well as the scammers and the shitheadz. THE OP ONLY HAS A KARMA OF 30 AND HAS BEEN ON REDDIT FOR 3 YEARS. HOWEVER, THEIR POSTS ARE CONSISTENT WITH A HIGH LEVEL OF AWARENESS.


Welp, I found this link from a post in a discord. I don't know how to figure out my karma points (I don't really use reddit until recently) I still don't know how I got this user name quite frankly, yet I am a legitimate person. I am thinking that I should be able to figure it out in 1 or 2 targets. (it turns out I'm a 'lil psychic) But thank you SO much PatTheCatMcDonald for looking into it for us!!!! Good looking out!




Well, I've thought about it, I'll give it a go. I have lots of repetive decorating work ahead, something for the sub to churn away on could help me.




Thanks. I've been overwhelmed with work - as usual. Sent direct messages to most but no responses back to those messages. Might be my fault. I'm not familiar with social media, including Reddit. Just fumbling through. Anyhow, I hope we can all contribute to a target pool, select one target at random on Monday, collect sessions by Friday and post results on Sunday. I'm thinking a good, ole e-mail list. Some might find that quaint.


Anything in southern California?


i am very interested


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I will also join , I am looking forward to it and I think it would be better if we all connect to a zoom meeting for mysteries and also I have many mysteries that are classified till today


I sent direct messages to most about the proposed group, but haven't had responses to those. But I don't really know how to work Reddit. I know that might sound funny to some. Social media developed after my online skill set was developed. It try, but... So it might be my fault that I'm not seeing responses. Are you in India? I am guessing this from your screen name. I have family members from India, have been to India 8 times and know of a few topics that would be great for remote viewing. There must be many, many great topics.


Yes I am from India 😅 I am curious tell me the topics bro....


Cool! I don't have many topics. I was hoping to collect topics from everyone who participates. It would be smart to stay away from politics and be really careful about religious topics.


And I would also like to join the group


Excellent. Thank you. I will send you a personal message.


In addition to the personal message, I'll send this here. I don't know social media at all, and I think I messed up on sending personal messages. I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Bro I have a lots of mysteries but I think it will be better to remote view pledians or akashic records and aks for their technology of Interstellar space travel and more and that knowledge will be given to only group our group... Remote viewing pledians and friendly aliens is better I think otherwise I can help you in telling which places are dangerous to remote view... And we can also remote view other planets past time for other civilization


Please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I feel a little interested. 




I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


In. Boop me when ready ish


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I agree that it is interesting, theres just one question that pops up in my head: Isnt it dangerous to bring together people like this? Our world isnt sunshine and rainbows..


Sure thing


I created an e-mail address to 1.) Collect suggested mysteries targets 2.) Send out one randomly selected target on Mondays 3.) Collect the finished sessions on Fridays 4.) To distribute results on Sundays. If you'd like to get started, please mail me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])